The left's rejection of science

Oh is in the article that I attached.
No it's not. You're lying about that.
Here it is again - directly from the link - so anyone can click on it and confirm that you're a liar.
In 2000, climate researcher David Viner told The Independent, a British newspaper, that within “a few years,” snowfall would become “a very rare and exciting event” in Britain. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he said. “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”
You got caught lying again!!!
Here's How Wrong Past Environmental Predictions Have Been
Just because he's a "biologist" means he can't study the climate? :uhh:

By that standard, everyone who reads a blog post is a "climate scientist". Hence, it's a dopey standard.

"Climate Scientist" normally refers to atmospheric physicists who specialize in studying the climate.
Proof that mamaries lied. Whatever your idiotic standards for "normally" are doesn't change the fact that this man was a scientist who was speaking about the climate.

You looooooove being my bitch, uh mammy?
Just because he's a "biologist" means he can't study the climate? :uhh:

By that standard, everyone who reads a blog post is a "climate scientist". Hence, it's a dopey standard.

"Climate Scientist" normally refers to atmospheric physicists who specialize in studying the climate.
So if they aren't "climate scientists" - then why are all of these left-wing assholes giving predictions about what will occur in the world due to climate? You are now admitting that the left is spreading misinformation from people not qualified. You just painted yourself into a corner, bitch.

Why did you fake quotes from Dr. Viner? Here's the original article:

Dr. Viner did not say "In a few years" or "Snowfall is a thing of the past", yet you directly attributed those quotes to him.

You faked quotes from Dr. Viner. That point isn't up for debate. So why did you do it?

And given you haven't been able to come up with a single failed prediction by a climate scientist, why do you keep pretending you have?
Uh....directly from your link above (5th paragraph)...
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".
"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.
This is like the twentieth lie I've caught you in just in this thread alone, snowflake.
Note how mammy intentional omitted that George Wald was a Nobel laureate biology professor at Harvard University

No, I specifically pointed out he wasn't a climate scientist. Being I did that, you're lying about me "omitting" to mention him.

This isn't a tough concept. Biologists aren't climate scientists. A first grader could grasp it, but you can't. That's due to an unholy combination of your profound stupidity and your fanatical willingness to tell any lie to advance TheCauseOfTheParty.

Oh is in the article that I attached.

I posted a link to the original article.

You posted a link to a kook blog.

My original article shows that your kook blog faked quotes from Dr. Viner.

Yet you're _still_ pretending your quotes aren't faked.

Given that you're lying to everyone's face now, what's the point in speaking with you? After all, it's a given that you will always lie when you respond. And since your pathological dishonesty is well proven, I don't have anything left to prove.
Why did you fake quotes from Dr. Viner? Here's the original article:
And given you haven't been able to come up with a single failed prediction by a climate scientist, why do you keep pretending you have?
Uh....directly from your link above (5th paragraph)...
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".
"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.
This is like the twenty-first lie I've caught you in just in this thread alone, snowflake. It says right there that he's a Dr., that he's a research scientist, and that he does the work for the climate research unit. He is the very definition of a "climate scientist" and he was dead wrong on his idiotic prediction.
Note how mammy intentional omitted that George Wald was a Nobel laureate biology professor at Harvard University
No, I specifically pointed out he wasn't a climate scientist. Being I did that, you're lying about me "omitting" to mention him.
That part in red was in my origninal post, bitch. Which means you had to intentionally delete his credentials since it was missing from your response. Oops...
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".
Dr. Viner did not say "In a few years", as you directly claimed. That's something the reporter tacked on, just as the editor tacked on "Snowfall a thing of the past."

So, why do you keep lying and pretending Dr. Viner said it? Dr. Viner is not responsible for editors making up crap about him.

Seriously, why do you keep digging yourself deeper in the liar hole?
Oh is in the article that I attached.
I posted a link to the original article. You posted a link to a kook blog.

My original article shows that your kook blog faked quotes from Dr. Viner.
Yes you did....bitch. And it proved you're a liar. Here it is again (5th paragraph from your link):
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said.
Are you just the worst pathological liar in the world or are you just extremely illiterate? I can't tell which one it is. But you've been exposed.
However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".
Dr. Viner did not say "In a few years", as you directly claimed. That's something the reporter tacked on, just as the editor tacked on "Snowfall a thing of the past."

