The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Is it a conspiracy theory when every US intelligence agency has confirmed this?

Is it a conspiracy when the congressional leadership has been briefed on this very subject multiple times over the last year?

Is it a conspiracy that congressional leadership is now on board with convening hearings on the subject?

I admire your efforts to remain in the center but you're missing the boat on this issue.

The OP is a perfect example of centrist elitism. While ironically attacking 'intolerance' on a regular basis,
Mac is viciously intolerant of anyone who won't conform in lockstep to his centrist mandate.

Read this and tell me your wonderful thoughts....

Ironic, isn’t it, that it is those who purport to be liberal and progressive who are responsible for the revival of McCarthyism in America. Moreover, the liberal progressives are institutionalizing McCarthyism in the US government. There is clearly a concerted effort being made to define truth as fake news and to define lies as truth.

Ironic, isn’t it, that it is the war criminal Hillary, responsible for the destruction of Libya and the near destruction of Syria until the Russians intervened, that the liberal progressive forces are desperate to have as president. Not only did the liberal progressive forces attempt to elect a war criminal president of the US, they are doing their best to delegitimize the president-elect who opposes the orchestrated conflict with Russia.

Ironic, isn’t it, that the liberal progressive bloc refuse to give peace a chance. - Paul Craig Roberts
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.

Deflection? No, what you said was deflection. Yes, there are morons on the left and there are morons on the right, all who live in some twisted reality where the only things that matter are complete and utter bullshit. It's people like this who are destroying the US, they keep voting morons into power, keep accepting what crap they're told by said morons, and play the stupid bullshit partisan bullshit game. It's getting really fucking old and really fucking tiring watching you morons destroy a country just because your own sad little fucking lives aren't worth shit and the only way you can get any happiness is from playing stupid childish games.

Does that sound like deflect? To be honest I couldn't give a shit right now. You people annoy the hell out of me.

Is it a conspiracy theory when every US intelligence agency has confirmed this?

Is it a conspiracy when the congressional leadership has been briefed on this very subject multiple times over the last year?

Is it a conspiracy that congressional leadership is now on board with convening hearings on the subject?

I admire your efforts to remain in the center but you're missing the boat on this issue.

The OP is a perfect example of centrist elitism. While ironically attacking 'intolerance' on a regular basis,
Mac is viciously intolerant of anyone who won't conform in lockstep to his centrist mandate.
I've already told you.

You can't "prove" anything to a hardcore partisan ideologue.

The fact that you just can't let this go is funny, though.

I want to debate you on whether the conspiracy theories you claim in the OP are really conspiracy theories.

So list them and you and I can debate that one by one.
You can't debate with a hardcore partisan ideologue either.

Just make shit up, we both know you'll end up doing it anyway.

It's your thread, dude.
You really should at least try and engage in the discussion you started.

What conspiracies?
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Is it a conspiracy theory when every US intelligence agency has confirmed this?

Is it a conspiracy when the congressional leadership has been briefed on this very subject multiple times over the last year?

Is it a conspiracy that congressional leadership is now on board with convening hearings on the subject?

I admire your efforts to remain in the center but you're missing the boat on this issue.

The OP is a perfect example of centrist elitism. While ironically attacking 'intolerance' on a regular basis,
Mac is viciously intolerant of anyone who won't conform in lockstep to his centrist mandate.

Read this and tell me your wonderful thoughts....

Ironic, isn’t it, that it is those who purport to be liberal and progressive who are responsible for the revival of McCarthyism in America. Moreover, the liberal progressives are institutionalizing McCarthyism in the US government. There is clearly a concerted effort being made to define truth as fake news and to define lies as truth.

Ironic, isn’t it, that it is the war criminal Hillary, responsible for the destruction of Libya and the near destruction of Syria until the Russians intervened, that the liberal progressive forces are desperate to have as president. Not only did the liberal progressive forces attempt to elect a war criminal president of the US, they are doing their best to delegitimize the president-elect who opposes the orchestrated conflict with Russia.

Ironic, isn’t it, that the liberal progressive bloc refuse to give peace a chance. - Paul Craig Roberts
McCarthyism is alive and well...and all thanks to the LEFT!!!
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.

Deflection? No, what you said was deflection. Yes, there are morons on the left and there are morons on the right, all who live in some twisted reality where the only things that matter are complete and utter bullshit. It's people like this who are destroying the US, they keep voting morons into power, keep accepting what crap they're told by said morons, and play the stupid bullshit partisan bullshit game. It's getting really fucking old and really fucking tiring watching you morons destroy a country just because your own sad little fucking lives aren't worth shit and the only way you can get any happiness is from playing stupid childish games.

