The left's rejection of science

You do. Public education exists so the left can steal money and dumb down Americans so they will grow up dependent on government handouts and hence vote Dem forever....
You're right, who needs education... what a waste of time. Look how good you turned out!
Everyone needs education. A real education. Not the pitiful left-wing education which resulted in inner city children graduating high school without being able to read or write.

The results from homeschooling absolutely shames the left-wing public school results. But then again - everything shames left-wing results.
You wanna be part of the problem or part of the solution? How would you like to fix our school system? What's going to work for the poor kids with single mothers that don't have many resources?
You wanna be part of the problem or part of the solution? How would you like to fix our school system? What's going to work for the poor kids with single mothers that don't have many resources?
Discipline. Personal responsibility. Accountability. You know - all of the things our friends on the left disdain and reject.

It also would do them a world of good to embrace reality (another thing our idealistic friends on the left disdain and reject). Not everyone was meant to go to college. Rather than harping on that idiotically 24x7 - a major focus of the educational system should be to identify the true aptitude of students and educate them in those areas. There is a very good living to be made in the trades - like HVAC, automotive repair, electrician, plumbing, etc. Forcing children who are more inclined to those sorts of careers to take calculus and shit just makes them miserable in school (which often times gets them acting out).
You wanna be part of the problem or part of the solution? How would you like to fix our school system? What's going to work for the poor kids with single mothers that don't have many resources?
Discipline. Personal responsibility. Accountability. You know - all of the things our friends on the left disdain and reject.

It also would do them a world of good to embrace reality (another thing our idealistic friends on the left disdain and reject). Not everyone was meant to go to college. Rather than harping on that idiotically 24x7 - a major focus of the educational system should be to identify the true aptitude of students and educate them in those areas. There is a very good living to be made in the trades - like HVAC, automotive repair, electrician, plumbing, etc. Forcing children who are more inclined to those sorts of careers to take calculus and shit just makes them miserable in school (which often times gets them acting out).
I think adding classes focused on trades is a great idea. Many schools have electives that do just that. Supporting trade schools post high school is also a good idea. How do you want to pay for these efforts? I'm not seeing much of a plan from you though. Personal Responsibility and accountability aren't plans. They don't help poor children gain education and opportunity. So what is it specifically that you want to do?
Get some booklets on ideologies, most college book stores have them. If necessary I can give you the names of seven or eight, or as some do, take a college course on the subject.
Google can be used to make sure you're on the right track.
I think I see the problem now regent. Your intellect is limited to "booklets" (short propaganda pamphlets used to further an ideology). I prefer something with a little more...substance. Here is Friedrich Hayek in his book "The Road to Serfdom".
Fascism is the stage reached after communism has proved an illusion, and it has proved as much an illusion in Stalinist Russia as in pre-Hitler Germany.”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.
Now regent - would you care to explain to the class how the next step after extreme left-wing is the total opposite end of the polictial spectrum according to you? How could the next step after communism fails would be to pass marxism, pass socialism, pass progressivism, pass capitalism, pass libertarianism, pass Sovereign Citizen, pass anarchy, and immediately arrive at "fascism"??? :eusa_doh:

Oh - and since you guys like to attack sources and question credentials when the facts prove you wrong - allow me to introduce you to Friedrich Hayek:
He held three doctorate degrees:
  • PhD in Law
  • PhD in Political Science
  • PhD in Economics
And he won the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics

Friedrich Hayek - Wikipedia
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Are you capable of accepting an explanation? You seem unable or unwilling to even read a college booklet on the subject, or place yourself in harm's way by doing some adult research.
Here you go snowflake - some "research" from a very "adult" book. Here is Friedrich Hayek in his book "The Road to Serfdom"...
And it directs us at once to the point where the conflict arises between individual freedom and collectivism. The various kinds of collectivism, communism, fascism, etc., differ among themselves in the nature of the goal toward which they want to direct the efforts of society. But they all differ from liberalism and individualism in wanting to organize the whole of society and all its resources for this unitary end and in refusing to recognize autonomous spheres in which the ends of the individuals are supreme. In short, they are totalitarian in the true sense of this new word which we have adopted to describe the unexpected but nevertheless inseparable manifestations of what in theory we call collectivism.”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.
Just like I said regent - they are totalitarianism. The polar opposite of right-wing. And by the way - before anyone makes the astoundingly stupid mistake of pointing out Hayek's use of the world "liberalism" - that was used in the 1920's in the classical sense (ie modern day conservatism).

