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CDZ The Latest Story about the Trans Swimmer from UPenn who is Smoking All the Girls

Good point in that it is abusive to ignore the desires of the female athletes to not have a naked penis in the locker room.

When have men ever cared about the "desires of female athletes". What a fucking crock!!!

As someone who grew up playing varsity level sports, and who raised a daughter with Olympic aspirations, women in sports are treated as an afterthought. Congress had to pass Title IX just to get ANY funding or scholarships for women's college level sports.

The US women's soccer team, which makes more money than the US Men's soccer team, and has more sponsorships and endorsements, won the Women's World Cup more than once, had to SUE their federation for equal pay to the men, even though the revenue from the women's team was subsidizing the men's salaries.

Did you see the video of the Men's training facilities at last year's March Madness tourney, versus the women's training room?

Now because of this trans issue, men are all about the "desires of the female athletes". Give me a fucking break. You didn't give a rat's ass about women athletes until you could exploit them for political gain.

Just like you don't care about sexual violence against women when the rapist is a white guy, but if a minority or an illegal should touch a white woman, is a tragedy of epic proportion. When Brock Turner raped that girl behind a dumpster, well she was drunk, what did she expect. But Molly Tibbets. That was the crime of the century.

You hypocrites aren't fooling anyone.
Dude, it's justified fear in my opinion.

Think about it. If there was a Mob boss who could take you out in your neighborhood, would you cross him?

The radical left is probably only 20% of the country, but they control the MSM (ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo, LATimes, TIME, DailyBeast, etc.), Big Tech (Google, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook), Academia, Hollywood (Movies, Late night comedy, music, celebs)...

All of that is probably 80% of modern mainstream culture. I'd guess 20% of the country controls 80% of the narrative. These are not popular opinions as far as support, but people don't dare speak out against out of fear of what happens.. and we've seen that "it" happens.
It's a clear violation of Title IX, frankly, and I simply don't understand how there haven't been dozens of lawsuits filed over this stuff. The political left, who are largely the ones enabling this, are the biggest hypocrites of them all. Where are all the women who marched on D.C. a few years ago with their pink vagina hats? How many times have we heard them accuse the right of wanting to keep women barefoot and pregnant? How many times have we heard the Democrats label the Republicans the anti-woman party?

Now take a look at who is actually speaking up for women's sports and who isn't.

The reason there haven't been dozens of lawsuit filed over this stuff is because it's an aberration, not a problem. Over the past 5 years, there have been 2 cases where this issue has been raised, and it really isn't a real issue now.

This is one swimmer on the Penn Team. There are 39 women on the Penn Swim Team, one of whom is a trans woman. Because this one swimmer isn't really affecting the opportunities for the other swimmers.

Azog makes a big deal about the 2 trans girls "running over top" of his daughters in their lacrosse league, and "ruining" their opportunities. There are 9 players on a lacrosse team. How are 2 trans players in the entire league "ruining" his daughters' opportunities?

My best guess would be that Azog's daughters have smaller frames which means they're always going to get run over by people like me and my daughters. All over 5' 11', and all involved in sports from the time we could walk.

There aren't more lawsuits because, for the actual women athletes, this really isn't a problem. It's only a problem for conservative men who have gone bat shit crazy attacking trans rights.

There are always people who have better bodies for the sport which will give them an advantage. My youngest wanted to be a figure skater. Or a gymnast. 5' 11" inches tall. Worse, she wanted to be PAIRS skater. Tallest Olympic/Worlds singles Champion ever - Sarah Hughes - 5' 4". Tall people have more difficulty in the jumping and spinning sports because it's more difficult to recover from any lean in the air. It's physics.

Long arms are an advantage in Tennis. Height is an advantage in basketball, swimming, and volleyball. I tried to encourage my daughter in the direction of sports where her height would be an advantage, not an obstacle. I supposed I could have spent my time complaining that it wasn't fair that my kid had to compete against short people.
The predictable result of the Left hitching its wagon to Identity Politics.

I don't think they realize how many voters (in other words, people who VOTE) are beyond tired of this kind of thing.

Voters? LOL who needs voters when you can just print ballots?
So there is one trans person in one school in America who is disrupting the sport of swimming in one school. Because of this one person in America, ALL people should vote against all Democratic Candidates in the USA because of this one trans person.

Is that really the hill you want to die on?

I was a competitive swimmer when I was a kid and there was a girl on our team who was built like a boy. And she was faster than me. A LOT faster. She had wide shoulders, no hips, and no boobs but the naughty bits were female. I swam against her for 6 years and never beat her, and when I started developing hips and boobs, the gap widened no matter how hard I trained.

