The Left is Lying on Clean Coal

Actually, when you lie you are a liar. I see the proof that you are a liar and so does anyone else that lives in coal country. And yes, Dorathy, this is or was heavy coal country. Where do YOU live?
Wyoming is coal country, And will continue to be for the foreseeable future

Wyoming is a strip mining coal country. You can only do that so long. That was outlawed in West Virginia and other places decades ago. When that is no longer viable, the coal industry in Wyoming is done. Entire mountain tops are stripped to get the coal. IT's like hydralic strip mining was until outlawed by Teddy R and that administration.
Na, not really
You obviously have not been to Wyoming. Lol
There are no mountains in north eastern Wyoming dumbass

I spent a ton of time around New Castle Wyoming. If it weren't for the strip mining, it would have nothing but the Ogala and ground hogs there. It appears you haven't spent any time around Wyoming.
True, without a fossil fuels it be a waste land up in this area. But there are no mountains in north eastern Wyoming. Especially by Newcastle there’s nothing there but grasslands.
Who cares if they strip mine in grassland it hurts nothing.
No mountain tops are being taken off.

I care. But if they weren't strip mining, what would be harmed if they were using it for Solar and Wind Farms? Looks to me like Wyoming could become a major Electricity exporter. Afterall, their oil is a bust these days.
Wind farms rape the landscape but mountain top removal doesn`t? In any case, coal is just about finished here.
Kentucky Coal Miners Protest After Not Being Paid By Company That Declared Bankruptcy
This isn`t raping the land?
In Wyoming where the vast majority of coal is mined they do not take the tops off of mountains you retard.
Quit watching the mainstream media, and child molesting Hollywood types.
Because You sound like a fucking retard
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?
It depends on what you’re doing and how many one gets $35,000. Lol

Do you really want me to post a cite for a hiring brochure or are you going to walk back on that.
Wind farms rape the landscape but mountain top removal doesn`t? In any case, coal is just about finished here.
Kentucky Coal Miners Protest After Not Being Paid By Company That Declared Bankruptcy
This isn`t raping the land?
In Wyoming where the vast majority of coal is mined they do not take the tops off of mountains you retard.
Quit watching the mainstream media, and child molesting Hollywood types.
Because You sound like a fucking retard
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?
It depends on what you’re doing and how many one gets $35,000. Lol
Starting wages for basic labor is $27.50/hr, equipment operators $35.00-130.00 /hr

None of the jobs are below $45,000.00 a year.
That Peyote must be a better quality than around here, Chief. South Dakota has a ton of really flat or rolling hills. That means it would lend itself well to Solar. Solar even works near the North Pole. It also works in deep space. And once the facility is built and has operated for X number or years, it's almost free power. And the time I spent there, there was wind, lots of wind. That means, those rolling hills also would be able to accept wind generators. Again, after X number of time, it's paid for. So don't give me that crap it's because it's not viable. You live in a state that has it's state government's head up it's ass. You keep forgetting that I lived there for a few years and I doubt if the earth changed direction or anything changed the weather that much.

You can stop lying now.

My state started building one of the largest wind farms in our nation in the 90s.

When it finally went on line, it generated too much electricity for the existing grid to handle. So we built a new grid.

We have a lot of extra energy we sell to other states.

We also have the 3rd lowest energy rates in the nation.

Of course wind and solar is very viable.

Look at Hawaii. The island of Maui has windmills, most buildings have solar panels on them and they are building a huge solar farm on the west side of the island. They don't use coal at all.

My state has only one coal fire plant left and it's being shutdown now.

Coal is dying and those who don't want to come into the 21st century are being left behind.
Wind farms rape the landscape. They are for tasteless people. Their only reason to exist is because of a Marxist shakedown of the economy via the AGW scam.
Sheeple are bad. Tasteless sheeple are unacceptable.
Wind farms rape the landscape but mountain top removal doesn`t? In any case, coal is just about finished here.
Kentucky Coal Miners Protest After Not Being Paid By Company That Declared Bankruptcy
This isn`t raping the land?

Our windmills are out in the desert. Where no one lives and has never lived. The land out there is mostly owned by the government for the military. They go out there to practice war every year.

Those windmills are cool they attract a lot of people to go out to see them and photograph them.

They aren't raping the land. The land isn't harmed by the windmills. Not like strip mining where they remove whole mountains. All our windmills do is set on top of the land and turn the turbines. The land is left alone and not harmed at all.

