The left continues to deny basic science

He was terminated for accepting science and speaking the truth. The left has officially ushered in the era of the Fourth Reich...

‘Transphobic’ student editor fired for insisting ‘women don’t have penises.’ He’s not backing down.
Your penis arguments might carry more weight if you had any concept of how science became a force on Earth.
Women do not have penises. He was fired for telling the truth. That is the side you stand with. Don’t try to defend the indefensible.
The left continues to reject science, facts, and reality in favor of their bizarre, bat-shit crazy ideology.
“The more and more we go down this road of political correctness at these universities,” Strobl said, “the question is: When will that end? How much is the university willing to sacrifice its pursuit of truth and its mission for this fantasyland of political correctness?”
It is really sad when the 19-year old student is more mature, more intelligent, and more aware than the 60-year old PhD’s.

Students were told to select gender pronouns. One chose ‘His Majesty’ to protest ‘absurdity.’
The left continues to reject science, facts, and reality in favor of their bizarre, bat-shit crazy ideology.
A Dutch self-help guru is breaking new ground by claiming age is just as fluid as gender—and he isn’t worried about offending the transgender community.

Emile Ratelband of Arnhem, southeast of Amsterdam, is asking a court in his hometown to change his age legally from 69 to 49 because he feels like he is in his 40s, The Washington Post reported.
Sickening to watch the left reject reality to force all of society to indulge the pure fantasy of unhinged left-wingers.

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age
6% of scientists are Republican. Which oddly enough is about the same number of scientists that believe in magical creation and that climate change is a hoax.
6% of scientists are Republican. Which oddly enough is about the same number of scientists that believe in magical creation and that climate change is a hoax.
Again, spews bull with no proof.
6% of scientists are Republican. Which oddly enough is about the same number of scientists that believe in magical creation and that climate change is a hoax.

Leftists believe that evolution stopped at the neck.

This makes creationists look like Einsteins in comparison.
The left continues to reject science, facts, and reality in favor of their bizarre, bat-shit crazy ideology.
A Dutch self-help guru is breaking new ground by claiming age is just as fluid as gender—and he isn’t worried about offending the transgender community.

Emile Ratelband of Arnhem, southeast of Amsterdam, is asking a court in his hometown to change his age legally from 69 to 49 because he feels like he is in his 40s, The Washington Post reported.
Sickening to watch the left reject reality to force all of society to indulge the pure fantasy of unhinged left-wingers.

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age
Is that you mr old white fart socialist benefit sucker?
"Patriotism, the last refuge of the scoundrel"
No comment about the trump white boy nightclub shooter?
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it

Leftists use climate change to control people, they could not give less of a fuck about the environment. They seem to be mostly interested in replacing their own population, because it's too smart to be controlled by bullshit.

This is what the polar bears said when they last saw Al Gore.

Last edited:
6% of scientists are Republican. Which oddly enough is about the same number of scientists that believe in magical creation and that climate change is a hoax.

Leftists believe that evolution stopped at the neck.

This makes creationists look like Einsteins in comparison.
Any numbers?
Info wars?
The people who don't believe we landed on the moon?
The people who doctored the CNN guy/ intern movie for trump use?
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it

Leftists use climate change to control people, they could not give less of a fuck about the environment. They seem to be mostly interested in replacing their own population, because it's too smart to be controlled by bullshit.
Anyone who would quote info wars just confirms his zero education.
I'd be embarrassed
Have you read the bio of the U.K. Guy who doctored the CNN MOVIE?
Alex jones lover
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it

Leftists use climate change to control people, they could not give less of a fuck about the environment. They seem to be mostly interested in replacing their own population, because it's too smart to be controlled by bullshit.
Anyone who would quote info wars just confirms his zero education.
I'd be embarrassed
Have you read the bio of the U.K. Guy who doctored the CNN MOVIE?
Alex jones lover

Alex Jones gay frogs theory and lizard people theory is far more convincing than your theory that evolution stopped at the neck.
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it
I doubt anyone disputes that the Earth is warming. Nor do they dispute the fact that if I spit into the ocean, I'm "contributing" to sea level rise. Of course, that contribution is utterly meaningless.
Climate change like evolution has been overwhelming proven , and accepted by experts in the field, people just deny it because they are gluttons their motivation for ignoring the obvious is the same motivation as an alcoholic or a heroin junkie. they live in denial, they know that reality is in conflict with their convenience, if climate change is real americans will have to make sacrifices so you ignore the truth you bury your head in the sand like some sort of retarded ostrich and pretend you can just keep driving you big car and living in your big house, you cant, stop lying to yourself, it makes you look stupid, and by the way none of your sources are credible, you look like a complete fool even mentioning them
I just showed that your 97% figure is bullshit. AGW is a con, a scam, a hoax. None of it has been proven. It's a scheme designed to justify massive tax increases and giving government unlimited power over us.

You're a brainwashed drone. You're like that creature in Hitch Hiker's guide to the galaxy that wants to be eaten. You're a dumb ass herd animal happily going down the chute to the abattoir.

Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it
I doubt anyone disputes that the Earth is warming. Nor do they dispute the fact that if I spit into the ocean, I'm "contributing" to sea level rise. Of course, that contribution is utterly meaningless.

As are your posts
Ever heard of NASA?
75% of climate scientists believe your spit is contributing and polluting
Where did you show me? Where is the link?
Daily Caller?
Boy, talk about paranoia,
The 97 % has been clarified over and over.
97% believe the earth is warming
Maybe 70% of them think man MAY have something to do with it.
Please read context
Here it is again, dumbfuck:

The Myth of the Climate Change '97%'

Please read it for context. Your 97% claim is utter horseshit.

One of the most commonly cited studies of the “97 percent” was conducted by a University of Illinois professor and a graduate student who asked the following questions to 10,257 Earth scientists working for universities and government research agencies:

Q1. When compared with pre‐1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant?”

Q2. Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean global temperatures?

They received responses from 3,146 people, of which only 5 percent self‐identified as climate scientists. To get to the magic 97 percent in the affirmative to both questions — in the answers to questions even many skeptics would answer “yes” — the study’s authors had to whittle down the survey to a paltry 79 “climate scientists,” defined as those who also have “published more than 50 percent of their recent peer‐reviewed papers on the subject of climate change.” The National Academy of Sciences survey is similarly skewed.

In reality the 97% figure is based on the answers of 79 scientists, not 4000 as you claim. Furthermore, even a climate skeptic might answer "yes" to the questions asked.
So stupid, trump uneducated voters.
Anyhow, > 90 % of scientists believe th earth is warming, 75% think man contributes.
That's it

Leftists use climate change to control people, they could not give less of a fuck about the environment. They seem to be mostly interested in replacing their own population, because it's too smart to be controlled by bullshit.
Anyone who would quote info wars just confirms his zero education.
I'd be embarrassed
Have you read the bio of the U.K. Guy who doctored the CNN MOVIE?
Alex jones lover

Alex Jones gay frogs theory and lizard people theory is far more convincing than your theory that evolution stopped at the neck.

It only stopped for orange blobs cultists

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