The latest form of racism- Farmer's Markets


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The list of shit that leftists claim are racist continues to grow and get more ridiculous by the day.

I didn't think they could top the previous claims of what is racist.

Math is racist because it was discovered by white people. Cursive writing is racist, probably because we used it to write in English. Of course, the English language is racist. Any type of assimilation to the ways of the majority of Americans is racist. (Better to have multiple languages to ensure that people can't fucking communicate with each other.) Teachers must have a blast trying to teach children when a half dozen languages are spoken in a classroom.

Police cams are racist because no one can lie about police brutality or anything else that happens.

Expecting people to have IDs is racist because leftists claim blacks aren't capable of getting one.

No wonder kids are getting dumbed down. The left treats people like idiots and some become idiots.

Now, farmers markets are on the list of horribly racist things. Because bringing fresh fruit and vegetable stands into poor neighborhoods is nothing more than forcing them to adopt the eating habits of white folks. Or maybe they don't want to commit the fake crime of "cultural appropriation" by eating things that aren't part of the stereotype attached to them. Who the fuck knows but these leftists are off the deep end and beyond hope.

Just when you think the leftists can't get any more insane, they rise to the occasion.

"'Campus Reform’s Toni Airaksinen reports that in a new anthology titled “Just Green Enough,” SDSU geography professors Pascale Joassart-Marcelli and Fernando Bosco claim residents of low-income communities are being displaced due to “environmental gentrification”—such as farmers’ markets."

Professors Claim Farmers’ Markets Are 'Exclusionary' And Normalize White Eating Habits
How can math be racist? The Arabic numeral system we use obviously came from Arabs. So liberals now hate Arabs because we use their numbers?
Professors eh ? Well now don't that just beat all... What's hilarious is these idiots who are sending their kids to these liberal colleges still.
Civilization is racist
Anything that makes you act like a decent human being is now racist. Religion, education, pulling your pants up, having an actual wife or husband before kids,'s kind of crazy how everything the left is for is for less decent behaviour.
How can math be racist? The Arabic numeral system we use obviously came from Arabs. So liberals now hate Arabs because we use their numbers?

:lmao: Buying the BS that arabs created algebra.

That was the Greeks that created algebra. The same ones whose wonderful socialist paradise is crumbling.
Didn't that country crumble about 1500 years ago? They haven't been relevant since the Roman times.

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