The largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world...

Ray, Todd...have you ever cared about what your neighbors earn?
I live a few houses down from an extremely wealthy celebrity doctor, I've never once thought about nor cared about what he must earn..... @georgephillip why do you have such a bizarre obsession with others earnings? Wouldn't it be less stressful for you to just pave your own way and not think about others?

I look up to successful people--not down. If a very successful person is taxed at 100%, how would that help me? I wouldn't see a cent of it.

Years ago when I was teaching at a music store, one of my students walked into the studio down in the dumps. After some discussion, he told me he was considering giving up the guitar, even though he was doing pretty well. Apparently he went to a bar somewhere, and seen a guitarist who was much better than he was.

I responded by telling him the facts of life: There will always be somebody with more money, a bigger dick, and can play better guitar than you, so just get used to it. If you are here to be the best in the world, you are in the wrong field. You don't have to be better than him--or me for that matter. The only guitarist you have be be better than is the guitarist that was here last week at this exact time. Don't worry about anybody else.

After some thinking, he snapped out of it and continued being a student of mine for the next year or so. But I try to pray what I preach. I don't worry about how successful somebody else is. I'm more concerned about how I can be more successful. Bill Gates will never bum me out. I'll never be Bill Gates. But if I can be financially better this year than last, that's how you get ahead in life.
That is really a dumb argument You know? Yo
And believe he is a perver t


Just because he likes to touch little kids?

He's very proud grandfather and old-time politician. Nobody's complaining except for brainwashed functional morons lol

Proud grandfather who likes to rub little kids. Nice.
You have to be pretty brainwashed to believe that crap.

Who am I going to believe, you, or my lying eyes?
Let us see an example and make you look like a brainwashed functional moron.

Total b*******call GOP scandals conspiracies and misinformation.

Ignore the video of the touching.........DURR
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin

gipper speakum truth!
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin

gipper speakum truth!
The American people went for Don in the hopes that a blowhard bombastic outsider conman, who claimed he would dismantle the Swamp, was the better choice. Now they go with the ultimate insider, a true Swamp creature. The working class supporters of the two criminal gangs continue to get duped. In the end, there is very little difference between all our recent presidents. Just little nuances to appease the masses.

The rich got massively richer under Don, while the working class lost their jobs. Just as was done under W and O, and will continue under Joe.
That few know about, thanks to a billionaire/government controlled corporate media.

Are not the following words depressingly true?

The Institute for Policy Studies has just released a new analysis showing that since the start of the Covid-19 “pandemic” in mid-March and the subsequent transfer upwards of $5 trillion to the wealthy and largest corporations through the Cares Act, approved 96-0 in the U.S. Senate, 650 U.S. billionaires have gained over a trillion dollars in eight months as the America people have suffered an economic catastrophe. This shift upward of massive wealth under Trump is similar to Obama’s massive 2009 bailout of the banks on the backs of American workers. Both were justified through feats of legerdemain by both political parties, accomplices in the fleecing of regular people, many of whom continue to support the politicians that screw them while telling them they care.

If the Democrats and the Republicans are at war as is often claimed, it is only over who gets the larger part of the spoils. Trump and Biden work for the same bosses, those I call the Umbrella People (those who own and run the country through their intelligence/military/media operatives), who produce and direct the movie that keeps so many Americans on the edge of their seats in the hope that their chosen good guy wins in the end.

The Past Lives On: The Elite Strategy To Divide and Conquer – Edward Curtin

gipper speakum truth!
The American people went for Don in the hopes that a blowhard bombastic outsider conman, who claimed he would dismantle the Swamp, was the better choice. Now they go with the ultimate insider, a true Swamp creature. The working class supporters of the two criminal gangs continue to get duped. In the end, there is very little difference between all our recent presidents. Just little nuances to appease the masses.

The rich got massively richer under Don, while the working class lost their jobs. Just as was done under W and O, and will continue under Joe.

I REALLY like your 'yard sign'!!!
The American people went for Don in the hopes that a blowhard bombastic outsider conman, who claimed he would dismantle the Swamp, was the better choice. Now they go with the ultimate insider, a true Swamp creature. The working class supporters of the two criminal gangs continue to get duped. In the end, there is very little difference between all our recent presidents. Just little nuances to appease the masses.

The rich got massively richer under Don, while the working class lost their jobs. Just as was done under W and O, and will continue under Joe.

The working class lost their jobs over a virus that came from a country the Biden's are in bed with. Trump did the best job for our economy; the best economy in nearly 50 years.

