The Latest Big Democrat Lie.....Republicans Support Putin

You are denying that:
Trump extorted Ukraine for political dirt on an opponent,
That accusation has never been proven true.
Thus, your statement this a lie.
Trump praised Putin for launching this war.
Trump praised Putin's statecraft in outsmarting the west -before- he started the war; in the same sentence, he said it would have never hppend if he were in office.
Thus, your statement is a lie.
Lol imagine using the weapons sale that Trump was impeached for extorting Ukraine over as a defense for him. Trump spent his entire Presidency trying to score wins for Russia, such as attempting to get sanctions dropped and acknowledging Crimea as Russian. He'd be doing the same exact thing now. He'd be out there defending Russia and saying insane nonsense like he did for his entire tenure as President.
Trump realized that evil is not just in foreign lands.
Trump praised Putin's statecraft in outsmarting the west -before- he started the war; in the same sentence, he said it would have never hppend if he were in office.
Thus, your statement is a lie.
“I mean, he’s taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions. I’d say that’s pretty smart,” Mr. Trump said during a fundraiser…

Funny thing is that it looks like he’s dead wrong on both counts.
It seems that every Democrat thinks that Russian Collusion hasn't been exposed as a hoax.....and now the MSM is trying to convince everyone that conservatives support Putin.
Seems that the only thing these people have is lies.
They're going to get clobbered in the midterms and now they're trying to convince themselves that their opponents in the GOP support oppression....even though they have been oppressing us since they started forcing us to wear masks.

Democrats sided with China and Russia against us.....and now they're using this war to claim that they're on the side of good.
The truth is....if it wasn't for Democrats taking bribes from China and Russia and bailing out on Afghanistan....we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
They have a habit of causing problems and then claiming they are the only solution.

Biden will blame Putin's actions on Trump in his SOTU address tomorrow. You can bet on it.

A mask requirement is not oppression. I suppose Washington was a oppressor when he ordered his troops to be inoculated against smallpox. Why don't you quit being a drama queen.

If Democrats lose, it will be because they are not calling out Republicans for what they are. Fascists. In Virginia, 2 House Democrats who beat incumbent Republicans 2 years ago, ran a grassroots campaign and increased their margins in 2021.

Democrats have not sided with China and Russia. Trump clearly screwed up by focusing on China and ignoring Russia. No one is taking any bribes. You are the lying weasel.
Pretty cool how Biden has united the country in opposition to Putin.
hahaha yeah he invited Putin to invade a country, and now he realizes he’s f’d up, so he’s telling his dembot sheep putin’s bad

glad to have you all on board even if it’s only because your cult is instructing your new view point
hahaha yeah he invited Putin to invade a country, and now he realizes he’s f’d up, so he’s telling his dembot sheep putin’s bad

glad to have you all on board even if it’s only because your cult is instructing your new view point
Yeah. Putin has Biden right where he wants him. Everything is going great for old Vlad.
Trump would be fighting against sanctions and any action against Russia, same as he did his entire Presidency.
You complain about him while Biden loses Ukraine on his watch........Obama lost Crimea......

Trump didn't LOSE ANYTHING.

LOL When you have nothing you have to find someone else to blame because of your failures.
A mask requirement is not oppression. I suppose Washington was a oppressor when he ordered his troops to be inoculated against smallpox. Why don't you quit being a drama queen.
A mask requirement is STUPID.....there I cleared it up for you. Only a higher quality mask like a 95 is woth a damn.........The rest it's about the same as putting in a chain link fence for mosquitoes.

If Democrats lose, it will be because they are not calling out Republicans for what they are. Fascists. In Virginia, 2 House Democrats who beat incumbent Republicans 2 years ago, ran a grassroots campaign and increased their margins in 2021.
Pot paints the kettle black.......Your party in Blue States and CANADA.......Do as I say or we will not allow you to leave home, Not make a living........can't go to stores.....Which means you will lose your home and your family will STARVE TO DEATH.....

Crazy how after openly spending years praising Putin and attacking NATO, Europe, and all of Putin's other enemies, Republicans now try to pretend they've never supported Putin.

Didn’t attack NATO…….told them to start paying their share for their defense….you know, in case Russia decided to start attacking their neighbors…………….told Europeans to stop buying Russian oil and natural gas…….and then expecting the U.S. to pay for their protection…..and to stop buying oil and natural gas from Russia, cause it gives Putin money to stay in power and to pay for his army….you know the one he just used to invade Ukraine….

Those aren’t attacks you moron….that is telling the Europeans to stop being morons and to wise up……you know, before Putin starts invading his neighbors…..

ooops……..they didn’t listen….
Trump would be fighting against sanctions and any action against Russia, same as he did his entire Presidency.

So he didn't sanction Russia when he was President?

Trump imposes major sanctions on Russian oligarchs, officials, companies

The Trump administration took one of its most aggressive actions against Russia on Friday, announcing sweeping sanctions against members of Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle, along with top officials and several businesses, including a state-owned weapons trading company.

Senior U.S. administration officials said the sanctions are not aimed to punish Moscow for any particular event, but are instead a broader measure aimed at the "totality of the Russian government's ongoing and increasingly malign activities in the world."

You are aware of this thing called the internet, which has something called a "search engine" which makes it possible to look up things, like say "Trump Sanctions Russia" and get proof of such things?

And you embrace him when needed, then abandon him when he's run out his use.
You are joking right?

The Trump "republican" wants nothing to do with the same guy they were voting for inside of 10 years ago.
OPEC isn't a threat to anything, they sell Oil, they will always sell oil. People interested only in money are easy to deal with.
Yeah...just pay them more!

And what have you guys been bitching about 24/7 for the last 2 months?
I saw that thread, and commented in it. As per the usual Mac threads - edited, misquoted and out of context.
And, exactly like I said, the left took that misquote and spread it everywhere.
If you are interested, you can find the full audio out there that includes what he was saying, and the contest it is in.
But you won't of course. Why would you? That would be against everything you think.
Translation: Your cult leader is taking you to a place you don't want to go but you're been neutered so much that you can't speak against him.
You are joking right?

The Trump "republican" wants nothing to do with the same guy they were voting for inside of 10 years ago.

Yeah...just pay them more!

And what have you guys been bitching about 24/7 for the last 2 months?

They will sell to anyone. And we wouldn't have to worry about them if we continued with gas and oil leases in our own territory instead of placating the green dipshits.

OPEC only has the power we give to them, just like Europe sold it's energy requirements to Russia.
Biden was a certain person's right hand man when all this started. The Ukrainian government was covertly ousted as part of an illegal CIA operation done on behalf of big business. John Kerry was always going over to Russia under Obama. He seem to get along with him quite well. I think the word "sanctions" is a media label and smoke screen for making deals actually.
Was that before or after W "looked into his eyes and saw his soul"?

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