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CDZ The Latest Story about the Trans Swimmer from UPenn who is Smoking All the Girls

I disagree. only demofk women agree with this, that's only 1/3 of women and doesn't address little girls. No, men in women's sports is illegal. And illegal for them to shower naked with them. Fk I hate people caving to the demofks insanity.

Disagree all you want, it is the female vote that elects Democrats overall, and in the case of 'gay marriage' and all the other imbecilic pandering to the 'Victim' propaganda re faggot whining that has led to these results they're now sniveling about.
In canada they can let female dolphins compete in swimming events for all I care

but the is an American story where canadians do not belong
You know, there are alot of members on this board that are very outspoken on both sides of the aisle. I just red through 5 pages of this thread and did not see one post from a dem or lefty who strongly defended this swimmer. It seems to me that some on the Right are using this issue as a “Dems are evil” sound bite… if they had any awareness they would see that many on the left would also take issue with trans women competing in women's sports and an alliance could be made. Progress could be made on how to best handle these situations. But no. Everything needs to be a political fight. What a shame
How else does it begin?
You know, there are alot of members on this board that are very outspoken on both sides of the aisle. I just red through 5 pages of this thread and did not see one post from a dem or lefty who strongly defended this swimmer. It seems to me that some on the Right are using this issue as a “Dems are evil” sound bite… if they had any awareness they would see that many on the left would also take issue with trans women competing in women's sports and an alliance could be made. Progress could be made on how to best handle these situations. But no. Everything needs to be a political fight. What a shame

I completely agree. But there's so many on the left who view this kind of things as being "inclusive" and can't speak out about it. They've whined and cried so much about everyone in the world being more inclusive, that when this inclusiveness runs overboard, as it's doing in women's sport, they're almost obligated to speak out against it.

Like some guys who de transition back to being a guy, if they try to reach out to the trans or LGBT community for support or advice, they're shunned.
I completely agree. But there's so many on the left who view this kind of things as being "inclusive" and can't speak out about it. They've whined and cried so much about everyone in the world being more inclusive, that when this inclusiveness runs overboard, as it's doing in women's sport, they're almost obligated to speak out against it.

Like some guys who de transition back to being a guy, if they try to reach out to the trans or LGBT community for support or advice, they're shunned.

They're confused by their own cognitive dissonance and boxed themselves in via their stupidity and hypocrisy, same as with all phonies and sociopaths eventually. They have no morals or principles, and thus can't defend anything, all they can do is parrot.
Leftists are for whatever keeps them in power and gets them more votes, they walk a very thin line, and eventually are going to fall off because they can't please all of 'groups' that they've fostered and created. Most women I know are disgusted with the fact that men pretending to be women, and validated as such by the left, are coming in and taking away opportunities from real women who worked hard to get where they are. What I bolded in red is an outright lie, that you can even say it's not the democrat party with a straight face is a joke. You own the 'people' that are sanctioning this, you own the people that have pushed this agenda, 100%, and it's an outright lie to say that isn't the case. It's hilarious that you're actually now trying to walk it back since it isn't being accepted by a good majority. But that's what you get when you sit in your little tower of academia and have no clue as to what is going on in the real world. Most mainstream people in this country are not left leaning, I'd say a good 70-80%, are not, but you and your ilk have convinced yourselves you're the majority since you've managed to take over all media, you've bought into your own lie and it's going to come back to bite you in the ass eventually.
yo Flame, Willie Wilson, alderaman Chicago is giving away free gas. that's how they do it. He will run for Mayor and say see, I paid for gas for the people of chicago, you owe me now vote for me. It's hilarious. BTW, they most likely will vote him in based on that alone. couldn't even make the ballot last election cycle for Mayor. demofks are ignorant.
I completely agree. But there's so many on the left who view this kind of things as being "inclusive" and can't speak out about it. They've whined and cried so much about everyone in the world being more inclusive, that when this inclusiveness runs overboard, as it's doing in women's sport, they're almost obligated to speak out against it.

Like some guys who de transition back to being a guy, if they try to reach out to the trans or LGBT community for support or advice, they're shunned.
Well that’s likely because they want to be inclusive and fight against the hate and prejudice and hardships that are imposed on many in the LGBT community. They are an oppressed minority that many people, including myself want to stand up for. I can easily say that limits and regulations should be set around competitive sports. But I’m not going to jump on a political smear bandwagon to use this issue to demonize the Left which is what many on the right use it for.
Well that’s likely because they want to be inclusive and fight against the hate and prejudice and hardships that are imposed on many in the LGBT community. They are an oppressed minority that many people, including myself want to stand up for. I can easily say that limits and regulations should be set around competitive sports. But I’m not going to jump on a political smear bandwagon to use this issue to demonize the Left which is what many on the right use it for.
Bullshit, they want special attention
Bullshit, they want special attention

It was the commies who politicized sicko sexual fetishes and demand special rights for being mentally ill degenerates; now they complain about what they did, as if it's somebody else's fault.

And, when I say commie, I mean it literally; the founders of the faggot privileges movement was a card carrying Communist PArty member. He was also a NAMBLa fan, like most faggots.

