The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?
It was not a conspiracy.

It was a pure miracle from God.

If God can hold His nose and kiss Trump's ugly azz then the rest of us should be able to do so also for the next 4 to 8 years.
me, i'd be more pissed that the emails confirmed corruption. wow, so now we know the left doesn't care about corruption both in the MSM and the supporters. how unamerican.
Hey nutjob, can you not read?

"These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges."

So you've done an extensive investigation and with the multitude of facts you've acquired you can prove that the CIA assessment is 'baseless'?

Apparently YOU can't read either. That might explain why you are talking such stupid shit.

So are you conceding that the CIA assessment, whatever else it may or may not be,

cannot be labeled 'baseless'?

hint: that's a yes or no.

No idiot, I'm saying your post is irrelevant to that conversation.

So this isn't your thread title?

The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Macs response: No, its the Lefts thread title!

Bottom line is, Mac apparently believes, out of thin air, that there is nothing whatsoever to support the claim that the Russians were meddling in the US election.

The claim that they were meddling in the US election is what came out of thin air. Dims seem to believe they can make up any outrageous thing that pops into their head and that the rest of us are obligated to prove it wrong.

Okay so if the CIA is operating out of thin air, what is your alternative plan for US international security operations?

Republicans are so scared their new messiah is illegitimate, they are willing to let foreign governments attack this country's democratic process and then pretend it never happened. Or else they are treasonous and are glad it happened.

Countries have been attacking this country's democratic process for decades.

Are you really that stupid ?

Actually, they NEVER do. Communism, the totalitarianism of the left, has only happened after violent revolution, and usually against a corrupt, unfair, capitalist oligarchy. See czarist Russia, decadent China etc etc- or invasion by communists....

Carebear, Franco, and the rest of the lefties are phony!

1. Tell all of us, who was in charge of security? In other words.......under who's watch did this happen!

2. The only thing the left is really whining about is------>the Lefty mob, met the Russian mob, they hacked, and hacked, and hacked, the Russians won.......if it was really the Russians. The left may be claiming it is, because they don't want to admit they got hosed by some 16 year old, lol.

3. I don't want outside interference either from any other country, so why is it you LEFTIES had to get your asses involved in Israels elections-) You know what----->for all we know it is Israel REPAYING you snowflakes, and if it is, don't you deserve it, lol!

4. After watching the exposes' put out on how you lefties did business in government, I have no mercy on you! You played 100% dirty, got it reversed on you, and now are whining because you got out dirty tricked, and you can't tie it to Trump, lol.

What this the death throws of the political party known as the Democrats. That is sad! Democrats are NOT bad people at all, it is the people who have taken over their party; the far left wingers, the alt left, the Socialists/Marxists, who have no resemblance to the Democratic godfather, JFK. These people have KILLED the Democratic party as it once was, and turned it into a party that nobody recognizes. They have no respect for their constituents, no respect for the voters, no respect for themselves. THEY are the ones who are single minded, they will not bend, totally rigid. They are an embarrassment to the American political system, the exact system that paid through its taxpayers, TRILLIONS to destroy the mindset that these people have now transplanted here. They are the PUTIN'S of the USA, which is why they are so pissed.........they got out propagandized by a Marxist that is just like them.

If the Russians really DID have the influence on WikiLeaks the far left claims they have, then we must ALL look at the players in this fiasco with disdain. All Donald Trump is then---------->is the recipient of 2 Marxists groups (Communists and far left American liberals) going at each other, leaving him as the last person standing because the Marxists were over zealous with each other. It is like the NAZI'S claiming Stalin was the devil, lol. They were correct, Stalin was the devil, and the Nazis were Lucifer. What did they both have in common? Until the Nazis attacked Stalin, both of them blamed their problems on the USA. Same thing here, it is just that the NAZI's (far left Liberals in the USA) want to blame the Russians, AGAIN, lol!