You should have celebrated the Trump victory. We on the right got sick of our party leaders promising us one thing and doing another. The election of Donald Trump was a protest vote against our own party. When the discussion of illegals came up during the primaries, the professional politicians were talking about a path to citizenship and immigration reform. We Republican voters didn't ask for reform or path to citizenship. We asked to stop immigrants from entering the country illegally. There was only one contender that heard our message, and that was Donald Trump.

Trump did a fantastic job on the border in spite of Communist opposition. What they couldn't stop, they got their Communist judges to try and stop it, but Trump prevailed. He attacked the problem and continued to attack it until great results took place. As we type now, the wall is still being constructed, and will continue to go up until Biden takes office to stop it which he promised to do.
O is responsible for Joe’s winning the D nomination. He has and will control Joe going forward. Expect lots of neocon heinous bull shit under Joe.
I don't think Joe has ever forgiven Barry for backing Hillary.

‘The President Was Not Encouraging’: What Obama Really Thought About Biden

"Biden’s own academic career was unimpressive—he repeated the third grade, earned all Cs and Ds in his first three semesters at the University of Delaware except for As in P.E., a B in 'Great English Writers' and an F in ROTC, and graduated 76th in his Syracuse Law School class of 85 students.

"He’s the first Democratic nominee since Walter Mondale in 1984 not to have an Ivy League degree.

"He was not a binder person, Clinton and Obama aides said."

At least he got a "F' in ROTC:D
Yet O did all he could to get Joe the nomination. Why? IMO to deny Bernie the nomination. Proof O is not a progressive, but a fraud. He is all about enriching the rich and the MIC. He’s a fucking neocon.
No he wanted to win the damn election. Joe wants the same thing as Bernie but in steps...
You’re deluding yourself. Joe’s long track record should be your clue.
The real world does not recognize your propaganda version. It would be great if he could actually make Republicans compromise but they are scum nowadays. Only propaganda makes this mess possible
You’re a partisan hack. What would you know about the real world?
I have a master's in history and am fluent in three languages, and you have a master's in totally ridiculous GOP propaganda. The GOP base is the world's laughing stock and horror. Have you been out hunting QAnon Democratic aliens? 47% of Republicans believe in all that crap. Unbelievable not to mention all your phony scandals and conspiracy theories about Democrats. None of which have gone anywhere in the real world. You have one TV station and four newspapers in the entire world That agree with you and they all believe to proven scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Poor America.
That is really a dumb argument You know? Yo

No, the dumb argument is the liberal philosophy. Republicans believe success is getting those from the bottom to move upwards. The left believes success is bringing those at the top downwards. The leftist philosophy is to concentrate on destroying the success of others while we on the right believe it's more beneficial to concentrate on yourself and not other people. The really dumb argument is making very successful people less successful will help you out.
No you tax them their fair share like every other modern country does, brainwashed functional moron. And it doesn't make any difference two jobs jobs jobs we need demand we need workers who make money. We have to train our workers and take care of them for a change.

Our founders didn't create the federal government to take care of you. Our founders created the federal government to govern. WE don't have to do anything. YOU have to do something to make your life better. If you need training, spend the money and get training.
O is responsible for Joe’s winning the D nomination. He has and will control Joe going forward. Expect lots of neocon heinous bull shit under Joe.
I don't think Joe has ever forgiven Barry for backing Hillary.

‘The President Was Not Encouraging’: What Obama Really Thought About Biden

"Biden’s own academic career was unimpressive—he repeated the third grade, earned all Cs and Ds in his first three semesters at the University of Delaware except for As in P.E., a B in 'Great English Writers' and an F in ROTC, and graduated 76th in his Syracuse Law School class of 85 students.

"He’s the first Democratic nominee since Walter Mondale in 1984 not to have an Ivy League degree.

"He was not a binder person, Clinton and Obama aides said."

At least he got a "F' in ROTC:D
Yet O did all he could to get Joe the nomination. Why? IMO to deny Bernie the nomination. Proof O is not a progressive, but a fraud. He is all about enriching the rich and the MIC. He’s a fucking neocon.
No he wanted to win the damn election. Joe wants the same thing as Bernie but in steps...
You’re deluding yourself. Joe’s long track record should be your clue.
The real world does not recognize your propaganda version. It would be great if he could actually make Republicans compromise but they are scum nowadays. Only propaganda makes this mess possible
You’re a partisan hack. What would you know about the real world?
I have a master's in history and am fluent in three languages, and you have a master's in totally ridiculous GOP propaganda. The GOP base is the world's laughing stock and horror. Have you been out hunting QAnon Democratic aliens? 47% of Republicans believe in all that crap. Unbelievable not to mention all your phony scandals and conspiracy theories about Democrats. None of which have gone anywhere in the real world. You have one TV station and four newspapers in the entire world That agree with you and they all believe to proven scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Poor America.
I hope the Ds take the Senate. Then they will have it all but as they did under Ears, will do nothing for the people. They will further enrich the rich though.
That is really a dumb argument You know? Yo

