The Left versus The West

5. The abandonment of religion was the ‘gift’ of The Enlightenment, and of the French Revolution.

The Enlightenment gave the view that through science and reason, man could make himself replace God.
People seem to have missed the greatest difference, and the great loss: science can tell us what we can do, but not what we should do.

Honestly, sweetie, if the only thing that keeps you from going on a murderous rampage is your fear of an invisible sky pixie, we should all worry.
What keeps you from murdering? Fear of being caught and put in prison for 10 years? What if you think you could get away with it?

Game Over.
Love this guy, Dennis Prager.
His latest exegesis explains the greatest threat to Western Civilization, the new religion, Leftism.

He begins by explaining why Leftist belief has been so very attractive to many folks.

1.“Marx saw man’s primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Viktor Frankl, in “Man’s Search for Meaning,” believed — correctly, in my opinion — that the greatest drive of man is meaning.
One can be poor and chaste and still be happy. But one cannot be bereft of meaning and be happy.

2. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life’s fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion.

3. All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst — there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.” Explaining the Left, Part III: Leftism as Secular Religion - The Dennis Prager Show

4. Sooo….where do so very many find meaning now that religion doesn’t provide same?

5. The abandonment of religion was the ‘gift’ of The Enlightenment, and of the French Revolution.

The Enlightenment gave the view that through science and reason, man could make himself replace God.
People seem to have missed the greatest difference, and the great loss: science can tell us what we can do, but not what we should do.

And, people seem not to have noticed that the reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”

Three days after the completion of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, the mob stormed the Bastille, and marched around with the head of the prison’s commander, Marquis de Launay, on a pike. Shortly, the greatest nation in continental Europe became a human abattoir.

France’s revolution-by-mob has become an inspiration to be imitated in Germany, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Cambodia, North Korea, Venezuela, in short, for liberals everywhere.
The characteristics of the French Revolution that most clearly identify it as Liberal are that it was spontaneous, impulsive, passionate, emotional, romantic, utopian, resentful, angry, dreamy- anything and everything except disciplined and reasoned and stable.
See Coulter, “Demonic”

And Western Civilization was changed forever.
Simply look at Western values and the Left oppose them all. Also explains why the Left side with Islam - anti West.
Love this guy, Dennis Prager.
His latest exegesis explains the greatest threat to Western Civilization, the new religion, Leftism.

He begins by explaining why Leftist belief has been so very attractive to many folks.

1.“Marx saw man’s primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Viktor Frankl, in “Man’s Search for Meaning,” believed — correctly, in my opinion — that the greatest drive of man is meaning.
One can be poor and chaste and still be happy. But one cannot be bereft of meaning and be happy.

2. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life’s fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion.

3. All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst — there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.” Explaining the Left, Part III: Leftism as Secular Religion - The Dennis Prager Show

4. Sooo….where do so very many find meaning now that religion doesn’t provide same?

5. The abandonment of religion was the ‘gift’ of The Enlightenment, and of the French Revolution.

The Enlightenment gave the view that through science and reason, man could make himself replace God.
People seem to have missed the greatest difference, and the great loss: science can tell us what we can do, but not what we should do.

And, people seem not to have noticed that the reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”

Three days after the completion of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, the mob stormed the Bastille, and marched around with the head of the prison’s commander, Marquis de Launay, on a pike. Shortly, the greatest nation in continental Europe became a human abattoir.

France’s revolution-by-mob has become an inspiration to be imitated in Germany, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Cambodia, North Korea, Venezuela, in short, for liberals everywhere.
The characteristics of the French Revolution that most clearly identify it as Liberal are that it was spontaneous, impulsive, passionate, emotional, romantic, utopian, resentful, angry, dreamy- anything and everything except disciplined and reasoned and stable.
See Coulter, “Demonic”

And Western Civilization was changed forever.
Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.
Love this guy, Dennis Prager.
His latest exegesis explains the greatest threat to Western Civilization, the new religion, Leftism.

He begins by explaining why Leftist belief has been so very attractive to many folks.

1.“Marx saw man’s primary drive as economic, and Freud saw it as sex. But Viktor Frankl, in “Man’s Search for Meaning,” believed — correctly, in my opinion — that the greatest drive of man is meaning.
One can be poor and chaste and still be happy. But one cannot be bereft of meaning and be happy.

2. In the West, Christianity (and on a smaller scale, Judaism) provided nearly all people with the Bible, a divine or divinely inspired text to guide their lives; a religious community; answers to life’s fundamental questions; and, above all, meaning: A good God governs the universe; death does not end everything; and human beings were purposefully created.

The greatest provider of meaning for the vast majority of human beings has been religion.

