The left loses the gun control debate forever after Washington DC judge frees man who sprayed entire neighborhood with an assault rifle

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Between this and the left's cheering for Hunter Biden getting away with committing multiple federal gun felonies, it's safe to say the "gun control" debate is over...and the left lost. :hyper:

A Washington DC judge has sparked backlash after releasing a teenager accused of spraying a sleepy neighborhood with bullets from an AR-15.

Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a self-described 'woke' magistrate judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, ruled that Amonte Moody, 18, be released on bail ahead of his trial.

The 18-year-old allegedly peppered a street with 26 rounds while targeting a car of four people at 2:30am on April 22, with Ring doorbell footage capturing a suspect shooting wildly from the hip with the assault rifle.

Between this and the left's cheering for Hunter Biden getting away with committing multiple federal gun felonies, it's safe to say the "gun control" debate is over...and the left lost. :hyper:

A Washington DC judge has sparked backlash after releasing a teenager accused of spraying a sleepy neighborhood with bullets from an AR-15.

Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a self-described 'woke' magistrate judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, ruled that Amonte Moody, 18, be released on bail ahead of his trial.

The 18-year-old allegedly peppered a street with 26 rounds while targeting a car of four people at 2:30am on April 22, with Ring doorbell footage capturing a suspect shooting wildly from the hip with the assault rifle.

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How come yall get to shoot guns and be cruel to dogs but we tell blacks they can't do the same? Did anyone get hurt? No? Well then that's why he was let out.

We don't need gun control. We need criminal control, you know, all the people who use guns to comitt crimes.

If guns caused gun violence we would all be dead because there are more guns than people in America. But we don't because hundreds of millions of people own hundreds of millions of guns that are decent and responsible people. We need to get rid of the few that cause problems.

Crazy people, criminals and dopeheads. If we remove them from society and treat them like what they are, like we used to back when we didn't have rampant gun violence, then we wouldn't have these issues now.
Makes perfect sense that a leftist black Judge, in a mostly black district, would release a black man arrested for felony shooting up a neighborhood with a AR-15

Welcome to the Democrat's far left racist America. ... :cuckoo:
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If only it was true that it's over? This is going to bring out more racists with AR-15's shooting the place up!
Between this and the left's cheering for Hunter Biden getting away with committing multiple federal gun felonies, it's safe to say the "gun control" debate is over...and the left lost. :hyper:

A Washington DC judge has sparked backlash after releasing a teenager accused of spraying a sleepy neighborhood with bullets from an AR-15.

Judge Lloyd U. Nolan Jr., a self-described 'woke' magistrate judge on the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, ruled that Amonte Moody, 18, be released on bail ahead of his trial.

The 18-year-old allegedly peppered a street with 26 rounds while targeting a car of four people at 2:30am on April 22, with Ring doorbell footage capturing a suspect shooting wildly from the hip with the assault rifle.

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The left always loses but just wipes the slate clean, and comes back for more of their BS at another time and place of their choosing. The left knows the American public, in general, are clueless, and forget about past events. By the way, what happened to the P. Diddy story? All of a sudden... POOF! it's gone.

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