The Left wants Government 2 take everybody's $ and re-distribute it; says that's not trickle-down

you all have NOTHING

are you for lowering the capital gains taxes on the top earners LIKE CLINTON DID?/??
DID clinton's WELFARE REFORM have anything to do with balancing budgets???
it's a yes or no question
I KNOW THAT IDIOT it is you freaks acting like the rich dont make most of their money off of capital gains
Then why do you have to lie about it and go around name-calling? Those are the actions of someone who doesn't have a clue but thinks they can win by pure bluster, also known as the "Trump gambit".
I KNOW THAT IDIOT it is you freaks acting like the rich dont make most of their money off of capital gains
Then why do you have to lie about it and go around name-calling? Those are the actions of someone who doesn't have a clue but thinks they can win by pure bluster, also known as the "Trump gambit".

again i have asked you repeatedly to say what i have lied about


so what's up???
The stolen money starts at the beginning . Redistribution is when companies take advantage of the workers and do not pay them a fair marketable wage.
Those crying over being taxed are the culprits. The rich who exploit the workers and poor.

and that isnt trickle-down?
No, it's not.

It's theft, and distribution of stolen goods.

the federal gasoline tax is three times what oil companies make on a gallon of gas. the rich can afford it idiot

tell me who exploits the workers and the poor??????
there is a tax in obamacare on ARTIFICIAL LIMBS

tell me who exploits who in their desperate bid to give the government more power????
You just admitted Clinton had a balanced budget.
if he did who managed that leftard/ who WROTE IT AND PASSED IT????
The Republicans but they had to be dragged and bullied into it by Clinton with them screaming and kicking like little bitches all the way. It was the same thing with welfare reform. Without Clinton laying down the law that Congress would never have done a thing. That's the REAL history. Now just wait as the revisionists chime in. :eusa_whistle:
if you're starting at the TOP and then giving it out how the phuk is is trickle-up?
Because your premise is incorrect.

Because, you person who can't understand the explanation, the sector with the greatest marginal propensity to consume is funded, that's the one at the bottom.
You just admitted Clinton had a balanced budget.
if he did who managed that leftard/ who WROTE IT AND PASSED IT????
The Republicans but they had to be dragged and bullied into it by Clinton with them screaming and kicking like little bitches all the way. It was the same thing with welfare reform. Without Clinton laying down the law that Congress would never have done a thing. That's the REAL history. Now just wait as the revisionists chime in. :eusa_whistle:

the Republicans but...............................

that's all i needed to see; thanks!!
I would prefer just being paid a legit wage for my labor. Until companies can be left to their own devices to do that then yes government MUST be involved.
does the Left believe the goverment is better at deciding the best use of capital and should be in charge of more of it?

it is a yes or no question dummy
Neither of which you'd understand.
if you're starting at the TOP and then giving it out how the phuk is is trickle-up?
Because your premise is incorrect.

Because, you person who can't understand the explanation, the sector with the greatest marginal propensity to consume is funded, that's the one at the bottom.

my point is HOW that sector is funded you idiot. dont cry like a baby that i dont understand something you simply cant explain. having money start at the top, with your Progressive Masters, and then redistributted ast they see fit IS TRICKLE-DOWN
that sector is already funded to the tune of LITERALLY TRILLIONS PER YEAR.
At least when the Government trickles down the money actually gets there

Unlike the Conservative trickle down where it would take a miracle to reach the lowest levels
I would prefer just being paid a legit wage for my labor. Until companies can be left to their own devices to do that then yes government MUST be involved.

no matter how much of a slice the government takes to acheive that huh genius???
Paying CEO's ..From 1978 to 2013, CEO compensation, inflation-adjusted, increased 937 percent, a rise more than double stock market growth and substantially greater than the painfully slow 10.2 percent growth in a typical worker’s compensation over the same period.
That seems fair to you?
  • That CEO pay grew far faster than pay of the top 0.1 percent of wage earners indicates that CEO compensation growth does not simply reflect the increased market value of highly paid professionals in a competitive market for skills (the “market for talent”) but reflects the presence of substantial rents embedded in executive pay (meaning CEO pay does not reflect greater productivity of executives). Consequently, if CEOs earned less or were taxed more, there would be no adverse impact on output or employment.

The stolen money starts at the beginning . Redistribution is when companies take advantage of the workers and do not pay them a fair marketable wage.
Those crying over being taxed are the culprits. The rich who exploit the workers and poor.

and that isnt trickle-down?
No, it's not.

It's theft, and distribution of stolen goods.

the federal gasoline tax is three times what oil companies make on a gallon of gas. the rich can afford it idiot

tell me who exploits the workers and the poor??????
I thought the lesson was well learned. trickle up or Keynes is the only answer to a bad economy. What method was used on Bush's disaster, trickle up or down?

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