The left attack Trump for claiming democrat voter fraud, which there is. The left claim Trump voter fraud which there isn't.

The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Yet the blob’s commission found very little. But thanks for nullifying the already debunked argument that in person voting is some sort of gold standard of election security compared to mail in voting. Vote by mail; just like the blob does.
You refused us to check the voter rolls

Several states refused to turn over the information necessary to uncover voter fraud so the commission assigned to do so was disbanded.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of voter fraud in dear old California.

Judicial Watch noted that 112% of the adult population of L.A. was registered to vote.

You're making excuses. Much like you did when Bush didn't find the WMDs.

Will you ever hold a republican accountable for anything?
bush was wrong. what else you want? name someone that would disagree with that? Can you agree slick willie handed him that information?
The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Yet the blob’s commission found very little. But thanks for nullifying the already debunked argument that in person voting is some sort of gold standard of election security compared to mail in voting. Vote by mail; just like the blob does.
You refused us to check the voter rolls

Several states refused to turn over the information necessary to uncover voter fraud so the commission assigned to do so was disbanded.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of voter fraud in dear old California.

Judicial Watch noted that 112% of the adult population of L.A. was registered to vote.

You're making excuses. Much like you did when Bush didn't find the WMDs.

Will you ever hold a republican accountable for anything?
Can you debunk anything at all in from the links I posted?

I hold Republicans accountable when they are dishonest or unethical. I've criticized John McCain hundreds of times for being a traitor. I've criticized Jeff Flake for being a liar. Mitt Romney is also among the RINOs I've held accountable.

Your argument is pure bullshit.

Grow some balls and try to find a decent rebuttal to my linked evidence of voter fraud in California.

Try to stay on topic. We're discussing voter fraud.
Here's more for you to read.


Yet amazingly, every state's secretary of state or elections official signed off on every election in every state since forever.

Your claims of widespread fraud are false. Trump's commission supports my statement.
The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Yet the blob’s commission found very little. But thanks for nullifying the already debunked argument that in person voting is some sort of gold standard of election security compared to mail in voting. Vote by mail; just like the blob does.
You refused us to check the voter rolls

Several states refused to turn over the information necessary to uncover voter fraud so the commission assigned to do so was disbanded.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of voter fraud in dear old California.

Judicial Watch noted that 112% of the adult population of L.A. was registered to vote.

You're making excuses. Much like you did when Bush didn't find the WMDs.

Will you ever hold a republican accountable for anything?
Can you debunk anything at all in from the links I posted?

I hold Republicans accountable when they are dishonest or unethical. I've criticized John McCain hundreds of times for being a traitor. I've criticized Jeff Flake for being a liar. Mitt Romney is also among the RINOs I've held accountable.

Your argument is pure bullshit.

Grow some balls and try to find a decent rebuttal to my linked evidence of voter fraud in California.

Try to stay on topic. We're discussing voter fraud.
Here's more for you to read.


Yet amazingly, every state's secretary of state or elections official signed off on every election in every state since forever.

Your claims of widespread fraud are false. Trump's commission supports my statement.
Neither election officials nor Secretaries of State (at any level) are immune from corruption. Bitchillary is the epitome of corruption. John Kerry (another fucking traitor) comes in a strong second.

Several of those voter fraud cases listed in my links involve election officials.

Did you bother to read any of them?
The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Yet the blob’s commission found very little. But thanks for nullifying the already debunked argument that in person voting is some sort of gold standard of election security compared to mail in voting. Vote by mail; just like the blob does.
You refused us to check the voter rolls

Several states refused to turn over the information necessary to uncover voter fraud so the commission assigned to do so was disbanded.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of voter fraud in dear old California.

Judicial Watch noted that 112% of the adult population of L.A. was registered to vote.

You're making excuses. Much like you did when Bush didn't find the WMDs.

Will you ever hold a republican accountable for anything?
Can you debunk anything at all in from the links I posted?

I hold Republicans accountable when they are dishonest or unethical. I've criticized John McCain hundreds of times for being a traitor. I've criticized Jeff Flake for being a liar. Mitt Romney is also among the RINOs I've held accountable.

Your argument is pure bullshit.

Grow some balls and try to find a decent rebuttal to my linked evidence of voter fraud in California.

Try to stay on topic. We're discussing voter fraud.
Here's more for you to read.


Yet amazingly, every state's secretary of state or elections official signed off on every election in every state since forever.

