The Latest Big Democrat Lie.....Republicans Support Putin

Anger in the face of injustice is no fault, accommodation in the face of tyranny is no virtue.

Welcome to the zero sum game your side made. Now you whine about it like a mewling kitten.
It’s not injustice to point out where you’re wrong. It’s injustice to attack weathermen who were doing their jobs.

Consistent with your toxic mindset, you blame others for your behavior.

Stop. You’ll be happier when you do. It’s not worth it.
even though they have been oppressing us since they started forcing us to wear masks.
The good poster 'mudwhistle' is implying that America's mask-mandates implemented as one measure to inhibit Covid transmission is the equivalent of Russia invading Ukraine, killing civilians, and bombing residential areas.

Mudwhistle cowers from wearing a cloth mask......while Ukranians cower in a subway tunnel fearing a bunker-buster bomb.

False equivalency, anyone?
Lauren Boebert said at CPAC over the weekend that Putin should liberate Canada and the US.

I had not seen or heard that about Boebert.
Frankly, I was skeptical.
So I googled it.
And sonofagun, that nutjob did say that!

There are a crowd of references about it via Google.
I saw this one among the first:

"The Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert was condemned for comparing the Russian invasion of Ukraine to the clearing of a truckers’ protest in Ottawa, saying: “We also have neighbors to the north who need freedom and who need to be liberated.”
A former US ambassador to Canada called the comments “reckless” and “dangerous”.

Today's least those folks in the local GOP who I know and like......have got to be embarrassed by a GOP Tent that shelters the Boeberts, Gohmerts, Greenes, and Gaetzs. What a collection of knucklheaded publicity-hounds. They make the GOP look terrible.

Ukraine’s dalliance with anti-semitic and bigoted forces
Azov Special Operations Department or Azov Battalion, as it is commonly known, is a right-wing extremist and neo-Nazi unit of the National Guard of Ukraine. Formed in 2014 as a volunteer militia during the Odesa clashes, the Azov Battalion was soon incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine, serving in the state capacity despite having allegiance to and drawing inspiration from the supremacist Nazi beliefs.
Biden get your head out of your ass and let Americans know what is happening in Ukraine and where their taxes are supporting.
It’s not injustice to point out where you’re wrong. It’s injustice to attack weathermen who were doing their jobs.

Consistent with your toxic mindset, you blame others for your behavior.

Stop. You’ll be happier when you do. It’s not worth it.

And what was the result of all this?

I blame Quisling cucks like you for being cucks.
Winning ‘hearts’ and PR war, but Ukraine has a “Nazi” problem that NATO and USA do not talk about

White supremacist organisations such as Azov Batallion blossomed under the aegis of the US, Canada military​

Even so, the United States government is partly to be blamed for the ominous rise of the neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine. Over the years, the cooperation between the Azov Battalion and the American Military has only grown deeper. In 2018, it was reported that Azov Battalion had received teams of American military advisors and high powered US-made weapons. In November 2017, a US military inspection team had also visited the Azov Battalion on the frontlines to deliberate on strengthening cooperation and providing logistical support in their military operations.

Recently, Democrat Senate member in the United States, Bob Menendez, introduced legislation that sought to grant Ukraine $500 million for the purchase of arms and impose what he called “mother of all sanctions” on Russia should it dare to attack. However, what was striking was the absence of any mechanism to oversee if the weapons bought from the US aid would be used by white supremacist organisations like the Azov Battalion. The US legislators had no qualms with the arms they donated to Kyiv going into the hands of anti-semitic outfits like the Azov Battalion so long as they helped them in discouraging Russia from launching an attack into eastern Ukraine.
And what was the result of all this?

I blame Quisling cucks like you for being cucks.
Denying reality rather than agree with someone you “hate” isn’t exactly owning people.

Do you think that makes you look tough? Do you think it makes you look strong?

Or does it make you look kind of sad?
Denying reality rather than agree with someone you “hate” isn’t exactly owning people.

Do you think that makes you look tough? Do you think it makes you look strong?

Or does it make you look kind of sad?

