The Left Attacks Rep Nunes (R-CA) Wife and Family

You approve of attacking the family of a political figure you disagree with?
How exactly was his family harassed? Do you have a statement from them about how they were treated?

Did you even take the time to read the OP and check the link? Of course not!
Yes, I read both. Some religious folks protested by singing outside Nunes’ office and your link for the Federalist didn’t like the way a local newspaper covered it. Then it said that Nunes’ political opponent was harassing Devins uncle when they were filming a campaign ad on his land and he drive out there to kick them off. Sounds like it was the other way around there. Asking his grandmother for a comment for an article is also harassment? Ok.

You and the Federalist author are being drama queens and making excuses for an obviously corrupt politician. I guess that’s fine as long as he is fighting for your side though.
An obvious corrupt politician eh ?? Name some of his most corrupt moments or actions known in your opinion.

You approve of attacking the family of a political figure you disagree with?
How exactly was his family harassed? Do you have a statement from them about how they were treated?
Just pretend it was a black or Jewish family to get what he is driving at , Nimrod, why doncha?
Why would I do that? it was Nunes and it doesn’t sound near as dramatic as this article is trying to paint.
You and the Federalist author are being drama queens and making excuses for an obviously corrupt politician.

There is a justice system to handle charges of corruption.

You think h e is corrupt because he opposes your fragile ideology.

And for that reason alone, you justify anything and everything violent fuckheads do to him and his family.

You are a low-brow ideologue, nothing more.

Welcome to my ignore list, you piece of shyte.
What did violent fuckheads do to his family? Are you talking about the religious group that sang songs outside his office? Or his political opponent trying to film a campaign ad on this uncles land? Or the reporters that asked his grandma for a comment? Or the ethics violatuon that was filed through our legal system? What violence are you talking about exactly??
Awww the poor baby. It's a long shot but Little Devin could lose. The only poll that was done early summer had Janz behind by only 4 points.
Good - even rural Tulare, CA has had it with the Inspector Clouseau routine!


How much lower can these scumbags sink? And to be aided and abetted by a local newspaper. It’s disgusting beyond description. Acts like this should be shouted to the rooftops so sane Americans will step up and put an end to them at the ballot box.

Through the Fresno Bee, he was attacked by Faith in the Valley a no ordinary interfaith organization. It’s a progressive, left-wing activist group.

A left-wing group known as the American Democracy Legal Fund seized upon The Fresno Bee’s insinuations and recently filed an ethics complaint against Nunes regarding the incident. The Fresno Bee had the opportunity to volley back, publishing a story on the filing of the complaint, making it the third article (following a Bee op-ed denouncing Nunes) linking Nunes to an incident with which he had no involvement.

They then pestered his uncle, his 98-year-old grandmother, and his school teacher wife.

Regardless of one’s feelings towards Nunes, we should all be able to agree that family members shouldn’t be subject to harassment and that we should hold elected officials accountable for that which they are actually accountable—nothing more, nothing less. To do otherwise is to create both an unhealthy political climate and cheapen criticism.

Despite the resistance’s coordinated melee, the Central Valley farmer and grandchild of Azorean immigrants is expected to win his district this November—and quite handily, too.

Much more of this @ Resistance Torches Devin Nunes' Family For Daring To Expose Collusion
He would be happier living in mother Russia. I don’t even know why he left.
This is what's wrong with our system, where as if anyone tries to stand up for truth and justice, then here we have a Demon-crat political party that can somehow try and derail the investigators with all sorts of apparatuses and devices built into the system in which can be corrupty used in a corrupt manor, thus making the people corrupt in thinking they can use these things in these ways.

The investigators need protections if credible in their investigations pertaining to corruption. Nunez should be protected along with his family. Period.

You approve of attacking the family of a political figure you disagree with?
How exactly was his family harassed? Do you have a statement from them about how they were treated?