Henry "Harry" Hay Jr. (April 7, 1912 – October 24, 2002) was an American gay rights activist, communist, and labor advocate. He was a co-founder of the Mattachine Society, the first sustained gay rights group in the United States, as well as the Radical Faeries, a loosely affiliated gay spiritual movement.

Born to an upper middle class family in England, Hay was raised in Chile and California. From an early age, he acknowledged his same-sex sexual attraction, and came under the influence of Marxism. Briefly studying at Stanford University, he subsequently became a professional actor in Los Angeles, where he joined the Communist Party USA, becoming a committed activist in left-wing labor.


Hay was an active supporter of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), a pedophile advocacy organization.[5][6][7][8] He protested the group being banned from Pride parades, wearing a sign protesting the banning during the 1986 Los Angeles Pride,[3][6][9] and boycotting New York Pride in 1994 for their refusal to include NAMBLA.[6] He spoke out in support of relationships between adult men and boys as young as thirteen,[10][11] and spoke at several NAMBLA meetings, including panels in 1984 and 1986, and another in 1994 about helping the group strategize a name change to help with their public image.[5]

Here are 'Progressives' gushing over Kiddie Raper Harry:

Of course they must have forgotten about his advocacy of kiddie raping, since they don't bring it up in this article; it was after Jesse Helms forced Bill Clinton to back down on endorsing NGO status for the ILGA because of their love of NAMBLa, one of their founding organizations.
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Dude, it's justified fear in my opinion.

Think about it. If there was a Mob boss who could take you out in your neighborhood, would you cross him?

The radical left is probably only 20% of the country, but they control the MSM (ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, NYT, WaPo, LATimes, TIME, DailyBeast, etc.), Big Tech (Google, Twitter, Youtube, Facebook), Academia, Hollywood (Movies, Late night comedy, music, celebs)...

All of that is probably 80% of modern mainstream culture. I'd guess 20% of the country controls 80% of the narrative. These are not popular opinions as far as support, but people don't dare speak out against out of fear of what happens.. and we've seen that "it" happens.
True. But their are still bastions of Truth. Remember Rush Limbaugh? He broke the Spell. Now there is Tucker.
After a couple years of change drugs, no advantage. This is just the Ivy League after all, hater dupe ignoramuses....
you hate your own sex. wow. it must suck to be you. Look at your vijay jay and go shit, I wish I had a boner.
The repulsive thing is like the female version of joeB.

All either of these creatures know is hatred.
I understand this can be a heated topic, so I hope cooler heads can prevail here and have a simple discussion..

So the story is pretty mainstream besides the MSM avoiding it like the plague. A swimmer from the University of Pennsylvania swam as a Male Swimmer for 3 years, transitioned, and is now swimming in women's sports. Some facts about this are:
  • The swimmer in question recently beat the 2nd place women's swimmer by 38 seconds, and they are absolutely dominating women's college swimming.
  • The women's teammates are at times in tears, disturbed and frustrated that no matter how hard they have worked and try, it's not enough to overcome the biological discrepancy.
  • The women's teammates have spoken out anonymously, out of fear of harm to their livelihoods and reputation by the MSM, academia, and big tech (who assassinate, dox, and bury people on the regular who oppose the trans agenda), saying they don't feel it's a fair contest for this happen.
  • They also say they feel like they are emptily forced to clap and support and feel hollow doing so.
  • The swimmer in question was reported to be boasting about how they coasted to victory.

So.. to make this clear, this particular issue is NOT about whether Trans people have the "right" to exist, or about transitioning, yada-yada. This is about the cold, hard truth of sport, in which biology plays a major role in.

I'm sure many will try to attach the two, and say that if you oppose this swimmer, you oppose all Trans people. If anyone does this, just ignore them, as they're not intellectually capable of participating in this discussion.

This isn't about Trans people, this is about the effect of Trans people on sports. Sports were split for a reason. If there were no split sports into Male and Female, no Females would play, none would get scholarships, none would be featured. The split was necessary, and it can be scientifically proven with ease by biology.

The way I see it, we have the battle lines drawn. The left supports Trans people no matter what in fear of being labeled with the ammo they created... "transphobic".

The left also claims to support women in their struggle against "Patriarchy" in all forms.

Welp.. now we have the two mainstays of modern leftism at a tizzy, and the Democrats and MSM trying to shoo through traffic, saying "Move along! Nothing to see here!" It's a big impasse. And in my opinion, the women are correct in feeling attacked and completely disenfranchised. Yet, because they are lower on the scale of victimhood, they're cries of injustice will be suppressed and unheard.

It's about the collateral of a decision. Some white, gaited-community liberal can declare "trans women are women!".. but those of us who aren't all about protecting the ideology all saw a trans woman fighter break the eye socket of a female fighter a few years ago, which simply doesn't happen in regular competition. We saw the U15 boys soccer team beat the Olympic women's soccer team. We see that thousands of men and even high school boys beat women world records on the regular in all sorts of events. The females will be the victims of this trans sports ideology. They are under attack. Women athletes have been cast aside by the woke leftist movement in favor of trans activism.

