The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?

You are truly dopey.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Seeing as I am not in a political office and my company does do business in Russia, I want the Russian businesses to be successful. you just hate the russians cause you're scared of the boogeyman.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Left him speechless.
actually it was incorrectly buried under your post.

When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Exactly. That's why we SHOULD be concerned, instead of chortling about how sleazy the other is.
you do know that americans do business in russia correct? So your hate for them is noted.

So by your logic we shuldn't "hate" Iran?
how? I don't do business there, I doubt any company in the US does, and they hate us, they wish death to all of us. It's why there is ISIS. so you are on a trip and should put down the drugs.
Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.

Doesn't's the typical train of logic...


or this:



Have to agree - that is an apt metaphor for the attempted electoral college switch. We need to let it go.

Backing up a bit…

This has been my experience with most people. Yeah, there was some unconventional things that happened that would have been taboo in other elections such as hacking and whatnot… But we accept the results outside of direct changing of voting totals.

Aside from the regular partisans here (what—maybe 5 or 6 posters on the left and about 12 on the right)…who are going to disagree just to be disagreeable in this forum….I have no idea what the OP is talking about.
Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?

You are truly dopey.
I'm dopey and you think a hack job from 2015 influenced the 2016 elections. I think you are wrong. And you think american voters aren't smart enough to make their own vote.
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Exactly. That's why we SHOULD be concerned, instead of chortling about how sleazy the other is.
you do know that americans do business in russia correct? So your hate for them is noted.

So by your logic we shuldn't "hate" Iran?
how? I don't do business there, I doubt any company in the US does, and they hate us, they wish death to all of us. It's why there is ISIS. so you are on a trip and should put down the drugs.

:lol: So you think Russia has our best interests at heart :lmao:
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.

Doesn't's the typical train of logic...


or this:



Have to agree - that is an apt metaphor for the attempted electoral college switch. We need to let it go.

Me too.

Unless you can show me voting machines getting hacked…you got nothing! Its important that we prosecute all hackers and treat it as the theft that it is but no way do I think we should be looking at election fraud over this.

I don't think anyone has even suggested that.

The influence comes from continually diminishing Clinton so as to turn off voters.
That could certainly account for some of the
poor turn out by Dems as well.
Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?

You are truly dopey.
I'm dopey and you think a hack job from 2015 influenced the 2016 elections. I think you are wrong. And you think american voters aren't smart enough to make their own vote.

Do deliberately try to obfuscate the issue? It's not a hack job from 2015, it's the timing and SELECTIVITY of the releases.
Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?

You are truly dopey.
I'm dopey and you think a hack job from 2015 influenced the 2016 elections. I think you are wrong. And you think american voters aren't smart enough to make their own vote.

The selective daily release of information is the influence. Not the actual hacking.

You are dopey if you can't think critically enough to see that. probably why it was an effective tactic to employ.
2. No one says Soros rigged the election. We say he's paying rioters to disrupt the Trump rallies and there is some evidence to support that.

I must have imagined the threads about him owning the voting machines in 18 states (which was a lie), I know I didn't see our resident purveyor of moderation call out any of the right wing smear meisters on it.

Gee wonder why he always seems absent from such obvious hack jobs?

I've never seen anyone claim that Soros owned any voting machines and I have never heard that on FOX or on any conservative talk show. Perhaps some one person here said that and I missed it but it never was a main stream right claim.

I'll bet you thought no one would take 30 seconds to google that

Sean Hannity Is Pouring Gasoline On The Rigged Election Narrative

Hmmm.. That's probably because I can't stand Hannity.

Oh, so your claim that no conservative talk show was hawking this story was just a guess on your part.

Well if you mean that because no one else except the one show I never listen to, not FOX, not Limbaugh, not Beck, ever said it, and so I never heard of it and made a conclusion that a long time proven liar made it up, is a guess then yes, it was a guess.

Point still remains that it never was a mainstream right wing belief.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
What conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory?

"the Russians hacked the election". have you not been paying attention?
That is ONE conspiracy theory. What are all the others, the "after another, after another" bit?

Sure if I give you another, you will want three, then four, and on. Only one is needed to prove his point. You guys have lost what little minds you had.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
What conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory?

"the Russians hacked the election". have you not been paying attention?
That is ONE conspiracy theory. What are all the others, the "after another, after another" bit?

Sure if I give you another, you will want three, then four, and on. Only one is needed to prove his point. You guys have lost what little minds you had.

Wrong. One does not prove a point. But, with the other examples Mac gave, he did prove his point - leftwingers are acting like rightwingers now with mass hysteria and unproven hyperbole and conspiracy theory propogation. They must have copied your playbook.
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

What conspiracy theories?
"The Russians hacked the election."

"Comey tried to destroy Hillary."

Dems rigged the election
Soros rigged the election
Thousands of illegals voted for Hillary robbing Trump of the popular vote
Blah blah blah

If anyone is claiming the Russians hacked the actual election, then that's conspiracy theory. If they're claiming the Russians hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the election, that has some evidence supporting it. If they are claiming the did it to swing it in Trump's favor, that too has some evidence. Nothing is certain, but only the first claim is really conspiracy theory.

1. Mac stated that the GOP did the same things before the outcome of the election.
2. No one says Soros rigged the election. We say he's paying rioters to disrupt the Trump rallies and there is some evidence to support that.
3. There is some evidence of illegals voting in elections.
4. Hillary did what her e-mails showed she did. Blaming Russia, if they actually did it, is blaming the messenger.
5. Trump has placed some hard core military in powerful positions, does anyone REALLY think that Putin prefers that to the pandering do-nothing wimps that Hillary would have picked?

