The Left has really, completely, lost its shit.

Open borders and unlimited immigration would work? Yes it would, but not the way any rational American wants.
Including Hillary, total dupe.
Open borders was referring to trade ONLY, dupe. Unlimited immigration my butt! Like all Dems, she wants to END illegal immigration with a good SS ID card. Trump's bs will just continue the same problem. Almost half now just overstay their visas, and a wall won't work

Nope. She said she wants "open borders" and "open trade."

HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks

"My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders"

Dems want to open the flood gates to illegal immigration. Hell, Obama is importing them from Guatemala.
Donald Trump wrongly says Hillary Clinton wants open borders
Really, she wanted a wall?
Try eight years ago.


You people don't know when your ridiculousness pops up and bites you on the ass.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.

You don't understand why everyone doesn't pretend to be centrist the way you do.
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.

You don't understand why everyone doesn't pretend to be centrist the way you do.

I'll bet you don't even know what a centrist is! :lol:
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?
It's a conspiracy through out the entire Country. These dumb sob's think the truth are the lies ( because MSN, CNN, ............and the Governmental parents tell them this is the case.

And really all being accused of fake news are the very sources that break the honest bs lies all the above tell us. They catch them in the lies and we're the ones getting told we're liars lmao.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.

You don't understand why everyone doesn't pretend to be centrist the way you do.

I'll bet you don't even know what a centrist is! :lol:

You would. That's how stupid you are.
Its the Russians, the FBI, the electoral college, Racists, Misogynists, Billionaires, White Nationalists, Christians, the "Alt-Right and fake news !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And all the ties to Russia dont exist and the medal from the Kremlin is a lefty ploy Tillerson fell victim to!!!!!!!!!
Hillary has more ties to Putin than Tillerson.

There it goes...just mention Hillary and Bripatty sees ties as a bad thing...only with Hilary tho.

So if Hillary has ties, it's good. If Trump or one of his appointees has ties, that's bad?

You just took what I said and flipped it. Get your own material bro
That's a real good try at deflection there.


Please look at the third line, in which I point out that the Right had conspiracy theories and baseless charges too.

The two are just so similar in their behaviors, aren't they?

Okay, try again.
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.

You don't understand why everyone doesn't pretend to be centrist the way you do.
Wrong, for the zillionth time. I've never said I am a "centrist".

Why do you keep humping the leg of a person whose politics are clearly outside the reach of a binary mind like yours?
Are they so similar? Look at the lists of conspiracy theories and tell me if you honestly think the left even begins to come close to the right in this? Yes, you made a notation that the right does this, but you called out the left on it. Not the right who has "lost it" many times over.
Of course their behaviors are similar. Both deploy spin, diversion, distortion, deflection, denial, personal attacks, straw man arguments, hypocrisy and outright lies to push their agendas, as naturally as they breathe. That's the point of my sig.

What I didn't expect was this madness I'm seeing from the Left right now. They're doing some of the same things they've been mocking the Right for, for years. For whatever reason, I thought they were better than this.
Well now you see who we've been talking about for years. It's funny when the camouflage falls off. Ask inner city folks!
I'm the first to admit I really don't understand partisan politics.

Still, this has been a surprise for me.

You don't understand why everyone doesn't pretend to be centrist the way you do.

I'll bet you don't even know what a centrist is! :lol:
A person to whom independent thought is a foreign concept is not going to understand what an Independent is.
Point in case,,>>>> The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends. The CIA has become a proven Obama controlled political hit\attack squad like the department of homeland security under the current director. The FBI has said there is no basis for the claims made by the liberal lying media. Apparently it only takes TEN people out of over 500 to make it a major problem in lala land. Their "bipartisan" claim in electors is reached by including one "NEVER TRUMPER" and nine electors bound to Clinton. This is the shit that is going to take liberal dimshits down for fifty years to come. It will be what makes for the biggest conservative voter registration ever, and the complete eradication of liberals from the political stage for years. You apparently have NO idea how much mainstream Americans hate liberal whining, intimidating, treacherous, thieving, extortionist. We have let you run wild forever in the name of freedoms while you stomped on ours and shoved, harassed, and defamed us, with your small egotistical minds and your inability to accept your complete ignorance, BUT THAT time is about to end along with the Lassies Faire treatment. You are about to hit the wall at 150 miles an hour. You have alienated the cops, the military the people who pay the bills and everyone who really matters in the day to day of this country, and we do not need or like any of you foul stupid arrogant bullies, You are about to get what you deserve, because we are about to give you 60 years worth of your stupidity back. The people of the country spoke to your stupidity, and are getting tired of you proving daily how far and LOW you will go to try to keep us as your punching bags. I am ready, I promise you are not for what is coming LIBERAL LYING TREASONOUS SCUM will be crushed like eggs under a STEAMROLLER Of real progress because YOU WILL NOT SUBJUGATE or RULE US.