Here are some shots I took at one of our wind farms last month:

View attachment 275080

View attachment 275081

View attachment 275082

View attachment 275083
In Wyoming there are no mountains to take the tops off of mining for Coal, you fucking retard.

You need to educate yourself about mining first before you speak because you sound like a fucking retard.

No shit, me a few days ago

In Wyoming where the vast majority of coal is mined they do not take the tops off of mountains you retard.
Quit watching the mainstream media, and child molesting Hollywood types.
Because You sound like a fucking retard
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?
It depends on what you’re doing and how many one gets $35,000. Lol
Starting wages for basic labor is $27.50/hr, equipment operators $35.00-130.00 /hr

None of the jobs are below $45,000.00 a year.

You stupid fuck August west..of course people are making $28 bucks to start up here in Wyoming..

Some of its hard some of it is as easy as checking gauges once an hour and then fucking off shooting prairie dogs
That Peyote must be a better quality than around here, Chief. South Dakota has a ton of really flat or rolling hills. That means it would lend itself well to Solar. Solar even works near the North Pole. It also works in deep space. And once the facility is built and has operated for X number or years, it's almost free power. And the time I spent there, there was wind, lots of wind. That means, those rolling hills also would be able to accept wind generators. Again, after X number of time, it's paid for. So don't give me that crap it's because it's not viable. You live in a state that has it's state government's head up it's ass. You keep forgetting that I lived there for a few years and I doubt if the earth changed direction or anything changed the weather that much.

You can stop lying now.

My state started building one of the largest wind farms in our nation in the 90s.

When it finally went on line, it generated too much electricity for the existing grid to handle. So we built a new grid.

We have a lot of extra energy we sell to other states.

We also have the 3rd lowest energy rates in the nation.

Of course wind and solar is very viable.

Look at Hawaii. The island of Maui has windmills, most buildings have solar panels on them and they are building a huge solar farm on the west side of the island. They don't use coal at all.

My state has only one coal fire plant left and it's being shutdown now.

Coal is dying and those who don't want to come into the 21st century are being left behind.
Wind farms rape the landscape. They are for tasteless people. Their only reason to exist is because of a Marxist shakedown of the economy via the AGW scam.
Sheeple are bad. Tasteless sheeple are unacceptable.
Wind farms rape the landscape but mountain top removal doesn`t? In any case, coal is just about finished here.
Kentucky Coal Miners Protest After Not Being Paid By Company That Declared Bankruptcy
This isn`t raping the land?

Our windmills are out in the desert. Where no one lives and has never lived. The land out there is mostly owned by the government for the military. They go out there to practice war every year.

Those windmills are cool they attract a lot of people to go out to see them and photograph them.

They aren't raping the land. The land isn't harmed by the windmills. Not like strip mining where they remove whole mountains. All our windmills do is set on top of the land and turn the turbines. The land is left alone and not harmed at all.

Here are some shots I took at one of our wind farms last month:

View attachment 275080

View attachment 275081

View attachment 275082

View attachment 275083
In Wyoming there are no mountains to take the tops off of mining for Coal, you fucking retard.

You need to educate yourself about mining first before you speak because you sound like a fucking retard.
There is another 500 years of mining that can happen in this area as they reclaim the land as each section is mined.

Windmills become rusting piles of junk and blight on the lands.. Mines at least reclaim the land and make it usable for wildlife.
Wind farms rape the landscape. They are for tasteless people. Their only reason to exist is because of a Marxist shakedown of the economy via the AGW scam.
Sheeple are bad. Tasteless sheeple are unacceptable.
Wind farms rape the landscape but mountain top removal doesn`t? In any case, coal is just about finished here.
Kentucky Coal Miners Protest After Not Being Paid By Company That Declared Bankruptcy
This isn`t raping the land?
In Wyoming where the vast majority of coal is mined they do not take the tops off of mountains you retard.
Quit watching the mainstream media, and child molesting Hollywood types.
Because You sound like a fucking retard
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?

Over time you idiot..

