The Left Controls the Media

I counted 11 TV Jesus freak telethon "God commands you to send us cash, the Bentley needs fuel" shows on the tube today.
All controlled by liberal media I am sure.
You folks are about as naive and gullible as they come.
Anyone that owns their own corporations, has been a conservative for 40 years and has an advertising budget knows that media is controlled by SPONSORS.
They do anything I tell them to.
What you morons speak of are the miniscule fraction of media that GIVES THEIR OPINION yet claims they are "reporting the news".
LOL, talking heads do not report the news. They offer their opinions.
Anyone that bases their political beliefs on what a talking head media geek says is a God Damn Fool.
But that has already been proven here. Goldwater conservatives do not bow and kiss the feet of Sean, Rush, Glenn and and all the others like you folks do.
One has only to look at the popularity of Ron Paul in Iowa to know that the current GOP is as dysfunctional as it gets. Paul endorsed and supported Cynthia McKinney in the 2004 election!
Thank God for Mitt Romney. He will be the next President.
And you knuckleheads will claim liberal media elected him.

If the left controlled the media, we never would have been tricked into invading Iraq.

Networks portray Obama as a taxcutter. From the 2010 report: “Obama also signed a $65-billion tax hike into law. Up to $4.2 trillion more in tax increases will hit taxpayers starting January 1. Yet, when the networks talked about tax cuts, ABC, CBS and NBC have portrayed Obama as a tax cutter more than four times as often as they talked about him raising taxes. Those potential tax increases are almost 20 times the size of the $214 billion temporary tax cuts Obama included in the stimulus bill. Tax cutter? Hardly.” Obama the Tax Cutter: A Network Fairy Tale: Executive Summary

a. In a typical network example, NBC’s John Yang credited the president with significant tax cuts when he lauded Obama’s successful passage of the enormous stimulus bill that was more than 70 percent spending and less than 30 percent tax relief, saying: “Obama hasn’t been in office even four weeks yet and he’s already won passage of the biggest spending increase and tax cut bill in history.” NBC “Nightly News” went on to depict Obama as a tax cutter 14 times as often as they discussed his tax increases. Ibid.

b. When journalists did consult economists, they went to liberals like administration officials Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Budget Director Peter Orszag and left-wing groups like Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center more than 4 times as often (38 to 9).Ibid.

I am sure The Brookings Institute's numerous articles in support of George Bush's foreign policy were "left wing".
The Institute has numerous Republicans on their board including the chief of staff for Ronald Reagan. They partner with numerous business universities.
Those of us with that background know there is NO liberal or left leaning in MBA programs.
I doubt you have ever read a damn thing they have offered.
Those that claim to be conservative should know better.
We demand more than the parroting of stale irrelevant cut and paste clips which is all you ever have to offer.

If the left controlled the media, we never would have been tricked into invading Iraq.

Networks portray Obama as a taxcutter. From the 2010 report: “Obama also signed a $65-billion tax hike into law. Up to $4.2 trillion more in tax increases will hit taxpayers starting January 1. Yet, when the networks talked about tax cuts, ABC, CBS and NBC have portrayed Obama as a tax cutter more than four times as often as they talked about him raising taxes. Those potential tax increases are almost 20 times the size of the $214 billion temporary tax cuts Obama included in the stimulus bill. Tax cutter? Hardly.” Obama the Tax Cutter: A Network Fairy Tale: Executive Summary

a. In a typical network example, NBC’s John Yang credited the president with significant tax cuts when he lauded Obama’s successful passage of the enormous stimulus bill that was more than 70 percent spending and less than 30 percent tax relief, saying: “Obama hasn’t been in office even four weeks yet and he’s already won passage of the biggest spending increase and tax cut bill in history.” NBC “Nightly News” went on to depict Obama as a tax cutter 14 times as often as they discussed his tax increases. Ibid.

b. When journalists did consult economists, they went to liberals like administration officials Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Budget Director Peter Orszag and left-wing groups like Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center more than 4 times as often (38 to 9).Ibid.

Does the irony escape you that your post above uses the Business and Media Institute as its information source?

The Business & Media Institute (BMI) was founded in 1992 as the Free Market Project by the conservative media watchdog group Media Research Center whose President is L.Brent Bozell.

Please don't tell us you can't see the laugh out loud irony of that.

If the left controlled the media, we never would have been tricked into invading Iraq.

Networks portray Obama as a taxcutter. From the 2010 report: “Obama also signed a $65-billion tax hike into law. Up to $4.2 trillion more in tax increases will hit taxpayers starting January 1. Yet, when the networks talked about tax cuts, ABC, CBS and NBC have portrayed Obama as a tax cutter more than four times as often as they talked about him raising taxes. Those potential tax increases are almost 20 times the size of the $214 billion temporary tax cuts Obama included in the stimulus bill. Tax cutter? Hardly.” Obama the Tax Cutter: A Network Fairy Tale: Executive Summary

a. In a typical network example, NBC’s John Yang credited the president with significant tax cuts when he lauded Obama’s successful passage of the enormous stimulus bill that was more than 70 percent spending and less than 30 percent tax relief, saying: “Obama hasn’t been in office even four weeks yet and he’s already won passage of the biggest spending increase and tax cut bill in history.” NBC “Nightly News” went on to depict Obama as a tax cutter 14 times as often as they discussed his tax increases. Ibid.

b. When journalists did consult economists, they went to liberals like administration officials Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Budget Director Peter Orszag and left-wing groups like Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center more than 4 times as often (38 to 9).Ibid.

