The left continues to deny basic science

I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it
I doubt anyone disputes that the Earth is warming. Nor do they dispute the fact that if I spit into the ocean, I'm "contributing" to sea level rise. Of course, that contribution is utterly meaningless.

As are your posts
Ever heard of NASA?
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Yes, I have a heard of NASA, a vast geyser of misinformation and propaganda about climate change. Just about every prediction that James Hansen as made about climate change turned out to be wrong.

The point about spitting into the ocean went right over your head, obviously.
6% of scientists are Republican. Which oddly enough is about the same number of scientists that believe in magical creation and that climate change is a hoax.

Leftists believe that evolution stopped at the neck.

This makes creationists look like Einsteins in comparison.

Don't get the neck thing.
Is this a latest info wars or knees news talking point?
Or could it be your opinion, like aholes as they say.
Everyone has one.
Or are you a super psychologist who knows how millions of people think?
I'm for dynasoars jumping around 2000 years ago
6% of scientists are Republican. Which oddly enough is about the same number of scientists that believe in magical creation and that climate change is a hoax.

Leftists believe that evolution stopped at the neck.

This makes creationists look like Einsteins in comparison.

Don't get the neck thing.
Is this a latest info wars or knees news talking point?
Or could it be your opinion, like aholes as they say.
Everyone has one.
Or are you a super psychologist who knows how millions of people think?
I'm for dynasoars jumping around 2000 years ago

I am just observing that they are calling anyone who admits the fact a racist.
Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it
I doubt anyone disputes that the Earth is warming. Nor do they dispute the fact that if I spit into the ocean, I'm "contributing" to sea level rise. Of course, that contribution is utterly meaningless.

As are your posts
Ever heard of NASA?
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Yes, I have a heard of NASA, a vast geyser of misinformation and propaganda about climate change. Just about every prediction that James Hansen as made about climate change turned out to be wrong.

The point about spitting into the ocean went right over your head, obviously.

Unfortunately not. It's called irony
American "do euros believe Americans don't get irony?"
Euro "apparently not"
Think about it.
CC - one guy?
All the scientific organizations are paid off and don't know as much as you?
I missed where you did your scientific post docs.?
6% of scientists are Republican. Which oddly enough is about the same number of scientists that believe in magical creation and that climate change is a hoax.

Leftists believe that evolution stopped at the neck.

This makes creationists look like Einsteins in comparison.

Don't get the neck thing.
Is this a latest info wars or knees news talking point?
Or could it be your opinion, like aholes as they say.
Everyone has one.
Or are you a super psychologist who knows how millions of people think?
I'm for dynasoars jumping around 2000 years ago

I am just observing that they are calling anyone who admits the fact a racist.
Got a "fact"?
Really, what kind of old white fart congregation do you pal around with.
I assume you are enjoying your socialist SS Medicare VA benefits?
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it
I doubt anyone disputes that the Earth is warming. Nor do they dispute the fact that if I spit into the ocean, I'm "contributing" to sea level rise. Of course, that contribution is utterly meaningless.

As are your posts
Ever heard of NASA?
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Yes, I have a heard of NASA, a vast geyser of misinformation and propaganda about climate change. Just about every prediction that James Hansen as made about climate change turned out to be wrong.

The point about spitting into the ocean went right over your head, obviously.

Unfortunately not. It's called irony
American "do euros believe Americans don't get irony?"
Euro "apparently not"
Think about it.
CC - one guy?
All the scientific organizations are paid off and don't know as much as you?
I missed where you did your scientific post docs.?
Did you imagine no one noticed that you didn't address a single point in my post?
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it
I doubt anyone disputes that the Earth is warming. Nor do they dispute the fact that if I spit into the ocean, I'm "contributing" to sea level rise. Of course, that contribution is utterly meaningless.

As are your posts
Ever heard of NASA?
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Yes, I have a heard of NASA, a vast geyser of misinformation and propaganda about climate change. Just about every prediction that James Hansen as made about climate change turned out to be wrong.

