The left's rejection of science

Get some booklets on ideologies, most college book stores have them. If necessary I can give you the names of seven or eight, or as some do, take a college course on the subject.
Google can be used to make sure you're on the right track.
Why regent - are you incapable of explaining to us how totalitarianism is to the right of libertarianism and Sovereign Citizens? :laugh:

Yeah...I don't blame you. Nobody could explain something that stupid and that insane. I would direct people somewhere else too.
Are you capable of accepting an explanation? You seem unable or unwilling to even read a college booklet on the subject, or place yourself in harm's way by doing some adult research.
Gay couples are ordering the exact same cakes as straight couples. they are not. A gay couples cake has the name of two men on it or the name of two women on it. It also lacks the bride and groom on top - instead having a bride and bride or groom and groom.

You've never answered my question though Sea...why do you hate liberty? Why not just leave people alone to live their lives as they see fit? :dunno:

There is no difference in the cake "patriot", none. No baker is required to carry bride and bride or groom and groom accessories.

Having a different concept of liberty is not hating it, football "star". You believe that having to serve blacks at Woolworths infringes upon your liberty. The SCOTUS and I disagree.
You've never answered my question though Sea...why do you hate liberty? Why not just leave people alone to live their lives as they see fit? :dunno:
Because what you've redefined as "liberty" is what most people call "being a racist and bigoted shitstain".
Stop trying to build the "perfect" Aryan race, Adolf. Liberty includes the liberty to be "racist", "hateful", "bigoted", and more. Maybe your own life wouldn't be so pitiful if you spend more time focused on yourself and less time worried about what everyone else is doing.
Anybody can be racist. The MTV spot was trying to make the point that since whites hold the majority of wealth and power in our country and blacks are fresh off of centuries of oppression the social impact of racism between the two races are very different. I don't agree with everything they are saying but I understand the point they are trying to make. Did you not get that?

Do they not get that 'wealth and power' or not equally distributed among 'white people', and the 'left' and their brie and chardonny set 'leadership' avidly demonize entirely the wrong 'white' demographic', and are completely happy with tat?
Want to try again at making in intelligent argument? I hope you can do better than that.

It wasn't an 'argument', it was a statement of blatantly obvious fact. If you had any capacity for' making in intelligent argument' you would have made one in this thread by now. You wouldn't recognize one being made.
Now, as I pointed out before, libertarianism, at least in theory, is to the left of conservatism, being more liberty generally means more to the left.

Sooooo....if being "more liberty means more to the left" how do you explain communism, marxism, socialism, etc.? Or are you going to attempt to proclaim that those are all "right-wing" as well?
Having a different concept of liberty is not hating it, football "star". You believe that having to serve blacks at Woolworths infringes upon your liberty. The SCOTUS and I disagree.
One cannot have a different "concept". Liberty is liberty my dear - you don't get to redefine it simply because you cannot explain your attraction to fascism.

Forcing a private citizen on private property to do anything is an absolute infringement upon liberty. Certain members of the Supreme Court and you both support violating the U.S. Constitution. That doesn't redefine liberty. It simply circumvents it.
lol ... the average NY native makes the average aboriginal New Guinea tribesman look like sophisticated international diplomats and intellectuals. The average Appalachian redneck has more experience with the real America than they do, too. NYC is still having race riots over Jews With Ambulances and similar such 'enlightened and sophisticated world viewpoints'. Hilarious stuff.
Hilariously enough, I have never actually been to the Appalachian part of Kentucky.

I am very much in favor of urban and suburban living.

No problem, since you won't find it much different, just fewer stores, bigger house lots, and less zoning. And everybody pretty much knows their neighbors, mostly positive differences.
Suburban Louisville is still very neighborly.

I would imagine so. I have long time friends living in Cadiz and outside town there. My uncle spent some years in Louisville, working on some big construction projects there, dams for the big lake around there somewhere, also bridges, back in 1950's-1960's or so. Been there many times myself over the years.
While you do your dance scroll down to the bottom of the page YOU linked to and click on the link to the encyclopedia definition that goes into more detail about what fascism is.
Encyclopedia? You specifically said "grab a dictionary" (and then you hysterically went to Google...but I digress). When I did that, it proved you wrong (as always). Now that your embarrassed by your ignorance, you're going to move the goalposts and declare we need to find an encyclopedia? :laugh:

Snowflake - this is not difficult. The right believes in small, limited government. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy). The left believes in large, powerful government. The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until it has total control (totalitarianism). Fascism is totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is the polar opposite of small, limited government.