No, the dumb argument is the liberal philosophy. Republicans believe success is getting those from the bottom to move upwards. The left believes success is bringing those at the top downwards. The leftist philosophy is to concentrate on destroying the success of others while we on the right believe it's more beneficial to concentrate on yourself and not other people. The really dumb argument is making very successful people less successful will help you out.
Democrats want cheap college and training like every other modern country so we can have highly paid middle-class jobs again. What you know about Democrats is pure nonsense.
O is responsible for Joe’s winning the D nomination. He has and will control Joe going forward. Expect lots of neocon heinous bull shit under Joe.
I don't think Joe has ever forgiven Barry for backing Hillary.

‘The President Was Not Encouraging’: What Obama Really Thought About Biden

"Biden’s own academic career was unimpressive—he repeated the third grade, earned all Cs and Ds in his first three semesters at the University of Delaware except for As in P.E., a B in 'Great English Writers' and an F in ROTC, and graduated 76th in his Syracuse Law School class of 85 students.

"He’s the first Democratic nominee since Walter Mondale in 1984 not to have an Ivy League degree.

"He was not a binder person, Clinton and Obama aides said."

At least he got a "F' in ROTC:D
Yet O did all he could to get Joe the nomination. Why? IMO to deny Bernie the nomination. Proof O is not a progressive, but a fraud. He is all about enriching the rich and the MIC. He’s a fucking neocon.
No he wanted to win the damn election. Joe wants the same thing as Bernie but in steps...
You’re deluding yourself. Joe’s long track record should be your clue.
The real world does not recognize your propaganda version. It would be great if he could actually make Republicans compromise but they are scum nowadays. Only propaganda makes this mess possible
You’re a partisan hack. What would you know about the real world?
I have a master's in history and am fluent in three languages, and you have a master's in totally ridiculous GOP propaganda. The GOP base is the world's laughing stock and horror. Have you been out hunting QAnon Democratic aliens? 47% of Republicans believe in all that crap. Unbelievable not to mention all your phony scandals and conspiracy theories about Democrats. None of which have gone anywhere in the real world. You have one TV station and four newspapers in the entire world That agree with you and they all believe to proven scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Poor America.
I hope the Ds take the Senate. Then they will have it all but as they did under Ears, will do nothing for the people. They will further enrich the rich though.
It's ridiculous to think that Democrats will be able to do anything with the ridiculous obstructionist Republicans. But I hope Biden can do it. Really I wish everyone would go nuclear and pass things with 51 votes in the senate and then things will happen and people can understand which party stands for what. This is ridiculous.
Democrats want cheap college and training like every other modern country so we can have highly paid middle-class jobs again. What you know about Democrats is pure nonsense.

Do you want government to wipe your ass when you get off the toilet too?
O is responsible for Joe’s winning the D nomination. He has and will control Joe going forward. Expect lots of neocon heinous bull shit under Joe.
I don't think Joe has ever forgiven Barry for backing Hillary.

‘The President Was Not Encouraging’: What Obama Really Thought About Biden

"Biden’s own academic career was unimpressive—he repeated the third grade, earned all Cs and Ds in his first three semesters at the University of Delaware except for As in P.E., a B in 'Great English Writers' and an F in ROTC, and graduated 76th in his Syracuse Law School class of 85 students.

"He’s the first Democratic nominee since Walter Mondale in 1984 not to have an Ivy League degree.

"He was not a binder person, Clinton and Obama aides said."

