The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…

That's it exactly. You can't even be sure if they are releasing an entiere item, or just a segment that sounds damaging when taken in isolation. There is no easy way to verify, and no reason to trust someone like Assange OR the Russian government more than our own government.
why didn't the democrats deny the emails? They gave them credibility.
so a tax break is an entitlement to you eh? Nice to know. Funny as hell.

When you pay less than the standard tax rate…you betcha.
it is? Hmmm post up that definition for us.

Well, I define it as this: When you’re not paying as much as you should because of action by the politicians, you’re getting an entitlement.

View attachment 102043

Your concession of the point is noted.
you had a point? Oh I thought you were making a joke and I laughed.:dance:
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…

That's it exactly. You can't even be sure if they are releasing an entiere item, or just a segment that sounds damaging when taken in isolation. There is no easy way to verify, and no reason to trust someone like Assange OR the Russian government more than our own government.
why didn't the democrats deny the emails? They gave them credibility.

Maybe they just fired a bunch of people without checking to see if the e-mails were real?

Yea, that's the ticket!!!!!
Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.
So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.
then why are you worried about the hack that happened in 2015? what is it exactly then, did the russians interfere with? If nothing was there?
Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.

Doesn't's the typical train of logic...


or this:



Have to agree - that is an apt metaphor for the attempted electoral college switch. We need to let it go.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

And you had 8 years of Obama is a muslim; Obama was not born here and 8 months accusing Ms. Clinton of everything from having lesibian affairs to murder to having Parkinson’s disease, a hole in her tongue and child sex trafficking.

Perhaps you can show us a thread like this where you accused the right wing of “losing it’s shit”?

It’s okay if you can’t (and we know you can’t). However, if you’re truly not a partisan as you claim to be; you can better illustrate that by trying to be a bit more honest in your calling the balls and strikes.

Okay…time to cue up the indignant retort.
I don't think I ever used those words. I think it was because it was just happening so consistently for so long, it became old news.

I sure did comment, though. Since my posts are clearly so important to you, you're welcome to look 'em up.

And as I have pointed out several times on this thread, part of my surprise is that I've assumed all along the Left was better than this.

But most importantly, as clear as it is that I have hit a nerve on this thread, neither your approval nor your agreement is required.
Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.
seems you're more concerned that wikileaks posted actual emails that told the american people how sleazy the DNC is. Are you ok with a sleazy political party then?
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

And you had 8 years of Obama is a muslim; Obama was not born here and 8 months accusing Ms. Clinton of everything from having lesibian affairs to murder to having Parkinson’s disease, a hole in her tongue and child sex trafficking.

Perhaps you can show us a thread like this where you accused the right wing of “losing it’s shit”?

It’s okay if you can’t (and we know you can’t). However, if you’re truly not a partisan as you claim to be; you can better illustrate that by trying to be a bit more honest in your calling the balls and strikes.

Okay…time to cue up the indignant retort.
I don't think I ever used those words. I think it was because it was just happening so consistently for so long, it became old news.

I sure did comment, though. Since my posts are clearly so important to you, you're welcome to look 'em up.

And as I have pointed out several times on this thread, part of my surprise is that I've assumed all along the Left was better than this.

But most importantly, as clear as it is that I have hit a nerve on this thread, neither your approval nor your agreement is required.

Thanks for proving my point.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.
seems you're more concerned that wikileaks posted actual emails that told the american people how sleazy the DNC is. Are you ok with a sleazy political party then?

More concerned that it didn’t publish both sides. The truth is the whole truth..or do you not care so much about that?
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.
seems you're more concerned that wikileaks posted actual emails that told the american people how sleazy the DNC is. Are you ok with a sleazy political party then?

Seems you just assume everything wikileaks posted was accurate, factual and complete. Big assumption. But maybe you're just happy at anything that confirms your opinion rather than the facts.
Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.

There was no corruption revealed.

Doesn't's the typical train of logic...


or this:



Have to agree - that is an apt metaphor for the attempted electoral college switch. We need to let it go.

Me too.

Unless you can show me voting machines getting hacked…you got nothing! Its important that we prosecute all hackers and treat it as the theft that it is but no way do I think we should be looking at election fraud over this.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Seeing as I am not in a political office and my company does do business in Russia, I want the Russian businesses to be successful. you just hate the russians cause you're scared of the boogeyman.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Exactly. That's why we SHOULD be concerned, instead of chortling about how sleazy the other is.
You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Seeing as I am not in a political office and my company does do business in Russia, I want the Russian businesses to be successful. you just hate the russians cause you're scared of the boogeyman.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Left him speechless.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.