These are basic, indisputable facts. Going to left-wing Google to support your idiotic and ignorant case is absurd. And using left-wing "scholars" who are ignorant of history and thus declare that fascism is "right-wing" because Hitlery turned on Stalin during WWII is comical. That's what it all stems from. Left-wing idiots that go "if A fought B in a war, then A must be the oppposite of B". The "logic" of a small child. :laugh:
Having a different concept of liberty is not hating it, football "star". You believe that having to serve blacks at Woolworths infringes upon your liberty. The SCOTUS and I disagree.
One cannot have a different "concept". Liberty is liberty my dear - you don't get to redefine it simply because you cannot explain your attraction to fascism.

Forcing a private citizen on private property to do anything is an absolute infringement upon liberty. Certain members of the Supreme Court and you both support violating the U.S. Constitution. That doesn't redefine liberty. It simply circumvents it.

Yes, "Patriot" you can have different concepts of what liberty means. For example, you believe that liberty means being able to have separate lunch counters for blacks and whites. My concept of liberty does not. (Supreme Court precedent is on my side)
My bartender says if he serves certain people he can be arrested.
You've never answered my question though Sea...why do you hate liberty? Why not just leave people alone to live their lives as they see fit? :dunno:
Because what you've redefined as "liberty" is what most people call "being a racist and bigoted shitstain".
Stop trying to build the "perfect" Aryan race, Adolf. Liberty includes the liberty to be "racist", "hateful", "bigoted", and more. Maybe your own life wouldn't be so pitiful if you spend more time focused on yourself and less time worried about what everyone else is doing.
Sounds like you missed the memo from the 60s when they passed the civil rights act. Learn your history dude. You just make yourself look like a fool.
While you do your dance scroll down to the bottom of the page YOU linked to and click on the link to the encyclopedia definition that goes into more detail about what fascism is.
Encyclopedia? You specifically said "grab a dictionary" (and then you hysterically went to Google...but I digress). When I did that, it proved you wrong (as always). Now that your embarrassed by your ignorance, you're going to move the goalposts and declare we need to find an encyclopedia? :laugh:

Snowflake - this is not difficult. The right believes in small, limited government. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy). The left believes in large, powerful government. The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until it has total control (totalitarianism). Fascism is totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is the polar opposite of small, limited government.

These are basic, indisputable facts. Going to left-wing Google to support your idiotic and ignorant case is absurd. And using left-wing "scholars" who are ignorant of history and thus declare that fascism is "right-wing" because Hitlery turned on Stalin during WWII is comical. That's what it all stems from. Left-wing idiots that go "if A fought B in a war, then A must be the oppposite of B". The "logic" of a small child. :laugh:
No dude, I clicked on a "read more" link from the page you provided as a reliable source. All the quotes I posted were from that page. Your single sentence definition might make you feel like you made a point but it blew up in your face when i dug deeper. Oops. You're just plain wrong. Accept it.
While you do your dance scroll down to the bottom of the page YOU linked to and click on the link to the encyclopedia definition that goes into more detail about what fascism is.
Encyclopedia? You specifically said "grab a dictionary" (and then you hysterically went to Google...but I digress). When I did that, it proved you wrong (as always). Now that your embarrassed by your ignorance, you're going to move the goalposts and declare we need to find an encyclopedia? :laugh:

Snowflake - this is not difficult. The right believes in small, limited government. The further right you go, government gets smaller and less powerful until it ceases to exist at all (anarchy). The left believes in large, powerful government. The further left you go, government gets larger and more powerful until it has total control (totalitarianism). Fascism is totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is the polar opposite of small, limited government.

These are basic, indisputable facts. Going to left-wing Google to support your idiotic and ignorant case is absurd. And using left-wing "scholars" who are ignorant of history and thus declare that fascism is "right-wing" because Hitlery turned on Stalin during WWII is comical. That's what it all stems from. Left-wing idiots that go "if A fought B in a war, then A must be the oppposite of B". The "logic" of a small child. :laugh:
If the Right believes in small limited government then why do you support beefed up immigartion laws, growing the military, the war on drugs, LGBT issues, and outlawing a women's right to have an abortion? We don't need to dig into the details off all I listed but you should get my point. Your ideology isn't as pure as you think it is. You want small government when it suits you and big government for other issues that you believe in.
No moron.

