The Left is Already Protesting a SCOTUS Case That Hasn't Been Officially Decided

If you had the courage to truly examine your feelings you would find I am correct. You really don't care about the already overburdened foster system suddenly gaining a lot new unwanted babies. You don't care about all the new mothers who must now turn to the state for assistance. You damned sure don't care about the women who the state says must now care for for their rapist's child. You do not care about anything beyond the delicious moment of spite you will get when all the clinics get shut down. After that it's on to the next thing that will make the left unhappy.

I don't think you understand how revealing all your tirades have been.

Nowhere above have you mentioned the children that, you know, might have want to have been born. But that's the only way you can float your argument. It's also behind all the mistargeted anger.
There's lots of human persons out there and you don't care if they live or die. Your lack of compassion for actual living breathing humans is at odds with your concern for the unborn. That's why I say that this is all about spite for the vast majority of so-called pro-life hypocrites.

How do you know that I don't care if they live or die?

Be specific.

Or is it just because I don't like human babies being torn limb from limb in their mothers' wombs??
Within a very short period of time after Politico released the leaked and alleged decision that would overturn 'Roe' protesters were already at the Supreme Court Building.

The leftoid world Rent-A-Mob is always at the ready.

The craziness which the left may vent if 'Roe' is indeed overturned presents a very dangerous situation and not the least to the lives and the health of any Justices who vote to overturn 'Roe' and to their families.

Lest we forget, this insanity was whipped up in 2020 by Charles Schumer. His words were chilling then and could be even more so in the coming days and weeks. Any violence against any Supreme Court Justice or their family is on Chuck Schumer's head.

Democraps are like Muslims.
They only believe in the mob.
Dress rehearsal outrage and sky shrieking is always a good libbie sentiment
If you had the courage to truly examine your feelings you would find I am correct. You really don't care about the already overburdened foster system suddenly gaining a lot new unwanted babies. You don't care about all the new mothers who must now turn to the state for assistance. You damned sure don't care about the women who the state says must now care for for their rapist's child. You do not care about anything beyond the delicious moment of spite you will get when all the clinics get shut down. After that it's on to the next thing that will make the left unhappy.
As with every other Democrat created issue.....they always use the worst case scenario.....overturning Rov v Wade isn't going to flood adoption agencies with new babies.
What will happen is people will have to change their ways or live with the consequences.
Also.....this will force the states to deal with the issue. Maybe congress will buck-up and pass an amendment that supports their arguments.
As with every other Democrat created issue.....they always use the worst case scenario.....overturning Rov v Wade isn't going to flood adoption agencies with new babies.
What will happen is people will have to change their ways or live with the consequences.
Also.....this will force the states to deal with the issue. Maybe congress will buck-up and pass an amendment that supports their arguments.

No, women will just find ways to get illegal abortions, or go to states where it is still legal.

Hey, did you know prostitution is illegal in my state! But this funny thing, there are at least five "Happy Ending" massage parlors in the area where I live. That I know of. Because they happen to be along roads that I use. You can go on line to any number of websites and find escorts.

So how hard to you think it's going to be for a woman to find someone willing to provide an abortion? Particularly if there are no real consequences if she gets one.
No, women will just find ways to get illegal abortions, or go to states where it is still legal.

Hey, did you know prostitution is illegal in my state! But this funny thing, there are at least five "Happy Ending" massage parlors in the area where I live. That I know of. Because they happen to be along roads that I use. You can go on line to any number of websites and find escorts.

So how hard to you think it's going to be for a woman to find someone willing to provide an abortion? Particularly if there are no real consequences if she gets one.
go to states where it is still legal

Greyhound is thrilled!
No, women will just find ways to get illegal abortions, or go to states where it is still legal.

Hey, did you know prostitution is illegal in my state! But this funny thing, there are at least five "Happy Ending" massage parlors in the area where I live. That I know of. Because they happen to be along roads that I use. You can go on line to any number of websites and find escorts.

So how hard to you think it's going to be for a woman to find someone willing to provide an abortion? Particularly if there are no real consequences if she gets one.
Well....the funny thing is....this decision has nothing to with taking rights away because they never existed at the federal level.
The Supreme Court finally is admitting that the court is no place to create laws.
That belongs to the legislatures.
Well....the funny thing is....this decision has nothing to with taking rights away because they never existed at the federal level.
The Supreme Court finally is admitting that the court is no place to create laws.
That belongs to the legislatures.

Yet you are fine when SCOTUS finds unlimited gun rights in the Militia Amendment, but not when they find a right to control your own body in the 14th...
I wish that were the case, but I kind of doubt it.

Only 6% of the electorate votes on the abortion issue. I don't see the needle moving that much.

The problem in November is that you have a lot of Democrats who represent districts that lean Republican, either because of gerrymandering/redistricting, or because the only got in on a fluke of anti-Trump sentiment.

Just like all those anti-Iraq War congresscritters who got in in 2006 and 2008 got swept out in 2010.
Yep....the leak could actually hurt the Dems
Yep....the leak could actually hurt the Dems

Not really. All the fake outrage aside, the only people upset about a 'leak' are inside the beltway types.