The point about spitting into the ocean went right over your head, obviously.

Unfortunately not. It's called irony
American "do euros believe Americans don't get irony?"
Euro "apparently not"
Think about it.
CC - one guy?
All the scientific organizations are paid off and don't know as much as you?
I missed where you did your scientific post docs.?
Did you imagine no one noticed that you didn't address a single point in my post?

Stil don't get irony?
I referred to the one guy you post v's the vast majority of scientists?
Not enough?
How about your climate scientific credentials?
No answer?
Your socialist benefits?
No answer?
Please don't tell me you are ex military
Give me a specific q you have.
I'll do my best to research outside of trump media
I doubt anyone disputes that the Earth is warming. Nor do they dispute the fact that if I spit into the ocean, I'm "contributing" to sea level rise. Of course, that contribution is utterly meaningless.

As are your posts
Ever heard of NASA?
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Yes, I have a heard of NASA, a vast geyser of misinformation and propaganda about climate change. Just about every prediction that James Hansen as made about climate change turned out to be wrong.

The point about spitting into the ocean went right over your head, obviously.

Unfortunately not. It's called irony
American "do euros believe Americans don't get irony?"
Euro "apparently not"
Think about it.
CC - one guy?
All the scientific organizations are paid off and don't know as much as you?
I missed where you did your scientific post docs.?
Did you imagine no one noticed that you didn't address a single point in my post?

Stil don't get irony?
I referred to the one guy you post v's the vast majority of scientists?
Not enough?
How about your climate scientific credentials?
No answer?
Your socialist benefits?
No answer?
Please don't tell me you are ex military
Give me a specific q you have.
I'll do my best to research outside of trump media
You cited NASA as an authoritative source for climate data. Jim Hanson is the director of their so called "climate research" division. Jim Hanson as a record of being virtually 100% wrong about his claims regarding the climate.

The claim that 90%, 80% or 70% of so-called "climate scientists" agree with your lunacy is dead wrong.
Ever heard of NASA?
That completely useless government entity that illegally and unconstitutionally swallows up hundreds of billions of dollars from the American tax payer and produces nothing of value in return? Yeah...I’ve heard of them. What about them?
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Oh the irony of that ignorant post. If they were scientists, they would know. They wouldn’t “believe”. Belief is for religion - not science.

The reality is, 75% of climate scientists are government parasites who know they need tax dollars to have a job and a purpose. They know they must keep Dumbocrats in office to keep the coffers open and the money flowing to them. They been caught falsifying their data over and over and over. And your dumb ass still buys into it. :laugh:
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
And they were dead-wrong 97.4% of the time. :lmao:
A study in the journal Nature Climate Change reviewed 117 climate predictions and found that 97.4% never materialized.
Only a tool would call believe something that was wrong 97.4% of the time. Only an asshole would refer to it as science. Do yourself a favor - click the link and read. Take the time to actually learn something (for once).

Top 10 Climate Change Predictions Gone Wrong
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Actually snowflake, 75% of Climate “scientists” are falsifying their data. They’ve been caught doing it. And you still believe them.
A new peer-reviewed study by scientists and a statistician claims to reveal that “nearly all” of the warming shown in current temperature datasets from NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Met Office in the United Kingdom are the result of adjustments made to the datasets after temperatures were recorded, calling into question just how much warming is real and how much is pure fantasy.
That's right...a peer-reviewed study shows that the only "cause" of "Global Warming" are scientists. Scientists who falsify their data to make it appear as though "Global Warming" actually exists. The truth always comes out in the end.