At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.
seems you're more concerned that wikileaks posted actual emails that told the american people how sleazy the DNC is. Are you ok with a sleazy political party then?

Seems you just assume everything wikileaks posted was accurate, factual and complete. Big assumption. But maybe you're just happy at anything that confirms your opinion rather than the facts.
well for the third time now, since no one challenged the email as false, then yes, I believe them. If you feel they are false, how was it then they interfered?
You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Exactly. That's why we SHOULD be concerned, instead of chortling about how sleazy the other is.
you do know that americans do business in russia correct? So your hate for them is noted.
At the moment, you only have this one example of CT. Hard to make a case with out more.
Wrong. Posts 6, 299, 337, 359 and 458 all include examples of my point.

But I already know that I could provide a thousand examples and they will all be denied.

Fine with me. Denial is a fundamental strategy of hardcore partisan ideologues, both ends. I'm used to it.

Post #6, is more of the same.
Post #299 - agree, could be or become a CT. The question is this: are there significant ties to Russia amongst the people being put into the cabinet or are they just passing/business/transienty sorts of things? Out of curiousity, - how does this compare other presidential cabinets? This reminds me the Muslim Brotherhood/Obama administration conspiracy theory so you have a point - this could become one with much being made out of very little.
Post #337 - pure hyperbole from Olberman. He sounds like a wingnut.
Post #359 - there's legitimate concern here because no one knows what Trump is going to do, he defies prediction. Totally. He is not like any politician we've known. He doesn't let normal protocals get in his way thus far. I wouldn't label this a CT yet until we see what happens, there is not enough info available to say.
#458 - agree, hyperbole, hysteria.

Agree with your point. Let's see if it persists. I for one am very disturbed at Russia's hacking, the timing of wikileaks releases, and Comey's last minute disruption which went completely against normal rules and protocal. I don't think it's CT or hysteria to BE disturbed. It is unprecedented. It violates something we, on both sides of the aisle consider inviolate - our electoral process. Each of those things taken seperately, can be overcome but when you take them all together - they become very worrisome. There is no way to know IF or to WHAT degree it effected the election, so that needs to be just let go by partisans. It's all conjecture. Trump was elected. But the fact that a foreign country was behind this, motive undetermined - should not be let go and I am glad there is a bipartisan call to look into it.
seems you're more concerned that wikileaks posted actual emails that told the american people how sleazy the DNC is. Are you ok with a sleazy political party then?

Seems you just assume everything wikileaks posted was accurate, factual and complete. Big assumption. But maybe you're just happy at anything that confirms your opinion rather than the facts.
well for the third time now, since no one challenged the email as false, then yes, I believe them. If you feel they are false, how was it then they interfered?

Most of the time it's not worth it to deny them, it's like with libel and slander, it just diverts attention from more important things. However, there were those who claimed some of them were faked.
sure we do, they didn't deny them


When the “hacks” supposedly involve you and a child porn sex scandal…you’re supposed to show up and deny them???

The fact is that you can never be sure if what is being released was truthful or not. Unless you trust hackers… Which apparently the average Trump supporter does…
you know what bothers me more is the pure ignorance of the media to look into hillary and show her corruption. I thank them for showing the world how corrupt she and the DNC really are. They are scum.

I don't care who hacked their accounts, either the media is the media for everyone or not. If the MSM wants to be in bed with the DNC then this is my outlet. You choose.

A few years back over in England, the folks at Fox would call people’s houses and try to get their messages off of their answering machines. Basically at a whim to delete any message that could be crucial to that person (as would the Russians with an e-mail) as they listened to the messages.

They did so in the name of “the truth must be told”.

That is fine in theory. Next time it may not be the DNC. Your new friends, the Russians, could be doing it to the USS Nimitz…erasing the part about “this is a drill”.

Something to think about as you dismiss it.

Exactly. That's why we SHOULD be concerned, instead of chortling about how sleazy the other is.
you do know that americans do business in russia correct? So your hate for them is noted.

So by your logic we shuldn't "hate" Iran?

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