At least he got a "F' in ROTC:D
Yet O did all he could to get Joe the nomination. Why? IMO to deny Bernie the nomination. Proof O is not a progressive, but a fraud. He is all about enriching the rich and the MIC. He’s a fucking neocon.
No he wanted to win the damn election. Joe wants the same thing as Bernie but in steps...
You’re deluding yourself. Joe’s long track record should be your clue.
The real world does not recognize your propaganda version. It would be great if he could actually make Republicans compromise but they are scum nowadays. Only propaganda makes this mess possible
You’re a partisan hack. What would you know about the real world?
I have a master's in history and am fluent in three languages, and you have a master's in totally ridiculous GOP propaganda. The GOP base is the world's laughing stock and horror. Have you been out hunting QAnon Democratic aliens? 47% of Republicans believe in all that crap. Unbelievable not to mention all your phony scandals and conspiracy theories about Democrats. None of which have gone anywhere in the real world. You have one TV station and four newspapers in the entire world That agree with you and they all believe to proven scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Poor America.
I hope the Ds take the Senate. Then they will have it all but as they did under Ears, will do nothing for the people. They will further enrich the rich though.
It's ridiculous to think that Democrats will be able to do anything with the ridiculous obstructionist Republicans. But I hope Biden can do it. Really I wish everyone would go nuclear and pass things with 51 votes in the senate and then things will happen and people can understand which party stands for what. This is ridiculous.
There it is. Already giving your party excuses for doing nothing. Blame those rascally republicans. Go God. LOL.
O is responsible for Joe’s winning the D nomination. He has and will control Joe going forward. Expect lots of neocon heinous bull shit under Joe.
I don't think Joe has ever forgiven Barry for backing Hillary.

‘The President Was Not Encouraging’: What Obama Really Thought About Biden

"Biden’s own academic career was unimpressive—he repeated the third grade, earned all Cs and Ds in his first three semesters at the University of Delaware except for As in P.E., a B in 'Great English Writers' and an F in ROTC, and graduated 76th in his Syracuse Law School class of 85 students.

"He’s the first Democratic nominee since Walter Mondale in 1984 not to have an Ivy League degree.

"He was not a binder person, Clinton and Obama aides said."

At least he got a "F' in ROTC:D
Yet O did all he could to get Joe the nomination. Why? IMO to deny Bernie the nomination. Proof O is not a progressive, but a fraud. He is all about enriching the rich and the MIC. He’s a fucking neocon.
No he wanted to win the damn election. Joe wants the same thing as Bernie but in steps...
You’re deluding yourself. Joe’s long track record should be your clue.
The real world does not recognize your propaganda version. It would be great if he could actually make Republicans compromise but they are scum nowadays. Only propaganda makes this mess possible
You’re a partisan hack. What would you know about the real world?
I have a master's in history and am fluent in three languages, and you have a master's in totally ridiculous GOP propaganda. The GOP base is the world's laughing stock and horror. Have you been out hunting QAnon Democratic aliens? 47% of Republicans believe in all that crap. Unbelievable not to mention all your phony scandals and conspiracy theories about Democrats. None of which have gone anywhere in the real world. You have one TV station and four newspapers in the entire world That agree with you and they all believe to proven scumbag Rupert Murdoch. Poor America.
I hope the Ds take the Senate. Then they will have it all but as they did under Ears, will do nothing for the people. They will further enrich the rich though.
National tax rates have been fixed by Republicans for 39 years. A huge giveaway to the rich and defunding all kinds of services for the rest of us. Like mainly cheap college and training and living wage and health care. Pathetic. Only propaganda and the brainwash makes this possible. All the Democrats have passed In the last 50 years was Obamacare with 60 votes and just barely.
Democrats want cheap college and training like every other modern country so we can have highly paid middle-class jobs again. What you know about Democrats is pure nonsense.

Do you want government to wipe your ass when you get off the toilet too?
Spoken like the totally brainwashed functional moron hater dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich that you are... You idiots think people just got lazy and stupid and ithas nothing to do with the GOP screwing them all their lives. Which you don't know about, dumbass oops brainwashed functional dumbass.every other modern country has cheap collagen training a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations and ID cards to end illegal immigration. Thanks GOP
Ray, Todd...have you ever cared about what your neighbors earn?
I live a few houses down from an extremely wealthy celebrity doctor, I've never once thought about nor cared about what he must earn..... @georgephillip why do you have such a bizarre obsession with others earnings? Wouldn't it be less stressful for you to just pave your own way and not think about others?

I look up to successful people--not down. If a very successful person is taxed at 100%, how would that help me? I wouldn't see a cent of it.

Years ago when I was teaching at a music store, one of my students walked into the studio down in the dumps. After some discussion, he told me he was considering giving up the guitar, even though he was doing pretty well. Apparently he went to a bar somewhere, and seen a guitarist who was much better than he was.

I responded by telling him the facts of life: There will always be somebody with more money, a bigger dick, and can play better guitar than you, so just get used to it. If you are here to be the best in the world, you are in the wrong field. You don't have to be better than him--or me for that matter. The only guitarist you have be be better than is the guitarist that was here last week at this exact time. Don't worry about anybody else.

