The lawfare against Trump takes a new twist

No. It was a failure to edit.

Other than that, it doesn’t matter what you believe.

As for your use of the royal “we,” that’s just your multiple personality disorder doing the talking.
It's o.k. It was just my attempt to clear up the mistake before we could get right into the main topic. Now we're into it with 15 and you're still trying to make an excuse.

I sincerely hope that you can just let it go now before we get into the seconc page!

Let's stay on topic. You've already backslid to being defeatist in less than 10 re[lies.
Why did you start this if you were only planning to give up so soon?
Which billionaires on which justices? You Democrat minions just casually toss out complete nonsense.
so it is ok for justices to accept gratuities> what if harlan crowe wanted emminent domain on your house and the case went to the supreme court? i know how clarence thomas would vote, and so should you.
It's o.k. It was just my attempt to clear up the mistake before we could get right into the main topic. Now we're into it with 15 and you're still trying to make an excuse.
No it was your typical posturing bullshit.

Look, you Commie Canuck fuck, it’s clear that you’re a brainless hack and your mission was to deflect. Ya got me. I failed to edit. But I’m not making any excuses, as you know. It’s not difficult to admit a screw up unless you’re a libturd like you.
I sincerely hope that you can just let it go now before we get into the seconc page!
If you want to drop it, do so. Otherwise, please feel free to continue to try to deflect. You’re incredibly obvious as well as clumsy and dull. 👍
Let's stay on topic.

That would be a first for you.
You've already backslid to being defeatist in less than 10 re[lies.
I haven’t done any backsliding. As you knew when you posted that deliberate lie.
Why did you start this if you were only planning to give up so soon?
Nothing to give up on. The topic remains the topic despite your transparent trollish pathetic deflection efforts.

Is there something about this topic that frightens the commie Canuck fucking duck?
Pregnant hanging and dimpled chads were a leftist fantasy. There are no such things.

That was just one small way Florida was stolen. Not the entire story but here's the story in a nutshell. How can we throw out a lot of black votes for Gore? I have an idea. I will order paper so thin that when they are punched for Biden, hanging chads will often occur. We will tell people that the thin paper will save us money. That's why we will say we mysteriously went with this cheap paper. Despite being warned that hanging chads will occur.

And on election night, we will throw out any ballots with hanging chads. But not in Republican leaning districts. Only in black cities in Florida.

Trump didn't try to steal 2020 the same way Bush stole Florida. He didn't use hanging chads to try to throw out Detroit votes. Instead he slowed down the mail and wanted to throw out any votes that came in after 8pm. But both tried to throw out black votes. Similar but different.

Anyways, so they would go to a black precinct and throw out any votes that had hanging chads. But they didn't do this in white areas to people who voted for Bush. They may say they did it to all hanging chads but that's a lie.

And the woman in charge of Florida's election in 2000. Republicans love to say she was a Democrat. But they go silent when I point out she was a registered Republican 4 years prior.

Just like Trump got charged with RICO, Bush should have too in Florida. Him and his brother. That cock sucker.

And you guys deep down know I'm right. You even know Bush lied us into Iraq. Trump said it and you voted for him.
i am shocked. you know this supreme court is corrupt, don't you? they will decide whatever harlan crowe and the federalist society want/
Just the Democrats on the Court are corrupt. Thankfully the others are not corrupt.
so the question for you is "do the conservative billionaires who own justices want trump reelected." the kochs are behind haley, aren't they?
These guys told us for 8 years of Bush how great the RINO's were. Keep in mind these guys defended the deep state rino's for 8 years. They even provided the deep state globalist rino's cover while they lied us into Iraq. For 8 years they said BUSH DID NOT LIE US INTO IRAQ. But now they like Trump and suddenly they don't defend Bush the way they used to. Not after their Messiah said this:

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,”

“Impeaching him?” Blitzer asked.

“Absolutely. For the war. For the war,” “Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies, and I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”
a mind is a terrible thing to waste....."
Well, God had to give dimocrap scum something, some kind of thinking apparatus so that when we sent them to get our Coffee for us, or make us a sammich, they wouldn't get lost on the way........

It was our fault for believing we could edumucate them. They're way, way too limited. They just don't have the mental capacity.

It's why they vote dimocrap. They're too stupid to understand life
What's funny is while President, Trump passed a law making what Hillary did a felony.

Yes, Trump signed a law that made mishandling classified documents a felony​

While he was president, Donald Trump did sign a law that made it a felony to mishandle classified documents instead of a misdemeanor.

Are you suggesting he should not be subject to this law?
What is keeping Biden and his family from being charged? Reports were all one had to do was read classified documents in the Biden garage.
i u
Well, God had to give dimocrap scum something, some kind of thinking apparatus so that when we sent them to get our Coffee for us, or make us a sammich, they wouldn't get lost on the way........