Does the irony escape you that your post above uses the Business and Media Institute as its information source?

The Business & Media Institute (BMI) was founded in 1992 as the Free Market Project by the conservative media watchdog group Media Research Center whose President is L.Brent Bozell.

Please don't tell us you can't see the laugh out loud irony of that.

you can always take it upon yourself to disprove their assertions or facts. facts as in the medias use of the pejorative con vs. liberal labeling which I have already described.

Their assertions are to that the combined throw weight of the media submerges con outlets, by a huge margin, there fore this provides a platform that is overwhelming, and I won't even count the day time shows the view, good morning America etc etc etc ....the TV' entertainment' programming.

And what makes that fact important is; each on of us, you me all of us employ bias. we seek out and extend from ourselves what we perceive or feel is 'right' in every context and medium.

The newsrooms, media depts. etc etc etc . of that media have a combined pop. that is over 85% self identifying left of center/liberal.

Fox is slanted, no doubt about it, and so to are the rest. it really is that simple.
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Where has anyone stated anywhere that the media is not biased?
You folks keep coming back with that time and time and time again.
Because your claim was that the the left CONTROLS ALL media.
Which you can not prove.
Media is controlled BY THE CONSUMER.
You wannabe conservatives read more liberal media than conservative as evidenced by the repetitive cut and paste posts you copy here.
Networks portray Obama as a taxcutter. From the 2010 report: “Obama also signed a $65-billion tax hike into law. Up to $4.2 trillion more in tax increases will hit taxpayers starting January 1. Yet, when the networks talked about tax cuts, ABC, CBS and NBC have portrayed Obama as a tax cutter more than four times as often as they talked about him raising taxes. Those potential tax increases are almost 20 times the size of the $214 billion temporary tax cuts Obama included in the stimulus bill. Tax cutter? Hardly.” Obama the Tax Cutter: A Network Fairy Tale: Executive Summary

a. In a typical network example, NBC’s John Yang credited the president with significant tax cuts when he lauded Obama’s successful passage of the enormous stimulus bill that was more than 70 percent spending and less than 30 percent tax relief, saying: “Obama hasn’t been in office even four weeks yet and he’s already won passage of the biggest spending increase and tax cut bill in history.” NBC “Nightly News” went on to depict Obama as a tax cutter 14 times as often as they discussed his tax increases. Ibid.

b. When journalists did consult economists, they went to liberals like administration officials Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Budget Director Peter Orszag and left-wing groups like Brookings Institute and Tax Policy Center more than 4 times as often (38 to 9).Ibid.

Does the irony escape you that your post above uses the Business and Media Institute as its information source?

The Business & Media Institute (BMI) was founded in 1992 as the Free Market Project by the conservative media watchdog group Media Research Center whose President is L.Brent Bozell.

Please don't tell us you can't see the laugh out loud irony of that.

you can always take it upon yourself to disprove their assertions or facts. facts as in the medias use of the pejorative con vs. liberal labeling which I have already described.

Their assertions are to that the combined throw weight of the media submerges con outlets, by a huge margin, there fore this provides a platform that is overwhelming, and I won't even count the day time shows the view, good morning America etc etc etc ....the TV' entertainment' programming.

And what makes that fact important is; each on of us, you me all of us employ bias. we seek out and extend from ourselves what we perceive or feel is 'right' in every context and medium.

The newsrooms, media depts. etc etc etc . of that media have a combined pop. that is over 85% self identifying left of center/liberal.

Fox is slanted, no doubt about it, and so to are the rest. it really is that simple.

I agree with most of that. Slanted means biased but that is NOT CONTROL.
The claim is that the left CONTROLS MEDIA.
And that is bull shit.
This is just standard rightwing poisoning of the well. Proclaim propublica a tool of the left, and then summarily dismiss any work they do as biased.

"Poisoning the well" must be a liberal euphemism meaning to expose propaganda. "The well" is already pretty foul because it's just a vast geyser of horseshit.
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This is just standard rightwing poisoning of the well. Proclaim propublica a tool of the left, and then summarily dismiss any work they do as biased.

"Poisoning the well" mus be a liberal euphemism meaning to expost propaganda. The well is already pretty foul because it's just a vast geyser of horseshit.
If leftists didn't re-define words, they couldn't make an argument at all.
This is just standard rightwing poisoning of the well. Proclaim propublica a tool of the left, and then summarily dismiss any work they do as biased.

"Poisoning the well" mus be a liberal euphemism meaning to expost propaganda. The well is already pretty foul because it's just a vast geyser of horseshit.
If leftists didn't re-define words, they couldn't make an argument at all.

Notice all the outright lying and obfuscation these turds resort to when their scams are exposed.