Should she have been prevented from competing against the rest of us because her body was more "streamlined" than mine? Should Christine have been prevented from competing against us because her body wasn't built like the rest of the girls?

Also, there are 4 different strokes plus relays. There are multiple distances in all strokes. You cannot possible swim all of the distances and all of the strokes, which means that there are other opportunities available even on this swimmer's team.

And yet because of this one swimmer in one school, the entire nation should turn against the Democrats.

You miss the point.
I am far left, but the facts are that testosterone changes bone structure, muscle mass, etc. and once a person is permanently effected by it, it is illegal and immoral for them to try to then compete in a class that is denied the use of steroids like testosterone.

This is not a right or left issue, but pure science, and those that do not get it are just crazy, irrational, and dangerous.
Nothing to do with politics.
When have men ever cared about the "desires of female athletes". What a fucking crock!!!

As someone who grew up playing varsity level sports, and who raised a daughter with Olympic aspirations, women in sports are treated as an afterthought. Congress had to pass Title IX just to get ANY funding or scholarships for women's college level sports.

The US women's soccer team, which makes more money than the US Men's soccer team, and has more sponsorships and endorsements, won the Women's World Cup more than once, had to SUE their federation for equal pay to the men, even though the revenue from the women's team was subsidizing the men's salaries.

Did you see the video of the Men's training facilities at last year's March Madness tourney, versus the women's training room?

Now because of this trans issue, men are all about the "desires of the female athletes". Give me a fucking break. You didn't give a rat's ass about women athletes until you could exploit them for political gain.

Just like you don't care about sexual violence against women when the rapist is a white guy, but if a minority or an illegal should touch a white woman, is a tragedy of epic proportion. When Brock Turner raped that girl behind a dumpster, well she was drunk, what did she expect. But Molly Tibbets. That was the crime of the century.

You hypocrites aren't fooling anyone.

You totally miss the whole point, which is that even though women's sports have been marginalized in the past, this trans issue will totally destroy it if trans are allowed to compete as women.
Allowing trans to compete as women will violate the rights of all female athletes.
You totally miss the whole point, which is that even though women's sports have been marginalized in the past, this trans issue will totally destroy it if trans are allowed to compete as women.
Allowing trans to compete as women will violate the rights of all female athletes.

Boy you're completely missing the point there and what YOU fail to understand is that female athletes, and I do know a few elite female athletes personally, consider this whole argument you're promoting to be total BS.

First off, they don't care, because this really isn't an issue.

Secondly, boys and girls compete together in small town sports, until they hit puberty anyway. There's not enough kids living in this small town to have a boys soccer league and a girl's soccer league. There's a kids' soccer league. Even in the city, my daughter played mixed T-ball and baseball.

Why don't you let the WOMEN decide this issue. They're not suing. They're not complaining. Only conservative men are complaining about this, and we just don't believe YOU have any concern for women's sports, or female athletes. Not for a New York minute!!!!

Just look at the comments on this board when the USA Women's Soccer Team sued for equal pay. That's what conservative men think about female athletes.
So there is one trans person in one school in America who is disrupting the sport of swimming in one school. Because of this one person in America, ALL people should vote against all Democratic Candidates in the USA because of this one trans person.

Is that really the hill you want to die on?

I was a competitive swimmer when I was a kid and there was a girl on our team who was built like a boy. And she was faster than me. A LOT faster. She had wide shoulders, no hips, and no boobs but the naughty bits were female. I swam against her for 6 years and never beat her, and when I started developing hips and boobs, the gap widened no matter how hard I trained.

Should she have been prevented from competing against the rest of us because her body was more "streamlined" than mine? Should Christine have been prevented from competing against us because her body wasn't built like the rest of the girls?

Also, there are 4 different strokes plus relays. There are multiple distances in all strokes. You cannot possible swim all of the distances and all of the strokes, which means that there are other opportunities available even on this swimmer's team.

And yet because of this one swimmer in one school, the entire nation should turn against the Democrats.
you hate your own sex. wow. it must suck to be you. Look at your vijay jay and go shit, I wish I had a boner.
So there is one trans person in one school in America who is disrupting the sport of swimming in one school. Because of this one person in America, ALL people should vote against all Democratic Candidates in the USA because of this one trans person.

Is that really the hill you want to die on?

I was a competitive swimmer when I was a kid and there was a girl on our team who was built like a boy. And she was faster than me. A LOT faster. She had wide shoulders, no hips, and no boobs but the naughty bits were female. I swam against her for 6 years and never beat her, and when I started developing hips and boobs, the gap widened no matter how hard I trained.

