The Latest Big Democrat Lie.....Republicans Support Putin

So show of hands. How many swore that Biden’s warning about a Russian Invasion was propaganda. Intended to deflect from whatever.
It seems that every Democrat thinks that Russian Collusion hasn't been exposed as a hoax.....and now the MSM is trying to convince everyone that conservatives support Putin.
Seems that the only thing these people have is lies.
They're going to get clobbered in the midterms and now they're trying to convince themselves that their opponents in the GOP support oppression....even though they have been oppressing us since they started forcing us to wear masks.

Democrats sided with China and Russia against us.....and now they're using this war to claim that they're on the side of good.
The truth is....if it wasn't for Democrats taking bribes from China and Russia and bailing out on Afghanistan....we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
They have a habit of causing problems and then claiming they are the only solution.

Biden will blame Putin's actions on Trump in his SOTU address tomorrow. You can bet on it.

Gaslighting. Big time. 4 days ago every talking head on Fox was blowing Putin and wishing we’d just watch Ukraine fall. You can’t run away from that you pussy. Own it.
So show of hands. How many swore that Biden’s warning about a Russian Invasion was propaganda. Intended to deflect from whatever.
I didnt think Putin would invade. I umder estimated how weak Brandon really was now.

Lies?? Hes been lying for 50 years. Why would anyone believe him.
It seems that every Democrat thinks that Russian Collusion hasn't been exposed as a hoax.....and now the MSM is trying to convince everyone that conservatives support Putin.
Seems that the only thing these people have is lies.
They're going to get clobbered in the midterms and now they're trying to convince themselves that their opponents in the GOP support oppression....even though they have been oppressing us since they started forcing us to wear masks.

Democrats sided with China and Russia against us.....and now they're using this war to claim that they're on the side of good.
The truth is....if it wasn't for Democrats taking bribes from China and Russia and bailing out on Afghanistan....we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
They have a habit of causing problems and then claiming they are the only solution.

Biden will blame Putin's actions on Trump in his SOTU address tomorrow. You can bet on it.

They have nothing else. NOTHING.

They can't point to anything else they have done. Their Covid obsession has left their policies and their party a smoldering, smoking mess of a ruin. Even SNL is mocking it now.

So lying about us is all they have. It is pure desperation.
306>232. Scoreboard.

Yep. You got your winner. I predict that not even the expensive Swedish treatments he gets will help him tomorrow night. Too late, too much stress. It will be another disaster.

You got your winner all right.
Interesting enough that you keep asking about my signature, fool.

Apparently I've already pissed off the little man. Learn how to use commas, you illiterate imbecile.

On your signature: hard agree

Pretty cool how you believe that lie. Biden is an idiot, like you.
What lie? The country is unified against Putin. More importantly, the world is becoming more and more unified too.

It’s pretty incredible to see us not so divided. I like it.
What lie? The country is unified against Putin. More importantly, the world is becoming more and more unified too.

It’s pretty incredible to see us not so divided. I like it.

The lie is assuming that people think Biden has anything to do with the Ukraine's resistance.

Or that somehow Trump was pro-Putin invading Ukraine.

Division is a two way street, and your sides continued TDS when he isn't even in fucking power just shows you can't be trusted or believed.
The lie is assuming that people think Biden has anything to do with the Ukraine's resistance.

Or that somehow Trump was pro-Putin invading Ukraine.

Division is a two way street, and your sides continued TDS when he isn't even in fucking power just shows you can't be trusted or believed.
Hacks like yourself can’t think coherently about Biden so I don’t really care. You have lost a relationship with reality.

The fact is the country and world are very united against Putin. Biden is in charge. I’m grateful.
Hacks like yourself can’t think coherently about Biden so I don’t really care. You have lost a relationship with reality.

The fact is the country and world are very united against Putin. Biden is in charge. I’m grateful.

Using war in Ukraine to bolster your guy, classic hackism.

It's not like we are directly involved, so it's not like thinking Biden is incompetent is directly impacting US lives, so you don't have that sword to hold over our heads.

You clowns made this a zero sum game, and now you don't want to play anymore. Sorry, not happening.

Lets see how "in charge" Biden is at the SotU address later today.
Using war in Ukraine to bolster your guy, classic hackism.

It's not like we are directly involved, so it's not like thinking Biden is incompetent is directly impacting US lives, so you don't have that sword to hold over our heads.

You clowns made this a zero sum game, and now you don't want to play anymore. Sorry, not happening.

Lets see how "in charge" Biden is at the SotU address later today.
Not using a war to bolster anything. Just saying what’s happening.

I don’t know what you mean about a zero sum game. We can all win if disaffected losers like yourself can give up your fake grievances and come back to rationality.
Not using a war to bolster anything. Just saying what’s happening.

I don’t know what you mean about a zero sum game. We can all win if disaffected losers like yourself can give up your fake grievances and come back to rationality.


LOL a TDS twat like you talking about rationality.

LOL a TDS twat like you talking about rationality.
More fake grievances. “TDS” is a cover for your persecution complex. You guys love being victims so that you can justify your anger and hatred.
More fake grievances. “TDS” is a cover for your persecution complex. You guys love being victims so that you can justify your anger and hatred.

Dude, the left's entire power structure is based on who's the biggest victim, and thus can claim the highest position on the pity-pole.

Talk about being dense.

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