The lefts ideas are soothing, but the policies are a disaster!

Your argument is the socialism mindset of gimme, gimme, gimme. That's OK. All you're doing is admitting you CAN'T do for yourself.

Only the right wing, is that cognitively dissonant. Henry Ford, the Capitalist, doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages and introduced, the efficiency wage and realized gains from efficiency.

Your argument is a capital mindset of slackers who are are too brain addled by corporate welfare and tax holidays, to make like real Capitalists.

Socialism requires a work ethic, even from the Age of Iron.

Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.

Your ignorance knows no bounds. According to you countries like Canada, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Germany, which are highly socialized countries should be slacker heaven, with our cradle to the grave social programs. Instead, these countries have happier, healthier, and more upwardly mobile populations than the United States.

Your country is going down the tubes with infighting and selfishness. When you all pulled together, and helped one another, the rising tide raised all boats. Since Reagan, the upper classes are pushing the working poor out of the boat.

The freeloaders in this county that live on cradle to grave social welfare programs are happy. They're getting for nothing what the rest of us are willing and are capable of earning.

Nothing selfish about the person earning it wanting to keep it. There damn sure is plenty of selfishness by those thinking they have any claim to anything someone else earned.

Since LBJ, the poor have wanted to ride the boat but not do their part to make it run.
what a coincidence. Jesus the Christ said the same thing about rich, and how they are going to need social welfare, to get into Heaven.

Oh, another one that doesn't understand the teachings of Christ but runs his dick sucker thinking he does. You don't buy your way into heaven, fool.
doesn't matter to me; i have an argument and don't need to appeal to emotions.

State capitalism merely means States use capitalism for capital intensive purposes.

Your argument is the socialism mindset of gimme, gimme, gimme. That's OK. All you're doing is admitting you CAN'T do for yourself.
Only the right wing, is that cognitively dissonant. Henry Ford, the Capitalist, doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages and introduced, the efficiency wage and realized gains from efficiency.

Your argument is a capital mindset of slackers who are are too brain addled by corporate welfare and tax holidays, to make like real Capitalists.

Socialism requires a work ethic, even from the Age of Iron.

Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.
nope. you merely don't understand the concepts. socialism may require a work ethic. capitalism requires voluntary social transactions that involve mutually beneficial trade.

Socialism involves taking from those that actually work and hand it to those, for nothing, that don't have a work ethic.
not at all; you merely don't understand our form of capitalism. the poor and the rich, don't pay personal income taxes.
Only the right wing, is that cognitively dissonant. Henry Ford, the Capitalist, doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages and introduced, the efficiency wage and realized gains from efficiency.

Your argument is a capital mindset of slackers who are are too brain addled by corporate welfare and tax holidays, to make like real Capitalists.

Socialism requires a work ethic, even from the Age of Iron.

Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.
The military will beg to differ with you.

The military isn't socialism.
it is outright communism. only the right wing, never gets it.

If you think so, you're the one that doesn't get it. You likely never will, dumbass.
it is a form of communism. why do you think it isn't?
Only the right wing, is that cognitively dissonant. Henry Ford, the Capitalist, doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages and introduced, the efficiency wage and realized gains from efficiency.

Your argument is a capital mindset of slackers who are are too brain addled by corporate welfare and tax holidays, to make like real Capitalists.

Socialism requires a work ethic, even from the Age of Iron.

Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.

Your ignorance knows no bounds. According to you countries like Canada, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Germany, which are highly socialized countries should be slacker heaven, with our cradle to the grave social programs. Instead, these countries have happier, healthier, and more upwardly mobile populations than the United States.

Your country is going down the tubes with infighting and selfishness. When you all pulled together, and helped one another, the rising tide raised all boats. Since Reagan, the upper classes are pushing the working poor out of the boat.

The freeloaders in this county that live on cradle to grave social welfare programs are happy. They're getting for nothing what the rest of us are willing and are capable of earning.

Nothing selfish about the person earning it wanting to keep it. There damn sure is plenty of selfishness by those thinking they have any claim to anything someone else earned.

Since LBJ, the poor have wanted to ride the boat but not do their part to make it run.
what a coincidence. Jesus the Christ said the same thing about rich, and how they are going to need social welfare, to get into Heaven.

Oh, another one that doesn't understand the teachings of Christ but runs his dick sucker thinking he does. You don't buy your way into heaven, fool.
it is about taxing the rich into heaven by solving simple poverty. it is for the greater glory of our immortal souls.
Your argument is the socialism mindset of gimme, gimme, gimme. That's OK. All you're doing is admitting you CAN'T do for yourself.
Only the right wing, is that cognitively dissonant. Henry Ford, the Capitalist, doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages and introduced, the efficiency wage and realized gains from efficiency.

