The left continues to deny basic science

Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.
As always...we have a Denier cherry picking data

Why only 100 years?

Why ignore the hefty increase in temp over the last 70 years?
The earth has been here for 4.5 billion years, so who's cherry picking data?
The left continues to deny basic, settled, science...
If you’re wondering about the word “menstruator,” the College Fix noted some activists use it “to avoid connecting the act of menstruation to women.”

Indeed, it declares that “not everyone who is a woman (gender) menstruates (a biological process associated with certain reproductive parts). And not every person who menstruates is a woman, either.”
Ummm....actually....every person who menstruates is a woman.

Harvard dorms now have free tampons — but mostly in gender-neutral restrooms. The reason is a hoot.
Is this the limit of your research?
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
The left's entire narrative is completely falling apart with each passing day...
"It has not warmed in Alabama in the last century according to NOAA’s own data,” Watts wrote on his website Watts Up With That? “In fact the average temperature has COOLED since 1895…"
Alarmists say global warming to blame for ‘record’ tick population — but there’s one massive problem
If the idea of global warming is a myth created and pushed by the left, then why do at least 97 percent of climate scientists agree on the reality of human-caused climate change? Do you think all scientists are leftist? That's not likely. Apparently you believe in science or you wouldn't say the left is denying it. Why is your thread title claiming that leftists deny science when you are actually the one denying it? The left agrees with the scientists.

"According to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, which conduct an annual survey on what Americans think about climate change, only 13 percent of Americans correctly identified that more than 90 percent of all climate scientists have concluded that human-caused global warming is happening. (It’s actually at least 97 percent of climate scientists that agree human-caused global warming is happening.)"
Almost 90% of Americans don’t know there’s scientific consensus on global warming
And then you have the international scientific community. Almost all the scientists in the world agree that AGW is real. Scientists from all cultures and political systems. So how do you arrange that, deniers?

“Global warming” is real, because the planet has been warming for 12,000 years since the last ice age. “AGW” is a lame ass attempt to blame the last hundred years of slight warming (if there has even been any) on mankind.

You Warmers deny the fact that it’s perfectly natural for Earth to go through cycles of ice ages and periods of constant warming in between. What are you morons so afraid of if the planet gets a few degrees warmer anyway? There have been plenty of times in Earth’s history when it was much warmer, so warm there were no polar ice caps even. Yet life thrived and we still had ice ages.

Omg, a pussy grabber pic.
Say no more
Where did you get your climate degree again?
Trump U?
Is this the limit of your research?

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context

100 is a little better than 5

Omg, a pussy grabber pic.
Say no more
Where did you get your climate degree again?
Trump U?

I thought you christians thought it was 4000 years old

We all know Bertrand Russell"
"Dumb people are certain, people with brains are doubtful"
As a research scientist I know good ones are plagued with doubt. Always being checked by their peers.
Very careful about language,
This is quite a good example
Don Beyer says 97 percent of scientists believe humans contribute to global warming
Analysis says its not 97% even though 4000 papers are quoted
but "most"
There's also slack language about warming and man contributing
So one one side we have an overwhelming number of scientists.
On the other Daily Caller and knees news old white farts with never a degree in sight.
They believe that hill had a pedophile ring in a pizza parkour and creationalism.
I go with the scientists

Don't you know. They were all conned by the Clintons?

As they say.
"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits and indoctrination only second to religion"

Last edited:
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context

We all know Bertrand Russell"
"Dumb people are certain, people with brains are doubtful"
As a research scientist I know good ones are plagued with doubt. Always being checked by their peers.
Very careful about language,
This is quite a good example
Don Beyer says 97 percent of scientists believe humans contribute to global warming
Analysis says its not 97% even though 4000 papers are quoted
but "most"
There's also slack language about warming and man contributing
So one one side we have an overwhelming number of scientists.
On the other Daily Caller and knees news old white farts with never a degree in sight.
They believe that hill had a pedophile ring in a pizza parkour and creationalism.
I go with the scientists
Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.
Don't you know. They were all conned by the Clintons?
As they say.
That's one of the dumbest things you've ever said and you have a large repertoire on that type of lunacy.
Our Joint Chiefs see for themselves that climate change producing droughts are causing a political problem of migrating large amounts of people into areas seeking life sustaining fresh water. Syria is just one example.
Your inane answer just shows how deeply and unrepentantly biased and foolish you are.

You said it was dumb, but you failed to prove it was wrong. You simply asserted that we can trust generals to pontificate on scientific matters. When have generals ever been trustworthy about anything?
I just explained how the generals have seen for themselves how climate change has destabilized whole regions throughout the world.
You don't need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind blows.
Then you denegrate our best and our brightest to sublimateyiurself to yi
The generals haven't seen jack shit other than who signs their paychecks. General should stick to what they are qualified to do, which is to wage war. Critiquing theories about the climate isn't in their area of expertise. You have to be the world's biggest dumbass to consider a general's opinion on climate change.
Wage war? How about PREVENTING WAR. Our brilliant Generals don't make up scientific data. They're smart enough to read about the dangers of climate change and ONCE AGAIN : SEE THOSE DANGERS FOR THEMSELVES UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL.
Ive never met anyone so resistant to learning as you.
You're a lost cause and I'm not going to waste anymore of my time on you.