3. All this has disappeared for most Westerners. The Bible is regarded as myth, silly at best, malicious at worst — there is no God, certainly not the morality-giving and judging God of the Bible; there is no afterlife; human beings are a purposeless coincidence with no more intrinsic purpose than anything else in the universe. In short: This Is All There Is.” Explaining the Left, Part III: Leftism as Secular Religion - The Dennis Prager Show

4. Sooo….where do so very many find meaning now that religion doesn’t provide same?

5. The abandonment of religion was the ‘gift’ of The Enlightenment, and of the French Revolution.

The Enlightenment gave the view that through science and reason, man could make himself replace God.
People seem to have missed the greatest difference, and the great loss: science can tell us what we can do, but not what we should do.

And, people seem not to have noticed that the reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.”

Three days after the completion of The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen, the mob stormed the Bastille, and marched around with the head of the prison’s commander, Marquis de Launay, on a pike. Shortly, the greatest nation in continental Europe became a human abattoir.

France’s revolution-by-mob has become an inspiration to be imitated in Germany, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Cambodia, North Korea, Venezuela, in short, for liberals everywhere.
The characteristics of the French Revolution that most clearly identify it as Liberal are that it was spontaneous, impulsive, passionate, emotional, romantic, utopian, resentful, angry, dreamy- anything and everything except disciplined and reasoned and stable.
See Coulter, “Demonic”

And Western Civilization was changed forever.
Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.

Do you imbeciles not recognize that when you are unable to point to anything not 100% true and correct, in a post you abhor, you are, in effect, proving the veracity of that post????

You, C_Chamber_Pot, are a prime example of the effect of government school does to the intellect.

As Coulter put it....

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"
11. Having allowed the flowering of the dynamic religion of Communism, Leftism…. contemporary Liberalism…..the demand for the creation of Utopia here-and-now…the new religion shows their hatred of America.

“The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, did Americans a favor last week.

“America … was never that great,” he announced.

In one sentence, the governor revealed the left’s true view of America.

Michelle Obama provided such a statement when, as her husband began racking up victories in early-voting states in the 2008 primary season, she proclaimed, “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.”

Hillary Clinton provided her example during the 2016 election when she described half of her fellow Americans as “deplorables.”

…we all know what young people are taught from elementary school through graduate school by their left-wing teachers: America is a racist country founded by racists; Americans committed genocide against the American Indians; whites have unique privileges because of America’s “systemic” racism; in the words of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, “the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It’s racist … front to back”; police are racist — both white and black cops shoot blacks because of racism; and “American civilization” and “Western civilization” are no more than euphemisms for white supremacy.”
Explaining the Left: Part II - The Dennis Prager Show

12. The latest iteration of the Democrat Party’s military wing, the modern day KKK, Antifa, makes clear what it plans for America.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

"There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.”

"‘Friending’ God Can Restore Purpose In Life For Lonely Or Anti-Social People
Religious people have a stronger sense of belonging and purpose, even if they struggle to find footing in social settings.

Conversely, the authors say, when people don’t feel like they belong in a group or feel unsupported in their relationships, they’re more likely to lack direction or struggle to see meaning in life. Turning to faith and “friending” a divine being can help replace some of the functions of human relationships, they found."

'Friending' God Can Restore Purpose In Life For Lonely Or Anti-Social People - Study Finds

Looks like Prager was on to something....

Looks like Prager was on to something....
He and Marx both......

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"
11. Having allowed the flowering of the dynamic religion of Communism, Leftism…. contemporary Liberalism…..the demand for the creation of Utopia here-and-now…the new religion shows their hatred of America.

“The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, did Americans a favor last week.

“America … was never that great,” he announced.

In one sentence, the governor revealed the left’s true view of America.

Michelle Obama provided such a statement when, as her husband began racking up victories in early-voting states in the 2008 primary season, she proclaimed, “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.”

Hillary Clinton provided her example during the 2016 election when she described half of her fellow Americans as “deplorables.”

…we all know what young people are taught from elementary school through graduate school by their left-wing teachers: America is a racist country founded by racists; Americans committed genocide against the American Indians; whites have unique privileges because of America’s “systemic” racism; in the words of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, “the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It’s racist … front to back”; police are racist — both white and black cops shoot blacks because of racism; and “American civilization” and “Western civilization” are no more than euphemisms for white supremacy.”
Explaining the Left: Part II - The Dennis Prager Show

12. The latest iteration of the Democrat Party’s military wing, the modern day KKK, Antifa, makes clear what it plans for America.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

"There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.”

"‘Friending’ God Can Restore Purpose In Life For Lonely Or Anti-Social People
Religious people have a stronger sense of belonging and purpose, even if they struggle to find footing in social settings.

Conversely, the authors say, when people don’t feel like they belong in a group or feel unsupported in their relationships, they’re more likely to lack direction or struggle to see meaning in life. Turning to faith and “friending” a divine being can help replace some of the functions of human relationships, they found."

