The left's rejection of science

The Left does what it always does, it manipulates. It manipulates data to make it say whatever they need it to say. It manipulates the Law to use it to their advantage.

Manipulate data, like the number of votes cast in 2016, or manipulate law, like it being illegal to discriminate on the grounds of religion.
So filling a top government position, do you chose:
A) A person with 30+ years of government experience, knows how congress works from the inside, has a masters and a legal background. or

B) A businessman with no government experience, a bachelors education, six bankrupties failed businesses, settled discrimination and fraud lawsuits to the tune of $26+ million.

When it involves a corrupt person in a corrupt, broken government, all that experience only gets you another person working well in (fitting in as another player) the broken system rather than someone who would try to fix it. When politics fail to work, you just raise taxes higher. When a business fails to work, it goes out of business, therefore business experience is always preferable to political experience. Remember, the whole point of the Constitution was to LIMIT power--- you were supposed to come from the private sector, serve for a few years then go back to your old job, not be a career politician getting filthy rich at it.

Trump has done a LOT of business. Some of them were during hard times when the economy went sour. When you do that much business you are bound to have some fail, but the fact that he has come out 10 billion in the black indicates that his successes far outnumbered his failures, and whenever there was a failure, he turned that around into renewed effort to get back on his feet and succeed again. That is the Leader Principle.

As to the masters / bachelors education thing, there it is again that myth that all your education comes from a college. Most of the world's problems come from people with doctorates! It ignores what you learn in life and that you can sit down and teach yourself in most cases what you learn in any university. I've known people with nothing more than a high school diploma that knew 10X more and were a hundred times smarter than college grads. Indeed, studies show home-schooled kids are much smarter and better educated than those that go through the public school.

So it depends on your intelligence and priorities: if you are just another brain-dead HR looking to cover your ass, you pick the person who looks good on paper. As an intelligent person looking for the best fit candidate to excel rather than fit in, I pick the person with an actual track record of personal success who repeatedly put HIS money on the line if his decisions were wrong rather than other people's.
When it involves a corrupt person in a corrupt, broken government, all that experience only gets you another person working well in (fitting in as another player) the broken system rather than someone who would try to fix it. When politics fail to work, you just raise taxes higher. When a business fails to work, it goes out of business, therefore business experience is always preferable to political experience.

Just the opposite. As you pointed out, in business you gamble, if you win, you get rich, if you lose, you just declare bankruptcy and start all over again. Politics involves providing government services in perpetuity.
Trump has done a LOT of business. Some of them were during hard times when the economy went sour. When you do that much business you are bound to have some fail, but the fact that he has come out 10 billion in the black indicates that his successes far outnumbered his failures, and whenever there was a failure, he turned that around into renewed effort to get back on his feet and succeed again. That is the Leader Principle..

Forbes says Trump is only worth $4 billion, which means he's $6 billion less successful than you picture him to be. Does that change your mind?
Slavery and past injustices are often mentioned in this debate.

As is the idea that blacks opinion on such issues should be given more weight because of their history.

The idea, though rarely coherently expressed, is that whites carry a Karmic Debt due to past injustices.

And that even if current whites, who were born long after the injustices, still owe this debt.

That is a form of saying that whites are morally inferior and thus racism.
Wow, you don't honestly believe that do you? Can you really say with a straight face that a poor white guy has a harder time finding work than a poor black guy? Even with all these advantages that you oppose

Here's the reason why the SAT bonus for blacks in Ivy League admissions is so often discussed, not because there is any reason to believe that the factors encouraging discrimination are STRONGER in Ivy League Admissions, but that it is very competitive and very well DOCUMENTED, as opposed to hiring.

If a poor white kid and a poor black kid both apply to the same Ivy League school, and have identical application packets and SAT scores, the poor white kid will have a MUCH HARDER time of getting admitted than the poor black kid.

And all the reasons for that discrimination are seen in employment, celebration of Diversity, targeting of minorities, fear of discrimination lawsuits if minorities are under represented regardless of reasons, ect.

That's not my belief, that is documented reality to the tune of 230 SAT points.
What's the percentage of white kids in college vs black kids? You didn't answer my question from before so I'll try again. Who has a better chance of getting a job? Poor white guy or poor black guy. Go by the stats

Your question demonstrates my point.

I am against discrimination.