In other words----------> look at what the Russians did, and oh by the way, while you are paying attention to that, please forget what we did to you. The old misdirection, lol. Sorry LEFTIES, you are out of luck!

exactly, the hacks occurred under obummers watch. let's not lose focus on that fact!!!! Information by the way, obummer had a year and months ahead of the election process and he did nadda. So it wasn't the most important part of his job. See how useless he is?
Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.
Point in case,,>>>> The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends. The CIA has become a proven Obama controlled political hit\attack squad like the department of homeland security under the current director. The FBI has said there is no basis for the claims made by the liberal lying media. Apparently it only takes TEN people out of over 500 to make it a major problem in lala land. Their "bipartisan" claim in electors is reached by including one "NEVER TRUMPER" and nine electors bound to Clinton. This is the shit that is going to take liberal dimshits down for fifty years to come. It will be what makes for the biggest conservative voter registration ever, and the complete eradication of liberals from the political stage for years. You apparently have NO idea how much mainstream Americans hate liberal whining, intimidating, treacherous, thieving, extortionist. We have let you run wild forever in the name of freedoms while you stomped on ours and shoved, harassed, and defamed us, with your small egotistical minds and your inability to accept your complete ignorance, BUT THAT time is about to end along with the Lassies Faire treatment. You are about to hit the wall at 150 miles an hour. You have alienated the cops, the military the people who pay the bills and everyone who really matters in the day to day of this country, and we do not need or like any of you foul stupid arrogant bullies, You are about to get what you deserve, because we are about to give you 60 years worth of your stupidity back. The people of the country spoke to your stupidity, and are getting tired of you proving daily how far and LOW you will go to try to keep us as your punching bags. I am ready, I promise you are not for what is coming LIBERAL LYING TREASONOUS SCUM will be crushed like eggs under a STEAMROLLER Of real progress because YOU WILL NOT SUBJUGATE or RULE US.

The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends.

Completely wrong.

No one is saying the "election" was hacked. No one is asserting that the vote was in any way tampered with. Only that any hacking and the subsequent release of that information was done in an attempt to smear one candidate only in order to influence the election.

Mitch McConnell just backed a bipartisan investigation into whether Russia helped Trump win

So when a hacker makes the truth available about how the DNC tried to manipulate the election that's smearing one candidate? How about all the so-called Trump sexual victims who came out and lied? Were they and the media trying to smear one candidate?

politics is a dirty slimy business, to pretend otherwise is very naïve.

Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

Those who are invested pay less of a tax on dividend income than they do through money earned through labor.
Pretty much a tax break (also known as an entitlement).
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

Those who are invested pay less of a tax on dividend income than they do through money earned through labor.
Pretty much a tax break (also known as an entitlement).
so a tax break is an entitlement to you eh? Nice to know. Funny as hell.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

Those who are invested pay less of a tax on dividend income than they do through money earned through labor.
Pretty much a tax break (also known as an entitlement).
so a tax break is an entitlement to you eh? Nice to know. Funny as hell.

When you pay less than the standard tax rate…you betcha.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

Those who are invested pay less of a tax on dividend income than they do through money earned through labor.
Pretty much a tax break (also known as an entitlement).
so a tax break is an entitlement to you eh? Nice to know. Funny as hell.

When you pay less than the standard tax rate…you betcha.
it is? Hmmm post up that definition for us.
Completely wrong.

No one is saying the "election" was hacked. No one is asserting that the vote was in any way tampered with. Only that any hacking and the subsequent release of that information was done in an attempt to smear one candidate only in order to influence the election.

Mitch McConnell just backed a bipartisan investigation into whether Russia helped Trump win

So when a hacker makes the truth available about how the DNC tried to manipulate the election that's smearing one candidate? How about all the so-called Trump sexual victims who came out and lied? Were they and the media trying to smear one candidate?

politics is a dirty slimy business, to pretend otherwise is very naïve.

Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

Those who are invested pay less of a tax on dividend income than they do through money earned through labor.
Pretty much a tax break (also known as an entitlement).
so a tax break is an entitlement to you eh? Nice to know. Funny as hell.

When you pay less than the standard tax rate…you betcha.
it is? Hmmm post up that definition for us.

Well, I define it as this: When you’re not paying as much as you should because of action by the politicians, you’re getting an entitlement.

Screen Shot 2016-12-14 at 12.12.10 PM.png
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.
I will tell you from my 50 years of following politics, the left has always been unwilling to negotiate between the parties. Ever. Today it causes us to keep the government going all the time cause they won't negotiate what spending to cut. There is no such thing to a libturd as a spending cut.

How did that obumerrcare thingy work out? oh yeah after hours and it has to become law to know what is in it. Oh and keep your doctor, cheaper and all of those lies. That is all libturds. Social Security, Libturds. Welfare, Libturds. Name one entitlement that came from a republican.

