The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

No hes legit, i dont give a fuck.if Russia fiducia hack.your emails, hey now youre concerned...what a hypocritical douche
The leftists are sooooooooooo confused. The corrupt media and the corrupt pollsters told them that the hildebeast could not be beaten, that it was in the bag for her. Now, rather than acknowledge that they were taken in by the lies, they come up will all kinds of excuses and conspiracy theories to justify their support of the most corrupt human being ever to run for president.

I find it amusing to watch them twist and turn in their own slime.

The above from the guy who still thinks Trump won the popular vote.
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.
No. He's right, Mac. No one is arguing that Russia didn't hack the DNC and some Republican orgs connected to the RNC. Except Trump. And the supporters who are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate that they wouldn't say shit if they stepped in it.
That IS a problem.

Guess what. You can cry about the Russians and the popular vote all you want.

Trump's still going to be President.
Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.
No. He's right, Mac. No one is arguing that Russia didn't hack the DNC and some Republican orgs connected to the RNC. Except Trump. And the supporters who are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate that they wouldn't say shit if they stepped in it.
That IS a problem.
Do you agree that they either let Russia "attack this country's democratic process" or "are treasonous"?
The leftists are sooooooooooo confused. The corrupt media and the corrupt pollsters told them that the hildebeast could not be beaten, that it was in the bag for her. Now, rather than acknowledge that they were taken in by the lies, they come up will all kinds of excuses and conspiracy theories to justify their support of the most corrupt human being ever to run for president.

I find it amusing to watch them twist and turn in their own slime.

The above from the guy who still thinks Trump won the popular vote.

Goes to the credibility of the poster. Very relevant.

Plus it's full of lies, such as saying that the media and the pollsters said Hillary COULD NOT BE BEATEN.

He's yet to show me any media outlet or pollster of any consequence who unequivocally made that claim.

In short, he's stupid.

Guess what. You can cry about the Russians and the popular vote all you want.

Trump's still going to be President.

Trump cried for eight years about Obama not being a natural born citizen. Somewhat double standard-ish on your part, eh?

Guess what. You can cry about the Russians and the popular vote all you want.

Trump's still going to be President.

Trump cried for eight years about Obama not being a natural born citizen. Somewhat double standard-ish on your part, eh?

Obama's not an American, doesn't matter where he was born or raised.
The leftists are sooooooooooo confused. The corrupt media and the corrupt pollsters told them that the hildebeast could not be beaten, that it was in the bag for her. Now, rather than acknowledge that they were taken in by the lies, they come up will all kinds of excuses and conspiracy theories to justify their support of the most corrupt human being ever to run for president.

I find it amusing to watch them twist and turn in their own slime.

The above from the guy who still thinks Trump won the popular vote.

Trump won the ELECTION. He may or may not have won the PV once the illegal votes are removed from the count, but it doesn't matter. He won using the constitutional rules that we use to elect presidents.

Listen carefully--------------------I don't care who won the PV, it doesn't matter. Trump won the EC, that's what matters. Both candidates knew the rules going in and ran their campaigns accordingly, Hillary LOST.

See? This poster advancing the crackpot theory that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton.

Guess what. You can cry about the Russians and the popular vote all you want.

Trump's still going to be President.

Trump cried for eight years about Obama not being a natural born citizen. Somewhat double standard-ish on your part, eh?

Obama's not an American, doesn't matter where he was born or raised.

See? These people confirm their own lunacy with only the least bit of prompting.
The OP is a perfect example of centrist elitism. While ironically attacking 'intolerance' on a regular basis,
Mac is viciously intolerant of anyone who won't conform in lockstep to his centrist mandate.
I've already told you.

You can't "prove" anything to a hardcore partisan ideologue.

The fact that you just can't let this go is funny, though.

I want to debate you on whether the conspiracy theories you claim in the OP are really conspiracy theories.

So list them and you and I can debate that one by one.
You can't debate with a hardcore partisan ideologue either.

Just make shit up, we both know you'll end up doing it anyway.

It's your thread, dude.
You really should at least try and engage in the discussion you started.

What conspiracies?
Sometimes I make the mistake of assuming that partisans will accept the obvious, and then I'm proven wrong pretty quickly.

Last time: Post 6 in this very thread. I could also point out other threads, but I know better than to bother.

I already know that no "proof" will be good enough. If you want to deny the premise of the thread, I'm perfectly comfy with that.

I don't require proof. Only an explanation of your premise that this is a conspiracy.
The leftists are sooooooooooo confused. The corrupt media and the corrupt pollsters told them that the hildebeast could not be beaten, that it was in the bag for her. Now, rather than acknowledge that they were taken in by the lies, they come up will all kinds of excuses and conspiracy theories to justify their support of the most corrupt human being ever to run for president.

