The last 2 months just gets worse and worse


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
Besides the election fraud and Biden

Dr Savage is quitting radio
Vegas mob under boss died
New employee just quit before my most busy week
I was going to fire her in Jan
Now my mma coach has quit and the new one sucks
I also signed an extension , so I am stuck in Vegas until 2025

i just need anyone to pat me on the back
Besides the election fraud and Biden

Dr Savage is quitting radio
Vegas mob under boss died
New employee just quit before my most busy week
I was going to fire her in Jan
Now my mma coach has quit and the new one sucks
I also signed an extension , so I am stuck in Vegas until 2025

i just need anyone to pat me on the back

Dr Savage is quitting radio
Real name “Weiner” --- not “Wiener” --- and according to Wikipedia, a family feud is involved.
The German name Weiner comes from a dialectal pronunciation of Wagner (related to the English word wagon, but only indirectly with wag[g]oner, which means "wagon driver"),[3] which means "wainwright" (wagon maker). The source of the other name that is spelled Weiner is Yiddish, and according to dictionaries of Jewish surnames, it originates from the Yiddish name Vayner, meaning wine merchant, and related to the German word Wein, which means “wine”. Both the Yiddish name and the German word are pronounced with the same vowel as the English word.[1][2]
Savage is also sharply critical of the Director of the NIAID, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, dismissing him as “a grandstander” who mishandled the AIDS epidemic by refusing to close down the gay bathhouses. Savage believes that one-size-fits-all lockdowns are a threat to individual liberty, and calls instead for selective quarantine of at-risk populations.[46]
Gay bathhouses? You mean fitness clubs, locker rooms, martial arts classes?
For some reason, I don't like that M.D. crowd.
Vegas mob under boss died
Carl Angelo "Tuffy" DeLuna (April 30, 1927 – July 21, 2008) was an organized crime figure who was once the powerful underboss of the Kansas City crime family (the family). He was also brother-in-law to Kansas City crime boss Anthony Civella.
New employee just quit before my most busy week
I was going to fire her in Jan
After doing inventory all by yourself?
I would be destroyed by anyone here who hates me just on my comments about blacks and Jews

For the record !! I have never said anything negative about Arabs , Asians or Latinos
From the French verb, «affranchir» “to make free” -- literally to sponsor a foreign immigrant to become a French citizen.
«affranchise» = literally a woman who has legally immigrated to France.
So you're French if you own that kind of business, and if you aren't French you aren't allowed to vote or open a business as a citizen of France.
And they say that in English, in the United States.
And the cops in Vegas associate strongly with Interpol, headquartered in Lyon, France.
Besides the election fraud and Biden

Dr Savage is quitting radio
Vegas mob under boss died
New employee just quit before my most busy week
I was going to fire her in Jan
Now my mma coach has quit and the new one sucks
I also signed an extension , so I am stuck in Vegas until 2025

i just need anyone to pat me on the back
Wait till ya see what the deep state and chi coms got planned for ya

You ain't seen nothing yet
Go to a brothel and pretend it is your last day to live and live it up...

Then go home and sit down and reflect on the life you have and ask is it really worth it and if yes then keep on fighting for it and if not then change it so you can see a better path for you...

Also get laid once a week, never marry, and enjoy the fruits of life...
All I do is work work work !!
My mma class was my escape and Now It sucks
I am going insane
I also wasted 1,000 dollars on that new employee who was a disaster

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