Lastly, sorry, they hate people who have success.

Those who are invested pay less of a tax on dividend income than they do through money earned through labor.
Pretty much a tax break (also known as an entitlement).
so a tax break is an entitlement to you eh? Nice to know. Funny as hell.

When you pay less than the standard tax rate…you betcha.
it is? Hmmm post up that definition for us.

When the government gives you thousands of dollars off your tax bill, because you have kids, thus allowing you to pay thousands less in annual income tax compared to the same person making the same money as you do, but without kids,

then you have received an entitlement.
So when a hacker makes the truth available about how the DNC tried to manipulate the election that's smearing one candidate? How about all the so-called Trump sexual victims who came out and lied? Were they and the media trying to smear one candidate?

politics is a dirty slimy business, to pretend otherwise is very naïve.

Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.

I agree with everything you just said. However, when the US DOL releases it’s figures every month (and did so during the election), you could take the unemployment rate and high light it. Hey look, UE is less. Or you could take the total number of Americans out of work and high light it. You mean XX,XXX,XXX people can’t find work? Every political operation has done this. Trump and his operatives just had more firepower courtesy of e-mails written by democrats. If the democrats are crying foul…they should probably look in the mirror.

I also think that you may be giving the average Trump supporter too much credit for understanding what was being released. Did you pour over every syllable of these things or did you just take the headline and wince? I think most people just winced. I know Trump didn’t read them—he probably didn’t know what they were talking about. To his credit though, Trump did what he does best, gloss over details and feed his moronic supporters their daily dose of venom. Can’t blame him for doing that.

I will say that it is really strange (wink wink) how many ties the Trump campaign had to Russia. Didn’t they have to fire a campaign manager when his ties to Russia were uncovered? Now his SoS got a medal pinned to him by the Russian Premier? Trump’s tax returns were not released but one of the rumors was that he had gotten loans from some oligarchs over there. Lots to ties to the Kremlin with this guy.
So when a hacker makes the truth available about how the DNC tried to manipulate the election that's smearing one candidate? How about all the so-called Trump sexual victims who came out and lied? Were they and the media trying to smear one candidate?

politics is a dirty slimy business, to pretend otherwise is very naïve.

Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

Not only that you want more corruption by giving them back the keys!!!! wow, that is unamerican.
Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.

I agree with everything you just said. However, when the US DOL releases it’s figures every month (and did so during the election), you could take the unemployment rate and high light it. Hey look, UE is less. Or you could take the total number of Americans out of work and high light it. You mean XX,XXX,XXX people can’t find work? Every political operation has done this. Trump and his operatives just had more firepower courtesy of e-mails written by democrats. If the democrats are crying foul…they should probably look in the mirror.

I also think that you may be giving the average Trump supporter too much credit for understanding what was being released. Did you pour over every syllable of these things or did you just take the headline and wince? I think most people just winced. I know Trump didn’t read them—he probably didn’t know what they were talking about. To his credit though, Trump did what he does best, gloss over details and feed his moronic supporters their daily dose of venom. Can’t blame him for doing that.

I will say that it is really strange (wink wink) how many ties the Trump campaign had to Russia. Didn’t they have to fire a campaign manager when his ties to Russia were uncovered? Now his SoS got a medal pinned to him by the Russian Premier? Trump’s tax returns were not released but one of the rumors was that he had gotten loans from some oligarchs over there. Lots to ties to the Kremlin with this guy.
is being friendly to russia a bad thing?
Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.
so was the information within the emails released touched up or changed? Why are you ok with corruption in our government by our politicians? Shame on you for accepting the corruption? you're worse than the hack. All the hack did was enlighten the country on the corruption and you don't care. wow!!!!

You never know for sure if the hacked e-mails were the same things being released.
sure we do, they didn't deny them
So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.

I agree with everything you just said. However, when the US DOL releases it’s figures every month (and did so during the election), you could take the unemployment rate and high light it. Hey look, UE is less. Or you could take the total number of Americans out of work and high light it. You mean XX,XXX,XXX people can’t find work? Every political operation has done this. Trump and his operatives just had more firepower courtesy of e-mails written by democrats. If the democrats are crying foul…they should probably look in the mirror.