‘Bombshell’ climate-change study could totally dismantle the claim humans are causing global warming
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Al Gore and his “scientists” said in 2006 that Mount Kilimanjaro would no longer have any snow.
However, this prediction from Gore is just too juicy to ignore. During Gore’s movie, in 2006, he predicted, “Within the decade, there will be no more ‘snows of Kilimanjaro.’”
Here is the indisputable video to prove it: is now 12 years later and there is an abundance of snow on Mount Kilimanjaro. Proving once again that the left lies (while simultaneously proving once again how dumb you are). Let me know if you want me to keep going here, ph3iron - I have so much data on this I could post for weeks. All of it proves you’re wrong.

An inconvenient commentary: 5 times climate alarmists made horribly wrong predictions
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Al Gore and his “scientists” said in 2006 that Mount Kilimanjaro would no longer have any snow.
However, this prediction from Gore is just too juicy to ignore. During Gore’s movie, in 2006, he predicted, “Within the decade, there will be no more ‘snows of Kilimanjaro.’”
Here is the indisputable video to prove it: is now 12 years later and there is an abundance of snow on Mount Kilimanjaro. Proving once again that the left lies (while simultaneously proving once again how dumb you are). Let me know if you want me to keep going here, ph3iron - I have so much data on this I could post for weeks. All of it proves you’re wrong.

An inconvenient commentary: 5 times climate alarmists made horribly wrong predictions

Go ahead
Post away.
you could post 10 for every one of your social studies cases.
Five examples? you clearly have done done zero science?
How about 95 % of scientific organizations?
I guess you prefer the Midwest senator who had a snowball to prove his case?
I'm still waiting for your extensive climate science college training
Ever heard of NASA?
That completely useless government entity that illegally and unconstitutionally swallows up hundreds of billions of dollars from the American tax payer and produces nothing of value in return? Yeah...I’ve heard of them. What about them?
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Oh the irony of that ignorant post. If they were scientists, they would know. They wouldn’t “believe”. Belief is for religion - not science.

The reality is, 75% of climate scientists are government parasites who know they need tax dollars to have a job and a purpose. They know they must keep Dumbocrats in office to keep the coffers open and the money flowing to them. They been caught falsifying their data over and over and over. And your dumb ass still buys into it. :laugh:
And you are opining on science?
Falsifying? You mean east Anglian which was clarified?
The left continues to deny basic science...
Reading the headlines this week is like taking a trip to an alternate universe. Ten years ago, if you’d have said that in 2018 teachers would get fired for calling a girl a girl, most people wouldn’t have believed you. Unfortunately, that’s the ridiculous world Americans are waking up to every morning.
Absolutely horrifying fascism that the left will attempt to force people to deny science, logic, reason, and reality.

On Gender, the Science Is Deafening
The left continues to deny basic science (men cannot menstruate)...
Under the guise of "inclusivity," Washington State University is now stocking menstrual products in men's restrooms.
Not to mention they continue to deny reality...
The name policy went into effect because some students felt that using a legal name on student identification cards was not welcoming for transgender students who want to make up their own names.
Denying basic science and reality is why the left destroys everything they touch.

College places menstrual products in men's restrooms in the name of inclusivity for transgender students
The left continues to deny basic science...
Treating a person differently based on their feelings isn’t just harmful, she argues, but deadly. In cases like heart disease, certain drugs can endanger women and not men. Even diagnoses present differently in men and women. The symptoms for certain diseases, she explains, can manifest themselves in completely opposite ways. “And these are nuances that medicine is finally studying and bringing to light. And it’s actually ironic that the transgender movement [is] so anti-science.”
It’s such a shame that the left places mental illness and/or irrational feelings above sciences, facts, logic, and reason.

On Gender, the Science Is Deafening
The left continues to deny basic science...
"Being transgender does not NOT make you a woman. It simply makes you transgender," Pinkston wrote in a Facebook post in May.

In another post, she said that although transgenders want to identify their own gender, "in a biological context, there are males and females."

Although common sense to many, she was fired over the comments from the lingerie brand.
That’s right...she was fire for speaking scientific truth.

Model comes out as transgender after making anti-transgender comments — then it gets even more weird

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