Libs will never admit the MSM is just one vast propaganda organ. Propaganda doesn't work when its targets know they are being fed horseshit.
I am also Libertarian.
:lol: Have to admit that in my business over the last 30 years dealing with lawyers I had to eat a lot.
But all is good now as life is like a shit sandwich. The more bread you make the less shit you have to eat.

You're about as libertarian as Pol Pot.
I grew up with a Marine Colonel that was a combat vet WWII turned English college Professor and leaned liberal. Most of the folks I grew up with were liberals. I read a lot of stuff and included is left wing material.
I am not a liberal.

You walk like a duck, talk like a duck and look like a duck.
Oh yea, I talked to thousands of you 'citizens' when Bush was in office...there was not a PEEP about less government, debts, deficits, or overreaching government. No mention of the 'Constitution' when the Patriot Act was passed. And I see how you 'citizens' wrap your arms tightly around little despots like Scott Walker, Rick Scott and other right wing governors. And never a PEEP when government wants to invade your body fluids. You TRUST government then, don't you?

Yeah, sure you did. Do you ever post anything that's not a complete 100% sleazy lie?
I was under the impression Fox was the number one rated station out there. IF so, here is a question. Are they left leaning?

What is the basis of your question?

Certainly, not logic.

Did you believe "Fox was the number one rated" = "left leaning"?

No, Fox is "Fair and Balanced," as well as "number one rated."

In point of fact Fox hires more Liberals than the other cables hire conservatives.

Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams -FAIL
Mara Laiason-FAIL
Mort Kondrache-FAIL
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell-FAIL: hasn't been a Democrat since the late 1970s. Was a Perot advisor.
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)-FAIL
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis-FAIL: Lawyer who defends tyrants in Africa.
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry-FAIL: Rightwinger
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost- FAIL: Center-Right Democrat
Nina Easton
Judy Miller-FAIL: Neo-Con
Evan Bayh-FAIL: Center-Right Democrat
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
A.B.Stoddard FAIL: she appears on MSNBC and CNN, also
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts FAIL
Rick Folbaum

All the bolded are complete nobodies who no one gives a shit about.
The Pro-Republican News Media

The concept of the “Liberal Media” is a myth — and has always been a myth.
The various news media are clearly and unmistakably Pro-Republican.

Only twice since 1932 have a majority of newspapers endorsed the Democratic candidate

The Pro-Republican News Media

The media are controlled by the profit motive, nothing more.

really? so if msnbc went to a cons slant, their viewership would not grow? Or say, CBS?
No. Why would they want to migrate to a smaller potential viewership pool?
"Poisoning the well" mus be a liberal euphemism meaning to expost propaganda. The well is already pretty foul because it's just a vast geyser of horseshit.
If leftists didn't re-define words, they couldn't make an argument at all.

Notice all the outright lying and obfuscation these turds resort to when their scams are exposed.

Libs will never admit the MSM is just one vast propaganda organ. Propaganda doesn't work when its targets know they are being fed horseshit.
That's why they have their utter hatred for Fox News. The proles are being exposed to dangerous unapproved thought.

Progressivism can't succeed when people have information.
I was under the impression Fox was the number one rated station out there. IF so, here is a question. Are they left leaning?

What is the basis of your question?

Certainly, not logic.

Did you believe "Fox was the number one rated" = "left leaning"?

No, Fox is "Fair and Balanced," as well as "number one rated."

In point of fact Fox hires more Liberals than the other cables hire conservatives.

Alan Colmes
Susan Estrich
Bob Beckel
Juan Williams -FAIL
Mara Laiason-FAIL
Mort Kondrache-FAIL
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Pat Caddell-FAIL: hasn't been a Democrat since the late 1970s. Was a Perot advisor.
Greta Van Sustren (defended Clinton)-FAIL
Geraldo Rivera
Leslie Marshall
Lanny Davis-FAIL: Lawyer who defends tyrants in Africa.
Ellis Henican
Ed Henry-FAIL: Rightwinger
Marc Lamont Hill
Professor Caroline Heldman
Representative Martin Frost- FAIL: Center-Right Democrat
Nina Easton
Judy Miller-FAIL: Neo-Con
Evan Bayh-FAIL: Center-Right Democrat
Joe Trippi
Joey Jackson
Alicia Menendez
Juan Hernandez
A.B.Stoddard FAIL: she appears on MSNBC and CNN, also
Lis Wiehl
Kimberly Guilfoyle
John Roberts FAIL
Rick Folbaum

All the bolded are complete nobodies who no one gives a shit about.
TRANSLATION: "Yes, I acknowledge they are liberal, but I'm desperate to downplay their significance due to my irrational hatred for Fox."
I did my post graduate work in education, what is your expertise based on your post graduate work? What are the soft squishy subjects, if you know that they are soft, squishy, you must have a firsthand knowledge of them?
You don't realize it, but you prove my point. :eusa_clap:

In other words, you have no answer.

Correct. And since he has no answer, he will now play a game of making believe that he has already said or proven something, and you're just not smart enough to get it.

Typical daveman troll-job.

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