The Left is Already Protesting a SCOTUS Case That Hasn't Been Officially Decided

You are playing with cartoon characters in your head
It's not like I'm making this shit up. You should listen to your fellow travelers better. Of course they can count on your full support as women get put back in their place.
It's not like I'm making this shit up. You should listen to your fellow travelers better. Of course they can count on your full support as women get put back in their place.
and what place is that, that you believe women need to be “back in”?
The Christian nationalists now have the supreme court they always wanted. Regular politics may no longer hold as much interest for them now that the legislative process is no longer necessary to further their agenda.
Remind you of anyone?
and what place is that, that you believe women need to be “back in”?
I'm not the one operating on belief here. Most of the right is happy just to spite liberals but the evangelicals? Do I really have to spell out what they believe a woman's place to be? They are the ones running your social agenda. You might want to catch up on what they have planned with a compliant SC.
My gut feeling is that the "leaked" document is just another hoax to give the Dems an issue in November and divert attention away from Biden's record.

They've done this before and there is no reason to believe they won't do it again.
That is actually a conspiracy theory that makes some sense. But the ruling would happen months before the election what does leaking it 2 months before the ruling do?
I sincerely hope that the cops guarding the court are much more aggressive than those guarding the capitol on 1/6. Live ammo, the whole works. Whether you agree with or disagree with what is happening...the process needs to be allowed to play out.
Except hundreds of thousands of people died because we DIDN'T go through with vaccine mandates.
You mean the COVID non-vaccines? They don't prevent people from getting COVID, so I'm not sure who you mean that died because we didn't mandate them enough. Often vaxxed Nancy Pelosi just got COVID. They make pharmas even richer and give Dems a way to control people.
I'm not the one operating on belief here. Most of the right is happy just to spite liberals but the evangelicals? Do I really have to spell out what they believe a woman's place to be? They are the ones running your social agenda. You might want to catch up on what they have planned with a compliant SC.
you are the one making this claim…where do you think they should be? and why in the world is abortion the only thing keeping them from being there?
you are the one making this claim…where do you think they should be? and why in the world is abortion the only thing keeping them from being there?
I don't think you pay any attention at all to the religious extremists leading the right's social agenda. Oh well. They will get around to banning something you like sooner or later.
It's not like I'm making this shit up. You should listen to your fellow travelers better. Of course they can count on your full support as women get put back in their place.

Oh right. Just like I cower and take orders from men around here amirite???
In a choice between the rights of women and the spite in your heart for liberals you have already shown yourself to be a traitor to your gender.
Who leaked it broke the sanctity of the Supreme Court when making decisions that take months to formulate. When you get rid of the Constitution you are not going to like the brave new world. Now lets get a nuclear exchange with Russia. Your masters are chomping at the bit.
I don't think you pay any attention at all to the religious extremists leading the right's social agenda. Oh well. They will get around to banning something you like sooner or later.
maybe i don’t give them much mind….

but you avoided my question
I think the outrage over someone leaking Supreme Court deliberations is a little over-blown. The premise of the outrage is that the court is purely apolitical and now someone violated that purity.

I would say that the courts have been highly politicized, at least since FDR, and probably well before. In fact, for sure well before. What was Plessy v. Ferguson except a blatant refusal to follow the constitution and instead deferring to the political winds of the day?

Look at the far right justices Trump appointed to counterbalance the far-left justices that Obama and Clinton appointed. Remember when the left tried to sell us Merrick Garland as a moderate who would be an ideal pick for an outgoing Dem president to send to a GOP senate? Turns out he’s the biggest political hack to run the Justice Department since . . . Well, since the political hack that Trump put in that spot.

Anyway, the clerks all come from extremely liberals schools, and they are of course going to see themselves as activists, even if they were hired to sweep the floors and empty wastebaskets in the justices’ chambers.

No doubt, this is the first of many leaks to come, so don’t let it tilt you too much.
Are you surprised? The psudo-conservative and Christian right has been celebrating in their homes, to and with each other and in online message boards like this one since the leaking (an extraordinary Supreme Court event in its own right) of the opinion. What else would you expect, both sides having a tendency to count their chickens before they are hatched. No. You are not surprised, any more than I am, or most of the people on this board, regardless of position.

Good last paragraph. I had not thought about that, I guess because the event is still so new. We've seen what excess and violence the radical right will do when it is deeply disappointed. There is no shortage of radical violently inclined or willingly led on the left. Of course, the Trumpists had a dubious leader to encourage and act as a catalyst for their rage. I cannot imagine who, the radical left would listen to, with the same immoral authority to direct and spark the event. Still, I was one of those that just did not believe the trumpists would do such a thing and was totally wrong. So, I hope somebody at the correct level is considering your same thoughts of possible violence and taking appropriate protective measures.


The FBI induced violence on January 6 (in a mostly peaceful protest), compared to months and months and to this day continuing antifa violence.
not sure about that, but thanks for highlighting this my body my choice line is a hoax from the left

Now the people who need a biologist to define what a woman is are all biologists.

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