Your claims of widespread fraud are false. Trump's commission supports my statement.
Neither election officials nor Secretaries of State (at any level) are immune from corruption. Bitchillary is the epitome of corruption. John Kerry (another fucking traitor) comes in a strong second.

Several of those voter fraud cases listed in my links involve election officials.

Did you bother to read any of them?

All SoS, in every election was corrupt? Yep—you’re full of shit
The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Yet the blob’s commission found very little. But thanks for nullifying the already debunked argument that in person voting is some sort of gold standard of election security compared to mail in voting. Vote by mail; just like the blob does.
You refused us to check the voter rolls

Several states refused to turn over the information necessary to uncover voter fraud so the commission assigned to do so was disbanded.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of voter fraud in dear old California.

Judicial Watch noted that 112% of the adult population of L.A. was registered to vote.

You're making excuses. Much like you did when Bush didn't find the WMDs.

Will you ever hold a republican accountable for anything?
Can you debunk anything at all in from the links I posted?

I hold Republicans accountable when they are dishonest or unethical. I've criticized John McCain hundreds of times for being a traitor. I've criticized Jeff Flake for being a liar. Mitt Romney is also among the RINOs I've held accountable.

Your argument is pure bullshit.

Grow some balls and try to find a decent rebuttal to my linked evidence of voter fraud in California.

Try to stay on topic. We're discussing voter fraud.
Here's more for you to read.


Yet amazingly, every state's secretary of state or elections official signed off on every election in every state since forever.

Your claims of widespread fraud are false. Trump's commission supports my statement.
Neither election officials nor Secretaries of State (at any level) are immune from corruption. Bitchillary is the epitome of corruption. John Kerry (another fucking traitor) comes in a strong second.

Several of those voter fraud cases listed in my links involve election officials.

Did you bother to read any of them?

All SoS, in every election was corrupt? Yep—you’re full of shit
I didn't say that. I said that being a SoS does not preclude one from being corrupt. Titles mean nothing when it comes to corruptibility.

It is you that is full of shit.

I repeat my question:

Did you read any of the voter fraud cases listed in my links? It's really a simply question.
The Communist Democrats will always bitch that there isn't Voter Fraud even though they are the biggest exponents and users of Voter Fraud. :smoke:
Evidence of significant voter fraud is sparse and shakey. Evidence of Trump's mismanaging response to COVID19 is overwhelming.
Delusional..........if not for Trump, the virus would have spread faster here. Trump slowed the spread by banning foreign flights and travel and by already having been able to slash the number of illegals flowing over the border. The hispanics from south of the border especially as it relates to the meat packing plants and agricultural --legal and illegal have been our super spreaders btw...the lib media is just starting to admit some of this after attacking Gov. Desantis for stating this months ago.

I've seen voter fraud first hand in South Carolina----------women from the same group were multivoting---but going county to county during Obama's first election.....they were turned in but it never made the news and I don't think they were ever prosecuted. I suspect Graham just wanted the issue to go quietly away.
The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Yet the blob’s commission found very little. But thanks for nullifying the already debunked argument that in person voting is some sort of gold standard of election security compared to mail in voting. Vote by mail; just like the blob does.
You refused us to check the voter rolls

Several states refused to turn over the information necessary to uncover voter fraud so the commission assigned to do so was disbanded.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of voter fraud in dear old California.

Judicial Watch noted that 112% of the adult population of L.A. was registered to vote.

You're making excuses. Much like you did when Bush didn't find the WMDs.

Will you ever hold a republican accountable for anything?
Can you debunk anything at all in from the links I posted?

I hold Republicans accountable when they are dishonest or unethical. I've criticized John McCain hundreds of times for being a traitor. I've criticized Jeff Flake for being a liar. Mitt Romney is also among the RINOs I've held accountable.

Your argument is pure bullshit.

Grow some balls and try to find a decent rebuttal to my linked evidence of voter fraud in California.

Try to stay on topic. We're discussing voter fraud.
Here's more for you to read.


Yet amazingly, every state's secretary of state or elections official signed off on every election in every state since forever.

Your claims of widespread fraud are false. Trump's commission supports my statement.
Neither election officials nor Secretaries of State (at any level) are immune from corruption. Bitchillary is the epitome of corruption. John Kerry (another fucking traitor) comes in a strong second.

Several of those voter fraud cases listed in my links involve election officials.

Did you bother to read any of them?

All SoS, in every election was corrupt? Yep—you’re full of shit
I didn't say that. I said that being a SoS does not preclude one from being corrupt. Titles mean nothing when it comes to corruptibility.

It is you that is full of shit.

