"The Left" is this, "The Right" is that


Dim Bulb

So many judges in this world that can see so much in other people's souls but so little in their own.
So many judges in this world that can see so much in other people's souls but so little in their own.

The Left tends to use govt to establish social programs and agenda.
The Right uses private means for that, like churches and businesses,
and wants to keep govt OUT of personal and social agenda to preserve free choice and individual liberty.

Both can be taken to such extremes that it does harm.
Both approaches can be used where they do more good.
The KEY is both sides AGREEING what degree to involve the govt and what to keep private.

If they push too much one way or the other,
they VIOLATE the consent and beliefs of the other side.

Both sides need to agree to respect CONSENT of each other
and quit abusing political power, party or govt to impose on the beliefs of others.
With respect to Equal Protection of the Laws and Free Exercise of Religion/belief and creed,
where govt is NOT abused to either "establish" or "prohibit" the free exercise of one's BELIEFS,
and apply this EQUALLY to either religious, spiritual, political, secular or personal beliefs or creeds,
so everyone is equally protected from infringement.
Any ruse that will keep the masses focused upon sneering and seething at one another in orchestrated mass confusion and anxiety allows the power structure to continue the societal wealth extraction unabated.

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