The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

There was no corruption revealed.

Doesn't's the typical train of logic...


or this:



Have to agree - that is an apt metaphor for the attempted electoral college switch. We need to let it go.

Me too.

Unless you can show me voting machines getting hacked…you got nothing! Its important that we prosecute all hackers and treat it as the theft that it is but no way do I think we should be looking at election fraud over this.

I don't think anyone has even suggested that.

The influence comes from continually diminishing Clinton so as to turn off voters.
That could certainly account for some of the
poor turn out by Dems as well.

What conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory?

"the Russians hacked the election". have you not been paying attention?
That is ONE conspiracy theory. What are all the others, the "after another, after another" bit?

Sure if I give you another, you will want three, then four, and on. Only one is needed to prove his point. You guys have lost what little minds you had.

Wrong. One does not prove a point. But, with the other examples Mac gave, he did prove his point - leftwingers are acting like rightwingers now with mass hysteria and unproven hyperbole and conspiracy theory propogation. They must have copied your playbook.
You wrote that playbook. The left has always been hysterical. Grandma's flying off cliffs, racists everywhere, rich people keeping them down. It's all they've ever had.
what about global warming? Oh my fking gawd!!!!! leftists, oh and if you disagree with them on it they want to lock you up. yep the libturds aren't human friendly.
There was no corruption revealed.

Doesn't's the typical train of logic...


or this:



Have to agree - that is an apt metaphor for the attempted electoral college switch. We need to let it go.

Me too.

Unless you can show me voting machines getting hacked…you got nothing! Its important that we prosecute all hackers and treat it as the theft that it is but no way do I think we should be looking at election fraud over this.

I don't think anyone has even suggested that.

The influence comes from continually diminishing Clinton so as to turn off voters.
That could certainly account for some of the
poor turn out by Dems as well.
wow, so the fifteen MSM sites never tried to influence the election against Trump? Really, you're really going to say that? There is all the evidence one needs to truly understand how fking far off the planet they are.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?

You are truly dopey.
I'm dopey and you think a hack job from 2015 influenced the 2016 elections. I think you are wrong. And you think american voters aren't smart enough to make their own vote.

The selective daily release of information is the influence. Not the actual hacking.

You are dopey if you can't think critically enough to see that. probably why it was an effective tactic to employ.
what about the Billy Bush story, what about the 12 women who supposedly were fondled by trump, what about all of the other fake new stories? to do what? What exactly do you think their purposes were? So you're ok with one way politics eh? fk you!
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?

You are truly dopey.
I'm dopey and you think a hack job from 2015 influenced the 2016 elections. I think you are wrong. And you think american voters aren't smart enough to make their own vote.

Do deliberately try to obfuscate the issue? It's not a hack job from 2015, it's the timing and SELECTIVITY of the releases.
so what? that isn't illegal is it? So publishing a story is now illegal? you can't honestly tell me that with a straight face. what about the made up 12 women about trump, what was the purpose of pushing that story?
There was no corruption revealed.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?

You are truly dopey.
I'm dopey and you think a hack job from 2015 influenced the 2016 elections. I think you are wrong. And you think american voters aren't smart enough to make their own vote.

The selective daily release of information is the influence. Not the actual hacking.

You are dopey if you can't think critically enough to see that. probably why it was an effective tactic to employ.
what about the Billy Bush story, what about the 12 women who supposedly were fondled by trump, what about all of the other fake new stories? to do what? What exactly do you think their purposes were? So you're ok with one way politics eh? fk you!

Billy Bush was actually Trump's own
words ,dope.

The 12 women came forward to the press.

The press reports stories, not create them.
The Democratic Party are pragmatic centrists.
On the spectrum of the modern world, we are. After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! That's all far right CRAP.
huh? :link::link::link::link::link::link::link:
All proven fact, dupe. Welcome to reality. Name one.
There was no corruption revealed.

Doesn't's the typical train of logic...


or this:



Have to agree - that is an apt metaphor for the attempted electoral college switch. We need to let it go.

Me too.

Unless you can show me voting machines getting hacked…you got nothing! Its important that we prosecute all hackers and treat it as the theft that it is but no way do I think we should be looking at election fraud over this.

I don't think anyone has even suggested that.

The influence comes from continually diminishing Clinton so as to turn off voters.
That could certainly account for some of the
poor turn out by Dems as well.

No, what is really the cause of Dems not turning out for Clinton is----------->

1. Part of those votes went to Trump, and

2. Many Democrats stayed home

See, you people on the left either don't get it, or refuse to understand it------>

Neither one of the candidates this time around was liked. In fact, many voters from BOTH party's bailed out, and either didn't vote at all, or voted 3rd party when it came to President.

The deciding factor of this election was NOT who was disliked more, but rather---------->which candidate could steal some of the others voters. Trump did this exceptionally well, or he would NEVER have won Michigan. He made arguments blue collar workers could understand. Now you far leftists explain to all of us how an argument over a bathroom, a union worker is going to be interested in! They are going to roll their eyes. I know, I was UAW for over 30 years, and I know it to be fact!

You can huff, and puff, and pretend you are going to blow the house down lefties, but all you are really doing except in California and New York, is burying yourselves deeper then any political party in modern times has been before, and Trump is NOT a politician, so all your bitching and moaning will stop NOTHING. The only hope you have is your criticism of his economics is correct, because if it is not, you people might as well change your name because a Democrat won't get elected to anything in most states for 20 years, and nationally for 12.
Doesn't's the typical train of logic...


or this:



Have to agree - that is an apt metaphor for the attempted electoral college switch. We need to let it go.

Me too.

Unless you can show me voting machines getting hacked…you got nothing! Its important that we prosecute all hackers and treat it as the theft that it is but no way do I think we should be looking at election fraud over this.