Should she have been prevented from competing against the rest of us because her body was more "streamlined" than mine? Should Christine have been prevented from competing against us because her body wasn't built like the rest of the girls?

Also, there are 4 different strokes plus relays. There are multiple distances in all strokes. You cannot possible swim all of the distances and all of the strokes, which means that there are other opportunities available even on this swimmer's team.

And yet because of this one swimmer in one school, the entire nation should turn against the Democrats.
1. The nation should turn against the democrats because their policies are bad for America.
2. The girl you swam against was a biological girl, and you developing what you say you did is exactly why biological men should not compete against biological women. Your frustration at watching a woman with a body better designed for swimming competition is amplified many times over when biological women see a biological man "winning" against them.
3. It doesn't take very many, so over time we will see every women's sports record being held by a biological man.

Might as well tell little girls now that they shouldn't bother to go out for sports because a boy's just going to beat them anyway and the best they can hope for is to finish second.
I understand this can be a heated topic, so I hope cooler heads can prevail here and have a simple discussion..

So the story is pretty mainstream besides the MSM avoiding it like the plague. A swimmer from the University of Pennsylvania swam as a Male Swimmer for 3 years, transitioned, and is now swimming in women's sports. Some facts about this are:
  • The swimmer in question recently beat the 2nd place women's swimmer by 38 seconds, and they are absolutely dominating women's college swimming.
  • The women's teammates are at times in tears, disturbed and frustrated that no matter how hard they have worked and try, it's not enough to overcome the biological discrepancy.
  • The women's teammates have spoken out anonymously, out of fear of harm to their livelihoods and reputation by the MSM, academia, and big tech (who assassinate, dox, and bury people on the regular who oppose the trans agenda), saying they don't feel it's a fair contest for this happen.
  • They also say they feel like they are emptily forced to clap and support and feel hollow doing so.
  • The swimmer in question was reported to be boasting about how they coasted to victory.

So.. to make this clear, this particular issue is NOT about whether Trans people have the "right" to exist, or about transitioning, yada-yada. This is about the cold, hard truth of sport, in which biology plays a major role in.

I'm sure many will try to attach the two, and say that if you oppose this swimmer, you oppose all Trans people. If anyone does this, just ignore them, as they're not intellectually capable of participating in this discussion.

This isn't about Trans people, this is about the effect of Trans people on sports. Sports were split for a reason. If there were no split sports into Male and Female, no Females would play, none would get scholarships, none would be featured. The split was necessary, and it can be scientifically proven with ease by biology.

The way I see it, we have the battle lines drawn. The left supports Trans people no matter what in fear of being labeled with the ammo they created... "transphobic".

The left also claims to support women in their struggle against "Patriarchy" in all forms.

Welp.. now we have the two mainstays of modern leftism at a tizzy, and the Democrats and MSM trying to shoo through traffic, saying "Move along! Nothing to see here!" It's a big impasse. And in my opinion, the women are correct in feeling attacked and completely disenfranchised. Yet, because they are lower on the scale of victimhood, they're cries of injustice will be suppressed and unheard.

It's about the collateral of a decision. Some white, gaited-community liberal can declare "trans women are women!".. but those of us who aren't all about protecting the ideology all saw a trans woman fighter break the eye socket of a female fighter a few years ago, which simply doesn't happen in regular competition. We saw the U15 boys soccer team beat the Olympic women's soccer team. We see that thousands of men and even high school boys beat women world records on the regular in all sorts of events. The females will be the victims of this trans sports ideology. They are under attack. Women athletes have been cast aside by the woke leftist movement in favor of trans activism.

I hope suburban moms, and all women, remember this at the polling stations in 2022 and 2024, especially those of us who have daughters.

Since women are the primary voters who encourage and gush over these sicko faggots, they have no reason to be sniveling over the results of their silly Pity Parties for faggots.
1. The nation should turn against the democrats because their policies are bad for America.
2. The girl you swam against was a biological girl, and you developing what you say you did is exactly why biological men should not compete against biological women. Your frustration at watching a woman with a body better designed for swimming competition is amplified many times over when biological women see a biological man "winning" against them.
3. It doesn't take very many, so over time we will see every women's sports record being held by a biological man.

Might as well tell little girls now that they shouldn't bother to go out for sports because a boy's just going to beat them anyway and the best they can hope for is to finish second.

You did not read the article linked to.

The trans woman only had that level of success at her first meet. Her times have steadily declined since then because when she started competing, she had only be taking testosterone suppressants for one year. With each month she took the hormones, her body continued to change, and her times went down. She's currently fast but no longer breaking records. It was ONE meet.

