The Latest Big Democrat Lie.....Republicans Support Putin

Easing sanctions on Nordstream 2 was more about helping out Germans than rewarding Russians. It’s not really relevant to the discussion, especially as it’s now kaput.

The only reason sanctions may work has nothing to do with the Ukrainian military, and more to do with how broadly they’re being applied by our allies. Assuming global leadership and working with our allies is pretty valuable after all. Something that Trump didn’t understand.

I think Trump did a good job over the last four years not only arming Ukrainians but training them. Ukrainian nationalism is pretty cool to see.

Yep, sweep it under the rug.

it has everything to do with the Ukrainian resistance to the invasion. If Kiev was taken over the weekend, I'm sure the west would be looking for ways to seem tough but in the end acknowledge whatever occupation or puppet State Putin was going to setup.
If the republicans/conservatives would say, "I condemn Putin's actions" it may go a long way toward Americans not seeing them ion Putin's side.

But instead, they just scream "Biden's fault" even though they offer no advice on what their president should be doing. Also, when the leader of the GOP--Mara-Lard-Ass himself praises Putin--they remain silent.
Biden was a certain person's right hand man when all this started. The Ukrainian government was covertly ousted as part of an illegal CIA operation done on behalf of big business. John Kerry was always going over to Russia under Obama. He seem to get along with him quite well. I think the word "sanctions" is a media label and smoke screen for making deals actually.
Clearly you can't understand the difference between criticism of friends and support of our enemies.
NATO hasn't been doing their being critical of them isn't the same as supporting Putin.
As a matter of fact.....NATO was critical of Trump because he was demanding that they pull their own weight.
Now they are having to pull their own weight because their necks on are on the line.

In this video Trump was asking them why they were paying billions and billions of dollars to Russia....when NATO was created to oppose Russia.

Trump tried to leave NATO and praised Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Trump tried to leave NATO and praised Putin's invasion of Ukraine.

Trump threatened to leave if the other countries didn't pay enough of their GDP towards military expenditures, and he didn't praise the invasion, he said Putin outplayed the West.

On that last point, his failure so far isn't due to anything the west is doing, it's due to the resiliency of the Ukrainian resistance.

What a fucking liar you are.
Trump threatened to leave if the other countries didn't pay enough of their GDP towards military expenditures, and he didn't praise the invasion, he said Putin outplayed the West.

On that last point, his failure so far isn't due to anything the west is doing, it's due to the resiliency of the Ukrainian resistance.

What a fucking liar you are.
Trump would be fighting against sanctions and any action against Russia, same as he did his entire Presidency.
Dunno man. A different president could say some dumb shit and ruin the moment.
Doubtful, this country rallies when it needs to, despite politics. I think both parties are squarely behind the Ukraine, at least what I have been seeing and hearing. Biden has a great opportunity to help close the gap between Americans, I'm not sure he has the leadership to pull it off.
Doubtful, this country rallies when it needs to, despite politics. I think both parties are squarely behind the Ukraine, at least what I have been seeing and hearing. Biden has a great opportunity to help close the gap between Americans, I'm not sure he has the leadership to pull it off.
Hillary is supporting this lie. Here's a statement she made today about how we need to look for Republicans that are supporting Putin.
Never let a crisis go to waste.
Anyone who said Putin is a genius is a traitor and not eligible for office of course.

Trump didn't try to leave NATO.
He told them to start paying up or he would leave.
It was intended to get them to pony up.

You need to concentrate on what happened.....not what CNN says might have happened.
What happened was Trump praising Putin for years and the republican base dreaming of having a Putin type leader. I don't watch CNN. I did watch you pieces of trash fawn over authoritarian despots for years. Some of you still openly do.
Doubtful, this country rallies when it needs to, despite politics. I think both parties are squarely behind the Ukraine, at least what I have been seeing and hearing. Biden has a great opportunity to help close the gap between Americans, I'm not sure he has the leadership to pull it off.
But we don’t really need to rally here, do we? I mean, the US isn’t under attack.

If the president were an idiot he could be making statements about how Russia needs to be respected and Putin is so smart and this whole invasion is really a stroke of genius.
What happened was Trump praising Putin for years and the republican base dreaming of having a Putin type leader. I don't watch CNN. I did watch you pieces of trash fawn over authoritarian despots for years. Some of you still openly do.
Trump said one nice thing about him and you claim he was fawning over him.
The problem seems to be that you've been listening the crap CNN pumps out too long and think it's going on 24/7.

Also....I tend to look at people's actions....not their words.....and Biden talks tough but does everything he can to help Putin.
He helped him when he dumped Trump's sanctions....and he helped him when he turned over classified intel to the Chinese, as well has identify targets that Putin could use to attack our energy industry.

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