'Friending' God Can Restore Purpose In Life For Lonely Or Anti-Social People - Study Finds

Looks like Prager was on to something....

Looks like Prager was on to something....
He and Marx both......

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"

Gads, you're a moron.

11. Having allowed the flowering of the dynamic religion of Communism, Leftism…. contemporary Liberalism…..the demand for the creation of Utopia here-and-now…the new religion shows their hatred of America.

“The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, did Americans a favor last week.

“America … was never that great,” he announced.

In one sentence, the governor revealed the left’s true view of America.

Michelle Obama provided such a statement when, as her husband began racking up victories in early-voting states in the 2008 primary season, she proclaimed, “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.”

Hillary Clinton provided her example during the 2016 election when she described half of her fellow Americans as “deplorables.”

…we all know what young people are taught from elementary school through graduate school by their left-wing teachers: America is a racist country founded by racists; Americans committed genocide against the American Indians; whites have unique privileges because of America’s “systemic” racism; in the words of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, “the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It’s racist … front to back”; police are racist — both white and black cops shoot blacks because of racism; and “American civilization” and “Western civilization” are no more than euphemisms for white supremacy.”
Explaining the Left: Part II - The Dennis Prager Show

12. The latest iteration of the Democrat Party’s military wing, the modern day KKK, Antifa, makes clear what it plans for America.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

"There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.”

"‘Friending’ God Can Restore Purpose In Life For Lonely Or Anti-Social People
Religious people have a stronger sense of belonging and purpose, even if they struggle to find footing in social settings.

Conversely, the authors say, when people don’t feel like they belong in a group or feel unsupported in their relationships, they’re more likely to lack direction or struggle to see meaning in life. Turning to faith and “friending” a divine being can help replace some of the functions of human relationships, they found."

'Friending' God Can Restore Purpose In Life For Lonely Or Anti-Social People - Study Finds

Looks like Prager was on to something....

Looks like Prager was on to something....
He and Marx both......

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"

Gads, you're a moron.

I said Marx........moron.
11. Having allowed the flowering of the dynamic religion of Communism, Leftism…. contemporary Liberalism…..the demand for the creation of Utopia here-and-now…the new religion shows their hatred of America.

“The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, did Americans a favor last week.

“America … was never that great,” he announced.

In one sentence, the governor revealed the left’s true view of America.

Michelle Obama provided such a statement when, as her husband began racking up victories in early-voting states in the 2008 primary season, she proclaimed, “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.”

Hillary Clinton provided her example during the 2016 election when she described half of her fellow Americans as “deplorables.”

…we all know what young people are taught from elementary school through graduate school by their left-wing teachers: America is a racist country founded by racists; Americans committed genocide against the American Indians; whites have unique privileges because of America’s “systemic” racism; in the words of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, “the hard truth about our criminal justice system: It’s racist … front to back”; police are racist — both white and black cops shoot blacks because of racism; and “American civilization” and “Western civilization” are no more than euphemisms for white supremacy.”
Explaining the Left: Part II - The Dennis Prager Show

12. The latest iteration of the Democrat Party’s military wing, the modern day KKK, Antifa, makes clear what it plans for America.

Antifa 'No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all '

"There may be a clash of civilizations between the West and Islam, but the biggest clash of civilizations is between the West and the left.”

"‘Friending’ God Can Restore Purpose In Life For Lonely Or Anti-Social People
Religious people have a stronger sense of belonging and purpose, even if they struggle to find footing in social settings.

Conversely, the authors say, when people don’t feel like they belong in a group or feel unsupported in their relationships, they’re more likely to lack direction or struggle to see meaning in life. Turning to faith and “friending” a divine being can help replace some of the functions of human relationships, they found."

'Friending' God Can Restore Purpose In Life For Lonely Or Anti-Social People - Study Finds

Looks like Prager was on to something....

Looks like Prager was on to something....
He and Marx both......

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people"

Gads, you're a moron.

I said Marx........moron.

No difference....and you've just proved which of us is the moron.

Stalin was god, to you and yours.

And in no way is 'got' related to 'God.'
What keeps you from murdering? Fear of being caught and put in prison for 10 years? What if you think you could get away with it?

Game Over.

Oh, i don't because it's the wrong thing to do... not because I'm living in fear of an imaginary fairy in the sky like you people do.
What keeps you from murdering? Fear of being caught and put in prison for 10 years? What if you think you could get away with it?

Game Over.

Oh, i don't because it's the wrong thing to do... not because I'm living in fear of an imaginary fairy in the sky like you people do.
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.
What keeps you from murdering? Fear of being caught and put in prison for 10 years? What if you think you could get away with it?

Game Over.