The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends.

Completely wrong.

No one is saying the "election" was hacked. No one is asserting that the vote was in any way tampered with. Only that any hacking and the subsequent release of that information was done in an attempt to smear one candidate only in order to influence the election.

Mitch McConnell just backed a bipartisan investigation into whether Russia helped Trump win

So when a hacker makes the truth available about how the DNC tried to manipulate the election that's smearing one candidate? How about all the so-called Trump sexual victims who came out and lied? Were they and the media trying to smear one candidate?

politics is a dirty slimy business, to pretend otherwise is very naïve.

Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.
Point in case,,>>>> The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends. The CIA has become a proven Obama controlled political hit\attack squad like the department of homeland security under the current director. The FBI has said there is no basis for the claims made by the liberal lying media. Apparently it only takes TEN people out of over 500 to make it a major problem in lala land. Their "bipartisan" claim in electors is reached by including one "NEVER TRUMPER" and nine electors bound to Clinton. This is the shit that is going to take liberal dimshits down for fifty years to come. It will be what makes for the biggest conservative voter registration ever, and the complete eradication of liberals from the political stage for years. You apparently have NO idea how much mainstream Americans hate liberal whining, intimidating, treacherous, thieving, extortionist. We have let you run wild forever in the name of freedoms while you stomped on ours and shoved, harassed, and defamed us, with your small egotistical minds and your inability to accept your complete ignorance, BUT THAT time is about to end along with the Lassies Faire treatment. You are about to hit the wall at 150 miles an hour. You have alienated the cops, the military the people who pay the bills and everyone who really matters in the day to day of this country, and we do not need or like any of you foul stupid arrogant bullies, You are about to get what you deserve, because we are about to give you 60 years worth of your stupidity back. The people of the country spoke to your stupidity, and are getting tired of you proving daily how far and LOW you will go to try to keep us as your punching bags. I am ready, I promise you are not for what is coming LIBERAL LYING TREASONOUS SCUM will be crushed like eggs under a STEAMROLLER Of real progress because YOU WILL NOT SUBJUGATE or RULE US.

The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends.

Completely wrong.

No one is saying the "election" was hacked. No one is asserting that the vote was in any way tampered with. Only that any hacking and the subsequent release of that information was done in an attempt to smear one candidate only in order to influence the election.

Mitch McConnell just backed a bipartisan investigation into whether Russia helped Trump win

So when a hacker makes the truth available about how the DNC tried to manipulate the election that's smearing one candidate? How about all the so-called Trump sexual victims who came out and lied? Were they and the media trying to smear one candidate?

politics is a dirty slimy business, to pretend otherwise is very naïve.

Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.
And for another example, here's Keith Olbermann doing a fabulous left-wing-version-of-Alex-Jones routine:




I didn't know we were ever a democracy.
Point in case,,>>>> The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends. The CIA has become a proven Obama controlled political hit\attack squad like the department of homeland security under the current director. The FBI has said there is no basis for the claims made by the liberal lying media. Apparently it only takes TEN people out of over 500 to make it a major problem in lala land. Their "bipartisan" claim in electors is reached by including one "NEVER TRUMPER" and nine electors bound to Clinton. This is the shit that is going to take liberal dimshits down for fifty years to come. It will be what makes for the biggest conservative voter registration ever, and the complete eradication of liberals from the political stage for years. You apparently have NO idea how much mainstream Americans hate liberal whining, intimidating, treacherous, thieving, extortionist. We have let you run wild forever in the name of freedoms while you stomped on ours and shoved, harassed, and defamed us, with your small egotistical minds and your inability to accept your complete ignorance, BUT THAT time is about to end along with the Lassies Faire treatment. You are about to hit the wall at 150 miles an hour. You have alienated the cops, the military the people who pay the bills and everyone who really matters in the day to day of this country, and we do not need or like any of you foul stupid arrogant bullies, You are about to get what you deserve, because we are about to give you 60 years worth of your stupidity back. The people of the country spoke to your stupidity, and are getting tired of you proving daily how far and LOW you will go to try to keep us as your punching bags. I am ready, I promise you are not for what is coming LIBERAL LYING TREASONOUS SCUM will be crushed like eggs under a STEAMROLLER Of real progress because YOU WILL NOT SUBJUGATE or RULE US.

