The left has embraced fascism in its purest form

Exactly! In other words - a typical leftist.

You are just poorly educated. Italian conservatives embraced Mussolini. Conservative Germans embraced Hitler. He promised to solve their economic depression... So did Franco in Spain. All three could move the masses with passionate rhetoric. Trump has used the same tactic and preyed on the same fears. Take a step back and THINK.
You are just poorly educated. Italian conservatives embraced Mussolini. Conservative Germans embraced Hitler.
Snowflake, I absolutely obliterated you with facts already. Hitler nationalized industry and NAZI was short for National SOCIALISTS.

Furthermore, you cannot have small, limited government totalitarianism. It’s not possible. So you just sound like an uneducated idiot and a partisan hack.
I never cease to marvel at the ignorance of the left or their willingness to surrender all liberty in favor of their fascist ideology...
The fascist left wants to eliminate anyone who will not bow to their fucked-up fascist ideology...
It's no wonder that the left is trying to disarm the American people as they engage in Nazi Brownshirt tactics of intimidation, violence, and mass-murder.
The left is so fucking disgusting. Something has to be done about them. They continue to target Supreme Court Justices and their families. Unacceptable. Pure Nazi Brownshirt tactics.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. They demand the entire world bow to their fucked-up ideology and they immediately resort to silence the second they don’t get their way.
The Nazi Brownshirts are getting worse and worse by the day. These mother-fuckers need to be locked up.
The left believes that if you speak the truth, you should lose your job. They have embraced fascism in its purest form.
The left has embraced fascism in its purest form. Pure Nazi Brownshirt tactics to call for violence against sitting Supreme Court Justices.
Just the exchange of scares the hell out of the fascist left. They want to silence anyone who doesn't adopt their fucked-up fascist ideology...
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Every single time with these fascist mother-fuckers. Every single time.
These solutions include enacting bans on single-use plastic bags and unrecyclable single-use plastic food-service products
The left lives to ban, control, limit. So sick of these mother-fuckers.
Bow to their will and their political agenda or they will try to deny you even the most basic healthcare…
The left believes if you’re not the picture of “supreme” and able to serve the state, you should be executed before birth. Democrats continue Adolf Hitler’s “Final Solution”.
Pure Nazi Brownshirt tactics. Democrats resort to violence to achieve their political agendas.

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