The left's rejection of science

If it's passed, challenged and ruled on by the SCOTUS? Is it constitutional then, "patriot"?
So if the Republicans pass a bill tomorrow stating that it is in the "General Welfare" of the United States to immediately execute all Democrats - and the Supreme Court upheld it - you would honestly consider that to be "constitutional"? You would support it? Don't be a coward SW.... Yes or No?

Yes, "Patriot" it would then be the law of the land. Do you really claim to be a patriot and not know how our laws work? Did they not show School House Rock to football "stars"?
I didn't ask if it would be "the law of the land". I asked if it would be constitutional - and as such - if you would support it? Simple question. Yes or No?
So if the Republicans pass a bill tomorrow stating that it is in the "General Welfare" of the United States to immediately execute all Democrats - and the Supreme Court upheld it - you would honestly consider that to be "constitutional"? You would support it? Don't be a coward SW.... Yes or No?

Yes, "Patriot" it would then be the law of the land. Do you really claim to be a patriot and not know how our laws work? Did they not show School House Rock to football "stars"?

No, it would not. The Constitution is the highest law of the land, and between the First and Fifth Amendments, the law proposed by P@triot would be blatantly unconstitutional. If Congress passed such a bill, if the President signed it into law, and the courts upheld it, it would still not be legal, and everyone involved in enacting, enforcing, and upholding it would be acting illegally by doing so.
If it's passed, challenged and ruled on by the SCOTUS? Is it constitutional then, "patriot"?
So if the Republicans pass a bill tomorrow stating that it is in the "General Welfare" of the United States to immediately execute all Democrats - and the Supreme Court upheld it - you would honestly consider that to be "constitutional"? You would support it? Don't be a coward SW.... Yes or No?
Anybody can be racist. The MTV spot was trying to make the point that since whites hold the majority of wealth and power in our country and blacks are fresh off of centuries of oppression the social impact of racism between the two races are very different. I don't agree with everything they are saying but I understand the point they are trying to make. Did you not get that?
No moron.

The MTV spot was literally saying that black people can't be racist to white people.

Racism is entirely about morality. Your supposed social standing is literally irrelevant.

I don't get what your argument with me is. I agree that anybody can be racist. If people say otherwise then I don't agree with them. However, as I explained, there is a point to be made about the difference between black and white racism in America society that is a result of our history.

Do you support the 230 sat point bonus blacks get for being black in Ivy League College admissions.

I don't know much about it but on the surface it doesn't seem like something i'd support. i'm fine with scholarships for the black community and programs that help get minorities better education and into better schools. Diversity is important and education is the best way to help any group ascend out of poverty, but giving a SAT bump doesn't make sense to me. I haven't read much on the issue though.

If you support the idea that "diversity" is important, and that programs to help minorities bet better education an into better schools, then you support the 230 point bump.

Because that's how they get the bump.

YOu can't discriminate in favor of one group, without discriminating against others.

Can you remedy the effects of 300 years of discrimination by doing nothing?
I didn't ask if it would be "the law of the land". I asked if it would be constitutional - and as such - if you would support it? Simple question. Yes or No?

A policy cannot be “the law of the land”, and at the same time, be unconstitutional.
Oh sure it can! Do you realize how many laws Congress has passed which are 100% unconstitutional? They can (and have) pass anything they want. But it doesn't make it constitutional.

That's the problem we now have in this country. The Supreme Court ceased to be a court and instead became the political activist arm of whoever appointed a justice. People like Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagen do not uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. If you had them take a polygraph and asked them if they upheld the U.S. Constitution to the best of their knowledge - they would fail miserably.
Can you remedy the effects of 300 years of discrimination by doing nothing?
Yep. Nothing remedies problems of the U.S. better than the government doing absolutely nothing. We they stay out of it - there is a fair and level playing field.
Can you remedy the effects of 300 years of discrimination by doing nothing?
Yep. Nothing remedies problems of the U.S. better than the government doing absolutely nothing. We they stay out of it - there is a fair and level playing field.

That is how you maintain the effects of the 300 year old penalty imposed on black America. That just guarantees they'll always start from a disadvantaged position.
Can you remedy the effects of 300 years of discrimination by doing nothing?
Yep. Nothing remedies problems of the U.S. better than the government doing absolutely nothing. We they stay out of it - there is a fair and level playing field.

That is how you maintain the effects of the 300 year old penalty imposed on black America. That just guarantees they'll always start from a disadvantaged position.
That's a cool left-wing talking point. But it's simply not true.
Can you remedy the effects of 300 years of discrimination by doing nothing?
Yep. Nothing remedies problems of the U.S. better than the government doing absolutely nothing. We they stay out of it - there is a fair and level playing field.

That is how you maintain the effects of the 300 year old penalty imposed on black America. That just guarantees they'll always start from a disadvantaged position.
That's a cool left-wing talking point. But it's simply not true.

So you believe, minus any and all government intervention, that a black kid in a poor family in a crime ridden inner city has exactly the same opportunity for success in life as does the white kid from the doctor/lawyer family living way across town.

