The Left’s Metaphorical Holocaust Denial


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Left’s Metaphorical Holocaust Denial
When everyone is Hitler, no one is Hitler.

The Left’s Metaphorical Holocaust Denial
June 28, 2019 ~ By Daniel Greenfield
The Revolutions of 1989, which ultimately brought down the Soviet Union, were marked by major symbolic events and minor ones. One of those seemingly minor events was a Holocaust memorial. In that year, it was announced that the first Holocaust memorial had been permitted in the USSR. Soviet policy in the past had been to refer to the millions of Jews massacred in the Holocaust as “victims of fascism”. Information about the atrocities circulated through Samizdat and covert channels. The Black Book of Soviet Jewry was censored and would not be published until the fall of the Soviet Union. Memorials to the Jewish victims were held covertly by political dissidents.
The Soviet ban on the Holocaust was not merely due to anti-Semitism. It followed the same political line as the current progressive historical revisionism which erases the Jewish character of the victims while emphasizing that the atrocities could only be the result of a right-wing, not left-wing, political ideology.
Jewish Communists, like their non-Jewish counterparts, worked to minimize the Jewish element of Holocaust histories. Vasilij Grossman, the co-author of the Black Book of Soviet Jewry, urged replacing "Jews" with "people" and "civilians". This approach defined the USSR’s approach of memorializing millions of undefined people murdered by the former allies and later political foes of the Communists.
Modern leftists also argue that Jews are the real Nazis. Hating them isn’t anti-Semitism. It’s anti-Zionism, which is really anti-Fascism and anti-Nazism. Killing Jews becomes the real message of the Holocaust.
Rep. Omar and Rep. Ocasio Cortez had their own anti-Semitic moments. By transforming anti-Semitism and the mass murder of Jews from a reality to a metaphor about the oppression of minorities, they become the metaphorical victims and the Jews objecting to them become metaphorical Nazis.
Historical revisionism isn’t just denying that the Holocaust happened, it’s also eliminating the history. When you wipe out the context, then before you know it, you can end up next door to Hitler.

Intellectual contextualizing removes causation and renders historic events meaningless. While I want to express this position I acknowledge it is, essentially, meaningless.
The point Greenfield makes so clearly is that divorcing the Jew from the Holocaust denies the motivating factor (anti-Semitism) of the deliberate attempt to eradicate Jews.
Violent Jihadists are not “some guys.” They are Muslim terrorists. Illegal immigrants are not “deserving amnesty seekers.” They are criminal insurgents. Antifa mobs are not anti-fascists. They are fascists.
Motivation defines purpose and intent. It is not irrelevant.
Children aren't taught about actual history in schools anymore; instead they receive political indoctrination about white privilege, the bubble gum religion of homosexuals, the evils of bullying and guns.
Let's talk about....Buchenwald concentration camp. German Communist cells took over and ran the entire camp. The utterly ruthless communists were responsible for first seizing the camp from the nightmare rule of the criminals. The criminals were not organized so it was easy to murder and frame them one by one. Once in complete control, the German Communists in Buchenwald were directly responsible for protecting their own and shipping off to certain death all the non-Communists, Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Jews Gypsies, etc. Even the guards were afraid of them. When you consider that 9 out of 10 of those selected for death in the underground hell-hole of Dora and elsewhere where chosen by the communists - I never realized how close these two 'isms' are in ruthless evil. What is darkly amusing is that the German Communists didn't give a damn about the wretched Soviet POW's who were more cynical victims of communism than 'comrades'. Stalin or Hitler? Not much choice.

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