The Left is Losing the Culture: Part Eleventy

No. Republican extremism saved Democrats in the midterms. The candidates they put up were largely quacks and whack-a-doodles.
The Democrats' Demographic Demolition Derby

Neither side dares to use the explanation that has been around for decades and has finally come true. The ferals, fairies, and foreigners that both Parties forced on us and took away our electorate, in addition to the overwhelming birth-rate of the Mexican and Arab ones.
Now the Left doesn't want to own "Woke". Right, because it's toxic, and because the trans mess FINALLY has normal Americans rejecting all their nonsense.

Roe v Wade saved them in the midterms. But that was temporary. Despite Trump's troubles they are still losing the culture.

That last round you were engaged in with the statist left was pretty intense. If this had been a boxing match it would have been a toe to toe slugfest between Smokin' Joe Frazier(LEFT hook) vs. Rocky Marciano(Suzie Q overhand RIGHT). Actually what is going on today in America regarding sexual morality is nothing new as it's been going on long before the ancient Roman empire(see below link). Like Greece's morality battles, todays morality battles in America are NOT just politically oriented but more centered on a religious battle between pagans vs. non-pagans. Since you are currently seated on your stool between rounds I figured you could use some humor before the bell rings for the next round. Not everyone is into goats & deer but the former stole then owned my mind long ago. I hope the creature vids can give you a humorous respite before the bell rings for your next round!

Below; ROSIE

Check out the below vid & compare the wild antics of this cute young White-Tailed doe to Rosie in the above vid. It's in their nature to be both playful & affectionate, ESPECIALLY towards humans. Once the head herd doe(matriarchal society) accepts a human into her herd they will never abandon that person as she sees the human as an oddball looking herd member with an unusual scent but endowed with special qualities. Unfortunately, it's ALWAYS us that abandon them.


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