Did you even take the time to read the OP and check the link? Of course not!
Yes, I read both. Some religious folks protested by singing outside Nunes’ office and your link for the Federalist didn’t like the way a local newspaper covered it. Then it said that Nunes’ political opponent was harassing Devins uncle when they were filming a campaign ad on his land and he drive out there to kick them off. Sounds like it was the other way around there. Asking his grandmother for a comment for an article is also harassment? Ok.

You and the Federalist author are being drama queens and making excuses for an obviously corrupt politician. I guess that’s fine as long as he is fighting for your side though.
An obvious corrupt politician eh ?? Name some of his most corrupt moments or actions known in your opinion.
He has been playing politics from the start instead of being a fair arbitrator. How about when he had to recuse himself from leading the house investigation. That is plain as day, dirty politics.
This is what's wrong with our system, where as if anyone tries to stand up for truth and justice, then here we have a Demon-crat political party that can somehow try and derail the investigators with all sorts of apparatuses and devices built into the system in which can be corrupty used in a corrupt manor, thus making the people corrupt in thinking they can use these things in these ways.

The investigators need protections if credible in their investigations pertaining to corruption. Nunez should be protected along with his family. Period.
Are you joking?! Talking about a man who has made it his mission to undermine and discredit investigators over the past year?!
How much lower can these scumbags sink? And to be aided and abetted by a local newspaper. It’s disgusting beyond description. Acts like this should be shouted to the rooftops so sane Americans will step up and put an end to them at the ballot box.

Through the Fresno Bee, he was attacked by Faith in the Valley a no ordinary interfaith organization. It’s a progressive, left-wing activist group.

A left-wing group known as the American Democracy Legal Fund seized upon The Fresno Bee’s insinuations and recently filed an ethics complaint against Nunes regarding the incident. The Fresno Bee had the opportunity to volley back, publishing a story on the filing of the complaint, making it the third article (following a Bee op-ed denouncing Nunes) linking Nunes to an incident with which he had no involvement.

They then pestered his uncle, his 98-year-old grandmother, and his school teacher wife.

Regardless of one’s feelings towards Nunes, we should all be able to agree that family members shouldn’t be subject to harassment and that we should hold elected officials accountable for that which they are actually accountable—nothing more, nothing less. To do otherwise is to create both an unhealthy political climate and cheapen criticism.

Despite the resistance’s coordinated melee, the Central Valley farmer and grandchild of Azorean immigrants is expected to win his district this November—and quite handily, too.

Much more of this @ Resistance Torches Devin Nunes' Family For Daring To Expose Collusion

Devon Nunez is a lying colluding piece of shit who had tried to torpedo the Russia Investigation from day one. He’s supposed to be doing oversight of the White House, not covering for Trump’s illegal activities.

He should be arrested and tried for treason on his attempts to undermine the Department of Justice.
I read the OP article... besides the hyperbolic headlines what specific attacks are you complaining about?
What attacks has his family been under? Be specific
So the OP is fake news ??
I read the OP article... besides the hyperbolic headlines what specific attacks are you complaining about?
Just going on this OP, and so you are saying that the OP is pure bullcrap ??
How much lower can these scumbags sink? And to be aided and abetted by a local newspaper. It’s disgusting beyond description. Acts like this should be shouted to the rooftops so sane Americans will step up and put an end to them at the ballot box.

Through the Fresno Bee, he was attacked by Faith in the Valley a no ordinary interfaith organization. It’s a progressive, left-wing activist group.

A left-wing group known as the American Democracy Legal Fund seized upon The Fresno Bee’s insinuations and recently filed an ethics complaint against Nunes regarding the incident. The Fresno Bee had the opportunity to volley back, publishing a story on the filing of the complaint, making it the third article (following a Bee op-ed denouncing Nunes) linking Nunes to an incident with which he had no involvement.

They then pestered his uncle, his 98-year-old grandmother, and his school teacher wife.