I also think that you may be giving the average Trump supporter too much credit for understanding what was being released. Did you pour over every syllable of these things or did you just take the headline and wince? I think most people just winced. I know Trump didn’t read them—he probably didn’t know what they were talking about. To his credit though, Trump did what he does best, gloss over details and feed his moronic supporters their daily dose of venom. Can’t blame him for doing that.

I will say that it is really strange (wink wink) how many ties the Trump campaign had to Russia. Didn’t they have to fire a campaign manager when his ties to Russia were uncovered? Now his SoS got a medal pinned to him by the Russian Premier? Trump’s tax returns were not released but one of the rumors was that he had gotten loans from some oligarchs over there. Lots to ties to the Kremlin with this guy.
is being friendly to russia a bad thing?

You tell me…

Do you think the “former” head of the KGB who admires Trump and has personally awarded his SoS nominee a medal —this guy named Putin is more like Gorbachev or Kruschev? If you say Gorbachev, I’d ask you to support that with facts. If you say Kruschev and his “We will bury you.” statements, I’d ask you to rationalize your comfort.
Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.

Right. It’s a crime. And the FBI should go after them and do whatever it can to bring them to justice.

That being said…

If they hacked an e-mail account that’s pretty bad but it’s no grounds to question the outcome of an election. Now if they swapped vote totals, deleted some votes, added votes here and there or what have you.; that is grounds for possibly looking into questioning the outcomes of the elections because the various secretaries of state cannot certify the election results in that case.

Aside from that, the Dems got nothing except a case of hacking. Sorry.

Look, the DNC, Clinton campaign and Podesta were all hacked.

That information was then released on to two different web pages and also to WL.

The information came out in small bits daily and was timed so as to step on Clinton events and announcements.

It's been determined that the hacks originated from within Russia. It's also been determined that the two web pages were fronts for two Russian intelligence services, the FSB and the GRU. This was a calculated act of espionage.

Now, given the fact that only one of the candidates was targeted, the logical conclusion would be that it was done in an attempt to influence the outcome of the election. It's impossible to quantify how many voters were swayed by this tactic but it's equally impossible to say that it had no effect at all.

The larger and more important issue with this is of course the future security and integrity of our elections going forward.

The worst thing we should do is dismiss it out of hand.

We'll see soon enough. The calls for declassifying the Intel on this are growing louder.

I agree with everything you just said. However, when the US DOL releases it’s figures every month (and did so during the election), you could take the unemployment rate and high light it. Hey look, UE is less. Or you could take the total number of Americans out of work and high light it. You mean XX,XXX,XXX people can’t find work? Every political operation has done this. Trump and his operatives just had more firepower courtesy of e-mails written by democrats. If the democrats are crying foul…they should probably look in the mirror.

I also think that you may be giving the average Trump supporter too much credit for understanding what was being released. Did you pour over every syllable of these things or did you just take the headline and wince? I think most people just winced. I know Trump didn’t read them—he probably didn’t know what they were talking about. To his credit though, Trump did what he does best, gloss over details and feed his moronic supporters their daily dose of venom. Can’t blame him for doing that.

I will say that it is really strange (wink wink) how many ties the Trump campaign had to Russia. Didn’t they have to fire a campaign manager when his ties to Russia were uncovered? Now his SoS got a medal pinned to him by the Russian Premier? Trump’s tax returns were not released but one of the rumors was that he had gotten loans from some oligarchs over there. Lots to ties to the Kremlin with this guy.
is being friendly to russia a bad thing?

You tell me…

Do you think the “former” head of the KGB who admires Trump and has personally awarded his SoS nominee a medal —this guy named Putin is more like Gorbachev or Kruschev? If you say Gorbachev, I’d ask you to support that with facts. If you say Kruschev and his “We will bury you.” statements, I’d ask you to rationalize your comfort.
well, that may be difficult to pop out a quick answer, but I'll try. I think the former KGB does admire that a businessman outsmarted a 30 year politician out of the presidency of the US. Yes indeed. Are they friends, I highly doubt it. Is it bad if they become closer, nope I think that benefits our country.

The guy named Putin is Putin and is who he is. I give two shits who he's like. He got away with quite a lot under a obummer presidency and that is on obummer and not Putin. Our president should have stopped Putin. You disagree with that?

Oh, and for the SoS, is it wrong to be successful with Russia? Don't our athletes hang out with them during the olympics? What is it you're exactly afraid of? Are you saying they are traitors cause they know russian people?
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