#2 you must have missed the claims of Soros owning most of the voting machines.

Proof of Soros machines rigged

Official Election Day Election/Voter Fraud Tracking Thread

Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

The only evidence has been the same evidence as in every other election, a handful of immigrants, not even neccessarily illegals, most of whom mistakenly thinking they were eligible to vote. There were no thousands of illegals voting for Hillary. That is a conspiracy theory.

4. Russia was responsible for the hacking. The FBI and CIA both agree on that. There is no "if".

5. At least one of those generals has close Russian ties himself.

#2 Yeah I missed them, I'm still missing them because your link isn't working.

#4 I don't trust either one of them since they are run by the 0bama administration and besides, it's irrelevant who hacked them, you are still blaming the messenger.

#5 Irrelevant again. The point is still valid. I don't trust your "has ties" statement. You lefties are lying assholes.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
What conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory?

"the Russians hacked the election". have you not been paying attention?
That is ONE conspiracy theory. What are all the others, the "after another, after another" bit?

Sure if I give you another, you will want three, then four, and on. Only one is needed to prove his point. You guys have lost what little minds you had.

Wrong. One does not prove a point. But, with the other examples Mac gave, he did prove his point - leftwingers are acting like rightwingers now with mass hysteria and unproven hyperbole and conspiracy theory propogation. They must have copied your playbook.
You wrote that playbook. The left has always been hysterical. Grandma's flying off cliffs, racists everywhere, rich people keeping them down. It's all they've ever had.
Nothing happened to them it is just a manifestation of their inner being. They are losing all relevance and are trying to hold on any way they can.
What conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory?

"the Russians hacked the election". have you not been paying attention?
That is ONE conspiracy theory. What are all the others, the "after another, after another" bit?

Sure if I give you another, you will want three, then four, and on. Only one is needed to prove his point. You guys have lost what little minds you had.

Wrong. One does not prove a point. But, with the other examples Mac gave, he did prove his point - leftwingers are acting like rightwingers now with mass hysteria and unproven hyperbole and conspiracy theory propogation. They must have copied your playbook.

Yes actually. One is all that is needed.
One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

The Russians didn't tell Hillary to set up her hidden private server, she F'ed up she most likely got hacked. What Trump was referring to was if the Russians had her missing 30,000 emails they should turn them over to the FBI.

He did not openly invite the Russians to hack the USA.
What conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory?

"the Russians hacked the election". have you not been paying attention?
That is ONE conspiracy theory. What are all the others, the "after another, after another" bit?

Sure if I give you another, you will want three, then four, and on. Only one is needed to prove his point. You guys have lost what little minds you had.

Wrong. One does not prove a point. But, with the other examples Mac gave, he did prove his point - leftwingers are acting like rightwingers now with mass hysteria and unproven hyperbole and conspiracy theory propogation. They must have copied your playbook.
You wrote that playbook. The left has always been hysterical. Grandma's flying off cliffs, racists everywhere, rich people keeping them down. It's all they've ever had.

Yes, they have been doing this since Reagan was POTUS but I think it's worse now.
One candidate, and only one candidate, invited the Russians to hack our electoral process. That candidate was Trump. If we find that the process was hacked beyond just the e-mails, then who is working for whom?

The Russians didn't tell Hillary to set up her hidden private server, she F'ed up she most likely got hacked. What Trump was referring to was if the Russians had her missing 30,000 emails they should turn them over to the FBI.

He did not openly invite the Russians to hack the USA.

Of course not, the left are liars AND they have lost their shit.
What conspiracy theories?
"The Russians hacked the election."

"Comey tried to destroy Hillary."

Dems rigged the election
Soros rigged the election
Thousands of illegals voted for Hillary robbing Trump of the popular vote
Blah blah blah

If anyone is claiming the Russians hacked the actual election, then that's conspiracy theory. If they're claiming the Russians hacked the DNC and attempted to influence the election, that has some evidence supporting it. If they are claiming the did it to swing it in Trump's favor, that too has some evidence. Nothing is certain, but only the first claim is really conspiracy theory.

1. Mac stated that the GOP did the same things before the outcome of the election.
2. No one says Soros rigged the election. We say he's paying rioters to disrupt the Trump rallies and there is some evidence to support that.
3. There is some evidence of illegals voting in elections.
4. Hillary did what her e-mails showed she did. Blaming Russia, if they actually did it, is blaming the messenger.
5. Trump has placed some hard core military in powerful positions, does anyone REALLY think that Putin prefers that to the pandering do-nothing wimps that Hillary would have picked?

#2 you must have missed the claims of Soros owning most of the voting machines.

Proof of Soros machines rigged

Official Election Day Election/Voter Fraud Tracking Thread

Computer scientists urge Clinton campaign to challenge election results

The only evidence has been the same evidence as in every other election, a handful of immigrants, not even neccessarily illegals, most of whom mistakenly thinking they were eligible to vote. There were no thousands of illegals voting for Hillary. That is a conspiracy theory.

4. Russia was responsible for the hacking. The FBI and CIA both agree on that. There is no "if".

5. At least one of those generals has close Russian ties himself.

#2 Yeah I missed them, I'm still missing them because your link isn't working.

#4 I don't trust either one of them since they are run by the 0bama administration and besides, it's irrelevant who hacked them, you are still blaming the messenger.

#5 Irrelevant again. The point is still valid. I don't trust your "has ties" statement. You lefties are lying assholes.

#2 - that is odd, the links are working for me. People clearly claimed that Soros owns most of the voting machines and tried to rig the election.

#4 - you righties are so far up Putin's butt a suppository won't shift you.

#5 - Michael Flynn & Russia: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

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