The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

That is a complete lie moron.

Trump was remarking on Hillary's e-mails that she, against the law, erased. He said jokingly that the Russians should try to look for those e-mails. That isn't anywhere close to inviting them to hack the election.

If she broke the law, why has Trump now decided not to pursue prosecution of her?

You ever heard of obstruction of justice?

Trump not pursuing her? Well, perhaps it's because he's busy picking his cabinet, perhaps it's because Gowdy is in the process of doing it now, and perhaps it's because he isn't POTUS yet.

Trump aide: No plan to pursue charges against Clinton -

So you think the Trump camp is now lying AGAIN?
Isn't that the result you desperately wanted to see?

No, but explain why that would be relevant.
Did Putin tell Hillary to collapse after a rally?
Did Putin tell the DNC to give Sanders the shaft?
Did Putin tell Hillary to call half of the country "Deplorable"?
Did Putin tell Hillary to ignore states she thought she had in the bag?
Did Putin tell Hillary to take a month off of the campaign trail?
Did Putin tell Weiner to keep his e-mails and get caught?
Did Putin tell Hillary supporters to stay away from her rallies?

View attachment 101865

You can't argue my truth so you put up a fabricated picture. I'd call that a win for me.

Did Putin tell trump supporters to believe all the fake news out there?

View attachment 101869

What fake news would you be talking about? Hillary's e-mails aren't fake. None of the items I posted above are fake. You are a fine example of what the OP was talking about. 99% of the fake news is coming from the left and the Mainstream Media. Fact.
One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

That is a complete lie moron.

Trump was remarking on Hillary's e-mails that she, against the law, erased. He said jokingly that the Russians should try to look for those e-mails. That isn't anywhere close to inviting them to hack the election.

If she broke the law, why has Trump now decided not to pursue prosecution of her?

You ever heard of obstruction of justice?

Trump not pursuing her? Well, perhaps it's because he's busy picking his cabinet, perhaps it's because Gowdy is in the process of doing it now, and perhaps it's because he isn't POTUS yet.

Trump aide: No plan to pursue charges against Clinton -

So you think the Trump camp is now lying AGAIN?

Hey nutjob, Gowdy is still pursuing her. Whether Trump pursues her or not, changes nothing. Your stupidity is starting to get tiring.
One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

So what you're saying is that Russia would not have hacked our elections unless they got permission from Trump? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
No, what they're saying is that Trump isn't the legitimate president because the Russians hacked Podesta's emails and revealed the truth about Hillary. They want to use that to obstruct Trump from getting his agenda passed. Too bad Trump's supporters don't give a fuck.

No one has said that, dope.
It's a serious issue when foreign interests interfere with our electoral process. That should in no way be tolerated.

Funny, that's just what Netanyahu said not long ago.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.

Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?
One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

That is a complete lie moron.

Trump was remarking on Hillary's e-mails that she, against the law, erased. He said jokingly that the Russians should try to look for those e-mails. That isn't anywhere close to inviting them to hack the election.

If she broke the law, why has Trump now decided not to pursue prosecution of her?

You ever heard of obstruction of justice?

Trump not pursuing her? Well, perhaps it's because he's busy picking his cabinet, perhaps it's because Gowdy is in the process of doing it now, and perhaps it's because he isn't POTUS yet.

Trump aide: No plan to pursue charges against Clinton -

So you think the Trump camp is now lying AGAIN?

Hey nutjob, Gowdy is still pursuing her. Whether Trump pursues her or not, changes nothing. Your stupidity is starting to get tiring.

IOW, one is a fool to take seriously anything Trump or his people say.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.

Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.
Point in case,,>>>> The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends. The CIA has become a proven Obama controlled political hit\attack squad like the department of homeland security under the current director. The FBI has said there is no basis for the claims made by the liberal lying media. Apparently it only takes TEN people out of over 500 to make it a major problem in lala land. Their "bipartisan" claim in electors is reached by including one "NEVER TRUMPER" and nine electors bound to Clinton. This is the shit that is going to take liberal dimshits down for fifty years to come. It will be what makes for the biggest conservative voter registration ever, and the complete eradication of liberals from the political stage for years. You apparently have NO idea how much mainstream Americans hate liberal whining, intimidating, treacherous, thieving, extortionist. We have let you run wild forever in the name of freedoms while you stomped on ours and shoved, harassed, and defamed us, with your small egotistical minds and your inability to accept your complete ignorance, BUT THAT time is about to end along with the Lassies Faire treatment. You are about to hit the wall at 150 miles an hour. You have alienated the cops, the military the people who pay the bills and everyone who really matters in the day to day of this country, and we do not need or like any of you foul stupid arrogant bullies, You are about to get what you deserve, because we are about to give you 60 years worth of your stupidity back. The people of the country spoke to your stupidity, and are getting tired of you proving daily how far and LOW you will go to try to keep us as your punching bags. I am ready, I promise you are not for what is coming LIBERAL LYING TREASONOUS SCUM will be crushed like eggs under a STEAMROLLER Of real progress because YOU WILL NOT SUBJUGATE or RULE US.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.

Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.
The leftists are sooooooooooo confused. The corrupt media and the corrupt pollsters told them that the hildebeast could not be beaten, that it was in the bag for her. Now, rather than acknowledge that they were taken in by the lies, they come up will all kinds of excuses and conspiracy theories to justify their support of the most corrupt human being ever to run for president.

I find it amusing to watch them twist and turn in their own slime.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

You bet its the twilight zone.

None of them could believe that Trump won the election. They all thought Hillary had it in the bag even though she was a lousy candidate.

They all thought the recount would get him gone. The recount that gave him additional votes.

Now this Russian bullshit comes up and they are all hoping this will keep Trump out of office.

You can't cure stupid and these lefty loons prove it every day. Good god what a bunch of gullible morons.
What was their basis for thinking Hillary had it in the bag?
Her media generated poll numbers?
The feeling that since she's gotten away with so much in the past that the election was rigged in her favor?
You couldn't tell that she was going to win by her crowds because they were ridiculously small.
So what was it that made her supporters feel she was going to win?

Yup and the fact that they all thought the investigations revealed nothing.

Her stupidity, carelessness and incompetence didn't seem to be enough to knock her out of the presidency.

Loads of stupid people voted for her despite all of her baggage. She was her own worst enemy.

Once she lost they tried to blame it on Comey, the deplorables and now the Russian bullshit.

Womans a waste of oxygen yet there were plenty who voted for her.

My vote for Trump was a last minute decision. I truly thought that POS Clinton would be our next POTUS.

I watched the entire election night and was pleasantly surprised to see Trump won. I was jumping up and down in my bedroom just a yelling.

He will be a much better POTUS than Hillary would ever be.
I think most of Hillary’s support came from people who thought she couldn’t lose. That she would somehow be able to cheat her way into the WH just like she stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders. They practically told us all this year that this was an acceptable outcome. Now they claim it isn't acceptable to cheat because she lost and in effect THEY lost.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

What conspiracy theories?
"The Russians hacked the election."

"Comey tried to destroy Hillary."

Dems rigged the election
Soros rigged the election
Thousands of illegals voted for Hillary robbing Trump of the popular vote
Blah blah blah

If anyone is claiming the Russians hacked the actual election, then that's conspiracy theory. If they're claiming the Russians hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the election, that has some evidence supporting it. If they are claiming the did it to swing it in Trump's favor, that too has some evidence. Nothing is certain, but only the first claim is really conspiracy theory.

2. No one says Soros rigged the election. We say he's paying rioters to disrupt the Trump rallies and there is some evidence to support that.

I must have imagined the threads about him owning the voting machines in 18 states (which was a lie), I know I didn't see our resident purveyor of moderation call out any of the right wing smear meisters on it.

Gee wonder why he always seems absent from such obvious hack jobs?
The leftists are sooooooooooo confused. The corrupt media and the corrupt pollsters told them that the hildebeast could not be beaten, that it was in the bag for her. Now, rather than acknowledge that they were taken in by the lies, they come up will all kinds of excuses and conspiracy theories to justify their support of the most corrupt human being ever to run for president.

I find it amusing to watch them twist and turn in their own slime.

The above from the guy who still thinks Trump won the popular vote.
Did Putin tell Hillary to collapse after a rally?
Did Putin tell the DNC to give Sanders the shaft?
Did Putin tell Hillary to call half of the country "Deplorable"?
Did Putin tell Hillary to ignore states she thought she had in the bag?
Did Putin tell Hillary to take a month off of the campaign trail?
Did Putin tell Weiner to keep his e-mails and get caught?
Did Putin tell Hillary supporters to stay away from her rallies?

View attachment 101865

You can't argue my truth so you put up a fabricated picture. I'd call that a win for me.

Did Putin tell trump supporters to believe all the fake news out there?

View attachment 101869

What fake news would you be talking about? Hillary's e-mails aren't fake. None of the items I posted above are fake. You are a fine example of what the OP was talking about. 99% of the fake news is coming from the left and the Mainstream Media. Fact.

My response to all that pointless drivel in your comment was in fact more pointless drivel. My hope was that you'd be smart enough to recognize that. Unfortunately you failed.

Although I will say that trump deserves what I put up because he called on Russia to hack hillarys emails. There's no denying that.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.

Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.
The CIA never made such as assessment. Democrats made it up.
The leftists are sooooooooooo confused. The corrupt media and the corrupt pollsters told them that the hildebeast could not be beaten, that it was in the bag for her. Now, rather than acknowledge that they were taken in by the lies, they come up will all kinds of excuses and conspiracy theories to justify their support of the most corrupt human being ever to run for president.

I find it amusing to watch them twist and turn in their own slime.

The above from the guy who still thinks Trump won the popular vote.

Trump won the ELECTION. He may or may not have won the PV once the illegal votes are removed from the count, but it doesn't matter. He won using the constitutional rules that we use to elect presidents.

Listen carefully--------------------I don't care who won the PV, it doesn't matter. Trump won the EC, that's what matters. Both candidates knew the rules going in and ran their campaigns accordingly, Hillary LOST.

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