The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

You support the violent overthrow of the Legal government of the United States of America and the Orange Deity installing himself as the true king. You MAGA Rumpster Fascist Domestic Terrorists and Traitors want us to forget that but we won't because we know that the Jan6 thing was just a rehearsal for the real thing by you criminals.
Oh please.

Bleat bleat bleat.

You sound like that Liz Cheney broad.
The Nazis didn't embrace any Socialist policies. In 1933 Hitler purged the German government of socialists, communists, Jews and Democrats. He put them in Dachau...or killed them.
They were his competition, dumbshit.
In Italy conservatives embraced Mussolini and Fascism. Same thing with Franco in Spain.

THAT's the evil of it.

They got conservatives on their side.

You know exactly how they did it, too.

Conservatives aren't always the smartest people.

They fell for the Neo-Cons too.
THAT's the evil of it.

They got conservatives on their side.

You know exactly how they did it, too.

Conservatives aren't always the smartest people.

They fell for the Neo-Cons too.

surada this is exactly why I keep saying progtards are stupid beyond belief

You know damn well the righties are going to fall for it again. You KNOW this. Somehow, some way, sometime, they're going to fall for it again.

All it takes is ONE guy, who can make the trains run on time.

The progtards are creating the opening for that person. They're creating the opportunity
surada this is exactly why I keep saying progtards are stupid beyond belief

You know damn well the righties are going to fall for it again. You KNOW this. Somehow, some way, sometime, they're going to fall for it again.

All it takes is ONE guy, who can make the trains run on time.

The progtards are creating the opening for that person. They're creating the opportunity

Don't you even know that Fascism is far right, authoritarian and ultranationalist?

Don't you even know that Fascism is far right, authoritarian and ultranationalist?
You can’t have small, limited government totalitarianism. And fascism is absolutely totalitarianism.

This is just common sense.
We have a population
You can’t have small, limited government totalitarianism. And fascism is absolutely totalitarianism.

This is just common sense.

We have a population of 300 million.. how small do you want the government to be? Look up the fascists, Nationalists and totalitarians from the 20th century.
We have a population of 300 million.. how small do you want the government to be?
Well that is a completely separate discussion. But I want it to be the exact size the US Constitution explicitly restricts it to (ie 18 enumerated powers).
Look up the fascists, Nationalists and totalitarians from the 20th century.
I have - they were all left-wing.
We have a population of 300 million.. how small do you want the government to be?
Also - the federal government shouldn’t change whether 300 people or 300 million. It’s the state and local governments that would need to change.

The problem with you leftists is that you literally thing the federal government is the only that exists.
Well that is a completely separate discussion. But I want it to be the exact size the US Constitution explicitly restricts it to (ie 18 enumerated powers).

I have - they were all left-wing.

When there were 13 colonies and a tiny population.
When there were 13 colonies and a tiny population.
If 50 states and a larger population dictated the necessity for a larger federal government, the American people who have voted for it by amending the US Constitution.

It’s time you respect the fact that We the People have spoken. We didn’t amend the constitution because we didn’t need a bigger federal government.
You are just poorly educated. Italian conservatives embraced Mussolini.
I’m watching Mussolini: The Father of Fascism right now and one of the first things they state is “like his father, he is a passionate socialist”. :lmao:

Sorry man - your propaganda and disinformation simply doesn’t hold up in the 21st Century.
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I’m watching Mussolini: The Father of Fascism right now and one of the first things they state is “like his father, he is a passionate socialist”. :lmao:

Seriously man - you are so damn uneducated about this stuff.

He was. He quit socialism early. I'm not uneducated. Mussolini was expelled from the Socialist party in 1912. He founded the fascists about 1921. He was embraced by Italian conservatives.

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