That IS discrimination. You are judging people, not by their actions, or the content of their character, BUT BY THEIR SKIN COLOR.
Well given the fact that there are still people alive today that had to use different bathrooms, sit in the back of the bus, were not allowed to attend universities and received little to no opportunity to conduct business and gain wealth in this country, I believe some efforts to balance the scales makes sense. You don't just pass a laws and erase the effects of generations of oppression. Do you really not understand that?

Thank you for utterly dismissing the last 60 years of Affirmative Action and de-segregation and anti-poverty programs and celebration of diversity and sacrifices made by whites, and on and on and on.

AND thank you for utterly dismissing the rights and concerns and well being of whites today, in favor of making up for past injustices.
Wow, you don't honestly believe that do you? Can you really say with a straight face that a poor white guy has a harder time finding work than a poor black guy? Even with all these advantages that you oppose

Here's the reason why the SAT bonus for blacks in Ivy League admissions is so often discussed, not because there is any reason to believe that the factors encouraging discrimination are STRONGER in Ivy League Admissions, but that it is very competitive and very well DOCUMENTED, as opposed to hiring.

If a poor white kid and a poor black kid both apply to the same Ivy League school, and have identical application packets and SAT scores, the poor white kid will have a MUCH HARDER time of getting admitted than the poor black kid.

And all the reasons for that discrimination are seen in employment, celebration of Diversity, targeting of minorities, fear of discrimination lawsuits if minorities are under represented regardless of reasons, ect.

That's not my belief, that is documented reality to the tune of 230 SAT points.
What's the percentage of white kids in college vs black kids? You didn't answer my question from before so I'll try again. Who has a better chance of getting a job? Poor white guy or poor black guy. Go by the stats

Your question demonstrates my point.

I am against discrimination.


That IS discrimination. You are judging people, not by their actions, or the content of their character, BUT BY THEIR SKIN COLOR.
Well given the fact that there are still people alive today that had to use different bathrooms, sit in the back of the bus, were not allowed to attend universities and received little to no opportunity to conduct business and gain wealth in this country, I believe some efforts to balance the scales makes sense. You don't just pass a laws and erase the effects of generations of oppression. Do you really not understand that?

Thank you for utterly dismissing the last 60 years of Affirmative Action and de-segregation and anti-poverty programs and celebration of diversity and sacrifices made by whites, and on and on and on.

AND thank you for utterly dismissing the rights and concerns and well being of whites today, in favor of making up for past injustices.
I'm not dismissing, I'm acknowledging why measures that that are justified. I don't think they should be around forever but they make sense during a cultural transition. You seem to be attacking those policies as unfair to the poor whites.
For over a decade, science proved that fracking was safe. Of course, the left rejects science so they've blocked the prosperity that comes with fracking (jobs, cheap energy, tax revenues to the government, etc.) the entire time. Now, even left-wing Duke is acknowledging the science. Fracking is 100% safe.

New study is disastrous news for fracking opponents, global warming alarmists
So conservatives have claimed most historians are Democrats, now what about scientists, are scientists Democrats also?
Define "scientist."

If your definition includes those who fudge data showing no warming to show "warming" that does not exist, those are not scientists, they are criminals...
My sweet little cockgobbler, I don't give a shit. I have no interest in hearing you sperm-burp some butthurt conspiracy theory
The science is piling up faster than you can deny science, snowflake. This one is really going to sting as it's from left-wing Duke University. I can understand your meltdown - you've come to the realization of what an uninformed, uneducated, ignorant minion you've been to the cause. You were so easy for your masters to dupe. :laugh:

New study is disastrous news for fracking opponents, global warming alarmists
My sweet little cockgobbler, I don't give a shit. I have no interest in hearing you sperm-burp some butthurt conspiracy theory
The science is piling up faster than you can deny science, snowflake. This one is really going to sting as it's from left-wing Duke University. I can understand your meltdown - you've come to the realization of what an uninformed, uneducated, ignorant minion you've been to the cause. You were so easy for your masters to dupe. :laugh:

New study is disastrous news for fracking opponents, global warming alarmists
Isn't it wild how easy it is to find data that backs up your agenda... no matter what that agenda is?
Stanford researchers show fracking's impact to drinking water sources
My sweet little cockgobbler, I don't give a shit. I have no interest in hearing you sperm-burp some butthurt conspiracy theory
The science is piling up faster than you can deny science, snowflake. This one is really going to sting as it's from left-wing Duke University. I can understand your meltdown - you've come to the realization of what an uninformed, uneducated, ignorant minion you've been to the cause. You were so easy for your masters to dupe. :laugh:

New study is disastrous news for fracking opponents, global warming alarmists
Isn't it wild how easy it is to find data that backs up your agenda... no matter what that agenda is?
Stanford researchers show fracking's impact to drinking water sources
The difference? Yours is a bullshit left-wing lie from a left-wing institution who supports the left-wing ideology, while my link is to a left-wing institution which is supporting a right-wing position. Oops...