I repeat my question:

Did you read any of the voter fraud cases listed in my links? It's really a simply question.

Every election is certified in every state. Every election has been certified pretty much forever. If there was significant fraud...they wouldn't have been certified.

Your cherry picked links? Don't be stupid.

Gee, here is a bunch of links that debunk all of yours!!! Care to read each one and

The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Yet the blob’s commission found very little. But thanks for nullifying the already debunked argument that in person voting is some sort of gold standard of election security compared to mail in voting. Vote by mail; just like the blob does.
You refused us to check the voter rolls

Several states refused to turn over the information necessary to uncover voter fraud so the commission assigned to do so was disbanded.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of voter fraud in dear old California.

Judicial Watch noted that 112% of the adult population of L.A. was registered to vote.

You're making excuses. Much like you did when Bush didn't find the WMDs.

Will you ever hold a republican accountable for anything?
Can you debunk anything at all in from the links I posted?

I hold Republicans accountable when they are dishonest or unethical. I've criticized John McCain hundreds of times for being a traitor. I've criticized Jeff Flake for being a liar. Mitt Romney is also among the RINOs I've held accountable.

Your argument is pure bullshit.

Grow some balls and try to find a decent rebuttal to my linked evidence of voter fraud in California.

Try to stay on topic. We're discussing voter fraud.
Here's more for you to read.


Yet amazingly, every state's secretary of state or elections official signed off on every election in every state since forever.

Your claims of widespread fraud are false. Trump's commission supports my statement.
Neither election officials nor Secretaries of State (at any level) are immune from corruption. Bitchillary is the epitome of corruption. John Kerry (another fucking traitor) comes in a strong second.

Several of those voter fraud cases listed in my links involve election officials.

Did you bother to read any of them?

All SoS, in every election was corrupt? Yep—you’re full of shit
I didn't say that. I said that being a SoS does not preclude one from being corrupt. Titles mean nothing when it comes to corruptibility.

It is you that is full of shit.

I repeat my question:

Did you read any of the voter fraud cases listed in my links? It's really a simply question.

Every election is certified in every state. Every election has been certified pretty much forever. If there was significant fraud...they wouldn't have been certified.

Your cherry picked links? Don't be stupid.

Gee, here is a bunch of links that debunk all of yours!!! Care to read each one and

Your first link appears to be bullshit opinion. It does not list specific testimony of "officials we spoke with". It just claims that "none of the officials we spoke with" said there was voter fraud. We a fucking joke.

Show me something that names the officials and quotes the actual statements of those officials.

That bullshit article is akin to a "journalist" writing "according to my sources" blah blah blah.

Your second link is irrelevant. It merely says that voter fraud could occur with Republicans or Democrats. Trump doesn't approve of either. He just wants the election to be fair. Universal mail-in voting leaves the door wide open to voter fraud by Democrats and Republicans alike...just as does not requiring voter ID.

The Dems oppose voter ID and are demanding the right to mass mail ballots to people that did not request them. Their motives should be clear to anyone with half a brain.
Last edited:
The blob appointed a commission. It found no significant voter fraud. Because there is none.
Thats a lie---I saw it first hand in south carolina with Obama first election...3 different black women on 3 different occassions said that they could work in my county because they had voted in my county-----------they also voted in Richland county the same year. Voter fraud is wide spread..............
Yet the blob’s commission found very little. But thanks for nullifying the already debunked argument that in person voting is some sort of gold standard of election security compared to mail in voting. Vote by mail; just like the blob does.
You refused us to check the voter rolls

Several states refused to turn over the information necessary to uncover voter fraud so the commission assigned to do so was disbanded.

Here's some anecdotal evidence of voter fraud in dear old California.

Judicial Watch noted that 112% of the adult population of L.A. was registered to vote.

You're making excuses. Much like you did when Bush didn't find the WMDs.

Will you ever hold a republican accountable for anything?
Can you debunk anything at all in from the links I posted?

I hold Republicans accountable when they are dishonest or unethical. I've criticized John McCain hundreds of times for being a traitor. I've criticized Jeff Flake for being a liar. Mitt Romney is also among the RINOs I've held accountable.

Your argument is pure bullshit.

Grow some balls and try to find a decent rebuttal to my linked evidence of voter fraud in California.

Try to stay on topic. We're discussing voter fraud.
Here's more for you to read.


Yet amazingly, every state's secretary of state or elections official signed off on every election in every state since forever.