Does that sound like deflect? To be honest I couldn't give a shit right now. You people annoy the hell out of me.
"You people"?

I voted for Hillary.

I'm just honest.
There is no conspiracy theories.
All you have to do is look at post 6 on this very thread for a vivid example.

All you have to do is address this point that you avoided.

Is it a conspiracy theory when every US intelligence agency has confirmed this?

Is it a conspiracy when the congressional leadership has been briefed on this very subject multiple times over the last year?

Is it a conspiracy that congressional leadership is now on board with convening hearings on the subject?

I admire your efforts to remain in the center but you're missing the boat on this issue.
Are you saying you believe that "they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened"?

No, I'm asking you to address those points I made and outline the conspiracy for us.
Is it a conspiracy theory when every US intelligence agency has confirmed this?

Is it a conspiracy when the congressional leadership has been briefed on this very subject multiple times over the last year?

Is it a conspiracy that congressional leadership is now on board with convening hearings on the subject?

I admire your efforts to remain in the center but you're missing the boat on this issue.

The OP is a perfect example of centrist elitism. While ironically attacking 'intolerance' on a regular basis,
Mac is viciously intolerant of anyone who won't conform in lockstep to his centrist mandate.
I've already told you.

You can't "prove" anything to a hardcore partisan ideologue.

The fact that you just can't let this go is funny, though.

I want to debate you on whether the conspiracy theories you claim in the OP are really conspiracy theories.

So list them and you and I can debate that one by one.
You can't debate with a hardcore partisan ideologue either.

Just make shit up, we both know you'll end up doing it anyway.

It's your thread, dude.
You really should at least try and engage in the discussion you started.

What conspiracies?
Sometimes I make the mistake of assuming that partisans will accept the obvious, and then I'm proven wrong pretty quickly.

Last time: Post 6 in this very thread. I could also point out other threads, but I know better than to bother.

I already know that no "proof" will be good enough. If you want to deny the premise of the thread, I'm perfectly comfy with that.
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Typical idiot. The DNC and Clinton commit crimes and cheat in elections (screwed Sanders), they get exposed and they blame the messenger.

What does that have to do with liberal conspiracy theories?

Nothing moron, it's a response to his post.
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Is it a conspiracy theory when every US intelligence agency has confirmed this?

Is it a conspiracy when the congressional leadership has been briefed on this very subject multiple times over the last year?

Is it a conspiracy that congressional leadership is now on board with convening hearings on the subject?

I admire your efforts to remain in the center but you're missing the boat on this issue.

The OP is a perfect example of centrist elitism. While ironically attacking 'intolerance' on a regular basis,
Mac is viciously intolerant of anyone who won't conform in lockstep to his centrist mandate.

Read this and tell me your wonderful thoughts....

Ironic, isn’t it, that it is those who purport to be liberal and progressive who are responsible for the revival of McCarthyism in America. Moreover, the liberal progressives are institutionalizing McCarthyism in the US government. There is clearly a concerted effort being made to define truth as fake news and to define lies as truth.

Ironic, isn’t it, that it is the war criminal Hillary, responsible for the destruction of Libya and the near destruction of Syria until the Russians intervened, that the liberal progressive forces are desperate to have as president. Not only did the liberal progressive forces attempt to elect a war criminal president of the US, they are doing their best to delegitimize the president-elect who opposes the orchestrated conflict with Russia.

Ironic, isn’t it, that the liberal progressive bloc refuse to give peace a chance. - Paul Craig Roberts

Why would you blame Hillary Clinton for the 'destruction' of Libya?
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Is it a conspiracy theory when every US intelligence agency has confirmed this?

Is it a conspiracy when the congressional leadership has been briefed on this very subject multiple times over the last year?

Is it a conspiracy that congressional leadership is now on board with convening hearings on the subject?

I admire your efforts to remain in the center but you're missing the boat on this issue.

The OP is a perfect example of centrist elitism. While ironically attacking 'intolerance' on a regular basis,
Mac is viciously intolerant of anyone who won't conform in lockstep to his centrist mandate.

Read this and tell me your wonderful thoughts....

Ironic, isn’t it, that it is those who purport to be liberal and progressive who are responsible for the revival of McCarthyism in America. Moreover, the liberal progressives are institutionalizing McCarthyism in the US government. There is clearly a concerted effort being made to define truth as fake news and to define lies as truth.

Ironic, isn’t it, that it is the war criminal Hillary, responsible for the destruction of Libya and the near destruction of Syria until the Russians intervened, that the liberal progressive forces are desperate to have as president. Not only did the liberal progressive forces attempt to elect a war criminal president of the US, they are doing their best to delegitimize the president-elect who opposes the orchestrated conflict with Russia.

