The Left is Losing Politically--and Culturally

The system has been starved of resources since Reagan was in office. You don't destroy a successful nation overnight. Destroying public education, overturning Roe v. Wade, and anti-discrimination laws is a project which has spanned. Generations.
Oh, good now we jump back to another Republican and blame him as well. Let’s skip all the Democratic Presidents, every Congress session for the last 40 plus and just blame Republicans.

This is what turns me off to both parties, you screw the country over then blame someone else. You ask a Republican, they blame Democrats, you ask Democrats and they blame Republicans.

The truth is in the middle and both parties are to blame, but you being a left wing nut, don’t want to accept any responsibility and that is the problem with partisans.
If you're right, and Repub culture is ascendant, it implies the culture is shifting towards the rejection of science, ethnic bigotry, theocratic themes on bodily autonomy, conspiratorial mythology, an attraction to autocrats, the over simplification of nuanced concepts, and a belief in subjective truth.

This is exactly how and why you're losing the culture.

All the crying and scolding. But a perfect example.
This is exactly how and why you're losing the culture.

All the crying and scolding. But a perfect example.
Losing what culture you dumb twat? 😄

You clowns can't stop people from pissing all over Confederate culture, which is the culture of racist, southern whites.
It was the cultural issues that fueled the rise of Trumpism. The Left has gone FAR too far with them, and this is the massive pushback.

The only thing keeping the Dems in the game now is the repulsive things the GQP is doing and the repulsive candidates they're running.

Massive waves, back and forth, destroying everything in their path. The ends of the spectrum and their narcissistic tribalism are killing us.
It was the cultural issues that fueled the rise of Trumpism. The Left has gone FAR too far with them, and this is the massive pushback.

The only thing keeping the Dems in the game now is the repulsive things the GQP is doing and the repulsive candidates they're running.

Massive waves, back and forth, destroying everything in their path. The ends of the spectrum and their narcissistic tribalism are killing us.

You clowns haven't won the majority of votes from the American people since 2004. The only thing keeping you in the game is the electoral college.
I don't pay attention to you you clown, if you're going to sound like a Republican and say stupid shit, then I'm going to assume you are one and not feel bad about it.
Not everyone belongs to a tribe. True story.

Funny, I say the same thing to the Trumpsters.

Amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
Not everyone belongs to a tribe. True story.

Funny, I say the same thing to the Trumpsters.

Amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
You get that shit out of fortune cookies?

Most people have a tribe, even if you were raised by wolves and the color spectrum is also represented as a color wheel, the ends loop around to meet each other.
anyone that voted for xiden amd the dems and their record high inflation rates, and sinking stock market voted against their economic interest…race has nothing to do with it

Question. Who are you to decide what anyones interests are or should be?

By your statements. Veterans should never vote for Republicans. Republicans shot down the PACT act. And hurt Veterans in the process. Veterans can’t vote against their interests. Right?

Shall I continue? Every person decides what his or her interests are and votes accordingly. It is idiotic to claim they voted against their own issues. It is egotistical beyond description.
Question. Who are you to decide what anyones interests are or should be?

By your statements. Veterans should never vote for Republicans. Republicans shot down the PACT act. And hurt Veterans in the process. Veterans can’t vote against their interests. Right?

Shall I continue? Every person decides what his or her interests are and votes accordingly. It is idiotic to claim they voted against their own issues. It is egotistical beyond description.
Yeah, this is key, and it's a prime example of what adherence to an ideology does to people. If we're going to exist with other people, we can't just go through life thinking we can force them to see the world through our eyes.

How can we not know that different people have different experiences, perspectives, environments and priorities? How does ANY adult NOT KNOW that?

There's a lot of stuff about politics that I don't understand, and this is at the top of the list.
Question. Who are you to decide what anyones interests are or should be?

By your statements. Veterans should never vote for Republicans. Republicans shot down the PACT act. And hurt Veterans in the process. Veterans can’t vote against their interests. Right?

Shall I continue? Every person decides what his or her interests are and votes accordingly. It is idiotic to claim they voted against their own issues. It is egotistical beyond description.
i know plenty of Vets and they are being hurt by record high inflation, skyrocketing interest rates, and the xiden recession

haha the PACT Act? hahah most vets i know are smart enough to see that dembot policies harm them in the long run and the bulk of the bill was tied up in a poison pill…the dems were tying some. i’d their benefits to.

but you are right…dembots are free to be dembots…but i certainly have a right to cal you all out for being more interested in your cult then the betterment of the country
i know plenty of Vets and they are being hurt by record high inflation, skyrocketing interest rates, and the xiden recession

haha the PACT Act? hahah most vets i know are smart enough to see that dembot policies harm them in the long run and the bulk of the bill was tied up in a poison pill…the dems were tying some. i’d their benefits to.

but you are right…dembots are free to be dembots…but i certainly have a right to cal you all out for being more interested in your cult then the betterment of the country

I voted for Trump in 2016. I skipped voting in 2020. I refused to choose between two steaming piles of shit.