They are working 7 days a week, 15 hour days
Wyoming is coal country, And will continue to be for the foreseeable future

Wyoming is a strip mining coal country. You can only do that so long. That was outlawed in West Virginia and other places decades ago. When that is no longer viable, the coal industry in Wyoming is done. Entire mountain tops are stripped to get the coal. IT's like hydralic strip mining was until outlawed by Teddy R and that administration.
Na, not really
You obviously have not been to Wyoming. Lol
There are no mountains in north eastern Wyoming dumbass

I spent a ton of time around New Castle Wyoming. If it weren't for the strip mining, it would have nothing but the Ogala and ground hogs there. It appears you haven't spent any time around Wyoming.
True, without a fossil fuels it be a waste land up in this area. But there are no mountains in north eastern Wyoming. Especially by Newcastle there’s nothing there but grasslands.
Who cares if they strip mine in grassland it hurts nothing.
No mountain tops are being taken off.

I care. But if they weren't strip mining, what would be harmed if they were using it for Solar and Wind Farms? Looks to me like Wyoming could become a major Electricity exporter. Afterall, their oil is a bust these days.
There’s plenty of oil in Wyoming, it’s shale oil. Fracking is the future there... No Wyoming is not suitable for wind and solar only...
All of the above... suits the northern plains just fine.
In Wyoming where the vast majority of coal is mined they do not take the tops off of mountains you retard.
Quit watching the mainstream media, and child molesting Hollywood types.
Because You sound like a fucking retard
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?
It depends on what you’re doing and how many one gets $35,000. Lol
Starting wages for basic labor is $27.50/hr, equipment operators $35.00-130.00 /hr

None of the jobs are below $45,000.00 a year.
...and overtime is always available and encouraged along with triple pay for holidays
Wind farms rape the landscape but mountain top removal doesn`t? In any case, coal is just about finished here.
Kentucky Coal Miners Protest After Not Being Paid By Company That Declared Bankruptcy
This isn`t raping the land?
In Wyoming where the vast majority of coal is mined they do not take the tops off of mountains you retard.
Quit watching the mainstream media, and child molesting Hollywood types.
Because You sound like a fucking retard
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?

Over time you idiot..

They are working 7 days a week, 15 hour days
Yep, Everyone I know Over there is making six figures.
In Wyoming where the vast majority of coal is mined they do not take the tops off of mountains you retard.
Quit watching the mainstream media, and child molesting Hollywood types.
Because You sound like a fucking retard
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?
It depends on what you’re doing and how many one gets $35,000. Lol

Do you really want me to post a cite for a hiring brochure or are you going to walk back on that.

A brouchure?

How about using the internet and job boards?

Experienced Underground Coal Miner - Rock Springs, WY -

Experienced Underground Coal Miner
Zooks Solutions Inc.
Price, Utah
Urgently hiring

  • Experience:
    • Clean Driving Record, 1 year (Preferred)

    • Underground Coal Mining, 1 year (Required)
  • License:
    • Driver's License (Required)
  • Work authorization:
    • United States (Required)
In Wyoming where the vast majority of coal is mined they do not take the tops off of mountains you retard.
Quit watching the mainstream media, and child molesting Hollywood types.
Because You sound like a fucking retard
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?

Over time you idiot..

They are working 7 days a week, 15 hour days
Yep, Everyone I know Over there is making six figures.

I am thinking about doing it in gas here up in Casper Wyoming..

I know this lady who is trying to convince me to do it..but I know the's fucking cold with the wind in the winter..

Plus in burns people out fast.
So this is good? They`re fucking up Wyoming as well but fortunately the mines are closing there too. You spell retard real good but typing it correctly twice is just showing off. You`re doing well with summer schooling so you have that going for you. 1 (one) attaboy for you today Skippy.
Coal left Appalachia devastated. Now it’s doing the same to Wyoming.
There is nothing to fuck up in north eastern Wyoming you fucking retard.
It’s rolling grassland as far as you can see
Actually some of the mines are re-opening as early as September. They’re starting to hire people again six-figure incomes

I just looked into it. Starting pay, 35K. Doesn't sound too 6 figure to me. Damn you can lie. Are you sure you aren't related to Trump? Maybe a distant cousin?

Over time you idiot..

They are working 7 days a week, 15 hour days
Yep, Everyone I know Over there is making six figures.

I am thinking about doing it in gas here up in Casper Wyoming..

I know this lady who is trying to convince me to do it..but I know the's fucking cold with the wind in the winter..

Plus in burns people out fast.