They also have a battle plan drawn up to fight space aliens, so what's your point that the military is doing it's job and don't want to get stuck with it's pants down?

"If you are not smart enough to get a real job, join the military. Great socialist benefits and indoctrination only second to religion"
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
Last edited:
Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are extremely likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.
Don't you know. They were all conned by the Clintons?
You were conned, just like all the snowflakes. I wasn't.

"Peer reviewed" really means "Pal reviewed," in the case of so-called climate science. The main job of all these so-called "scientific organizations" is to suck up to politicians for more funding. They have no legitimate function with regard to performing actual science.
Even radical left-wing is now admitting one major lie from the left regarding the “Global Warming” scam:
According to an article on Slate, the myth of the monstrous garbage patch was made up to call attention to the problem of pollution and "save our Oceans."
But wait! It gets even better:
There Is No Island of Trash in the Pacific. But the cause of clean oceans needed a good story. Our warming planet could use another one.
They are openly calling for more lies to perpetuate the “Global Warming” scam!

Is the ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ just a myth?

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Was the Myth We Needed to Save Our Oceans
Why don't you post most scientists?
Quit cheery picking
You can't even get Obama $4 gas prices right
The Obama economy in 10 charts
Better to go back to menstruation.
Man you must have an empty life
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
Your quote has been explained so many times.
Why don't you post those?
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
Your quote has been explained so many times.
Why don't you post those?
you mean turds like you tried to spin away the facts. The bottom line is that your 97% claim is bullshit.
The left's entire narrative is completely falling apart with each passing day...
"It has not warmed in Alabama in the last century according to NOAA’s own data,” Watts wrote on his website Watts Up With That? “In fact the average temperature has COOLED since 1895…"
Alarmists say global warming to blame for ‘record’ tick population — but there’s one massive problem
If the idea of global warming is a myth created and pushed by the left, then why do at least 97 percent of climate scientists agree on the reality of human-caused climate change? Do you think all scientists are leftist? That's not likely. Apparently you believe in science or you wouldn't say the left is denying it. Why is your thread title claiming that leftists deny science when you are actually the one denying it? The left agrees with the scientists.

"According to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication, which conduct an annual survey on what Americans think about climate change, only 13 percent of Americans correctly identified that more than 90 percent of all climate scientists have concluded that human-caused global warming is happening. (It’s actually at least 97 percent of climate scientists that agree human-caused global warming is happening.)"
Almost 90% of Americans don’t know there’s scientific consensus on global warming
And then you have the international scientific community. Almost all the scientists in the world agree that AGW is real. Scientists from all cultures and political systems. So how do you arrange that, deniers?

“Global warming” is real, because the planet has been warming for 12,000 years since the last ice age. “AGW” is a lame ass attempt to blame the last hundred years of slight warming (if there has even been any) on mankind.

You Warmers deny the fact that it’s perfectly natural for Earth to go through cycles of ice ages and periods of constant warming in between. What are you morons so afraid of if the planet gets a few degrees warmer anyway? There have been plenty of times in Earth’s history when it was much warmer, so warm there were no polar ice caps even. Yet life thrived and we still had ice ages.

Omg, a pussy grabber pic.
Say no more
Where did you get your climate degree again?
Trump U?

In other words you have nothing to counter my points with.

Thanks for playing science denier.
The left continues to deny basic, settled, science...
If you’re wondering about the word “menstruator,” the College Fix noted some activists use it “to avoid connecting the act of menstruation to women.”

Indeed, it declares that “not everyone who is a woman (gender) menstruates (a biological process associated with certain reproductive parts). And not every person who menstruates is a woman, either.”
Ummm....actually....every person who menstruates is a woman.

Harvard dorms now have free tampons — but mostly in gender-neutral restrooms. The reason is a hoot.
Is this the limit of your research? Menstruation?
Is that the limit of your argument? Desperately attempting to ignore the indisputable fact that the left is denying basic science once again? Yeah...that seems like you.
The left continues to deny basic, settled, science...
If you’re wondering about the word “menstruator,” the College Fix noted some activists use it “to avoid connecting the act of menstruation to women.”

Indeed, it declares that “not everyone who is a woman (gender) menstruates (a biological process associated with certain reproductive parts). And not every person who menstruates is a woman, either.”
Ummm....actually....every person who menstruates is a woman.

Harvard dorms now have free tampons — but mostly in gender-neutral restrooms. The reason is a hoot.
Is this the limit of your research? Menstruation?
Is that the limit of your argument? Desperately attempting to ignore the indisputable fact that the left is denying basic science once again? Yeah...that seems like you.

One cherry picked example as usual.
Not a science degree in sight in our commie benefit sucking old white fart patriot.
Omg I forgot to look up the science on menstruation.
The most important thing in my life now.
I'll enrol in college to learn

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