Your argument is a capital mindset of slackers who are are too brain addled by corporate welfare and tax holidays, to make like real Capitalists.

Socialism requires a work ethic, even from the Age of Iron.

Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.
nope. you merely don't understand the concepts. socialism may require a work ethic. capitalism requires voluntary social transactions that involve mutually beneficial trade.

Socialism involves taking from those that actually work and hand it to those, for nothing, that don't have a work ethic.
not at all; you merely don't understand our form of capitalism. the poor and the rich, don't pay personal income taxes.

Incorrect. This says otherwise. The higher incomes pays a far higher percentage of the overall income taxes than their share of the AGI. When you get to the lower incomes, the opposite happens.

National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?
Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.
The military will beg to differ with you.

The military isn't socialism.
it is outright communism. only the right wing, never gets it.

If you think so, you're the one that doesn't get it. You likely never will, dumbass.
it is a form of communism. why do you think it isn't?

Not because you say so, pussy.
Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.

Your ignorance knows no bounds. According to you countries like Canada, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Germany, which are highly socialized countries should be slacker heaven, with our cradle to the grave social programs. Instead, these countries have happier, healthier, and more upwardly mobile populations than the United States.

Your country is going down the tubes with infighting and selfishness. When you all pulled together, and helped one another, the rising tide raised all boats. Since Reagan, the upper classes are pushing the working poor out of the boat.

The freeloaders in this county that live on cradle to grave social welfare programs are happy. They're getting for nothing what the rest of us are willing and are capable of earning.

Nothing selfish about the person earning it wanting to keep it. There damn sure is plenty of selfishness by those thinking they have any claim to anything someone else earned.

Since LBJ, the poor have wanted to ride the boat but not do their part to make it run.
what a coincidence. Jesus the Christ said the same thing about rich, and how they are going to need social welfare, to get into Heaven.

Oh, another one that doesn't understand the teachings of Christ but runs his dick sucker thinking he does. You don't buy your way into heaven, fool.
it is about taxing the rich into heaven by solving simple poverty. it is for the greater glory of our immortal souls.

You don't solve poverty by giving the money of the earners to the non-earners. You increase it.
The problem with all forms of governmental system, wonderful ideas, and great plans is that greed, envy, and corruption eventually infest them all if you allow any of them to gain the upper hand.

Balance is the key, but we allow the same greed, envy, and corruption to "tell us" where the middle point is.
Only the right wing, is that cognitively dissonant. Henry Ford, the Capitalist, doubled autoworker wages not minimum wages and introduced, the efficiency wage and realized gains from efficiency.

Your argument is a capital mindset of slackers who are are too brain addled by corporate welfare and tax holidays, to make like real Capitalists.

Socialism requires a work ethic, even from the Age of Iron.

Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.
nope. you merely don't understand the concepts. socialism may require a work ethic. capitalism requires voluntary social transactions that involve mutually beneficial trade.

Socialism involves taking from those that actually work and hand it to those, for nothing, that don't have a work ethic.
not at all; you merely don't understand our form of capitalism. the poor and the rich, don't pay personal income taxes.

Incorrect. This says otherwise. The higher incomes pays a far higher percentage of the overall income taxes than their share of the AGI. When you get to the lower incomes, the opposite happens.

National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?
How much tax did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes?
The military will beg to differ with you.

The military isn't socialism.
it is outright communism. only the right wing, never gets it.

If you think so, you're the one that doesn't get it. You likely never will, dumbass.
it is a form of communism. why do you think it isn't?

Not because you say so, pussy.
then, your whole argument is invalid, just because you say so.
Your ignorance knows no bounds. According to you countries like Canada, Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Germany, which are highly socialized countries should be slacker heaven, with our cradle to the grave social programs. Instead, these countries have happier, healthier, and more upwardly mobile populations than the United States.

Your country is going down the tubes with infighting and selfishness. When you all pulled together, and helped one another, the rising tide raised all boats. Since Reagan, the upper classes are pushing the working poor out of the boat.

The freeloaders in this county that live on cradle to grave social welfare programs are happy. They're getting for nothing what the rest of us are willing and are capable of earning.

Nothing selfish about the person earning it wanting to keep it. There damn sure is plenty of selfishness by those thinking they have any claim to anything someone else earned.

Since LBJ, the poor have wanted to ride the boat but not do their part to make it run.
what a coincidence. Jesus the Christ said the same thing about rich, and how they are going to need social welfare, to get into Heaven.

Oh, another one that doesn't understand the teachings of Christ but runs his dick sucker thinking he does. You don't buy your way into heaven, fool.
it is about taxing the rich into heaven by solving simple poverty. it is for the greater glory of our immortal souls.