So, why do you keep lying and pretending Dr. Viner said it? Dr. Viner is not responsible for editors making up crap about him.

Seriously, why do you keep digging yourself deeper in the liar hole?
Dude...that is directly from your article. Which part of this sentence do you not understand:
According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia, within a few years

"According to Dr. David Viner....within a few years". He attributes the information directly to Dr. David Viner. You're the most pitiful troll in web history, dimwit. You're trying to deny what cannot be denied.
That part in red was in my origninal post, bitch.

Get over yourself. When you post meaningless crap, there's no point in addressing it. The only thing that mattered was that he was a biologist.

Which means you had to intentionally delete his credentials since it was missing from your response. Oops...

Golly, he's a highly credentialled biologist! He's still a biologist. Hence, he's still not a climate scientist.

According to your 'tard theory, a highly credentialled medical doctor is a climate scientist, a highly credentialled architect is a climate scientist, and a highly credentialled carpenter is a climate scientist.

Hence, your 'tard theory is amazingly stupid.
Just because he's a "biologist" means he can't study the climate? :uhh:

By that standard, everyone who reads a blog post is a "climate scientist". Hence, it's a dopey standard.

"Climate Scientist" normally refers to atmospheric physicists who specialize in studying the climate.
So if they aren't "climate scientists" - then why are all of these left-wing assholes giving predictions about what will occur in the world due to climate? You are now admitting that the left is spreading misinformation from people not qualified. You just painted yourself into a corner, bitch.

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"According to Dr. David Viner....within a few years". He attributes the information directly to Dr. David Viner.

Incorrectly .That's the point, shit-for-brains. The reporter said it, not Dr. Viner.

At least you now admit your source lied by attributing the quote to Dr. Viner. That's progress. Why do you trust a source that lied so openly?
He's still a biologist.
Biologists can study the climate, snowflake. You lost and you know you lost. That's why you're so desperate now.

By the way - still waiting for you to explain to us why this very long list of left-wing assholes are spreading misinformation if you have disaqualified them as reliable "climate scientists"?

Boom! Knockout blow....bitch. Either they are qualified and history has proven that this was all a farce, or they are not qualified in which case they have no business making predictions and giving speeches, interviews, etc. about them and the left is lying and spreading misinformation.

So which is it pussy?

"According to Dr. David Viner....within a few years". He attributes the information directly to Dr. David Viner.

Incorrectly .That's the point, shit-for-brains. The reporter said it, not Dr. Viner.

At least you now admit your source lied by attributing the quote to Dr. Viner. That's progress. Why do you trust a source that lied so openly?
He did say - or the reporter would not have said "according to Dr. Viner". :lmao:
So if they aren't "climate scientists" - then why are all of these left-wing assholes giving predictions about what will occur in the world due to climate?

My sweet little cockgobbler, I don't give a shit. I have no interest in hearing you sperm-burp some butthurt conspiracy theory,

What does interest me is how you're now admitting they aren't climate scientists.

That is, you're admitting you previously lied.

Oh snap. You didn't think that through, did you? That's the problem with you making up so many lies. You couldn't keep track of them all, and you got confused.

It's been nice talking to you.
So if they aren't "climate scientists" - then why are all of these left-wing assholes giving predictions about what will occur in the world due to climate?

My sweet little cockgobbler, I don't give a shit.

Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Little mammaries is trying to come to grips with the reality that everything he bought into - and everything he spread - was a lie. It was all a big scam and you were so fuck'n stupid, that they were able to easily dupe you!

So if they aren't "climate scientists" - then why are all of these left-wing assholes giving predictions about what will occur in the world due to climate?
What does interest me is how you're now admitting they aren't climate scientists. That is, you're admitting you previously lied.
Snowflake..."so if" is a potential scenario. It is not a statement or acknowledgement of anything. I just caught you in yet another lie.

Baby...I've had you bent over all week. You may never be able to stand up straight again. :lmao:

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