It was our fault for believing we could edumucate them. They're way, way too limited. They just don't have the mental capacity.

It's why they vote dimocrap. They're too stupid to understand life
nderstand enough of life to know that we will NEVER have a common interest in this country. why don't you leave?
That was just one small way Florida was stolen. Not the entire story but here's the story in a nutshell. How can we throw out a lot of black votes for Gore? I have an idea. I will order paper so thin that when they are punched for Biden, hanging chads will often occur. We will tell people that the thin paper will save us money. That's why we will say we mysteriously went with this cheap paper. Despite being warned that hanging chads will occur.

And on election night, we will throw out any ballots with hanging chads. But not in Republican leaning districts. Only in black cities in Florida.

Trump didn't try to steal 2020 the same way Bush stole Florida. He didn't use hanging chads to try to throw out Detroit votes. Instead he slowed down the mail and wanted to throw out any votes that came in after 8pm. But both tried to throw out black votes. Similar but different.

Anyways, so they would go to a black precinct and throw out any votes that had hanging chads. But they didn't do this in white areas to people who voted for Bush. They may say they did it to all hanging chads but that's a lie.

And the woman in charge of Florida's election in 2000. Republicans love to say she was a Democrat. But they go silent when I point out she was a registered Republican 4 years prior.

Just like Trump got charged with RICO, Bush should have too in Florida. Him and his brother. That cock sucker.

And you guys deep down know I'm right. You even know Bush lied us into Iraq. Trump said it and you voted for him.

Thin paper? How many leftist kook sites did you have to wade through to find that one?

The Supreme Court ruled the state of Florida election laws were to be upheld. The specific law was the date the election must be certified.

Please post for the forum how many recounts Algore won.

You won’t so I will ……
These guys told us for 8 years of Bush how great the RINO's were. Keep in mind these guys defended the deep state rino's for 8 years. They even provided the deep state globalist rino's cover while they lied us into Iraq. For 8 years they said BUSH DID NOT LIE US INTO IRAQ. But now they like Trump and suddenly they don't defend Bush the way they used to. Not after their Messiah said this:

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,”

“Impeaching him?” Blitzer asked.

“Absolutely. For the war. For the war,” “Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies, and I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”
Bush was correct but he did not say WMD were in Iraq. Bush was correct in saying Saddam Hussein is a grave and gathering danger.

But Saddam did have WMD. He had all of it trucked and flown out of Iraq into Syria.
Book called Saddam's Secrets

Georges Sada was one of Saddam's top generals and foremost military advisors. A truth-teller in a government that made the truth dangerous. A devout Christian in a Muslim country. And a man who would stand up for what was right?even at the risk of his own life.

In this eye-opening exposé, General Sada shares his bizarre yet amazing journey as an insider to one of history's most sinister regimes. He also, for the first time, reveals the disturbing truth about Saddam's plots to destroy Israel, hide weapons of mass destruction and overtake the Arab world. As an eye witness to history, Sada paints a painfully truthful picture of Hussein and his country that is at once personal and alarming, truthful and compelling, candid and sobering. It is a story guaranteed to send shock waves around the world.
This was Trump's hope/plan all along. Like The Supreme's gave Bush Florida in 2000, Trump was hoping 2020 was going to happen the same way. Argue it all the way to the Supreme Court.

In one version of the steal, the Supreme's would say that each Senator gets 1 vote. And I believe if that's how they decided, Trump would have won. Bottom line is Trump wanted to overturn the elections with shady business. Just like Florida was "won" with shinanigans.

That's not how a disputed election is handled. The only procedure given for someone not getting enough electoral votes is a vote by STATE in the House, with each State getting one vote.

Which could result in a tie, but that depends on if DC is counted as a State in this process, which has never been argued before a court.
No it was your typical posturing bullshit.

Look, you Commie Canuck fuck, it’s clear that you’re a brainless hack and your mission was to deflect. Ya got me. I failed to edit. But I’m not making any excuses, as you know. It’s not difficult to admit a screw up unless you’re a libturd like you.

If you want to drop it, do so. Otherwise, please feel free to continue to try to deflect. You’re incredibly obvious as well as clumsy and dull. 👍

That would be a first for you.

I haven’t done any backsliding. As you knew when you posted that deliberate lie.

Nothing to give up on. The topic remains the topic despite your transparent trollish pathetic deflection efforts.

Is there something about this topic that frightens the commie Canuck fucking duck?
Here we are on the second page with you trying to keep me on the grammar mistake you tried to put off as editing.

Please, let it go and allow me to get back on topic! LOL

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