You don't solve poverty by giving the money of the earners to the non-earners. You increase it.
the earners know how to earn money; the non earners need to learn how to use capital.
Work ethic and socialism are polar opposites.
nope. you merely don't understand the concepts. socialism may require a work ethic. capitalism requires voluntary social transactions that involve mutually beneficial trade.

Socialism involves taking from those that actually work and hand it to those, for nothing, that don't have a work ethic.
not at all; you merely don't understand our form of capitalism. the poor and the rich, don't pay personal income taxes.

Incorrect. This says otherwise. The higher incomes pays a far higher percentage of the overall income taxes than their share of the AGI. When you get to the lower incomes, the opposite happens.

National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?
How much tax did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes?

You said rich. I proved the higher incomes pay what you said they didn't pay.
The freeloaders in this county that live on cradle to grave social welfare programs are happy. They're getting for nothing what the rest of us are willing and are capable of earning.

Nothing selfish about the person earning it wanting to keep it. There damn sure is plenty of selfishness by those thinking they have any claim to anything someone else earned.

Since LBJ, the poor have wanted to ride the boat but not do their part to make it run.
what a coincidence. Jesus the Christ said the same thing about rich, and how they are going to need social welfare, to get into Heaven.

Oh, another one that doesn't understand the teachings of Christ but runs his dick sucker thinking he does. You don't buy your way into heaven, fool.
it is about taxing the rich into heaven by solving simple poverty. it is for the greater glory of our immortal souls.

You don't solve poverty by giving the money of the earners to the non-earners. You increase it.
the earners know how to earn money; the non earners need to learn how to use capital.

If you're not earning, you have no capital to use.
The military isn't socialism.
it is outright communism. only the right wing, never gets it.

If you think so, you're the one that doesn't get it. You likely never will, dumbass.
it is a form of communism. why do you think it isn't?

Not because you say so, pussy.
then, your whole argument is invalid, just because you say so.

My argument is valid because I have the Constitution to back me up. You claim the Constitution created socialism and that simply isn't true.
nope. you merely don't understand the concepts. socialism may require a work ethic. capitalism requires voluntary social transactions that involve mutually beneficial trade.

Socialism involves taking from those that actually work and hand it to those, for nothing, that don't have a work ethic.
not at all; you merely don't understand our form of capitalism. the poor and the rich, don't pay personal income taxes.

Incorrect. This says otherwise. The higher incomes pays a far higher percentage of the overall income taxes than their share of the AGI. When you get to the lower incomes, the opposite happens.

National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?
How much tax did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes?

You said rich. I proved the higher incomes pay what you said they didn't pay.
Mr. Trump is rich. How much personal income did he pay? Personal income tax is not the same as having artificial persons pay your tax.
what a coincidence. Jesus the Christ said the same thing about rich, and how they are going to need social welfare, to get into Heaven.

Oh, another one that doesn't understand the teachings of Christ but runs his dick sucker thinking he does. You don't buy your way into heaven, fool.
it is about taxing the rich into heaven by solving simple poverty. it is for the greater glory of our immortal souls.

You don't solve poverty by giving the money of the earners to the non-earners. You increase it.
the earners know how to earn money; the non earners need to learn how to use capital.

If you're not earning, you have no capital to use.
not true.
Socialism involves taking from those that actually work and hand it to those, for nothing, that don't have a work ethic.
not at all; you merely don't understand our form of capitalism. the poor and the rich, don't pay personal income taxes.

Incorrect. This says otherwise. The higher incomes pays a far higher percentage of the overall income taxes than their share of the AGI. When you get to the lower incomes, the opposite happens.

National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?
How much tax did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes?

You said rich. I proved the higher incomes pay what you said they didn't pay.
Mr. Trump is rich. How much personal income did he pay? Personal income tax is not the same as having artificial persons pay your tax.

He isn't the only rich one.

Be glad the rich do pay, son. It's the only way you'll ever have anything.
it is outright communism. only the right wing, never gets it.

If you think so, you're the one that doesn't get it. You likely never will, dumbass.
it is a form of communism. why do you think it isn't?

Not because you say so, pussy.
then, your whole argument is invalid, just because you say so.

My argument is valid because I have the Constitution to back me up. You claim the Constitution created socialism and that simply isn't true.
Of course it is true. You simply don't understand the concepts and prefer to make up, right wing fantasy. How does socialism start, if not with a social Contract?
Oh, another one that doesn't understand the teachings of Christ but runs his dick sucker thinking he does. You don't buy your way into heaven, fool.
it is about taxing the rich into heaven by solving simple poverty. it is for the greater glory of our immortal souls.

You don't solve poverty by giving the money of the earners to the non-earners. You increase it.
the earners know how to earn money; the non earners need to learn how to use capital.

If you're not earning, you have no capital to use.
not true.

YOU have no capital to use if you don't earn it. It's someone else's if your hands are on it.

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