The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends.

Completely wrong.

No one is saying the "election" was hacked. No one is asserting that the vote was in any way tampered with. Only that any hacking and the subsequent release of that information was done in an attempt to smear one candidate only in order to influence the election.

Mitch McConnell just backed a bipartisan investigation into whether Russia helped Trump win

So when a hacker makes the truth available about how the DNC tried to manipulate the election that's smearing one candidate? How about all the so-called Trump sexual victims who came out and lied? Were they and the media trying to smear one candidate?

politics is a dirty slimy business, to pretend otherwise is very naïve.

Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.
what I heard last night on the kelly files on fox news was this was information from early 2015 ahead of trump ever announcing running. Can it get any better than that?
Point in case,,>>>> The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends. The CIA has become a proven Obama controlled political hit\attack squad like the department of homeland security under the current director. The FBI has said there is no basis for the claims made by the liberal lying media. Apparently it only takes TEN people out of over 500 to make it a major problem in lala land. Their "bipartisan" claim in electors is reached by including one "NEVER TRUMPER" and nine electors bound to Clinton. This is the shit that is going to take liberal dimshits down for fifty years to come. It will be what makes for the biggest conservative voter registration ever, and the complete eradication of liberals from the political stage for years. You apparently have NO idea how much mainstream Americans hate liberal whining, intimidating, treacherous, thieving, extortionist. We have let you run wild forever in the name of freedoms while you stomped on ours and shoved, harassed, and defamed us, with your small egotistical minds and your inability to accept your complete ignorance, BUT THAT time is about to end along with the Lassies Faire treatment. You are about to hit the wall at 150 miles an hour. You have alienated the cops, the military the people who pay the bills and everyone who really matters in the day to day of this country, and we do not need or like any of you foul stupid arrogant bullies, You are about to get what you deserve, because we are about to give you 60 years worth of your stupidity back. The people of the country spoke to your stupidity, and are getting tired of you proving daily how far and LOW you will go to try to keep us as your punching bags. I am ready, I promise you are not for what is coming LIBERAL LYING TREASONOUS SCUM will be crushed like eggs under a STEAMROLLER Of real progress because YOU WILL NOT SUBJUGATE or RULE US.

The only people saying that Russia hacked the election are the Clinton supporters and their friends.

Completely wrong.

No one is saying the "election" was hacked. No one is asserting that the vote was in any way tampered with. Only that any hacking and the subsequent release of that information was done in an attempt to smear one candidate only in order to influence the election.

Mitch McConnell just backed a bipartisan investigation into whether Russia helped Trump win

So when a hacker makes the truth available about how the DNC tried to manipulate the election that's smearing one candidate? How about all the so-called Trump sexual victims who came out and lied? Were they and the media trying to smear one candidate?

politics is a dirty slimy business, to pretend otherwise is very naïve.

Hacking is a crime. Hacking done by state actors and attempting to influence an election is an act of espionage at best and an act of war at worst.

Here you go Mac. Here's one that is OK with this. Treasonous?

So hackers got into the DNC and revealed the corruption of that organization. They could have been hackers located in the USA or any other country. They put out the truth so all could see what the dems were trying to do.

If that's treason, then CNN, MSNBC, and the NY times are also guilty of treason.

I understand that the truth bothers you, as it should.

Except hacking is a crime and it originated within Russia.
so what is it you're going to do?
Look at the threads in Politics right now.

Conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, charge after charge with no solid evidence.

These are THE SAME PEOPLE who were mocking the right wingers here, not months ago, for conspiracy theories and baseless charges.

It's the fuckin' Twilight Zone in here. What happened to these people?

What conspiracies? Other than of course the insane rightwingnuts pretending that trump won the popular vote?
he did in 30 of 50 states. It won him the presidency. Is that not correct? Confirmed by the way, by a recount.

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