I hope suburban moms, and all women, remember this at the polling stations in 2022 and 2024, especially those of us who have daughters.
no heat involved here, just the metaphorical and legal-world equivalents of fast-moving large pieces of shrapnel, WITH A SHORT PHYSICAL RANGE (quite an innovation, i might add) :

1 : nearly all LGBTQ+ members are confused humans. confused in their sexual orientation or way of orienting themselves towards others.
2 : among the LGBTQ+, fags (gays) and lesbians are the least confused.
3 : among the LGBTQ+, drags and transgenders are the most confused.
4 : among the LGBTQ+, transgenders are the most evil because they LIE the most of the bunch (bunch here meaning LGBTQ+ members)

why am i 'shooting this clusterbomb of heat-seeking devices' at the LGBTQ+ societies world-wide?
well, explosives are better than chemical or viral warfare for dealing with serious problems.
AND YOU ARE ATTACKING 'REAL MEN' and 'ACTUAL WOMEN'! stop it, and i will stop my military-style media-campaign against the LGBTQ+ members. STOP LYING.

so, this being a 555-type (action-movie-type) channel for intellectual DJs at the moment, here's the honest reality-based version to go along with it :

Fags, Lesbians, you are not being targetted by this. Drags : you are being served a warning shot. Transgenders : i've only armed the legal industries with the ammunitions they are going to need against you because of your own recent actions in the USA and probably elsewhere :

LGBTQ+'s + wider audiences, please note : i am many 'things'. i am the military equivalent in the form of a single keyboard warrior who is currently worth *several* full-sized naval carrier groups with the very latest classified armaments, all explosives-based-stuff. we hate chemical and biological and viral and cyber warfare. NOTE : we internet-engineers have 'stuff' onboard our 'ships' that *can* be used against land-based targets, even very far in-land. our special forces teams consist primarily of social engineers, actual high-end music producers, actual high-quality visual arts producers, who also happen to have made 'studying the arts of kung-fu' a life-long career. we are nearly impossible to 'take down'. you've now been fully informed. we will talk to you only when we choose to do so.
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Hasn't this incredible farce gone far enough? Thomas is taking no precautions to cover up her
"female parts" among teammates.
There is a class action law suit just waiting for UPenn and "Lia Thomas" to respond to.
Stop the jokes.

Unfortunately, that's going to require his teammates to woman up enough to actually fight back. Right now, they're all too intimidated.
I understand this can be a heated topic, so I hope cooler heads can prevail here and have a simple discussion..

So the story is pretty mainstream besides the MSM avoiding it like the plague. A swimmer from the University of Pennsylvania swam as a Male Swimmer for 3 years, transitioned, and is now swimming in women's sports. Some facts about this are:
  • The swimmer in question recently beat the 2nd place women's swimmer by 38 seconds, and they are absolutely dominating women's college swimming.
  • The women's teammates are at times in tears, disturbed and frustrated that no matter how hard they have worked and try, it's not enough to overcome the biological discrepancy.
  • The women's teammates have spoken out anonymously, out of fear of harm to their livelihoods and reputation by the MSM, academia, and big tech (who assassinate, dox, and bury people on the regular who oppose the trans agenda), saying they don't feel it's a fair contest for this happen.
  • They also say they feel like they are emptily forced to clap and support and feel hollow doing so.
  • The swimmer in question was reported to be boasting about how they coasted to victory.

So.. to make this clear, this particular issue is NOT about whether Trans people have the "right" to exist, or about transitioning, yada-yada. This is about the cold, hard truth of sport, in which biology plays a major role in.

I'm sure many will try to attach the two, and say that if you oppose this swimmer, you oppose all Trans people. If anyone does this, just ignore them, as they're not intellectually capable of participating in this discussion.

This isn't about Trans people, this is about the effect of Trans people on sports. Sports were split for a reason. If there were no split sports into Male and Female, no Females would play, none would get scholarships, none would be featured. The split was necessary, and it can be scientifically proven with ease by biology.

The way I see it, we have the battle lines drawn. The left supports Trans people no matter what in fear of being labeled with the ammo they created... "transphobic".

The left also claims to support women in their struggle against "Patriarchy" in all forms.

Welp.. now we have the two mainstays of modern leftism at a tizzy, and the Democrats and MSM trying to shoo through traffic, saying "Move along! Nothing to see here!" It's a big impasse. And in my opinion, the women are correct in feeling attacked and completely disenfranchised. Yet, because they are lower on the scale of victimhood, they're cries of injustice will be suppressed and unheard.

It's about the collateral of a decision. Some white, gaited-community liberal can declare "trans women are women!".. but those of us who aren't all about protecting the ideology all saw a trans woman fighter break the eye socket of a female fighter a few years ago, which simply doesn't happen in regular competition. We saw the U15 boys soccer team beat the Olympic women's soccer team. We see that thousands of men and even high school boys beat women world records on the regular in all sorts of events. The females will be the victims of this trans sports ideology. They are under attack. Women athletes have been cast aside by the woke leftist movement in favor of trans activism.

I hope suburban moms, and all women, remember this at the polling stations in 2022 and 2024, especially those of us who have daughters.
dont forget to vote in the midterm elections

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