Zone1 The Left Wants To Cancel White People


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
According to the left....there's just too many white people in this country and something has to be done about it.

Imagine if somebody were to say the same thing about black people. They'd be burning this country to the ground.

But that's what is going on here. First Mayor Pete says that there's too many white construction workers, and now CNN is doing stories on how too many white doctors is bad for blacks. The fact that CNN thinks this is a problem is a problem in itself.
Yeah....let's go out an beat the crap out of few white doctors so that they either quit practicing or just give their practices over to people of color.

According to the left....there's just too many white people in this country and something has to be done about it.

Imagine if somebody were to say the same thing about black people. They'd be burning this country to the ground.

But that's what is going on here. First Mayor Pete says that there's too many white construction workers, and now CNN is doing stories on how too many white doctors is bad for blacks. The fact that CNN thinks this is a problem is a problem in itself.
Yeah....let's go out an beat the crap out of few white doctors so that they either quit practicing or just give their practices over to people of color.

White people are Bad.. :)
White people are Bad.. :)
One thing I discovered when I grew up was that most blacks hate white people. They just hide it well. But get enough of them together and they all of the sudden get brave and show their true feelings.
Now CNN (and the left in general) is trying to justify this bigotry by saying that the existence of whites is a problem that needs solving.
So how are they going to solve that problem? Easy....commit violent acts against the evil white man whenever you're in a nasty mood. The government has been telling us that rightwingers are a threat to of course black teens are ganging up on innocent whites and beating them to a pulp. Then they show how these teens are beating people up on social media every single day causing hopefully a negative reaction from whites. Maybe a few mass shootings or something.

Doesn't matter if there were more black doctors. Black men won't go to them unless they are on their deathbed. Same with Latino and native American men.
One thing I discovered when I grew up was that most blacks hate white people. They just hide it well. But get enough of them together and they all of the sudden get brave and show their true feelings.
Now CNN (and the left in general) is trying to justify this bigotry by saying that the existence of whites is a problem that needs solving.
So how are they going to solve that problem? Easy....commit violent acts against the evil white man whenever you're in a nasty mood. The government has been telling us that rightwingers are a threat to of course black teens are ganging up on innocent whites and beating them to a pulp. Then they show how these teens are beating people up on social media every single day causing hopefully a negative reaction from whites. Maybe a few mass shootings or something.

No....not all people.
That's what the left wants you to eventually think.
There are some good people in this world, believe it or not.
Jesus observed that, "You (people in general) being evil...

People do evil (been there, done that) without realizing it. That's why all the trouble in the world.

Lots of anger in the world, which is caused by evil doing. If there were more good being done there would be less anger, more happiness.
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Jesus observed that, "You (people in general) being evil...

People do evil (been there, done that) without realizing it. That's why all the trouble in the world.

Lots of anger in the world, which is caused by evil doing. If there were more good being done there would be less anger, more happiness.
Most people yearn for good things to happen....which is why some movies break boxoffice records...because of the escapism they provide.
Normal people like to have good feelings.
Sociopaths enjoy doing bad things....because it is the only way they can feel good anymore.
One thing I discovered when I grew up was that most blacks hate white people. They just hide it well. But get enough of them together and they all of the sudden get brave and show their true feelings.
Now CNN (and the left in general) is trying to justify this bigotry by saying that the existence of whites is a problem that needs solving.
So how are they going to solve that problem? Easy....commit violent acts against the evil white man whenever you're in a nasty mood. The government has been telling us that rightwingers are a threat to of course black teens are ganging up on innocent whites and beating them to a pulp. Then they show how these teens are beating people up on social media every single day causing hopefully a negative reaction from whites. Maybe a few mass shootings or something.

No. Not a "few mass shootings". What an absolute disaster that would be. Think about it!

What we need to do is

(1) Whenever possible, concentrate into the Red States.

Prepare yourself and your family for the coming Disruption. No one knows the future, but it should be clear our country is on Final Approach with no landing gear.

A simple rule of thumb: were we to experience a severe breakdown of the economic/legal order for a period, how long would it be before thirst or starvation forced you to go out on the streets? Could you communicate with like-minded people if the official communications network was not available? A few hundred dollars and a few hours of your time, spent beforehand, could put you into a much stronger position in such a situation.

And remember that we must not let the Best be the enemy of the Good. Example: if you cannot affort a new AR15 and 2000 rounds of ammuntion, get a .22 or a shotgun at a garage sale. Something is beter than nothing. Twenty cans of beans and a few gallons of water are better than nothing. A couple of BaoFengs are better than nothing.

(3) Organize on a local level with fellow pariots. The people at United States County Preparedness Teams have the right idea, I think. A few dozen people who have worked together and have taken advantage of specialization and the division of labor are a hundred times stronger than that same number as isolated individuals.

(4) Include all patriots ... of all creeds and colors, and make special efforts to reach out to and bring in patriot Black and Hispanic Americans. Don't let the Left succeed in making this a race war. That's what they want, which means it's not what we should want.

(5) Think outside the box.
National boundaries are not sacred, but are creations of man. We can change them. Patriots should be willing to see a rearrangement/creation of nations and national boundaries on the North American continent. Let the 'Woke' have their own country. Let those racial groups who don't like whites have their own countries. Let patriots have their own country ... and consider uniting with like-minded Canadians.

It's a big bad world. We must retain military schrechlichkeit in the form of nuclear weapons. A joint war-making (okay, call it "defense") capability can be worked out, leaving component nations to run their own internal domestic affairs. The Austro-Hungarian empire worked this way. We share air/space defense with the Canadians in the form of NORAD. (But this implies we must stop trying to be world's policeman/schoolmaster. We waste money on things like "Africa Command" when we cannot even command a street corner in South Chicago.)

Think outside the box.
According to the left....there's just too many white people in this country and something has to be done about it.

Imagine if somebody were to say the same thing about black people. They'd be burning this country to the ground.

But that's what is going on here. First Mayor Pete says that there's too many white construction workers, and now CNN is doing stories on how too many white doctors is bad for blacks. The fact that CNN thinks this is a problem is a problem in itself.
Yeah....let's go out an beat the crap out of few white doctors so that they either quit practicing or just give their practices over to people of color.

There’s a lawsuit pending before the SCOTUS arguing that it was unconstitutional for six medical schools in Texas to change admissions procedures to advantage blacks and get more in, when they would not have gotten in if they were white.

It’s being heard this week. That, plus the suit against Harvard re their race-based policies heard last fall, will end Affirmative Action once and for all.
There’s a lawsuit pending before the SCOTUS arguing that it was unconstitutional for six medical schools in Texas to change admissions procedures to advantage blacks and get more in, when they would not have gotten in if they were white.

It’s being heard this week. That, plus the suit against Harvard re their race-based policies heard last fall, will end Affirmative Action once and for all.
They dropped the SAT requirement to allow black players to attend universities. A 700 SAT is not a good score.
They dropped the SAT requirement to allow black players to attend universities. A 700 SAT is not a good score.
Why not? I got around that - 1400 or so when totaled - and I did very well in college.

Oh wait….you mean 700, combined. Yuck.
First Mayor Pete says that there's too many white construction workers, and now CNN is doing stories on how too many white doctors is bad for blacks.
Thanks for my first chuckle of the day.

I know what kind of doctor CNN executives choose when they (or their loved ones) need a serious medical procedure done.

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