But big fat ass pay checks..
Wyoming is a strip mining coal country. You can only do that so long. That was outlawed in West Virginia and other places decades ago. When that is no longer viable, the coal industry in Wyoming is done. Entire mountain tops are stripped to get the coal. IT's like hydralic strip mining was until outlawed by Teddy R and that administration.
Na, not really
You obviously have not been to Wyoming. Lol
There are no mountains in north eastern Wyoming dumbass

I spent a ton of time around New Castle Wyoming. If it weren't for the strip mining, it would have nothing but the Ogala and ground hogs there. It appears you haven't spent any time around Wyoming.
True, without a fossil fuels it be a waste land up in this area. But there are no mountains in north eastern Wyoming. Especially by Newcastle there’s nothing there but grasslands.
Who cares if they strip mine in grassland it hurts nothing.
No mountain tops are being taken off.

I care. But if they weren't strip mining, what would be harmed if they were using it for Solar and Wind Farms? Looks to me like Wyoming could become a major Electricity exporter. Afterall, their oil is a bust these days.
There’s plenty of oil in Wyoming, it’s shale oil. Fracking is the future there... No Wyoming is not suitable for wind and solar only...
All of the above... suits the northern plains just fine.

hey, you are learning. There may be hope afterall.
Coal is a fossil fuel that is rich in carbons and sulfur. To clan the exhaust is all that can be done to "clean" it up, and at that it is solely lacking true "clean" air.

Thus proving your ignorance about coal. Did you know that a massive source of very clean-burning, high-grade coal was put off-limits by former President Bill Clinton? It is called The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. The only other major source of this high quality of coal is in the Pacific Rim and under control of Communist China.

Coal power plants are being built all around the world by the hundreds. Why shouldn't America be one of the leaders in producing the coal for those plants?

There is no such thing as clean coal, and there are no clean coal plants, despite what you might want to call them.

Proving you are ignorant of the FACTS. A common trait among Progressives.

Coal pollution mitigation
Main article: Coal pollution mitigation
See also: Clean coal technology
"Clean" coal technology usually addresses atmospheric problems resulting from burning coal. Historically, the primary focus was on SO2 and NOx, the most important gases which caused acid rain; and particulates which cause visible air pollution, illness and premature deaths. SO2 can be removed by flue-gas desulfurization and NO2 by selective catalytic reduction (SCR). Particulates can be removed with electrostatic precipitators. Although perhaps less efficient wet scrubbers can remove both gases and particulates. And mercury emissions can be reduced up to 95%.[133] However capturing carbon dioxide emissions is generally not economically viable.

Coal - Wikipedia
Partly due to Colorado Regulation, more and more Solar and Wind is being used for electric power generation. And Natural Gas is used instead of Coal. The Power Companies used the same BS arguments you are using. But after the conversions, the consumer electric bills have gone down about 20% and the air is less dirty. Yes, it's been a bit painful. But it's also been proven that the Coal Companies can convert to doing other things utilizing the work force that's already built in. They won't. They would rather get people like you to try and make people cry over them. Meanwhile, they are running out with the workers Retirement Funds like thieves in the night.

Not so much!

Energy Production in Colorado
BTW, Sturgis, right down the road also made the top 10 most dangerous places to live in SD.but it has a zero violent murder rate. You are more likely to be knocked in the head and have your wallet stolen. And with over 90.6% of a the population being white, the other races don't even factor into the crime rate. So much for your home being that safe.

What happens to the crime rate in Sturgis when Bike Week is deleted? Sturgis has a population of fewer than 7,000 permanent citizens. Bike week it jumps to over 600,000.

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 2019: Fatal crashes down, but arrests up
Michael Klinski, Sioux Falls Argus LeaderPublished 2:46 p.m. CT Aug. 11, 2019 | Updated 2:47 p.m. CT Aug. 11, 2019

The Sturgis Rally ended Sunday with just two fatalities reported from the week-long event. That's down from four reported last year, according to final numbers compiled by the Highway Patrol.

While fatalities were down, arrests and citations are all up.

The Highway Patrol said it made 171 DUI arrests (149 in 2018), 213 misdemeanor drug arrests (175) and 131 felony drug arrests (77).

The number of citations and warnings also increased.

Injury accidents were down to 52 from 56 last year and non-injury crashes down to 41 from 50.

Sturgis Motorcycle Rally 2019: Fatal crashes down, but arrests up

That can throw the statistics for a town of 7,000 for the year way out of context. I've been to Sturgis in a previous life several times. It's a wild time!

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