The LBGTQ+ Angle - A Two Pronged Attack

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
It is my opinion that the movement to promote specialized “rights” for the goofball deviant sex enthusiasts is one among many prongs of a neo-Marxist attack on our constitutional republic. But there is even more to it, and it is very cynical. I think the left promotes this shit knowing the GOP will object, because who wouldn’t? They then use this for propaganda narratives that we are bigots.

I know, this seems a no-brainer, but it really is a two prong attack. Prong one is to use it, not giving two shits really about these freaks, in order to manufacture slime narratives. Prong two is to bring this deviancy out into the open to undermine the substantive morality that dominates in America. The communists did this in the Weimar Republic. They have also been big on pornography over the years. They will pimp any disgusting thing they think can be used to destroy the moral fabric of a people and hasten the revolution.

But does the left really care about these people? Of course not. They care as much for them as they do for blacks and immigrants - not one damn bit. But they know that the right DOES have charitable tendencies, and the left preys on this.

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