Oh - and since you guys like to attack sources and question credentials when the facts prove you wrong - allow me to introduce you to Friedrich Hayek:
He held three doctorate degrees:
  • PhD in Law
  • PhD in Political Science
  • PhD in Economics
And he won the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics
I'm not seeing much of a plan from you though. Personal Responsibility and accountability aren't plans. They don't help poor children gain education and opportunity.
That's exactly what they do. As long as you train children to believe they are victims - they will act like victims. Acting like a victim ensures you will have zero opportunities. Nobody wants to hire someone who plays a victim.
I'm not seeing much of a plan from you though. Personal Responsibility and accountability aren't plans. They don't help poor children gain education and opportunity.
That's exactly what they do. As long as you train children to believe they are victims - they will act like victims. Acting like a victim ensures you will have zero opportunities. Nobody wants to hire someone who plays a victim.
Wonderful, so is your plan to bitch and complain about it or do you have anything productive to add to the conversation. Or do you think hands off, no support is going to make things better?
Get some booklets on ideologies, most college book stores have them. If necessary I can give you the names of seven or eight, or as some do, take a college course on the subject. Google can be used to make sure you're on the right track.
Here you go snowflake - some "research" from a very "adult" book. Here is Friedrich Hayek in his book "The Road to Serfdom"...
Marxism has led to Fascism and National Socialism, because, in all essentials, it is Fascism and National Socialism.”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.
Tell me something regent - how does marxism lead to fascism if fascism is "right-wing" as you idiotically claim? Let me guess - marxism is "right-wing" as well in your mind?

Oh - and since you guys like to attack sources and question credentials when the facts prove you wrong - allow me to introduce you to Friedrich Hayek:
He held three doctorate degrees:
  • PhD in Law
  • PhD in Political Science
  • PhD in Economics
And he won the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics
I'm not seeing much of a plan from you though. Personal Responsibility and accountability aren't plans. They don't help poor children gain education and opportunity.
That's exactly what they do. As long as you train children to believe they are victims - they will act like victims. Acting like a victim ensures you will have zero opportunities. Nobody wants to hire someone who plays a victim.
Wonderful, so is your plan to bitch and complain about it or do you have anything productive to add to the conversation. Or do you think hands off, no support is going to make things better?
1. I've already added something (which you agreed with)

2. Hands off always produces the best results

3. To reiterate a previous comment which you may have glossed over - school choice will also make a difference.
Get some booklets on ideologies, most college book stores have them. If necessary I can give you the names of seven or eight, or as some do, take a college course on the subject. Google can be used to make sure you're on the right track.
Here you go snowflake - some "research" from a very "adult" book. Here is Friedrich Hayek in his book "The Road to Serfdom"...
“While to many who have watched the transition from socialism to fascism at close quarters the connection between the two systems has become increasingly obvious, in the democracies the majority of people still believe that socialism and freedom can be combined. There can be no doubt that most socialists here still believe profoundly in the liberal ideal of freedom and that they would recoil if they became convinced that the realization of their program would mean the destruction of freedom.”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.
It's pretty damn difficult to "transition" from radical left-wing all the way to radical right-wing, wouldn't you say regent? Seems painfully obvious to the educated that the transition can and does occur only because it is one step towards the left when transitioning from socialism to fascism.