Prove it.
So you believe, minus any and all government intervention, that a black kid in a poor family in a crime ridden inner city has exactly the same opportunity for success in life as does the white kid from the doctor/lawyer family living way across town.

Prove it.
Absolutely. It has happened millions of times across America. What does being poor and a "crime ridden" inner city have to do with future success? The left has sold you hard on the victim mentality and you bought into it.

The Menendez brothers came from tremendous wealth and opportunity - they are sitting in prison as we speak. Barack Obama came from broken home with no money and now a is multimillionaire who was president of the United States.
So if the Republicans pass a bill tomorrow stating that it is in the "General Welfare" of the United States to immediately execute all Democrats - and the Supreme Court upheld it - you would honestly consider that to be "constitutional"? You would support it? Don't be a coward SW.... Yes or No?

Yes, "Patriot" it would then be the law of the land. Do you really claim to be a patriot and not know how our laws work? Did they not show School House Rock to football "stars"?

No, it would not. The Constitution is the highest law of the land, and between the First and Fifth Amendments, the law proposed by P@triot would be blatantly unconstitutional. If Congress passed such a bill, if the President signed it into law, and the courts upheld it, it would still not be legal, and everyone involved in enacting, enforcing, and upholding it would be acting illegally by doing so.

Yet, that is exactly the situation we have in place today with regards to legalized abortion.

You described it very well.
So you believe, minus any and all government intervention, that a black kid in a poor family in a crime ridden inner city has exactly the same opportunity for success in life as does the white kid from the doctor/lawyer family living way across town.

Prove it.
Absolutely. It has happened millions of times across America. What does being poor and a "crime ridden" inner city have to do with future success? The left has sold you hard on the victim mentality and you bought into it.

The Menendez brothers came from tremendous wealth and opportunity - they are sitting in prison as we speak. Barack Obama came from broken home with no money and now a is multimillionaire who was president of the United States.

Goddam that's funny. Say no more. I should devote a Flame Zone thread to that response.
So you believe, minus any and all government intervention, that a black kid in a poor family in a crime ridden inner city has exactly the same opportunity for success in life as does the white kid from the doctor/lawyer family living way across town.

Prove it.
Absolutely. It has happened millions of times across America. What does being poor and a "crime ridden" inner city have to do with future success? The left has sold you hard on the victim mentality and you bought into it.

The Menendez brothers came from tremendous wealth and opportunity - they are sitting in prison as we speak. Barack Obama came from broken home with no money and now a is multimillionaire who was president of the United States.

lol, I take it then you believe that a voucher program for school choice would be a big waste of taxpayer money.
You do. Public education exists so the left can steal money and dumb down Americans so they will grow up dependent on government handouts and hence vote Dem forever....
You do. Public education exists so the left can steal money and dumb down Americans so they will grow up dependent on government handouts and hence vote Dem forever....
You're right, who needs education... what a waste of time. Look how good you turned out!
Americans need education. But left wing Dem controlled public education, funded double per kid what any other country pays, does a shit job... deliberately.... because Dems want Americans as DUMB as possible, and steal steal steal from public education....
Americans need education. But left wing Dem controlled public education, funded double per kid what any other country pays, does a shit job... deliberately.... because Dems want Americans as DUMB as possible, and steal steal steal from public education....
Your attacks are empty partisan bluster. Grow up.
lol, I take it then you believe that a voucher program for school choice would be a big waste of taxpayer money.
Not at all. Tax dollars for education are tax dollars for education. Where those dollars get allocated don't make them "wasteful". And choice is always the ideally better scenario (there are exceptions of course).
Absolutely. It has happened millions of times across America. What does being poor and a "crime ridden" inner city have to do with future success? The left has sold you hard on the victim mentality and you bought into it.

The Menendez brothers came from tremendous wealth and opportunity - they are sitting in prison as we speak. Barack Obama came from broken home with no money and now a is multimillionaire who was president of the United States.

Goddam that's funny. Say no more. I should devote a Flame Zone thread to that response.
Which part is funny? The fact that the privileged Menendez brothers sit in prison as we speak (as if they came from the ghetto) or the fact that Barack Insane Obama came from a broken home, with little money, is a minority, and now sits on tens of millions of dollars - and oh yeah - became President of the United States as well?

You're so disingenuous and such a poor loser. You asked for an example. I gave it to you. It's factual so you can't dispute it. So instead you pout and cry "goddam that's funny". Be a big boy for once. Be mature. Accept that you bought into left-wing propaganda.
You do. Public education exists so the left can steal money and dumb down Americans so they will grow up dependent on government handouts and hence vote Dem forever....
You're right, who needs education... what a waste of time. Look how good you turned out!
Everyone needs education. A real education. Not the pitiful left-wing education which resulted in inner city children graduating high school without being able to read or write.

The results from homeschooling absolutely shames the left-wing public school results. But then again - everything shames left-wing results.

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