The MTV spot was literally saying that black people can't be racist to white people.

Racism is entirely about morality. Your supposed social standing is literally irrelevant.

I don't get what your argument with me is. I agree that anybody can be racist. If people say otherwise then I don't agree with them. However, as I explained, there is a point to be made about the difference between black and white racism in America society that is a result of our history.

Do you support the 230 sat point bonus blacks get for being black in Ivy League College admissions.

I don't know much about it but on the surface it doesn't seem like something i'd support. i'm fine with scholarships for the black community and programs that help get minorities better education and into better schools. Diversity is important and education is the best way to help any group ascend out of poverty, but giving a SAT bump doesn't make sense to me. I haven't read much on the issue though.

If you support the idea that "diversity" is important, and that programs to help minorities bet better education an into better schools, then you support the 230 point bump.

Because that's how they get the bump.

YOu can't discriminate in favor of one group, without discriminating against others.

haha, nice try. I can support efforts to help minority groups and also disapprove of methods. For instance I support providing government assistance to our elderly, disabled, vets, and our poor, but I think there is tremendous waste in our welfare programs and a need for reform. Just because I support these efforts doesn't mean I support the current methods. So while I do support helping minority groups get better education, I can disagree with the method of simply bumping their SAT scores because they are a minority. I don't see the effectiveness in doing that, it actually seems counter productive IMO.

They don't simply bump the SAT scores.

They have "efforts to help minority students". They work to get a more "diverse student body". They "target" minorities. ect ect ect.

The EFFECT is a 230 point sat point bump, revealed though statistical analysis of Ivy League Admission records.

You CAN'T discriminate in favor of one group, without discriminating against another, in a system of limited resources.

THe difference between "racism" and anti-white racism in our society, is that one is illegal and taboo, and the other is National Policy and celebrated.
Sounds like you missed the memo from the 60s when they passed the civil rights act. Learn your history dude. You just make yourself look like a fool.
Says the boy-wonder who proclaimed that bakers are not private citizens on private property... :lmao:

Just because something was "passed" doesn't make it constitutional. It just means that you fascists managed to get just enough fellow fascists elected to get your agenda implemented. Generally the American people correct that error (like they did electing President Trump to repeal all of Barack Obama's illegal and unconstitutional Executive Orders).

Most of the Civil Rights Act was spot on because it involved government (and the government represents all legal U.S. citizens - so they have no right to discriminate). But a private citizen on private property has every constitutional right to their own beliefs - even if you fascists can't handle that reality.
Oops. You're just plain wrong. Accept it.
My have been throughly defeated (and you know it). It's ok - you were duped by the left. It happens. You're not the only one.

At the end of the day - there is absolutely no disputing that an authoritarian, centrally-planned, totalitarian government is exclusively left-wing. The right of the scale goes conservative...libertarian....Sovereign Citizens....anarchist. Each one of those steps towards the right means more personal freedom and less government until you reach the end - anarchist - or absolutely no government at all.

It's a simple fact. It's why I can properly articulate it while you haven't even attempted to articulate how you are right. Instead you keep hopping around from Google (which you hilariously cited as a "dictionary") to encyclopedias to tantrums.
Not when it comes to a woman's uterus or gay marriage.

It is now 100% perfectly clear to any rational human that the Bible Thumping pro Israel "terror warriors" who self ID as "christian conservatives" do not care one bit about FISCAL CONSERVATISM and are hyper hypocritical on issues like abortion and weed, where the nanny state must be empowered to strip people of their rights...

If you are a "Republican" who supports limited government, you need to re-assess who you support. The post 1998 GOP has been a big spending disaster straight through. Ditch it. Join the Libertarian Party. The GOP today only cares about one thing = Israel.
My god, you need help...Jesus...

You attack Evolution
You attack the green house effect

You make shit up that doesn't even make sense and fight to defund the research but have the nerve to point fingers at the left? lol

You're anti-science and anti-civilization..Truly a backwards piece of shit on the level of the isis.
I knew this was going to be an antiabortion lie thread before I even read the shuck's OP.

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