Kind of like thinking tucking it in makes you a woman?
I guess the OP missed the white nationalist conference that Gosar and MTG spoke at where the crown was chanting Putin’s name
I guess the OP missed the white nationalist conference that Gosar and MTG spoke at where the crown was chanting Putin’s name

How is an organization led by a Italian-Hispanic Catholic "white nationalist"?
Hacks like yourself can’t think coherently about Biden so I don’t really care. You have lost a relationship with reality.

The fact is the country and world are very united against Putin. Biden is in charge. I’m grateful.
Biden is an idiot. So far he has shown he isn't in charge of anything.

As long as everyone falls in step with the left-wing idiocy everything is good, right?
Political operative group for democrats, @meidastouch, spread disinfo that a Texas Republican went to fight for Russians in Ukraine. The false claim went viral. Russel Bentley is an avowed communist who raised money on GoFundMe in 2014 to go fight “neo-Nazis” on behalf of Russia.

— Andy Ngô \uD83C\uDFF3??\uD83C\uDF08 (@MrAndyNgo)
Kind of like thinking tucking it in makes you a woman?
Not exactly. If someone is transgendered, then they’re transgendered. It is what it is. That’s reality.

Denying reality is saying that transgendered people don’t exist.

But weren’t you just saying that the left only allows one perspective? Seems like this is the right doing just that.
Not exactly. If someone is transgendered, then they’re transgendered. It is what it is. That’s reality.

Denying reality is saying that transgendered people don’t exist.

But weren’t you just saying that the left only allows one perspective? Seems like this is the right doing just that.

No, they are pretending to be something they are not, even surgery can't change that.

Denying reality is saying they are a separate gender and/or sex.
Hatred clouds reason.

We both know this is true.

I don’t hate people who voted for Trump. Some of them have lost a lot of their grasp on reality because of their hatred. I hope they come back to reality.

Stop hiding from criticism behind your safe space of hatred and “TDS”.
He's right, you're a POS.
If the republicans/conservatives would say, "I condemn Putin's actions" it may go a long way toward Americans not seeing them ion Putin's side.

But instead, they just scream "Biden's fault" even though they offer no advice on what their president should be doing. Also, when the leader of the GOP--Mara-Lard-Ass himself praises Putin--they remain silent.
Biden is the one that claimed his sanctions and harsh words would deter Russia from invading Ukraine.

He lied(as usual).
No, they are pretending to be something they are not, even surgery can't change that.

Denying reality is saying they are a separate gender and/or sex.
Are they claiming to have not been born male or female? Are they claiming to not be genetically male or female?


They’re saying they’re born one sex but feel compelled to behave as a different gender.

It’s exactly what it is.

Not that this is any of your business, yet you feel compelled to get into it and force your opinion on them.
How is an organization led by a Italian-Hispanic Catholic "white nationalist"?
As you’ve no doubt heard by now, over the weekend, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared as a guest speaker at a conference organized by a white nationalist, where attendees praised Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler and dubbed the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol “awesome.” Held as counterprogramming to the Conservative Political Action Conference—which, what with its attempts to not be completely overt about its racism and anti-Semitism is apparently way too mainstream for the fascist-inclined—the America First Political Action Conference was put on by far-right figure Nick Fuentes, whom the Anti-Defamation League has labeled a “prominent white supremacist pundit.”
Are they claiming to have not been born male or female? Are they claiming to not be genetically male or female?


They’re saying they’re born one sex but feel compelled to behave as a different gender.

It’s exactly what it is.

Not that this is any of your business, yet you feel compelled to get into it and force your opinion on them.

That doesn't make them the other gender, but they wanted to be treated the other gender.

When they want to compete in women's sports, when they want to be treated as the other gender even without surgery, when they push this shit on minors it makes it everyone's business.

So much for your grasp on "reality"

Would you fuck a dude who's claiming to be a woman and just tucking?
As you’ve no doubt heard by now, over the weekend, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene appeared as a guest speaker at a conference organized by a white nationalist, where attendees praised Vladimir Putin and Adolf Hitler and dubbed the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol “awesome.” Held as counterprogramming to the Conservative Political Action Conference—which, what with its attempts to not be completely overt about its racism and anti-Semitism is apparently way too mainstream for the fascist-inclined—the America First Political Action Conference was put on by far-right figure Nick Fuentes, whom the Anti-Defamation League has labeled a “prominent white supremacist pundit.”

Again, how is a guy named Fuentes a white nationalist?

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