When you can show me a right-wing institution which states their study shows that fracking is dangerous - we'll talk. By the way my friend, the EPA themselves have also published a study confirming that fracking is safe. Oops again....
How great is this? The ultimate in irony this past week as a rally for "Global Waming" had to be postponed due to.....wait for it.....wait for it.....a snowstorm. :lmao:


Monster snowstorm in Colorado forces postponement of climate change & global warming rally
Isn't it wild how easy it is to find data that backs up your agenda... no matter what that agenda is?
Isn't it wild how only one of us (me) is concerned about the truth, while the other (you) is gravely concerned with protecting an ideology at all costs? For instance, this is from Barack Obama's government...
For instance, The Environmental Protection Agency’s last study, released in June of 2015 and the most comprehensive government study on fracking’s impact so far, clearly states that “we did not find evidence … [of] widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources in the United States.”
But it didn't stop there! Check out this report from a reputable science institute...
Again in 2014, the National Academy of Sciences released a a report finding that the contamination of water resources in Pennsylvania and Texas were attributable to well leaks, not hydraulic fracturing.
So we have left-wing Duke University, the ultra left-wing EPA (under Barack Obama), and (in theory) a non-political science institute all confirming that studies have proven fracking is completely safe.

Calls for Fracking Bans Ignore Sound Science
My sweet little cockgobbler, I don't give a shit. I have no interest in hearing you sperm-burp some butthurt conspiracy theory
The science is piling up faster than you can deny science, snowflake. This one is really going to sting as it's from left-wing Duke University. I can understand your meltdown - you've come to the realization of what an uninformed, uneducated, ignorant minion you've been to the cause. You were so easy for your masters to dupe. :laugh:

New study is disastrous news for fracking opponents, global warming alarmists
Isn't it wild how easy it is to find data that backs up your agenda... no matter what that agenda is?
Stanford researchers show fracking's impact to drinking water sources
The difference? Yours is a bullshit left-wing lie from a left-wing institution who supports the left-wing ideology, while my link is to a left-wing institution which is supporting a right-wing position. Oops...

When you can show me a right-wing institution which states their study shows that fracking is dangerous - we'll talk. By the way my friend, the EPA themselves have also published a study confirming that fracking is safe. Oops again....
What are some examples of right wing acedemic/scientific institutions?
When you post meaningless crap, there's no point in addressing it. Hence, he's still not a climate scientist.
This is another one that is really going to sting since you value ideology over reality. But there is just no stopping reality, mammy. It just keeps coming at you.
Climate realists have rightfully pointed out the evidence shows total ice accumulation on Antarctica has outweighed losses, a claim bolstered by a 2015 NASA study, which found, “An increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.”
Oh wait....we're just getting warmed up. Remember when I told you that the world was coming off of a natural cooling period and you lost your shit? Well....
A study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment in February is now getting the attention of prominent climate change skeptics. The study claims the Antarctic Peninsula is cooling and that the previous warming in the second half of the 21st century is “an extreme case.” The researchers also found the recent cooling trend, which they say began in 1998-99, has already had a significant impact on the Antarctic Peninsula’s cryosphere, slowing down “glacier recession.”
And the truth shall set you free! See - scientists have been tracking this data for many decades. They know when the planet will naturally increase in temperature due to the cycle they tracked and they know when the planet will naturally cool due to the cycle they have tracked. And it was on a natural cooling period for the decade predicted.

New report about Antarctica is horrible news for global warming alarmists
What are some examples of right wing scientific institutions?
Exactly. Only fascists/communists/etc. engage in propaganda. The right doesn't do that - thus there are no "right-wing science institutes". There are only credible science institutes and left-wing faux "science" institutes which engage in propaganda.
What are some examples of right wing acedemic institutions?
Academic institutions which are known to reject the progressive ideology in favor of a sane, rational, and intellectual experience include Liberty University, Hillsdale College, Grove City College, and BYU.

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