There was no poison pill in the PACT Act. The Republicans realized that Biden would sign and take credit for it. They shit on the Vets because they didn’t want to see Biden have a positive to claim credit for.

You are so busy hating the other side you are clueless as to what your side is doing. And when you do notice you refuse to believe they are just as bad as the other guys.

I honestly don’t know if I’m voting this year. Warnock is better than Walker. Kemp is better than Abrams.

So what are my interests? How should I vote? I believe women have the right to choose. I should vote Democrat. I believe in the Second Amendment. I should vote Republican. I believe we are making a fatal mistake with our judicial system. Lock them all up hasn’t worked and is incredibly expensive. I should vote Democrat. I believe war with Russia and or China is coming. I should vote Republican.

High Gas prices are still well within my budget. So that isn’t a problem for me. I mentioned yesterday. It won’t start to hurt until it crosses $7 a gallon here in Georgia. We are barely halfway there.

Electricity here is made by Nuclear plants. So that isn’t a cost that is going up.

No matter how I vote. I’ll be voting against my ideals. If I vote Democrat I’ll see a woman’s right to choose defended. I’ll see more funding for education. I’ll see more investment in roads and such.

I’ll see my rights under the second eroded.

So what are my interests? I don’t hate minorities. So what are my interests?
I voted for Trump in 2016. I skipped voting in 2020. I refused to choose between two steaming piles of shit.

There was no poison pill in the PACT Act. The Republicans realized that Biden would sign and take credit for it. They shit on the Vets because they didn’t want to see Biden have a positive to claim credit for.

You are so busy hating the other side you are clueless as to what your side is doing. And when you do notice you refuse to believe they are just as bad as the other guys.

I honestly don’t know if I’m voting this year. Warnock is better than Walker. Kemp is better than Abrams.

So what are my interests? How should I vote? I believe women have the right to choose. I should vote Democrat. I believe in the Second Amendment. I should vote Republican. I believe we are making a fatal mistake with our judicial system. Lock them all up hasn’t worked and is incredibly expensive. I should vote Democrat. I believe war with Russia and or China is coming. I should vote Republican.

High Gas prices are still well within my budget. So that isn’t a problem for me. I mentioned yesterday. It won’t start to hurt until it crosses $7 a gallon here in Georgia. We are barely halfway there.

Electricity here is made by Nuclear plants. So that isn’t a cost that is going up.

No matter how I vote. I’ll be voting against my ideals. If I vote Democrat I’ll see a woman’s right to choose defended. I’ll see more funding for education. I’ll see more investment in roads and such.

I’ll see my rights under the second eroded.

So what are my interests? I don’t hate minorities. So what are my interests?
In this case you do a calculation of which of those is more important and more likely to come about. Do you really think Democrats are going to start confiscating guns? 😆 Or that we'll be in a shooting war with Russia or China? 😆

Republicans are actually in the process of removing the rights of women. That's actually happening. Not might happen in some worst case scenario future but actually happening as we speak.
This is exactly how and why you're losing the culture.

All the crying and scolding. But a perfect example.
I disagree with the notion the culture is shifting towards the rejection of science, ethnic bigotry, theocratic themes on bodily autonomy, conspiratorial mythology, an attraction to autocrats, the over simplification of nuanced concepts, and a belief in subjective truth. IOW, Repub culture.
Oh, noes, not the stock market!!! It amazes me how you guys think you have an interest in the rich man's casino!
You can mine a lot of money out of that, if you are smart.

I see you haven't been able to profit from it.
They're not even trying to hide it, any more than they are trying to hide their abusive sexual grooming of children in public schools.

Fake news doesn't report it. Simpletons like berg80 and Lesh only believe what fake news tells them. Well, they claim to believe it. I have a hard time believing any American is fine with the rape of tens of thousands of girls and even more women, but here we have two. They are just sick and racist
Losing what culture you dumb twat? 😄

You clowns can't stop people from pissing all over Confederate culture, which is the culture of racist, southern whites.

You live in the 1950s. And of course you're referring to what Democrats did. So if you hate the Democrats so much, why did you become one? Was it your overt racism?

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