Oh - and since you guys like to attack sources and question credentials when the facts prove you wrong - allow me to introduce you to Friedrich Hayek:
He held three doctorate degrees:
  • PhD in Law
  • PhD in Political Science
  • PhD in Economics
And he won the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics
I'm not seeing much of a plan from you though. Personal Responsibility and accountability aren't plans. They don't help poor children gain education and opportunity.
That's exactly what they do. As long as you train children to believe they are victims - they will act like victims. Acting like a victim ensures you will have zero opportunities. Nobody wants to hire someone who plays a victim.
Wonderful, so is your plan to bitch and complain about it or do you have anything productive to add to the conversation. Or do you think hands off, no support is going to make things better?
1. I've already added something (which you agreed with)

2. Hands off always produces the best results

3. To reiterate a previous comment which you may have glossed over - school choice will also make a difference.
Help me understand a little more how your ideas are going to help the poor. The black child growing up with a single mother who doesn't have the time or the will to nurture and raise her children like many other families do. The kid who is being pressured to join a gang outside of school. This is the reality for much of our youth. It sounds like you want to go hands off and provide some additional auto shop courses at school that he may or may not take. I don't think School Choice is going to help him much. So how does this all play out in your world?
Get some booklets on ideologies, most college book stores have them. If necessary I can give you the names of seven or eight, or as some do, take a college course on the subject. Google can be used to make sure you're on the right track.
Here you go snowflake - some "research" from a very "adult" book. Here is Friedrich Hayek in his book "The Road to Serfdom"...
While “progressives” in England and elsewhere were still deluding themselves that communism and fascism represented opposite poles, more and more people began to ask themselves whether these new tyrannies were not the outcome of the same tendencies. Even communists must have been somewhat shaken by such testimonies as that of Max Eastman, Lenin’s old friend, who found himself compelled to admit that “instead of being better, Stalinism is worse than fascism, more ruthless, barbarous, unjust, immoral, antidemocratic, unredeemed by any hope or scruple,” and that it is “better described as superfascist”; and when we find the same author recognizing that “Stalinism is socialism, in the sense of being an inevitable although unforeseen political accompaniment of the nationalization and collectivization which he had relied upon as part of his plan for erecting a classless society,” his conclusion clearly achieves wider significance.”

Excerpt From: F. A. Hayek. “The Road to Serfdom.” University of Chicago Press, 2010-04-06. iBooks. This material may be protected by copyright.
Education is your friend, regent. Don't be afraid to set down the "booklets" passed out on the sidewalks of university libraries and actually go in to the libraries to read some more substantial content. It may be more difficult for you to digest, but it will be worth it.

Oh - and since you guys like to attack sources and question credentials when the facts prove you wrong - allow me to introduce you to Friedrich Hayek:
He held three doctorate degrees:
  • PhD in Law
  • PhD in Political Science
  • PhD in Economics
And he won the 1974 Nobel Prize in Economics
Help me understand a little more how your ideas are going to help the poor. The black child growing up with a single mother who doesn't have the time or the will to nurture and raise her children like many other families do.
Well this goes back to my original statement about discipline, personal responsibility, accountability. The onus is on that mom and dad to raise that child properly. If they don't "have the will" to "nurture and raise their children" properly then they are legitimate pieces of shit - and the worst thing you can do is make excuses for them.

In addition, taking the "throw more money at it" left-wing ideology which you support and advocate, won't make a difference anyway. You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to change this child's home life? Nope.
The kid who is being pressured to join a gang outside of school.
Again...what does this have to do with education? You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to stop this child from joining a gang? Nope.
I don't think School Choice is going to help him much. So how does this all play out in your world?
Well a student will be exponentially less likely to join a gang if they are attending school in Beverly Hills. Surely even you won't attempt to deny that.
Help me understand a little more how your ideas are going to help the poor. The black child growing up with a single mother who doesn't have the time or the will to nurture and raise her children like many other families do.
Well this goes back to my original statement about discipline, personal responsibility, accountability. The onus is on that mom and dad to raise that child properly. If they don't "have the will" to "nurture and raise their children" properly then they are legitimate pieces of shit - and the worst thing you can do is make excuses for them.

