The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Sure, even "dictionaries are lying to us".

You fucking MORON.

You're a prime example.

You believe everything on Q NUT daily?

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by dictatorial power, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the good of the nation, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

Go get another gallon.

View attachment 670439

No matter how many times you repeat bullshit, it's still bullshit.

The cutesy pictures are cute though.

Do you keep a file of links so you can pull them out when you need them?

Or do you keep them all on your hard disk?
No matter how many times you repeat bullshit, it's still bullshit.
No, it isn't.

Your projection is bullshit.
Just like everything else RWNJ/Q NUTS claim......................... "We’ve got lots of theories. We just don’t have the evidence," Giuliani said
The cutesy pictures are cute though.

Do you keep a file of links so you can pull them out when you need them?

Or do you keep them all on your hard disk?
No, it isn't.

Your projection is bullshit.
Just like everything else RWNJ/Q NUTS claim......................... "We’ve got lots of theories. We just don’t have the evidence," Giuliani said
I'm sorry, I don't respond to bullshit.

You want to start talking about Giuliani and Q'Anon, you can go share that shit with someone who cares.
Your delusional shit is the same as theirs.

I'm not at all surprised that you would perceive the world that way.

Not at all. Not in the least bit.

And it doesn't matter. I'm not operating under the delusion that I'm going to convince you of anything, and I'm not here to change your mind.

Your mind will change itself. That's how these things work. Eventually you will encounter realities that will force you to reorganize your value system and therefore your perceptions.

And you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. And that's okay too. I'm almost done here, I'll be gone in a few days.

You on the other hand, will likely be here next year and the year after that, and I doubt you'll get much smarter.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Their entire mindset is: either bow to our ideology, or we will do everything in our power to destroy you. No tolerance for any thoughts or views other than the progressive thoughts and views.

View attachment 569706
I hold Hillary Rodham and her Helter Skelter university thesis responsible for America's division on her Alinsky worship for the left turning against the Constitution. It's a case of the blind leading the blind. God save us from the atheists in charge of higher education. They're always up to no good. And their sequential fascism is antithetical to the vast majority of Americans who are graced by the Constitution of the United States of America of which we embrace as a gift from God Almighty. Down with the dervish yappings of the Deep State. :blahblah:
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Doubling down on stupid. ^^^

Where'd you find this one, ADL? :p

Yes, you are doubling down on stupid. The democratic socialists we're the largest party in Germany until Hitler split with them in 1926. He had used them to get his foot in the door. When he came to power in 1933 he purged the German government of socialists, communists, Jews and Democrats using the Enabling Act. Dachau was newly completed. Those he didn't kill he locked up in Dachau.

Hitler hated socialists and Communists.

You got it wrong and your overall understanding is very shallow.
I'm not at all surprised that you would perceive the world that way.
You're the nut job claiming fascism is an economic policy and a policy of the left.
Where did you get that from?
Not at all. Not in the least bit.

And it doesn't matter. I'm not operating under the delusion that I'm going to convince you of anything, and I'm not here to change your mind.
Of course, you aren't.
You're not going to convince me a fish is a giraffe either.
Your mind will change itself. That's how these things work. Eventually you will encounter realities that will force you to reorganize your value system and therefore your perceptions.
Like the dictionary?
And you probably have no idea what I'm talking about.
WOW, you got one thing steps.
And that's okay too. I'm almost done here, I'll be gone in a few days.

You on the other hand, will likely be here next year and the year after that, and I doubt you'll get much smarter.
Sure, like you're the authority on that?
You can't even prove your claims, but continue to spout them anyway.
Typical of a RWNJ.
Yes, you are doubling down on stupid. The democratic socialists we're the largest party in Germany until Hitler split with them in 1926. He had used them to get his foot in the door. When he came to power in 1933 he purged the German government of socialists, communists, Jews and Democrats using the Enabling Act. Dachau was newly completed. Those he didn't kill he locked up in Dachau.

Hitler hated socialists and Communists.

You got it wrong and your overall understanding is very shallow.


Your poor deluded self still thinks it can educate me, about something my family was in the middle of.

Lady, I know more about fascism than you will EVER know. At least you better hope that's true, cause your life gets very fuckin ugly if it ain't

Your poor deluded self still thinks it can educate me, about something my family was in the middle of.

Lady, I know more about fascism than you will EVER know. At least you better hope that's true, cause your life gets very fuckin ugly if it ain't

Really? You were born in 1960? You are poorly educated.
Yes, you are doubling down on stupid. The democratic socialists we're the largest party in Germany until Hitler split with them in 1926. He had used them to get his foot in the door. When he came to power in 1933 he purged the German government of socialists, communists, Jews and Democrats using the Enabling Act. Dachau was newly completed. Those he didn't kill he locked up in Dachau.

Hitler hated socialists and Communists.

You got it wrong and your overall understanding is very shallow.
Hardly. Hitler spearheaded the name change of Germany to include the name "Socialists," in Germany's name change because of its popularity within the working class, as well as a ploy to get votes for himself. He had a vision that Germans of Aryan tribes were the most desirable leaders on earth, the blonder the better. He was more a racist but used every little thing to get the German people to elect him to the highest authority in the land. Germans fell for it, to their future regret.