Your claims of widespread fraud are false. Trump's commission supports my statement.
Neither election officials nor Secretaries of State (at any level) are immune from corruption. Bitchillary is the epitome of corruption. John Kerry (another fucking traitor) comes in a strong second.

Several of those voter fraud cases listed in my links involve election officials.

Did you bother to read any of them?

All SoS, in every election was corrupt? Yep—you’re full of shit
I didn't say that. I said that being a SoS does not preclude one from being corrupt. Titles mean nothing when it comes to corruptibility.

It is you that is full of shit.

I repeat my question:

Did you read any of the voter fraud cases listed in my links? It's really a simply question.

Every election is certified in every state. Every election has been certified pretty much forever. If there was significant fraud...they wouldn't have been certified.

Your cherry picked links? Don't be stupid.

Gee, here is a bunch of links that debunk all of yours!!! Care to read each one and

Your first link appears to be bullshit opinion. It does not list specific testimony of "officials we spoke with". It just claims that "none of the officials we spoke with" said there was voter fraud. We a fucking joke.

Show me something that names the officials and quotes the actual statements of those officials.

That bullshit article is akin to a "journalist" writing "according to my sources" blah blah blah.

Your second link is irrelevant. It merely says that voter fraud could occur with Republicans or Democrats. Trump doesn't approve of either. He just wants the election to be fair. Universal mail-in voting leaves the door wide open to voter fraud by Democrats and Republicans alike...just as does not requiring voter ID.

The Dems oppose voter ID and are demanding the right to mass mail ballots to people that did not request them. Their motives should be clear to anyone with half a brain.
Most Conspiracy theorists have less than half a brain.
Evidence of significant voter fraud is sparse and shakey. Evidence of Trump's mismanaging response to COVID19 is overwhelming.
So list the evidence.....liar. The voter fraud evidence is everywhere with the late night reversals in the four major swing states.
So now it's your turn to do more than just lie.....

Lets start with the Date of the occurance and the details of the occurance that demonstrate your false claim.

So list the evidence.....liar. The voter fraud evidence is everywhere with the late night reversals in the four major swing states.
So now it's your turn to do more than just lie.....

Lets start with the Date of the occurance and the details of the occurance that demonstrate your false claim.

Red and blue mirages have been explained to you up and down and sideways.
There was no fraud. He lost. Fucking deal with it.
Red and blue mirages have been explained to you up and down and sideways.
There was no fraud. He lost. Fucking deal with it.
There was massive fraud....all done between 11 pm and 3 am on election night in four swing states at least...The odds of such reversal dwarf the odds of winning the Powerball three weeks in a row.... So no....there will be no dealing with it

There was massive fraud....all done between 11 pm and 3 am on election night in four swing states at least...The odds of such reversal dwarf the odds of winning the Powerball three weeks in a row.... So no....there will be no dealing with it

There was no fraud. As has been explained to you, In four of the states, you can thank Republican legislators for passing rules that did not allow mail in an absentee votes to be counted ahead of election day.
The votes that were cast on election day had to be counted first, then the mail in and absentee votes. Hence, the red mirage..followed by the blue mirage. You were told of this repeatedly.
He lost. Suck it. Fuck your feelings. Regroup for 2024. Cause Trump ain't gonna be around...and DeSantis is sinking like a stone....:)
There was no fraud. As has been explained to you, In four of the states, you can thank Republican legislators for passing rules that did not allow mail in an absentee votes to be counted ahead of election day.
The votes that were cast on election day had to be counted first, then the mail in and absentee votes. Hence, the red mirage..followed by the blue mirage. You were told of this repeatedly.
He lost. Suck it. Fuck your feelings. Regroup for 2024. Cause Trump ain't gonna be around...and DeSantis is sinking like a stone....:)
There was huge fraud....and it is not hiding any more. You may wish it wasn't there but the statistics say otherwise. Those types of numbers simply do not exist in the real world.
Eventually the rest of the facts will fill in.
There was huge fraud....and it is not hiding any more. You may wish it wasn't there but the statistics say otherwise. Those types of numbers simply do not exist in the real world.
Eventually the rest of the facts will fill in.
Statistics have nothing to do with. The only thing that matters is the final tally. 81 million to 74 million. 306-232.
You're hoping in vain for something that will never come. All you will be at the end of the day is angry and disillusioned.

He lost...happens.
Statistics have nothing to do with. The only thing that matters is the final tally. 81 million to 74 million. 306-232.
You're hoping in vain for something that will never come. All you will be at the end of the day is angry and disillusioned.

He lost...happens.


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