In addition, taking the "throw more money at it" left-wing ideology which you support and advocate, won't make a difference anyway. You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to change this child's home life? Nope.
The kid who is being pressured to join a gang outside of school.
Again...what does this have to do with education? You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to stop this child from joining a gang? Nope.
I don't think School Choice is going to help him much. So how does this all play out in your world?
Well a student will be exponentially less likely to join a gang if they are attending school in Beverly Hills. Surely even you won't attempt to deny that.
Why are you bringing up $200K pay for teachers? I never said a thing about that nor do I think thats what they should be paid. You think calling bad parents pieces of shit and letting the dice roll for their children is the best way to handle the situation then thats fine. I don't agree. I think providing nutritious meals at school is a good thing cause many students don't get 3 meals a day or a home made dinner when they get home from school. I think having after school programs for the children to get involved in is a good thing. I think providing better training for teachers is a good thing. I think having counselors available to the students to help with social issues, emotional issues, learning issues, coping mechanisms are all good things...
Help me understand a little more how your ideas are going to help the poor. The black child growing up with a single mother who doesn't have the time or the will to nurture and raise her children like many other families do.
Well this goes back to my original statement about discipline, personal responsibility, accountability. The onus is on that mom and dad to raise that child properly. If they don't "have the will" to "nurture and raise their children" properly then they are legitimate pieces of shit - and the worst thing you can do is make excuses for them.

In addition, taking the "throw more money at it" left-wing ideology which you support and advocate, won't make a difference anyway. You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to change this child's home life? Nope.
The kid who is being pressured to join a gang outside of school.
Again...what does this have to do with education? You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to stop this child from joining a gang? Nope.
I don't think School Choice is going to help him much. So how does this all play out in your world?
Well a student will be exponentially less likely to join a gang if they are attending school in Beverly Hills. Surely even you won't attempt to deny that.
Why are you bringing up $200K pay for teachers? I never said a thing about that nor do I think thats what they should be paid. You think calling bad parents pieces of shit and letting the dice roll for their children is the best way to handle the situation then thats fine. I don't agree. I think providing nutritious meals at school is a good thing cause many students don't get 3 meals a day or a home made dinner when they get home from school. I think having after school programs for the children to get involved in is a good thing. I think providing better training for teachers is a good thing. I think having counselors available to the students to help with social issues, emotional issues, learning issues, coping mechanisms are all good things...
They aren't necessarily bad things. But none of them will get the child an education or keep them out of gangs. That sounds what you brought up. So what is you right solution for that?
Secondly, you're citing these articles to prove that climate change is a hoax.
It is a hoax. I just can't believe that after 20 years, you still haven't figured it out... :lmao:
Former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin told The Wall Street Journal Monday that bureaucrats within former President Barack Obama’s administration spun scientific data to manipulate public opinion.

“What you saw coming out of the press releases about climate data, climate analysis, was, I’d say, misleading, sometimes just wrong,” Koonin said, referring to elements within the Obama administration he said were responsible for manipulating climate data.

Former Obama Official: Bureaucrats Manipulate Climate Stats
You're nothing but a science rejecting fossil fuel whore.
You're nothing but a left-wing dimwit minion. Your masters are laughing their asses off at how easy it is to manipulate your dumb ass. :laugh:
Former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin told The Wall Street Journal Monday that bureaucrats within former President Barack Obama’s administration spun scientific data to manipulate public opinion.

“What you saw coming out of the press releases about climate data, climate analysis, was, I’d say, misleading, sometimes just wrong,” Koonin said, referring to elements within the Obama administration he said were responsible for manipulating climate data.

Former Obama Official: Bureaucrats Manipulate Climate Stats
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Given how all the Trumptards have been repeatedly so humiliated on the global warming topic, do you really want to go another round?
The dimwit to end all dimwits still hasn't figured out that it's a scam. Your masters are laughing their asses off all the way to the bank over how easy it is to dupe your dumb little ass. :laugh:
Former Energy Department Undersecretary Steven Koonin told The Wall Street Journal Monday that bureaucrats within former President Barack Obama’s administration spun scientific data to manipulate public opinion.

“What you saw coming out of the press releases about climate data, climate analysis, was, I’d say, misleading, sometimes just wrong,” Koonin said, referring to elements within the Obama administration he said were responsible for manipulating climate data.