I don't think anyone has even suggested that.

The influence comes from continually diminishing Clinton so as to turn off voters.
That could certainly account for some of the
poor turn out by Dems as well.

No, what is really the cause of Dems not turning out for Clinton is----------->

1. Part of those votes went to Trump, and

2. Many Democrats stayed home

See, you people on the left either don't get it, or refuse to understand it------>

Neither one of the candidates this time around was liked. In fact, many voters from BOTH party's bailed out, and either didn't vote at all, or voted 3rd party when it came to President.

The deciding factor of this election was NOT who was disliked more, but rather---------->which candidate could steal some of the others voters. Trump did this exceptionally well, or he would NEVER have won Michigan. He made arguments blue collar workers could understand. Now you far leftists explain to all of us how an argument over a bathroom, a union worker is going to be interested in! They are going to roll their eyes. I know, I was UAW for over 30 years, and I know it to be fact!

You can huff, and puff, and pretend you are going to blow the house down lefties, but all you are really doing except in California and New York, is burying yourselves deeper then any political party in modern times has been before, and Trump is NOT a politician, so all your bitching and moaning will stop NOTHING. The only hope you have is your criticism of his economics is correct, because if it is not, you people might as well change your name because a Democrat won't get elected to anything in most states for 20 years, and nationally for 12.
No, what is really the cause of Dems not turning out for Clinton is----------->

1. Part of those votes went to Trump, and

2. Many Democrats stayed home

Now that's brilliant! :laugh:

Same deflection as tried above.

Changing the subject doesn't work with me, sorry.

No deflection. Trump is a fucking loon. He is appointing loons. I'm having a blast...
So you believe people with highly skilled services are loons. name alternate folks?

Goebbels came top his class at high school and had a doctorate in history. What do you think of him. And, no, I'm not comparing Trump's appointments to them. I'm saying just because you have brains doesn't mean you're anything special. Just ask any right-wing loon when bringing up either Clinton's substantial intellects.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

The left has been unwilling, the right has been unwilling, unless of course the other sides decides to do what they want, and that doesn't happen.

You go on with the childish insults, and you point out half of one of the many problems, but you won't admit that the problem is partisan, it's not left wing, it's not right wing, it's partisan, and those who are partisan are the problem, and those who are partisan spend their whole time of their sad little lives insulting people because it's all they've got.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

The left has been unwilling, the right has been unwilling, unless of course the other sides decides to do what they want, and that doesn't happen.

You go on with the childish insults, and you point out half of one of the many problems, but you won't admit that the problem is partisan, it's not left wing, it's not right wing, it's partisan, and those who are partisan are the problem, and those who are partisan spend their whole time of their sad little lives insulting people because it's all they've got.
Yup. The point of my sig.
Three days later and the OP still hasn't named the conspiracy theories.
You lie so consistently and so naturally that I don't think you even know what reality is.

Below is a nice, civil, honest conversation I had with a lefty yesterday.

I know it won't be "good enough" for you, because (as I've said before) you can't "prove" anything to a hardcore partisan ideologue.

While I must admit it's a very good sign that I'm so far up in your heads, your behaviors do get tedious.

That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.
A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Exactly. That's why we SHOULD be concerned, instead of chortling about how sleazy the other is.
you do know that americans do business in russia correct? So your hate for them is noted.

So by your logic we shuldn't "hate" Iran?
how? I don't do business there, I doubt any company in the US does, and they hate us, they wish death to all of us. It's why there is ISIS. so you are on a trip and should put down the drugs.

:lol: So you think Russia has our best interests at heart :lmao:
Do you?
Three days later and the OP still hasn't named the conspiracy theories.
You lie so consistently and so naturally that I don't think you even know what reality is.

Below is a nice, civil, honest conversation I had with a lefty yesterday.

I know it won't be "good enough" for you, because (as I've said before) you can't "prove" anything to a hardcore partisan ideologue.

While I must admit it's a very good sign that I'm so far up in your heads, your behaviors do get tedious.

Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.

I want you to prove that I'm touting conspiracy theories.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?

You are truly dopey.
I'm dopey and you think a hack job from 2015 influenced the 2016 elections. I think you are wrong. And you think american voters aren't smart enough to make their own vote.

The selective daily release of information is the influence. Not the actual hacking.

You are dopey if you can't think critically enough to see that. probably why it was an effective tactic to employ.
what about the Billy Bush story, what about the 12 women who supposedly were fondled by trump, what about all of the other fake new stories? to do what? What exactly do you think their purposes were? So you're ok with one way politics eh? fk you!

Billy Bush was actually Trump's own
words ,dope.

The 12 women came forward to the press.

The press reports stories, not create them.
who put it out there ahead of the election? What do you supposed the purpose was? DOH!!!

The 12 women came forward to the press.

sure they did. you got a bridge to nowhere?

So where are they now then?

See you haven't an honest bone in your body. you only want one way politics. As Aerosmith sang, 'Dream On'

The press reports stories, not create them

What did wikileaks report but a story, wow you live in a fantasy land.

Why didn't the MSM report on the story? oh yeah, they were in clinton's pocket.
Last edited:
Three days later and the OP still hasn't named the conspiracy theories.
You lie so consistently and so naturally that I don't think you even know what reality is.

Below is a nice, civil, honest conversation I had with a lefty yesterday.

I know it won't be "good enough" for you, because (as I've said before) you can't "prove" anything to a hardcore partisan ideologue.

While I must admit it's a very good sign that I'm so far up in your heads, your behaviors do get tedious.

Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.

I want you to prove that I'm touting conspiracy theories.
Nice dodge, liar.

And again, nothing can be "proven" to someone like you.

I don't give a shit what you want.

And again, nice dodge, liar.

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