The Latest Big Democrat Lie.....Republicans Support Putin

You can't be a Republican and be consistent. Remember, inside of 10 years ago, everyone screaming for Mitt Romeny's head voted for him for President.
Not once have I screamed for Romney head and I still like the guy even though I disagree with him a lot…
Trump said one nice thing about him and you claim he was fawning over him.
The problem seems to be that you've been listening the crap CNN pumps out too long and think it's going on 24/7.

Also....I tend to look at people's actions....not their words.....and Biden talks tough but does everything he can to help Putin.
He helped him when he dumped Trump's sanctions....and he helped him when he turned over classified intel to the Chinese, as well has identify targets that Putin could use to attack our energy industry.
Every time Trump praised Putin, the press went kind of crazy about it.

So he did it a lot to piss people off.
Trump said one nice thing about him and you claim he was fawning over him.
Trump didn't say anything nice about Putin - he complimented his statecraft and his out-maneuvering of the west.
It's perfectly possible to respect your opponents abilities while hating him with all of your guts.
It's not surprising the TDS crowd does not understand this.
Trump was the one pushing the “friendship” line with Russia.

This doesn't look like Trump to me.

It seems that every Democrat thinks that Russian Collusion hasn't been exposed as a hoax.....and now the MSM is trying to convince everyone that conservatives support Putin.
Seems that the only thing these people have is lies.
They're going to get clobbered in the midterms and now they're trying to convince themselves that their opponents in the GOP support oppression....even though they have been oppressing us since they started forcing us to wear masks.

Democrats sided with China and Russia against us.....and now they're using this war to claim that they're on the side of good.
The truth is....if it wasn't for Democrats taking bribes from China and Russia and bailing out on Afghanistan....we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
They have a habit of causing problems and then claiming they are the only solution.

Biden will blame Putin's actions on Trump in his SOTU address tomorrow. You can bet on it.

Enemy democrats deny that Trump sent missiles to Ukraine. They are lying with ever word that drips from their poisonous maw. Notice how they refuse to recognize that Biden started this war by lying to the Chinese, planting a Democrat contrived story knowing and intending that the story be repeated to Putin
Trump tried to leave NATO and praised Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Trump did the best thing for America. He told NATO countries to pay their own way, we were not doing it any more OR, we were out of there.
Of course Trump didn't praise the invasion of Ukraine. He pointed out that the strategy was very savvy. If it wasn't for Trump, Ukraine would have no defensive arms. None. Putin would have marched all over Ukraine thanking his democrat partners as he went.
Trump did the best thing for America. He told NATO countries to pay their own way, we were not doing it any more OR, we were out of there.
Of course Trump didn't praise the invasion of Ukraine. He pointed out that the strategy was very savvy. If it wasn't for Trump, Ukraine would have no defensive arms. None. Putin would have marched all over Ukraine thanking his democrat partners as he went.
Lol imagine using the weapons sale that Trump was impeached for extorting Ukraine over as a defense for him. Trump spent his entire Presidency trying to score wins for Russia, such as attempting to get sanctions dropped and acknowledging Crimea as Russian. He'd be doing the same exact thing now. He'd be out there defending Russia and saying insane nonsense like he did for his entire tenure as President.
2009. Mere MONTHS into Obama's first term.

You liberals have been sucking up to Russia for over a decade. You used them 7 years later to make a fake dossier to attack a presidential candidate.

I guess we know where the collusion really was.
Wait, do you think nothing changes in the decade since 2009?

You might need to pay more attention to world events. A lot changed.
But you willfully making statements you know are not true, does.
You are denying that:

Trump extorted Ukraine for political dirt on an opponent, only going through with the sale after this was made public to the world. This is extensively documented. If you think it's a lie, I have nothing more to say about it because it's a waste of time.


Trump praised Putin for launching this war. There is documented audio, coupled with 4 years of Trump fighting against sanctioning Russia. All extensively documented. If you think that's a lie, again, you waste my time.

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