After some thinking, he snapped out of it and continued being a student of mine for the next year or so. But I try to pray what I preach. I don't worry about how successful somebody else is. I'm more concerned about how I can be more successful. Bill Gates will never bum me out. I'll never be Bill Gates. But if I can be financially better this year than last, that's how you get ahead in life.
That is really a dumb argument You know? Yo
And believe he is a perver t


Just because he likes to touch little kids?

He's very proud grandfather and old-time politician. Nobody's complaining except for brainwashed functional morons lol

Proud grandfather who likes to rub little kids. Nice.
You have to be pretty brainwashed to believe that crap.

Who am I going to believe, you, or my lying eyes?
Let us see an example and make you look like a brainwashed functional moron.

Total b*******call GOP scandals conspiracies and misinformation.

Ignore the video of the touching.........DURR

I watched it. I am not a brainwashed functional moron conspiracy nut job.
Spoken like the totally brainwashed functional moron hater dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich that you are... You idiots think people just got lazy and stupid and ithas nothing to do with the GOP screwing them all their lives. Which you don't know about, dumbass oops brainwashed functional dumbass.every other modern country has cheap collagen training a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations and ID cards to end illegal immigration. Thanks GOP

Then why don't you move to one of these places? We have places with free healthcare, a place where nobody has guns except the government, a place where nobody has money except the government, they even feed you, work is an option, not a requirement. A place were everybody is equal.

These places are called prisons, and they're not that difficult to get into. In fact they are full of Democrats already.
Spoken like the totally brainwashed functional moron hater dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich that you are... You idiots think people just got lazy and stupid and ithas nothing to do with the GOP screwing them all their lives. Which you don't know about, dumbass oops brainwashed functional dumbass.every other modern country has cheap collagen training a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations and ID cards to end illegal immigration. Thanks GOP

Then why don't you move to one of these places? We have places with free healthcare, a place where nobody has guns except the government, a place where nobody has money except the government, they even feed you, work is an option, not a requirement. A place were everybody is equal.

These places are called prisons, and they're not that difficult to get into. In fact they are full of Democrats already.
That's fine if you're independently wealthy and don't need to work. I do believe I will go to France and be the French socialist that I am. And that is not a prison that is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Plus things France has grea support for family farmers of all kinds. The United States has lost it's lead and it's respect around the world the last 40 years. Go Bille's and browns! Go rust belt! AFL! Lol plus you idiot we are Americans we like it here Love it here and we are better citizens than you dupes who don't fact check anything. I definitely want to go to France again first. Number one in quality of life and number one in tourism And the other great republic. And you think getting healthcare is the Democrats wanting power. What brain washed idiocy....
Last edited:
That's fine if you're independently wealthy and don't need to work. I do believe I will go to France and be the French socialist that I am. And that is not a prison that is always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Plus things France has grea support for family farmers of all kinds. The United States has lost it's lead and it's respect around the world the last 40 years. Goville's and browns! Go rust belt! AFL! Lol

Fine, then go to France. I was just giving you a good option if you didn't want to move out of the country. I think all you people should leave the country and try out Socialism/ Communism before trying to change us into one of those places. Live there for a few years, and if you find out it's not what it was cracked up to be, you can always move back to the good ole USA. However once you change this place and find out it was a bad deal, there won't be any USA to move back to. It will be gone forever. There is only one United States of America, and in spite of us being the only country in the world that allows a million outsiders to become citizens of this great place every single year, ten times more want to get in. Any one of these millions of people will be glad to take your place here.
Spoken like the totally brainwashed functional moron hater dupe of the greedy idiot GOP rich that you are... You idiots think people just got lazy and stupid and ithas nothing to do with the GOP screwing them all their lives. Which you don't know about, dumbass oops brainwashed functional dumbass.every other modern country has cheap collagen training a living wage health care daycare paid parental leave great infrastructure and vacations and ID cards to end illegal immigration. Thanks GOP

Then why don't you move to one of these places? We have places with free healthcare, a place where nobody has guns except the government, a place where nobody has money except the government, they even feed you, work is an option, not a requirement. A place were everybody is equal.

These places are called prisons, and they're not that difficult to get into. In fact they are full of Democrats already.
That does not describe every other modern country France Italy Australia and New Zealand etc all have benefits of citizenship. Here we're getting the screw over by the GOP. You know my list healthcare living wage etc. That is socialism. You people are so dooped it's ridiculous.

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