The last time...

Sounds expensive!
Folks on the payroll of the internationalists, have a lot more to spend. Rumors are, some of them have unlimited budgets.

The truth is, they don't plan on the masses owning cars. You are getting drawn into a bullshit conversation.

They plan to heard them all into "fifteen minute cities," and the great majority, like 85% of the world's population, these global leaders and folks in charge of companies, don't plan on having most of the world owning cars. There will be companies that own fleets of cars, that you can order rides via apps on your smart phones. It is easier to control populations this way.

I am sure you understand by now how technocracy/AI controlled socialism works by now. This entire conversation, is a red herring, it diverts from the truth of what is going on, and what they want to do.

Crick and Abu are authoritarians, the salivate at the idea of stripping folks freedom away, just like they want to control the conversations in these threads.

WEF: You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY​

Folks, I believe, aren't paying attention to these people, or what they are doing.

Folks on the payroll of the internationalists, have a lot more to spend. Rumors are, some of them have unlimited budgets.

The truth is, they don't plan on the masses owning cars. You are getting drawn into a bullshit conversation.

They plan to heard them all into "fifteen minute cities," and the great majority, like 85% of the world's population, these global leaders and folks in charge of companies, don't plan on having most of the world owning cars. There will be companies that own fleets of cars, that you can order rides via apps on your smart phones. It is easier to control populations this way.

I am sure you understand by now how technocracy/AI controlled socialism works by now. This entire conversation, is a red herring, it diverts from the truth of what is going on, and what they want to do.

Crick and Abu are authoritarians, the salivate at the idea of stripping folks freedom away, just like they want to control the conversations in these threads.
Oh Cripes, he's on to us.
Oh Cripes, he's on to us.
As long as you are aware. ;)
Folks on the payroll of the internationalists, have a lot more to spend. Rumors are, some of them have unlimited budgets.

The truth is, they don't plan on the masses owning cars. You are getting drawn into a bullshit conversation.

They plan to heard them all into "fifteen minute cities," and the great majority, like 85% of the world's population, these global leaders and folks in charge of companies, don't plan on having most of the world owning cars. There will be companies that own fleets of cars, that you can order rides via apps on your smart phones. It is easier to control populations this way.

I am sure you understand by now how technocracy/AI controlled socialism works by now. This entire conversation, is a red herring, it diverts from the truth of what is going on, and what they want to do.

Crick and Abu are authoritarians, the salivate at the idea of stripping folks freedom away, just like they want to control the conversations in these threads.

WEF: You will OWN NOTHING, and you will be HAPPY​

Folks, I believe, aren't paying attention to these people, or what they are doing.

I’m not eating that shit.
EVs meet all CAFE standards and can weigh a ton if you like. Would that make you happy? How about hybrids? I have a 2021 Toyota Sienna minivan. It's huge. It has a 2.5l hybrid and gets 36 mpg combined. I've frequently gotten it over 50 mpg in town.


That's a good-looking vehicle.
Maybe you could get rid of the doors?

Like this.......


I wonder how many MPGs you could add?
I'd be worth it.....for your grandkids, right?
You might not feel as safe taking them for a drive though...........
I’m not eating that shit.
As long as I can buy an internal combustion engine vehicle, and as long as they will be selling gas? I won't be buying a EV either.

Who the hell wants to be tracked and traced, and have the establishment have the ability to control where you can and can't go, at any particular time.

Next time they want to declare a, "climate lock-down," your car won't work.

As long as I can buy an internal combustion engine vehicle, and as long as they will be selling gas? I won't be buying a EV either.

Who the hell wants to be tracked and traced, and have the establishment have the ability to control where you can and can't go, at any particular time.

Next time they want to declare a, "climate lock-down," your car won't work.
On what basis do you believe the government can lock personal vehicles? And what makes you think that if they were going to do that, they couldn't do it to ICE vehicles as well?
On what basis do you believe the government can lock personal vehicles? And what makes you think that if they were going to do that, they couldn't do it to ICE vehicles as well?

My vehicle is not connected to the cloud. So no, I need no one's permission to start my vehicle, ever.

Any new ICE vehicles that are purchased, can be easily modified, so that ignition can be made possible, with out access to the cloud. Trust me, if it has an engine, runs on gas, my mechanic can make this work w/o wifi enabled locks, and access to the cloud to make it go.
You will never, ever force me to obtain a global digital ID, nor will I ever have a smart phone. Give it up.
Most Americans, when asked, have no desire for a social credit system like China's.
So, if this is really as severe of a problem that the global leaders want us to believe it is. . . why do they not lead by example?
Many of them do.
Why are private jets allowed?
Because no one has banned them yet.
Why do the billionaires produce more carbon in a month, than most individuals of the world's population do in a lifetime?
Because they can, I suppose. It is probably just what you and I would do if somoene handed us a billion dollars.
Most of the folks that are so insistent that we address this issue?
They are the ones that produce the most CO2, and they are the ones that are responsible for most of the problem.
I've been insistent that we address this issue and I don't produce a lot of CO2. And the responsibility for this problem is two-fold: fossil fuels were burned for the last century and a half before the public became aware of AGW but they put a great deal of the excess CO2 (and other pollutants) into the atmosphere we inherited from them. Now, everyone ought to be aware of it. Those who choose to oppose mitigation and still reject the science have an added responsibility; they are making an informed and willful choice to fuck the rest of the planet so they don't face the possibility of inconvenience.
The poor and the middle classes? They aren't responsible for shit. Nor can they afford electric cars, or any of the fancy products that are necessary that the globalists want us to address this.
Everyone can conserve their energy usage. And the cost of EVs and hydrogen cars is coming down. Moving energy production to non-emitting technology is the biggest step we can take and the poor and middle class will do nothing but reap the benefits.
And if you want to convince places with really really high populations to cut back? You are going to have to be a lot more convincing.
If you have any ideas that would help, we'd all like to hear them.
Making this a partisan issue, and blaming the American GOP? IS like pissing in the wind, it accomplishes, ABSOLUTELY. . NOTHING!
Neither Al Gore nor the thosuands of climate scientists that have been urging action on this issue have made it a partisan issue. For that, look squarely at the fossil fuel industries and the conservative politicians they bought.

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