The Left Is Not "Losing"...They Have LOST.

Remember all the times I said, "The Left is losing the culture"?

All the times I said,

Your game.

Your rules.

You will hate it.

Folks, their comeuppance has arrived. No one but no one but no one wants to buy what they're selling. Their president is a demented, haggard shell of a corrupt man who has tanked this nation and who is an international joke.

Their panic over Covid, with the ensuing "vaccines", is discredited. In five more years it will be a running joke.

The border crisis is having repercussions which even the bluest of blue cities are rejecting.

People cannot afford their groceries, utilities and rent.

American cities are riddled with crime to the point that grocery and drug stores are closing.

They don't even have the "insurrection" any more, since their own flagrant, fetid anti-Semites acted up at the White House this weekend.

They have "Trump is bad", and no one cares anymore, because what Biden brought is so much worse. They have, oh noes, the new House Speaker doesn't look at porn. And people are like, yeah well, what's wrong with that?

And they have "abort your baby", and no one is going to care about that either. In fact, people now look at deranged liberals and their adoration of abortion like, dang, maybe you people really are spiritually bankrupt.

This is the culture turning.

No one deserves it more.

Posted this 7 months ago.

I don't think a single thing has changed; in fact, it's gotten WORSE for the Left, if that's possible. Culturally, what happened to Pride Month? I see an odd mention here and there, but not the complete bombardment like in previous years.
Posted this 7 months ago.

I don't think a single thing has changed; in fact, it's gotten WORSE for the Left, if that's possible. Culturally, what happened to Pride Month? I see an odd mention here and there, but not the complete bombardment like in previous years.

Or perhaps you have just become used to seeing it and are not as freaked out and triggered by hate as you were in the past.
Posted this 7 months ago.

I don't think a single thing has changed; in fact, it's gotten WORSE for the Left, if that's possible. Culturally, what happened to Pride Month? I see an odd mention here and there, but not the complete bombardment like in previous years.

I think most Americans have accepted gays in their community

Even Conservatives have gotten used to it
They have shifted their outrage from gays to Transexuals
Posted this 7 months ago.

I don't think a single thing has changed; in fact, it's gotten WORSE for the Left, if that's possible. Culturally, what happened to Pride Month? I see an odd mention here and there, but not the complete bombardment like in previous years.

Um, it's probably just gotten to be "normal", in that no one is all that excited anymore.

Kind of like Black History Month. We just put it out there and people are like "Meh".

But don't worry, Islamophobic Twat, Jesus still hates gays and Mexicans, just like you do.
Or perhaps you have just become used to seeing it and are not as freaked out and triggered by hate as you were in the past.

"freaked out and triggered by hate".....

Can anyone find anything new here, ever? Just the same old retreads over and over: you're hate, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic....

Seriously 2002 wants its name-calling back
I think most Americans have accepted gays in their community

Even Conservatives have gotten used to it
They have shifted their outrage from gays to Transexuals

The Left is so stupid here is their argument:

If you think Christmas is overblown you hate Christians

If you didn't hate Christians, you would love Christmas.

It's everything I can do not to lose brain cells reading this garbage, seriously.
The Left is so stupid here is their argument:

If you think Christmas is overblown you hate Christians

If you didn't hate Christians, you would love Christmas.

It's everything I can do not to lose brain cells reading this garbage, seriously.

Christmas celebrates Santa’s Birthday
"freaked out and triggered by hate".....

Can anyone find anything new here, ever? Just the same old retreads over and over: you're hate, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic....

Seriously 2002 wants its name-calling back

The Left is so stupid here is their argument:

If you think Christmas is overblown you hate Christians

If you didn't hate Christians, you would love Christmas.

It's everything I can do not to lose brain cells reading this garbage, seriously.

Are you drunk this morning? What the fuck does Christmas have to do with anything?
"freaked out and triggered by hate".....

Can anyone find anything new here, ever? Just the same old retreads over and over: you're hate, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic....

Seriously 2002 wants its name-calling back

Frankly, what else is it?

Those gay people aren't bothering you.
Those trans people aren't bothering you.

But you get freaked out about them, anyway.
The Left is so stupid here is their argument:

If you think Christmas is overblown you hate Christians

If you didn't hate Christians, you would love Christmas.

It's everything I can do not to lose brain cells reading this garbage, seriously.

I'm an atheist... but I love Christmas.

I love the songs. I love the decorations. I like buying presents for my family members. I love getting together with people.

I just don't grovel in front of an imaginary sky man like you do.
Are you drunk this morning? What the fuck does Christmas have to do with anything?

You cannot reason this out?

I'm an actual Christian and I'm not that hot on Christmas. Do I hate Christians?

My daughter's best friend is gay; they are in their mid-20s and have been besties since elementary school. He also thinks Pride Month is ridiculous. Does he hate gays?
I am a woman and I think International Woman's Day is stupid.

Do I hate women?

I think like most Conservatives, sexual equality scares you.

You cannot reason this out?

I'm an actual Christian and I'm not that hot on Christmas. Do I hate Christians?

Well, it depends what whacky sect of the Cosmic Jewish Zombie you worship at. The Jehovah Witlesses hate Christmas.

I can see where a sincere Christian could see how Christmas has become too commercialized, being more about Santa than Jesus.

My daughter's best friend is gay; they are in their mid-20s and have been besties since elementary school. He also thinks Pride Month is ridiculous. Does he hate gays?
Sounds like some internalized self-loathing to me.
I am a woman and I think International Woman's Day is stupid.

Do I hate women?

I don’t think Conservative women hate other women, but they are indifferent to their struggles

They oppose abortion, access to birth control, morning after pill
They oppose Maternity Leave
They oppose employers being prohibited from firing a pregnant woman
They oppose low cost child care
They oppose equal pay
Last edited:
I don’t think Conservative women hate other women, but they are indifferent to their struggles

They oppose abortion, access to birth control, morning after pill
They oppose Maternity Leave
They oppose employers being prohibited from firing a pregnant woman
They oppose low cost child care
They oppose equal pay

Yes not all of us are socialists

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