That was predicted of this woman but she hasn't broken any top swimmers records or even come close to them, and that was BEFORE her times started declining. Trans women have been competing since Rene Richards played elite tennis. She never won a single tournament. It didn't destroy women's tennis, and there hasn't been another one since.
So there is one trans person in one school in America who is disrupting the sport of swimming in one school. Because of this one person in America, ALL people should vote against all Democratic Candidates in the USA because of this one trans person.

Is that really the hill you want to die on?

I was a competitive swimmer when I was a kid and there was a girl on our team who was built like a boy. And she was faster than me. A LOT faster. She had wide shoulders, no hips, and no boobs but the naughty bits were female. I swam against her for 6 years and never beat her, and when I started developing hips and boobs, the gap widened no matter how hard I trained.

Should she have been prevented from competing against the rest of us because her body was more "streamlined" than mine? Should Christine have been prevented from competing against us because her body wasn't built like the rest of the girls?

Also, there are 4 different strokes plus relays. There are multiple distances in all strokes. You cannot possible swim all of the distances and all of the strokes, which means that there are other opportunities available even on this swimmer's team.

And yet because of this one swimmer in one school, the entire nation should turn against the Democrats.
BTW, it's a male swimmer swimming with women. He can manufacture and fool you, but normal society knows he's a male swimmer. So, let's bring in all the males to compete and make him number 464 again.
Since women are the primary voters who encourage and gush over these sicko faggots, they have no reason to be sniveling over the results of their silly Pity Parties for faggots.
I disagree. only demofk women agree with this, that's only 1/3 of women and doesn't address little girls. No, men in women's sports is illegal. And illegal for them to shower naked with them. Fk I hate people caving to the demofks insanity.
Are there any (R) that lean towards Gayness? LTBQ?
Of Course.

But Ignore.
sure there is, bruce jenner hit his head and thinks he's a woman now. Doesn't make any of this insanity right. None. Dude, you can't make it so either. Now walk away and stop embarrassing yourself, woman hater.
The height of insanity. I mean just look at the way that sentence is written.

Doesn't always cover up her male genitals
Its simply another "I feel threatened" thread from the right.

Why women continue (and will continue) to support the Democratic Party in the numbers they do is because the political right and their GOP stooges are anti-woman. That is simply the fact of the matter. Look at the cow you guys are having over Biden's upcoming supreme court nomination....or is it because she's going to be African American as well?

As far as the topic goes...the people at fault are the sanctioning bodies that allow this. It isn't the Democratic Party. It isn't the Republican Party. It isn't a political position at all. It is a mis-placed sense of fairness. If you have indoor plumbing; you compete against women. If you have outdoor plumbing; you compete against the fellas.

The politics of it are as follows... When Obama waded into this whole "more-than-two-gender" question, he hit the "stupid button" big time.

I said so at the time:

And now, kinda like Trumpism, the Dems are afraid to break with this loser of a position.

I'm certainly not stating that a transgender person is not entitled to any and all benefits and privileges that go along with being a citizen of this nation. But you don't get special privileges either...and it seems that one of the special privileges some are enjoying is using their physical prowess in the athletic sphere.
Anti woman??? Anti woman is dressing a testicled beast in a monokini and telling the girls they have to " man up" and shut up....oooooooh I think you're totally wrong.
You did not read the article linked to.

The trans woman only had that level of success at her first meet. Her times have steadily declined since then because when she started competing, she had only be taking testosterone suppressants for one year. With each month she took the hormones, her body continued to change, and her times went down. She's currently fast but no longer breaking records. It was ONE meet.

That was predicted of this woman but she hasn't broken any top swimmers records or even come close to them, and that was BEFORE her times started declining. Trans women have been competing since Rene Richards played elite tennis. She never won a single tournament. It didn't destroy women's tennis, and there hasn't been another one since.
He's still guy, and guys are still dominating women in sports.
You know, there are alot of members on this board that are very outspoken on both sides of the aisle. I just red through 5 pages of this thread and did not see one post from a dem or lefty who strongly defended this swimmer. It seems to me that some on the Right are using this issue as a “Dems are evil” sound bite… if they had any awareness they would see that many on the left would also take issue with trans women competing in women's sports and an alliance could be made. Progress could be made on how to best handle these situations. But no. Everything needs to be a political fight. What a shame
sure there is, bruce jenner hit his head and thinks he's a woman now. Doesn't make any of this insanity right. None. Dude, you can't make it so either. Now walk away and stop embarrassing yourself, woman hater.
Just consider, Bruce could have won Olympic gold, pretended to be a woman and completely blown the field away again 4 years later.

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