The Latest Big Democrat Lie.....Republicans Support Putin

All of it.
So, you refuse to show, or can't show anything?

Look, good poster "14"....this is Adult Swim.
Real people with real gravitas have adult discourse here.
If you make an allegation, an is up to you to then demonstrate your word can be relied upon. That you are a stand-up dependable bloke.

Those ain't my rules.
Those are real world rules here at Adult Swim.
Or at the DewDropInn.
Or most anyplace where adults with gravitas attempt to communicate.

Again, not my rules.
So saddle up, Scooter.
Show us whatcha got.
You said that they’re mentally ill and need to be made comfortable with their own body.

That’s the force.

Declaring it abuse is force. You’re literally going to lock people up for disagreeing with you.

Why? Because your comfort is more important than the comfort of transgendered.

It’s so eerily similar to how gay people were treated. They were mentally ill. They were forced to be something they aren’t. Talking to kids about being gay was child abuse.

And back then it too was about other people being comfortable at the expense of gay people.

Do you see how you are exactly what you claim to hate?

If it's true Gender Dysphoria, why go automatically to mutilating them to give them a false sense of being the sex they want to be?

The thing is surgery should be a last resort.

The only reason gay and this are compared is somehow the advocacy became muddled together.

A question: Should children be allowed to go through surgery and hormone treatment, yes or no?
It seems that every Democrat thinks that Russian Collusion hasn't been exposed as a hoax.....and now the MSM is trying to convince everyone that conservatives support Putin.
Seems that the only thing these people have is lies.
They're going to get clobbered in the midterms and now they're trying to convince themselves that their opponents in the GOP support oppression....even though they have been oppressing us since they started forcing us to wear masks.

Democrats sided with China and Russia against us.....and now they're using this war to claim that they're on the side of good.
The truth is....if it wasn't for Democrats taking bribes from China and Russia and bailing out on Afghanistan....we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.
They have a habit of causing problems and then claiming they are the only solution.

Biden will blame Putin's actions on Trump in his SOTU address tomorrow. You can bet on it.

There is no need to convince anyone since Trump, the leader of the GOP, lauded Pootin and was mesmerized by his grand leadership while defaming the US govt.
Crazy how after openly spending years praising Putin and attacking NATO, Europe, and all of Putin's other enemies, Republicans now try to pretend they've never supported Putin.
Kinda like this support for Putin and attempt at weakening NATO ?

Biden is the one that claimed his sanctions and harsh words would deter Russia from invading Ukraine.

He lied(as usual).
Can you show me the quote where Biden said that??

I know he said he would impose harsh sanctions if Russia did invade....and he did.....

You won't be providing any links because you made the shit up, I just wanted to state that you are full of shit for the record...

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