Regardless of one’s feelings towards Nunes, we should all be able to agree that family members shouldn’t be subject to harassment and that we should hold elected officials accountable for that which they are actually accountable—nothing more, nothing less. To do otherwise is to create both an unhealthy political climate and cheapen criticism.

Despite the resistance’s coordinated melee, the Central Valley farmer and grandchild of Azorean immigrants is expected to win his district this November—and quite handily, too.

Much more of this @ Resistance Torches Devin Nunes' Family For Daring To Expose Collusion

HE'S SLIME! He is the SCUM in the SUIT'S little minion. We want to know WHAT Trump is giving him? Maralago weekends, women? This UNHEARD of little valley farm congressman becomes TRUMP'S ardent protector?


PS Last time I looked his DEM competitor had a helluva war chest and was polling within 3 pts. Haven't checked it lately but why would have that changed UNLESS REP PAC MONEY is flooding his district!!

UPDATE: Nunes warchest has exploded. His opponent is within 5 pts.
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How much lower can these scumbags sink? And to be aided and abetted by a local newspaper. It’s disgusting beyond description. Acts like this should be shouted to the rooftops so sane Americans will step up and put an end to them at the ballot box.

Through the Fresno Bee, he was attacked by Faith in the Valley a no ordinary interfaith organization. It’s a progressive, left-wing activist group.

A left-wing group known as the American Democracy Legal Fund seized upon The Fresno Bee’s insinuations and recently filed an ethics complaint against Nunes regarding the incident. The Fresno Bee had the opportunity to volley back, publishing a story on the filing of the complaint, making it the third article (following a Bee op-ed denouncing Nunes) linking Nunes to an incident with which he had no involvement.

They then pestered his uncle, his 98-year-old grandmother, and his school teacher wife.

Regardless of one’s feelings towards Nunes, we should all be able to agree that family members shouldn’t be subject to harassment and that we should hold elected officials accountable for that which they are actually accountable—nothing more, nothing less. To do otherwise is to create both an unhealthy political climate and cheapen criticism.

Despite the resistance’s coordinated melee, the Central Valley farmer and grandchild of Azorean immigrants is expected to win his district this November—and quite handily, too.

Much more of this @ Resistance Torches Devin Nunes' Family For Daring To Expose Collusion
Nunes brought this on them.

You are one sick piece of crap!
Wage war on the country, suffer the consequences. No sympathy.
You really are a special kind of rucking asshole.
So's the President. Fuck him and whoever enables him.

We know that's how the Taliban , North Koreans retaliate you can't get them you kill their family.

How much lower can these scumbags sink? And to be aided and abetted by a local newspaper. It’s disgusting beyond description. Acts like this should be shouted to the rooftops so sane Americans will step up and put an end to them at the ballot box.

Through the Fresno Bee, he was attacked by Faith in the Valley a no ordinary interfaith organization. It’s a progressive, left-wing activist group.

A left-wing group known as the American Democracy Legal Fund seized upon The Fresno Bee’s insinuations and recently filed an ethics complaint against Nunes regarding the incident. The Fresno Bee had the opportunity to volley back, publishing a story on the filing of the complaint, making it the third article (following a Bee op-ed denouncing Nunes) linking Nunes to an incident with which he had no involvement.

They then pestered his uncle, his 98-year-old grandmother, and his school teacher wife.

Regardless of one’s feelings towards Nunes, we should all be able to agree that family members shouldn’t be subject to harassment and that we should hold elected officials accountable for that which they are actually accountable—nothing more, nothing less. To do otherwise is to create both an unhealthy political climate and cheapen criticism.

Despite the resistance’s coordinated melee, the Central Valley farmer and grandchild of Azorean immigrants is expected to win his district this November—and quite handily, too.

Much more of this @ Resistance Torches Devin Nunes' Family For Daring To Expose Collusion
So by attack, you mean ask them about an ethics complaint?

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