Former Obama Official: Bureaucrats Manipulate Climate Stats
Given how all the Trumptards have been repeatedly so humiliated on the global warming topic, do you really want to go another round?
I know humiliation "triggers" you snowflake. But I wouldn't be doing you any justice if I don't show you how easily you've been duped...
In 1970, when Earth Day was conceived, the late George Wald, a Nobel laureate biology professor at Harvard University, predicted, “Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”
So by this scientists most conservative estimates - civiliazation should have ended 17 years ago. Now come on - give us all your usual, lame excuses (ie this wasn't a real "prediction", he's not a real "scientist", blah-blah-blah).
Also in 1970, Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist and best-selling author of “The Population Bomb,” declared that the world’s population would soon outstrip food supplies. In an article for The Progressive, he predicted, “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next 10 years.”
Bwahahahahaha!!! What do you even say about "predictions" that bat-shit crazy? You have to try to be that wrong. Now come on - give us all your usual, lame excuses (ie this wasn't a real "prediction", he's not a real "scientist", blah-blah-blah).
Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford University biologist gave this warning in 1969 to Britain’s Institute of Biology: “If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.”
Bwahahahahaha!!! What do you even say about "predictions" that bat-shit crazy? You have to try to be that wrong. Now come on - give us all your usual, lame excuses (ie this wasn't a real "prediction", he's not a real "scientist", blah-blah-blah).
On the first Earth Day, Ehrlich warned, “In 10 years, all important animal life in the sea will be extinct.”
It just keeps getting better. :lmao: Now come on - give us all your usual, lame excuses (ie this wasn't a real "prediction", he's not a real "scientist", blah-blah-blah).
In 2000, climate researcher David Viner told The Independent, a British newspaper, that within “a few years,” snowfall would become “a very rare and exciting event” in Britain. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said. “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
It just keeps getting better. :lmao: Now come on - give us all your usual, lame excuses (ie this wasn't a real "prediction", he's not a real "scientist", blah-blah-blah).
Also in 1970, Sen. Gaylord Nelson, D-Wis., wrote in Look magazine: “Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, secretary of the Smithsonian (Institution), believes that in 25 years, somewhere between 75 and 80 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct.”
Oh poor little dimwit. You are so easy to dupe. :lmao:

Here's How Wrong Past Environmental Predictions Have Been
Help me understand a little more how your ideas are going to help the poor. The black child growing up with a single mother who doesn't have the time or the will to nurture and raise her children like many other families do.
Well this goes back to my original statement about discipline, personal responsibility, accountability. The onus is on that mom and dad to raise that child properly. If they don't "have the will" to "nurture and raise their children" properly then they are legitimate pieces of shit - and the worst thing you can do is make excuses for them.

In addition, taking the "throw more money at it" left-wing ideology which you support and advocate, won't make a difference anyway. You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to change this child's home life? Nope.
The kid who is being pressured to join a gang outside of school.
Again...what does this have to do with education? You think paying a teacher $200,000 per year is somehow going to stop this child from joining a gang? Nope.
I don't think School Choice is going to help him much. So how does this all play out in your world?
Well a student will be exponentially less likely to join a gang if they are attending school in Beverly Hills. Surely even you won't attempt to deny that.
Why are you bringing up $200K pay for teachers? I never said a thing about that nor do I think thats what they should be paid. You think calling bad parents pieces of shit and letting the dice roll for their children is the best way to handle the situation then thats fine. I don't agree. I think providing nutritious meals at school is a good thing cause many students don't get 3 meals a day or a home made dinner when they get home from school. I think having after school programs for the children to get involved in is a good thing. I think providing better training for teachers is a good thing. I think having counselors available to the students to help with social issues, emotional issues, learning issues, coping mechanisms are all good things...
They aren't necessarily bad things. But none of them will get the child an education or keep them out of gangs. That sounds what you brought up. So what is you right solution for that?
Kids need role models and productive things to keep them occupied. My girl is a school counselor and she spent many years working in low income districts. You wouldnt believe how many children literally think that money comes from the government. They had no concept of earning money, no aspirations to go to college, and no support from home. For many kids having that teacher or that coach or that friend who believes in them and can set a positive example makes all the difference in the world. That's why training, sports, after school programs, and creating a safe productive environment at school is so important, cause they aren't learning anything good at home

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