The reality is, this ruling is a HUGE boon to Democrats. Now you have a real issue for them to run on. Make EVERY race about abortion rights. Let's have Republicans out there trying to justify making a woman have her rapist's baby. We can get some fun quotes about "Legitimate Rape" again.

Not really. All the fake outrage aside, the only people upset about a 'leak' are inside the beltway types.

The reality is, this ruling is a HUGE boon to Democrats. Now you have a real issue for them to run on. Make EVERY race about abortion rights. Let's have Republicans out there trying to justify making a woman have her rapist's baby. We can get some fun quotes about "Legitimate Rape" again.

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You are vastly understanding the pro life contingent. After a careful analysis
It's pretty obvious that the only areas of the country that will be fortified by this turn of events are areas that are already solidly blue. As a matter of fact areas that are already solidly red will also be energized in that particular position. Noisy and boisterous protests in red zones will do nothing but piss off the fundamentalists there. The same type of protest in blue zones have already demonstrated the ability to turn people sour on the cause. I think you're wrong.
Anytime something goes their way it's "we need to respect the decision of the court"

Soon as it doesn't go there way "take to the streets and force them to do what we want".

Used to be Republicans were always the ones being called unreasonable, violent, and that we want to censor everything and will intimidation and violence to get our way and so on. But if I divorce myself from the fact I side with Republicans for the majority of my beliefs and just look at it all, the Democrats the past 18 months have become the very definition of everything they hated about Republicans.
Anytime something goes their way it's "we need to respect the decision of the court"

Soon as it doesn't go there way "take to the streets and force them to do what we want".

Used to be Republicans were always the ones being called unreasonable, violent, and that we want to censor everything and will intimidation and violence to get our way and so on. But if I divorce myself from the fact I side with Republicans for the majority of my beliefs and just look at it all, the Democrats the past 18 months have become the very definition of everything they hated about Republicans.'s actually the PARTY thing. Get rid of that word and you would have at least fifty percent of both parties form identical alliances. The centrists in both are more alike than they are different except for the DAMNED PARTY's is poison to our political process.
Not really. All the fake outrage aside, the only people upset about a 'leak' are inside the beltway types.

The reality is, this ruling is a HUGE boon to Democrats. Now you have a real issue for them to run on. Make EVERY race about abortion rights. Let's have Republicans out there trying to justify making a woman have her rapist's baby. We can get some fun quotes about "Legitimate Rape" again.

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So your most recent quote is from 2012? Why not go all the way back to 63 and Democratic POTUS candidate George Corely Wallace.

" Segregation now, Segregation tommorow, Segregation forever!" guys are just failing badly.

My gut feeling is that the "leaked" document is just another hoax to give the Dems an issue in November and divert attention away from Biden's record.

They've done this before and there is no reason to believe they won't do it again.
I firmly believe the leak was deliberately planned and executed for just that.
I'm not the one operating on belief here. Most of the right is happy just to spite liberals but the evangelicals? Do I really have to spell out what they believe a woman's place to be? They are the ones running your social agenda. You might want to catch up on what they have planned with a compliant SC.
Do you have anything from them to back that up, or just hysterical fear mongering from the usual suspects who have no clue but think they can read minds?
I'm not the one operating on belief here. Most of the right is happy just to spite liberals but the evangelicals? Do I really have to spell out what they believe a woman's place to be? They are the ones running your social agenda. You might want to catch up on what they have planned with a compliant SC.
Stop your blather. Abortions will continue on unabated and uninterrupted despite the SCOTUS taking themselves out of a process they never should have been in the first place. Roberts secretly hated ROE V WADE because it placed a political burden on the Court that he wanted to get out from under. Now it will be where it belongs in the hands of the lawmakers. Once they codify it correctly the Court will then uphold it as law not as a court decision.

Within a very short period of time after Politico released the leaked and alleged decision that would overturn 'Roe' protesters were already at the Supreme Court Building.

The leftoid world Rent-A-Mob is always at the ready.

Now tell me, who are the real control freaks and detest freedom of choice?

Seems to me the vast majority of the Democrat Party Leadership detests people, even in their own party, being free within their own state to make their own hometown rules, subject only to amendments made to our federal constitution which three fourths of the states agree are appropriate restrictions on such freedom.

Why are so many democrat leaders against embracing our Constitution and federalism, a big-tent system, and instead want to enforce their personal whims and fancies as the rule of law in every state in the Union and upon every soul in the United States? Is it not a fact that striking down Roe v Wade would simply restore to the people in each state the freedom and liberty to determine the rule of law as applied to abortion? Is this not true "diversity"?

What has happened to democrats' much touted love affair with “diversity”, and leaving to the people within each state the liberty and freedom to formulate and adopt a democratic consensus over their own destiny, and control over those “. . . objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State"? ___ Federalist No. 45

Why on earth does your crowd detest abiding by the rule of law with such vigor and emotion, and not embrace federalism, our Constitution's big-tent system, at least with respect to abortion?


Today’s Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Socialist Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist!

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