Oh, i don't because it's the wrong thing to do... not because I'm living in fear of an imaginary fairy in the sky like you people do.
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.
Every idea your dumb ass has ever conceived has been conditioned by the past.

Religion is a human ideological construct. The ideas of right and wrong predate the conception of religion. Religions formed around those ideas.
What keeps you from murdering? Fear of being caught and put in prison for 10 years? What if you think you could get away with it?

Game Over.

Oh, i don't because it's the wrong thing to do... not because I'm living in fear of an imaginary fairy in the sky like you people do.
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.
Every idea your dumb ass has ever conceived has been conditioned by the past.

Religion is a human ideological construct. The ideas of right and wrong predate the conception of religion. Religions formed around those ideas.
Good and evil predate religion?

Are you a complete moron or a liar?
What keeps you from murdering? Fear of being caught and put in prison for 10 years? What if you think you could get away with it?

Game Over.

Oh, i don't because it's the wrong thing to do... not because I'm living in fear of an imaginary fairy in the sky like you people do.
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.
Every idea your dumb ass has ever conceived has been conditioned by the past.

Religion is a human ideological construct. The ideas of right and wrong predate the conception of religion. Religions formed around those ideas.
Good and evil predate religion?

Are you a complete moron or a liar?
I said ideas of right and wrong predate religion.
What keeps you from murdering? Fear of being caught and put in prison for 10 years? What if you think you could get away with it?

Game Over.

Oh, i don't because it's the wrong thing to do... not because I'm living in fear of an imaginary fairy in the sky like you people do.
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.
Every idea your dumb ass has ever conceived has been conditioned by the past.

Religion is a human ideological construct. The ideas of right and wrong predate the conception of religion. Religions formed around those ideas.
Good and evil predate religion?

Are you a complete moron or a liar?
I said ideas of right and wrong predate religion.
Oh? Who told you the first humans did not believe in a God?

That’s the thing with you atheists, you require anti science to make your position work.
Oh, i don't because it's the wrong thing to do... not because I'm living in fear of an imaginary fairy in the sky like you people do.
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.
Every idea your dumb ass has ever conceived has been conditioned by the past.

Religion is a human ideological construct. The ideas of right and wrong predate the conception of religion. Religions formed around those ideas.
Good and evil predate religion?

Are you a complete moron or a liar?
I said ideas of right and wrong predate religion.
Oh? Who told you the first humans did not believe in a God?

That’s the thing with you atheists, you require anti science to make your position work.
It's in the bible, is it not? Adam knows right from wrong prior to eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Last edited:
such nonsense.......coulter also said that "we should shoot a few liberals to let the rest know it can happen to them" many have you shot so far?.....Someone says "liberal progressive" and you moronicons immediately conjure up images of demons and death. I want NO religious laws, FREEDOM for gays and atheists, BETTER LIVING CONDITIONS for everyone, HEALTHY AIR, FOOD and how the fuk does that make me an evil fkn commy?
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.

Nonsense. frankly, exactly the opposite is true. Atheists are moral DESPITE religion.

Look at your wonderful Bible... it's practically a murder manual. it rationalizes slavery and genocide.
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.

Nonsense. frankly, exactly the opposite is true. Atheists are moral DESPITE religion.

Look at your wonderful Bible... it's practically a murder manual. it rationalizes slavery and genocide.
DumbSs. You’re just another animal if there is no God. Your version of morality is no more valid than the Nazi doctors conducting medical experiments upon children. No more valid than the family cat with a mouse.
BS. For a true atheist there is no such thing as right and wrong. Any notions you have of good and evil you have stolen from religion.
Every idea your dumb ass has ever conceived has been conditioned by the past.

Religion is a human ideological construct. The ideas of right and wrong predate the conception of religion. Religions formed around those ideas.
Good and evil predate religion?

Are you a complete moron or a liar?
I said ideas of right and wrong predate religion.
Oh? Who told you the first humans did not believe in a God?

That’s the thing with you atheists, you require anti science to make your position work.
It's in the bible, is it not? Adam knows right from wrong prior to eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Let me get this straight. You think Adam and Eve didn’t believe in God because they directly talked to God.

Can’t get much crazier than that, congrats.
Every idea your dumb ass has ever conceived has been conditioned by the past.

Religion is a human ideological construct. The ideas of right and wrong predate the conception of religion. Religions formed around those ideas.
Good and evil predate religion?

Are you a complete moron or a liar?
I said ideas of right and wrong predate religion.
Oh? Who told you the first humans did not believe in a God?

That’s the thing with you atheists, you require anti science to make your position work.
It's in the bible, is it not? Adam knows right from wrong prior to eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Let me get this straight. You think Adam and Eve didn’t believe in God because they directly talked to God.

Can’t get much crazier than that, congrats.
Man understood right and wrong before he understood good and evil.

Your God even said so, stupid.

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