Ironic, isn’t it, that the liberal progressive bloc refuse to give peace a chance. - Paul Craig Roberts

Why would you blame Hillary Clinton for the 'destruction' of Libya?
Asking such a question only exposes you as a dunce.

That is the problem with some lefties. You are generally uninformed so facts surprise you.
One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

That is a complete lie moron.

Trump was remarking on Hillary's e-mails that she, against the law, erased. He said jokingly that the Russians should try to look for those e-mails. That isn't anywhere close to inviting them to hack the election.

If she broke the law, why has Trump now decided not to pursue prosecution of her?

You ever heard of obstruction of justice?

Trump not pursuing her? Well, perhaps it's because he's busy picking his cabinet, perhaps it's because Gowdy is in the process of doing it now, and perhaps it's because he isn't POTUS yet.
Did Putin tell Hillary to collapse after a rally?
Did Putin tell the DNC to give Sanders the shaft?
Did Putin tell Hillary to call half of the country "Deplorable"?
Did Putin tell Hillary to ignore states she thought she had in the bag?
Did Putin tell Hillary to take a month off of the campaign trail?
Did Putin tell Weiner to keep his e-mails and get caught?
Did Putin tell Hillary supporters to stay away from her rallies?

View attachment 101865

You can't argue my truth so you put up a fabricated picture. I'd call that a win for me.
The OP is a perfect example of centrist elitism. While ironically attacking 'intolerance' on a regular basis,
Mac is viciously intolerant of anyone who won't conform in lockstep to his centrist mandate.
I've already told you.

You can't "prove" anything to a hardcore partisan ideologue.

The fact that you just can't let this go is funny, though.

I want to debate you on whether the conspiracy theories you claim in the OP are really conspiracy theories.

So list them and you and I can debate that one by one.
You can't debate with a hardcore partisan ideologue either.

Just make shit up, we both know you'll end up doing it anyway.

It's your thread, dude.
You really should at least try and engage in the discussion you started.

What conspiracies?
Sometimes I make the mistake of assuming that partisans will accept the obvious, and then I'm proven wrong pretty quickly.

Last time: Post 6 in this very thread. I could also point out other threads, but I know better than to bother.

I already know that no "proof" will be good enough. If you want to deny the premise of the thread, I'm perfectly comfy with that.

You're the one who's offered no proof.

Russian 'thing'?

Here's where that's at:

CIA report of Russia interference in 2016 race divides Republicans

So, what's the conspiracy theory? Who are the conspiracy theorists?
Did Putin tell Hillary to collapse after a rally?
Did Putin tell the DNC to give Sanders the shaft?
Did Putin tell Hillary to call half of the country "Deplorable"?
Did Putin tell Hillary to ignore states she thought she had in the bag?
Did Putin tell Hillary to take a month off of the campaign trail?
Did Putin tell Weiner to keep his e-mails and get caught?
Did Putin tell Hillary supporters to stay away from her rallies?

View attachment 101865

You can't argue my truth so you put up a fabricated picture. I'd call that a win for me.

Did Putin tell trump supporters to believe all the fake news out there?

One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

That is a complete lie moron.

Trump was remarking on Hillary's e-mails that she, against the law, erased. He said jokingly that the Russians should try to look for those e-mails. That isn't anywhere close to inviting them to hack the election.

If she broke the law, why has Trump now decided not to pursue prosecution of her?

You ever heard of obstruction of justice?

Trump not pursuing her? Well, perhaps it's because he's busy picking his cabinet, perhaps it's because Gowdy is in the process of doing it now, and perhaps it's because he isn't POTUS yet.

Trump aide: No plan to pursue charges against Clinton -

So you think the Trump camp is now lying AGAIN?
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.
One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

That is a complete lie moron.

Trump was remarking on Hillary's e-mails that she, against the law, erased. He said jokingly that the Russians should try to look for those e-mails. That isn't anywhere close to inviting them to hack the election.

If she broke the law, why has Trump now decided not to pursue prosecution of her?

You ever heard of obstruction of justice?

Trump not pursuing her? Well, perhaps it's because he's busy picking his cabinet, perhaps it's because Gowdy is in the process of doing it now, and perhaps it's because he isn't POTUS yet.

Trump aide: No plan to pursue charges against Clinton -

So you think the Trump camp is now lying AGAIN?
Isn't that the result you desperately wanted to see?
So in fairness, based on the OP's premise,

we can now label all Republican/conservative questions about election fraud, election irregularities, etc., etc., as merely conspiracy theories?

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