I find it amusing to watch them twist and turn in their own slime.

The above from the guy who still thinks Trump won the popular vote.

Goes to the credibility of the poster. Very relevant.

Plus it's full of lies, such as saying that the media and the pollsters said Hillary COULD NOT BE BEATEN.

He's yet to show me any media outlet or pollster of any consequence who unequivocally made that claim.

In short, he's stupid.

were you under a rock during the last 3 months of prior to November? All of the media outlets said that Hillary was winning, all of them said that she would win the EC. ALL of them said that Trump had no path to 270 EC votes. ALL of the pollsters had her winning by 5-15%, ALL of them.

They were either corrupt and lying or they were incompetent. Which is it, NY Girl?

But lets turn your question around: give us one quote from a national media outlet or a national pollster that said that Trump would win. Prior to election night.

Guess what. You can cry about the Russians and the popular vote all you want.

Trump's still going to be President.

Trump cried for eight years about Obama not being a natural born citizen. Somewhat double standard-ish on your part, eh?

Obama has done everything possible to destroy this country for the last 8 years. An American would not have done that. Some day we will all know who and what this guy really is, and you assholes will deny it even as its shoved up your noses.

Guess what. You can cry about the Russians and the popular vote all you want.

Trump's still going to be President.

Trump cried for eight years about Obama not being a natural born citizen. Somewhat double standard-ish on your part, eh?

Obama has done everything possible to destroy this country for the last 8 years. An American would not have done that. Some day we will all know who and what this guy really is, and you assholes will deny it even as its shoved up your noses.

See? More lunacy. Sheer uncut lunacy.
Point in case,,>>>> The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends. The CIA has become a proven Obama controlled political hit\attack squad like the department of homeland security under the current director. The FBI has said there is no basis for the claims made by the liberal lying media. Apparently it only takes TEN people out of over 500 to make it a major problem in lala land. Their "bipartisan" claim in electors is reached by including one "NEVER TRUMPER" and nine electors bound to Clinton. This is the shit that is going to take liberal dimshits down for fifty years to come. It will be what makes for the biggest conservative voter registration ever, and the complete eradication of liberals from the political stage for years. You apparently have NO idea how much mainstream Americans hate liberal whining, intimidating, treacherous, thieving, extortionist. We have let you run wild forever in the name of freedoms while you stomped on ours and shoved, harassed, and defamed us, with your small egotistical minds and your inability to accept your complete ignorance, BUT THAT time is about to end along with the Lassies Faire treatment. You are about to hit the wall at 150 miles an hour. You have alienated the cops, the military the people who pay the bills and everyone who really matters in the day to day of this country, and we do not need or like any of you foul stupid arrogant bullies, You are about to get what you deserve, because we are about to give you 60 years worth of your stupidity back. The people of the country spoke to your stupidity, and are getting tired of you proving daily how far and LOW you will go to try to keep us as your punching bags. I am ready, I promise you are not for what is coming LIBERAL LYING TREASONOUS SCUM will be crushed like eggs under a STEAMROLLER Of real progress because YOU WILL NOT SUBJUGATE or RULE US.

The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends.

Completely wrong.

No one is saying the "election" was hacked. No one is asserting that the vote was in any way tampered with. Only that any hacking and the subsequent release of that information was done in an attempt to smear one candidate only in order to influence the election.

Mitch McConnell just backed a bipartisan investigation into whether Russia helped Trump win
The leftists are sooooooooooo confused. The corrupt media and the corrupt pollsters told them that the hildebeast could not be beaten, that it was in the bag for her. Now, rather than acknowledge that they were taken in by the lies, they come up will all kinds of excuses and conspiracy theories to justify their support of the most corrupt human being ever to run for president.

I find it amusing to watch them twist and turn in their own slime.

The above from the guy who still thinks Trump won the popular vote.

Trump won the ELECTION. He may or may not have won the PV once the illegal votes are removed from the count, but it doesn't matter. He won using the constitutional rules that we use to elect presidents.

Listen carefully--------------------I don't care who won the PV, it doesn't matter. Trump won the EC, that's what matters. Both candidates knew the rules going in and ran their campaigns accordingly, Hillary LOST.

See? This poster advancing the crackpot theory that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton.

maybe they did, maybe they didn't. There is some evidence that there were many non-citizens who registered and voted using drivers licenses given to illegals. But it doesn't matter. Trump won by the rules of our constitution. Hillary lost by those same rules.

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