The last time...

You will never, ever force me to obtain a global digital ID, nor will I ever have a smart phone. Give it up.
WtF is a global digital ID? I know what a smart phone is and given your predilections, it's probably in your best interests (and only yours) that you not get one.
It is probably just what you and I would do if somoene handed us a billion dollars.
Speak for yourself, and go construct your dumb ass straw men other place. :rolleyes:

Moving energy production to non-emitting technology is the biggest step we can take and the poor and middle class will do nothing but reap the benefits.
Non falsifiable Green woo religion.

Neither Al Gore nor the thosuands of climate scientists that have been urging action on this issue have made it a partisan issue.
Al Gore and his band of con men are the ones who are behind this scam. The trilaterals and their vultures, going back to the Carter admin, have always been outted on this corruption. . . . the fact that you post something as dumb as this?
WtF is a social credit system?

Proves that you haven't got the first clue what you are talking about. :auiqs.jpg:

"Green" Energy Is a Scam. It Isn't MEANT to Work.


"Good news, everybody! A new report from the eggheads at Oxford University assures us that switching to renewables will actually save us trillions of dollars!

You heard that right. It won't cost us trillions of dollars to build out a completely new global energy grid infrastructure based on technology that is still under development and then to switch the entire global economy onto it. No, don't be silly! It's going to save us trillions of dollars. TRILLIONS, I tell you!

Now, I know what some of you skeptical Corbett Reporteers out there are thinking: how can that be? After all, as The Manhattan Contrarian blog points out in a recent post on the "Cost of the Green Energy Transition," the disruption to the European gas supply caused by the Ukraine kerfuffle is already wreaking havoc on Europe's economy, with Germans bracing for a 13% rise in their regulated consumer gas bills this year and UK residents facing a near tripling of their own energy bills. And that's before the Great Resetters start shutting off the pipes for real and forcing the hoi polloi on to the wind/solar/unicorn fart "green" energy grid.. . . "


The Green Energy Myth​


". . . As always, I encourage you to read the report for yourself to see how they fabricate the so-called "evidence" for this surprising "conclusion"—though I'm sure you can imagine most of their tricks before you even open the link. First, they abuse blatantly bias-prone models to "estimate" (read: make up) future energy system costs, which, they freely admit, "will change with time due to innovation, competition, public policy, concerns about climate change, and other factors."

Then, after gazing into their magical crystal ball and seeing whatever they want to see with regard to future costs, they use "probabilistic methods" to "view energy pathways through the lens of placing bets on technologies." I kid you not, this "empirically grounded" and totally "scientific" study tells us, in effect, that if we're betting men we should put all our chips on green . . . "green" energy, that is. Go on, read it for yourself.

But here's the rub: these types of "scientific" studies only come off as believable to the most credulous Joe Sixpacks and Jane Soccermoms out there, the type who get their news from CNN and believe everything Al Gore tells them. These pithy platitudes promising perfectly painless energy transitions—even when they are dressed up in the language of empiricism and bear the imprimatur of Oxford University—are not credible in the least to anyone with a technical background in these areas.

Indeed, the Oxford study and similar utopian predictions of green energy transitions rely on a stream of untenable assumptions and faulty logic. For example, as Manhattan Contrarian points out in his blog post on "Cost of the Green Energy Transition," the Oxford researchers take the downward price trend of lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries over the past two decades and extrapolate those figures out based on the assumption that they will continue falling indefinitely without limit. As the study even explicitly says, "We know of no empirical evidence supporting floor costs [on green technology deployment] and do not impose them."


The Green Energy Reality​


". . . Yes, the renewable energy grid will utterly fail to provide the energy needed to power our modern postindustrial society. That's precisely the point. By making energy even more scarce, those with their hands on the energy spigot will have the ultimate control over society, deciding when, where and how to allocate scarce energy supplies to the public. Europeans who are wondering how they will be able to afford to heat their homes and businesses this winter are just starting to understand what this new "green" economy will really look like for those on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.

It is not difficult to discern the contours of the world that these energy transition advocates are driving us towards. It is a world in which all of the things we take for granted—the ability to travel freely, to buy and sell independently, to heat our own homes and even to turn on a lightbulb—will be privileges carefully rationed by our neofeudal overlords.

Think you'll be able to control the thermostat in your own home once the new economic overlords have their "smart" "green" energy grid in place? Think again.

Think you'll be able to eat as you normally do once the green mafia is in power? Think again.

Think you'll be able to use your hard-earned digital energy credits to buy whatever you like or travel wherever you want in the technocratic tyranny of the future? Think again."


Where We Go From Here​

There are a lot of scientists that say man made CO2 isn't even a factor.
There are many thousands of real, PhD, published, actively researching scientists that say it most certainly is.
The rich liberals still buy their shoreline mansions, still use private jets,
So the fuck what?
and still burn carbon fuels and use a lot of electricity leaving huge carbon
footprints. I think they are on the same page as me, no matter what they tell the press
and your masters.
I do not come here and argue because rich people want me to do so. I come here and argue because science tells me I have to. I have children and grandchildren and I wish a lot of people hereabouts would spend a little more time thinking about theirs.
WtF is a global digital ID?