The only way the "socialists" in America are like Hitler is their pretense they are the ultimate do-gooders for the people without the spirit of the founders, and they do it for the grabbing of power, no matter what else there is. Look at the corruption of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer trying to destroy the power of the President, and the say-so of the Supreme Court. Those powers do not belong to the legislative branch! Where's the separation of powers from these deep state loons? Those powers are on the side of everyday people most of the time. Unfortunately, when disestablishmentarianism cuts ties, the severance is not a plus for America's ancestry who were steeped in the good will of God and the graciousness of Christlike brotherhood.

Using the misnomer of "socialism," the Democrats are eliminating their conservative adversaries by any and every which means there is including flattering the rich to gain enough money to destroy their rivals, and breaking with the founders' ideals of brotherhood by using what's good for the planet as their base, but like the Nazis, only for power to mutilate and destroy their adversaries by shifting journalism into lying about them, and following their success to get rid of Richard Nixon by press leaders who did what all of them do--gain information to win the hearts of the American people. Power makes people feel good, but overdone in order to perpetuate lying propaganda, it is no longer sacred, but a tool that communism employs to destroy half the people who prefer the Constitution of America that puts power in the hands of the people. I'm sorry to see anyone manipulate a false narrative to gain political power, and that's precisely what the Alinsky method of Marxist takeover does, and pushed hard by Hillary Rodham Clinton. It divides and destroys, and we're either going to buckle to it or get it the hell off the backs of the common man forced to fund it because clever lawyers used their skills to make power so strong the people will never, never again have any say-whatsoever. The current depression was inflicted on the people on purpose by power-worshipping demagogues in the House, led by the self-proclaimed most imporant in the world woman, Nancy Pelosi, and her compromised buds, Schumer, Nadler, and Schiff. 'Nuff said.
Hardly. Hitler spearheaded the name change of Germany to include the name "Socialists," in Germany's name change because of its popularity within the working class, as well as a ploy to get votes for himself. He had a vision that Germans of Aryan tribes were the most desirable leaders on earth, the blonder the better. He was more a racist but used every little thing to get the German people to elect him to the highest authority in the land. Germans fell for it, to their future regret.

The only way the "socialists" in America are like Hitler is their pretense they are the ultimate do-gooders for the people without the spirit of the founders, and they do it for the grabbing of power, no matter what else there is. Look at the corruption of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer trying to destroy the power of the President, and the say-so of the Supreme Court. Those powers do not belong to the legislative branch! Where's the separation of powers from these deep state loons? Those powers are on the side of everyday people most of the time. Unfortunately, when disestablishmentarianism cuts ties, the severance is not a plus for America's ancestry who were steeped in the good will of God and the graciousness of Christlike brotherhood.

Using the misnomer of "socialism," the Democrats are eliminating their conservative adversaries by any and every which means there is including flattering the rich to gain enough money to destroy their rivals, and breaking with the founders' ideals of brotherhood by using what's good for the planet as their base, but like the Nazis, only for power to mutilate and destroy their adversaries by shifting journalism into lying about them, and following their success to get rid of Richard Nixon by press leaders who did what all of them do--gain information to win the hearts of the American people. Power makes people feel good, but overdone in order to perpetuate lying propaganda, it is no longer sacred, but a tool that communism employs to destroy half the people who prefer the Constitution of America that puts power in the hands of the people. I'm sorry to see anyone manipulate a false narrative to gain political power, and that's precisely what the Alinsky method of Marxist takeover does, and pushed hard by Hillary Rodham Clinton. It divides and destroys, and we're either going to buckle to it or get it the hell off the backs of the common man forced to fund it because clever lawyers used their skills to make power so strong the people will never, never again have any say-whatsoever. The current depression was inflicted on the people on purpose by power-worshipping demagogues in the House, led by the self-proclaimed most imporant in the world woman, Nancy Pelosi, and her compromised buds, Schumer, Nadler, and Schiff. 'Nuff said.

I had a different source than Wikipedia. I like Wikipedia, but it has a way of changing from one narrative to another overnight, so I avoided it. It did however, show that the Nazis used every propaganda tool in the book, although it didn't express it as well as the information I found at a different source. I think Hitler engaged in "truth is optional" Marxist ideals for taking power away from the existing government. For some reason, Hitler became very unpopular in America after their allies bombed Pearl Harbor and America's Pacific Fleet, when we had not taken sides due to conflicting narratives. Our protective instincts of losing a lot of ships to the Axis powers woke up the sleeping giant, and at least one admiral in the Japanese waterworks warned his fellow Japanese warlords that Japan might be sorry for messing with a neutral country that America was prior to December 4, 1941, which was my parents' generation's 9/11 which oddly, was also the doom of about 3000 of our citizens. Messing with America has bad Karma because of our ideal to welcome the stranger and Good Samaritan ways.
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Like Proud Boys or Qanon and other crackpot militants?
Literally none of them resorted to violence. Why are you such a lying piece of shit? Asking for a friend.

The “Proud Boys” merely stepped up in defense after Democrats turned their Nazi Brownshirts (ANTIFA) loose against society.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. They resort to violence to achieve all of their political agenda and they call for violence whenever they aren’t actively engaging in violence.

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