Speak for yourself, and go construct your dumb ass straw men other place.
I see you are unfamiliar with a straw man argument
Non falsifiable Green woo religion.
It is falsifiable at least ten different ways. You need to look at the other conclusion to be reached by the complete failure of folks on your side of the argument to falsify it.
Al Gore and his band of con men are the ones who are behind this scam.
Name one of this "band of con men".
The trilaterals and their vultures, going back to the Carter admin, have always been outted on this corruption. . . . the fact that you post something as dumb as this?
Trilaterals? Good lord. Is there any conspiracy theory you don't believe with all your heart?
Proves that you haven't got the first clue what you are talking about.
You need help, dude. Serious, professional help.
"Good news, everybody! A new report from the eggheads at Oxford University assures us that switching to renewables will actually save us trillions of dollars!

You heard that right. It won't cost us trillions of dollars to build out a completely new global energy grid infrastructure based on technology that is still under development and then to switch the entire global economy onto it. No, don't be silly! It's going to save us trillions of dollars. TRILLIONS, I tell you!
I'm going to take a wild leap of faith and assume you're a grown up. During the course of your whole life, has anyone ever suggested that you ignore a problem for as long as you can? Has anyone ever suggested that procrastination was the best strategy? Have you ever given that sort of advice to anyone else?

I guaran-goddamn-tee you that the longer we wait, the more this will cost us. And anyone that takes advice from someone with your weltsicht was already as lost as lost can get.
I guaran-goddamn-tee you that the longer we wait, the more this will cost us.

I keep reading how solar panels are getting better and less expensive.

I keep reading how battery storage is getting better and less expensive.

I think if we wait 20 more years for that technology to be perfected, it'll cost much less.
View attachment 778361

Very informative.
I keep reading how solar panels are getting better and less expensive.

I keep reading how battery storage is getting better and less expensive.

I think if we wait 20 more years for that technology to be perfected, it'll cost much less.
I bet its cheaper to relocate a household or a business or a factory before they have saltwater running across their floors.
I bet its cheaper to relocate a household or a business or a factory before they have saltwater running across their floors.

In 20 years we can install 3 times the solar for one-tenth the cost.

Think of all the money we'll be saving for your grandchildren.
I see you are unfamiliar with a straw man argument

It is falsifiable at least ten different ways. You need to look at the other conclusion to be reached by the complete failure of folks on your side of the argument to falsify it.

Name one of this "band of con men".

Trilaterals? Good lord. Is there any conspiracy theory you don't believe with all your heart?

You need help, dude. Serious, professional help.

I'm going to take a wild leap of faith and assume you're a grown up. During the course of your whole life, has anyone ever suggested that you ignore a problem for as long as you can? Has anyone ever suggested that procrastination was the best strategy? Have you ever given that sort of advice to anyone else?

I guaran-goddamn-tee you that the longer we wait, the more this will cost us. And anyone that takes advice from someone with your weltsicht was already as lost as lost can get.
OK, we are getting very far a field from the OP here.

Here are the absolute facts on this OP, OK?

When we talk about say, Newton's conception of Gravity, or Einstein's revision of the universal laws of reality, we still refer to them as Newtonian physics, or the theory of relativity.

And when we discuss Darwin, we still refer to it, as the "theory of evolution," and no, we don't try to jam it down folks throats, or make global investment in politics based on any of these topics, mandatory for global populations.

Making "science," into a religion, is preposterous, it always has been.

Whether it is the theory of general relativity, or the theory of evolution, these things are subject to the scientific method, and folks are free to debate them, even the Wikipedia's talk pages have more deviation on subjects, that are centuries old, than this topic. Things are being censored, deleted, and influenced on this topic of debate and discussion for a reason. That you don't entirely get this? It is either a sign that you are part of this, or you lack intellectual curiosity, I can't say which.

I don't want to attack you with ad hom like you do me. You very well, might be well-intentioned, but, it seems to me, all the evidence in the world, will not dissuade you that there is not an open, honest, unbiased, objective and sincere investigation on this topic.

If you are so obtuse, that you can't figure the agenda of all this out, by now, that this topic, has more to do with politics, power and money, than, "science?" Than I can't have a conversation on this with you.

Do your grandkids enjoy the breeze on your drives?
Just one. She's 16 months and is still in a rear-facing car seat. My daughter and her husband got a 2022 Toyota Sienna as well, though they got some options we didn't. They were DINK. I've never cared for Jeeps. They're unreliable, uncomfortable, get poor mileage, have poor resale value and... they're ugly. I don't like Chrysler and I certainly didn't like AMC before them. So, no. My predilection along these lines has always been for an early model Toyota Land Cruiser or maybe a Land Rover Defender or an old 109.
Just one. She's 16 months and is still in a rear-facing car seat. My daughter and her husband got a 2022 Toyota Sienna as well, though they got some options we didn't. They were DINK. I've never cared for Jeeps. They're unreliable, uncomfortable, get poor mileage, have poor resale value and... they're ugly. I don't like Chrysler and I certainly didn't like AMC before them. So, no. My predilection along these lines has always been for an early model Toyota Land Cruiser or maybe a Land Rover Defender or an old 109.

I've never cared for Jeeps.

You don't have to care for Jeeps.
I wanted you to have an idea of what your Sienna might look like after you remove the doors.

You didn't think the gas mileage was going to magically go from 36 mpg to 49 mpg,
just because some moron like Obama or Biden thinks it's a good idea.

You have to lose some weight off your ride. I'm sure it would be just as safe without doors
and you'll be leaving a much better world for your grandkids. Unless you're one of those
selfish bastards who only cares about himself and doesn't want to save the planet?????

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